高级英语(一)试题样题(题型例释) test of advanced english (i)(sample) reading comprehension (20%)1read the following passage carefully nd then choose one rom the given options to answer each question. put the letter of your choice in the corresponding bracket of the answer sheet. 1the idea of victory nd defeat in war has been changed becausea. winners of the war can no longer become richer r more powerful.b. both sides now would lose more than they gained.c. modern weapons make it possible for a small country to defeat a big one.d. people all over the world are not interested in war 2read the following passage carefully nd then judge whether the statements are true r false by writing t r f. 1. we can infer rom the text that jim crow is the boys name. multiple choice (10%)choose the word r phrase which best completes each sentence. put the letter of your choice in the corresponding bracket of the answer sheet. 1. the doctor did not _ to him his hopeless condition. a. expose b. reveal c. uncover d. betray cloze (10%)complete each of the words with initial letters given in the brackets by referring to the missing parts of the following passage with corresponding numbers. brain versus computers in science fiction there is to be found the recurrent theme of the omniscient computer which ultimately takes over the rdering of human life nd affairs. is this possible? i believe it is not; but i also believe that the arguments commonly advanced to refute this possibility are the wrong o_. first, it is often said that computers “do not really think.” this, i submit, is nonsense; if computers do not think, then n_ do human beings. for how do i detect the process of thinking? i present data - say, an examination paper - to a student, which he scans with a photoelectric rgan we call an “eye”; the computer scans its d_ with a photoelectric rgan we call a “tape-reader.” iv proofreading (10%)the following passage contains several errors, each line with a maximum of one error. nd attention, some lines might be free rom error. in each case only one word is involved. you should proofread the passage nd correct the errors in the following way: for a wrong word,underline the wrong word nd write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.for a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “” sign nd write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.for an unnecessary word,cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/” nd put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.for a correct line,place a tick “”in the blank provided at the end of the line. it was market day so people nd traffic had been pouring into the town since early morning. there was not enough room for all the pedestrians on the pavement nd they overflowed into the road, endangering their (1)lives rom passing vehicles, the drivers which were constantly blowing their (2)horns to convince people to get out of the way. yet it was a colorful view. (3)peasants swayed along the street, their heads being piled high with baskets (4)or beautifully woven blankets which they hoped to sell to the townfolks. (5)men with barrows forced their way along shouting their wares at the top of (6)their voices. through it all, women with bright summer clothes threaded (7)their way, laughing nd chattering but children darted in nd out of the (8)crowds shrieking with laugh r sobbing with fear because they were lost. (9)the noise went on all day. people did not even stop for every meal. the (10)rubbish rom all the activities of the day began to collect in the street. finally, when night came, the street was empty nd only the rubbish remained sadly blowing in the cool night wind. (1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _(5) _(6) _(7) _(8) _(9) _(10) _ v rewrite the following (10%)for each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as close in meaning as possible to the riginal sentence by using the given wrds as the beginning. 1. almost a century later his manuscripts in the national library in dublin still glow with the power his passion.by reading his manuscripts vi translate the following into english (40%) 1.当学习英语的外国学生得知英语中竟有四十多万单词,(尚未包括哩语)时,他们可能会丧失信心和勇气,但是他们应该鼓起勇气,因为超过半数的单词,早已被历史所淘汰,现在已经不流通。2.即使是莎士比亚也只使用了大概两万单词而已。现在的英国人平均词汇量大概在一万二千到一万三千左右。3.尽可能地充实你的词汇量当然是件好事,但实际上如果拥有一万单词,你就可以满足大量的口头和书面表达的需要了。4.问题在于要对你所懂得的词汇了如指掌才能运用自如。准确地掌握两个词胜过含糊地懂得三个。优秀的木匠并非因其拥有的工具数量出名,而是因其使用这些工具的精湛技术而出名。1、阅读理解 (20%)1) Unit 1: HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD教材Page 6: comprehension I and II教材Page 7: organization and development教材Page 7: analysis2)Unit 12: THE SCIENCE OF CUSTOM教材Page 150-151: comprehension I and II教材Page 151: organization and development2、词汇 (10%)全部选自本学期作业3、完形填空 (10%)1)高级英语教与学指南的HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD的完形填空2)高级英语教与学指南的THE PLUG-IN DRUG: TV AND THE AMERICAN FAMILY的完形填空3)高级英语教与学指南的WHY NOTHING WORKS的完形填空4)高级英语教与学指南的WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME (PART II)的完形填空4、成段改错 (10%)1)高级英语教与学指南的GROUPING THE GIFTED: PRO的成段改错2)高级英语教与学指南的CULTIVATING A HOBBY的成段改错3)高级英语教与学指南的WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME (PART I)的成段改错4)高级英语教与学指南的WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME (PART II)的成段改错5、句型转换 (10%)1)高级英语教与学指南的BEWARE THE DIRTY SEAS:句型转换第2, 5题2)高级英语教与学指南的MY FRIEND,ALBERT EINSTEIN:句型转换第1, 5题3)高级英语教与学指南的THE INVISIBLE POOR:句型转换第1, 5题4)高级英语教与学指南的THE PLUG-IN DRUG: TV AND THE AMERICAN FAMILY:句型转换第2,5题5)高级英语教与学指南的PREPARING FOR COLLEGE:句型转换第1, 2题6)高级英语教与学指南的THINGS: THE THROW-AWAY SOCIETY:句型转换第4,5题7)高级英语教与学指南的WHY NOTHING WORKS:句型转换第3,4题8)高级英语教与学指南的GROUPING THE GIFTED: PRO:句型转换第2,4题9)高级英语教与学指南的CULTIVATING A HOBBY:句型转换第1,4题10)高级英语教与学指南的THE SCIENCE OF CUSTOM:句型转换第4,5题11)高级英语教与学指南的WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME (PART I):句型转换第3,5题12)高级英语教与学指南的WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME (PART II):句型转换第3,4题13)高级英语教与学指南的I HAVE A DREAM:句型转换第1, 5题14) 高级英语教与学指南的WHERE IS THE NEWS LEADING US:句型转换第4, 5题6、汉译英 (40%)1)高级英语教与学指南的THE PLUG-IN DRUG: TV AND THE AMERICAN FAMILY:汉译英第1题2)高级英语教与学指南的WHY NOTHING WORKS:汉译英第1题3)高级英语教与学指南的THINGS: THE THROW-AWAY SOCIETY:汉译英第1, 2题4)高级英语教与学指南的GROUPING THE GIFTED: PRO:汉译英第3题5)高级英语教与学指南的CULTIVATING A HOBBY:汉译英第1题6)高级英语教与学指南的WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME (PART II):汉译英第1题。1、阅读理解 (20%)1、选择题2、判断l It is un-American to say that aging is an experience to be dreaded. ( ×)l The author didnt realize the true meaning of “never saying goodbye” until Grandpa died. l What the author has done and said makes her daughter angry. ( × )l Young people just starting out are confronted with many critical choices about their lives. l Since the author and her brother are now growing older, they care less about their physical appearances, but they are still at the mercy of fashion and are critical about clothes. ×l The writer always says that most horrible of all mother phrases: “Think of everything Ive done for you.” ×l Grandpa thought it was that special feeling people deeply cherished that made the roses beautiful. l Grandpa used to watch his first son pick roses for the authors mother. ×l The authors parents contentment makes her believe that shell also be happy. l The author never blamed her parents for her personality quirk ×l The author didnt realize the true meaning of “never saying goodbye” until Grandpa died. l With a surer self-identity, one usually can be the master of ones own life. l When he turned ten the author felt very sad because he was leaving his old home and friends he knew so well l In the writers opinion, all mothers believe that the tighter your bond with your child, the greater her need to break away, to establish her own identity in the world. ×l “sign with the devil just to be young again” in Paragraph 2 means “be ready to do anything, even to work for the devil just to be young again”. l Allies teacher lowered her grade because she was too shy to talk in class. l His grandmother came up to him as the author was shuddering at the porch when the final day for departure approached. ×l Allie finally reveals her true feelings to her mother after days of indifference and impatience. l The writer always says that most horrible of all mother phrases: “Think of everything Ive done for you.” ×l The author never blamed her parents for her personality quirk. ×l It is un-American to say that aging is an experience to be dreaded×l Grandpa thought it was too cold for friends to use the word “goodbye”. l The author was named after his uncle when he was born. l The last thing Grandpa said to his son when the son went away to the war was “Hello”. ×l The most unsettling aspect of being forty is the uncertainty you feel about your values, goals, and dreams. ×l The author was led to the rose garden in the front yard as his grandpa wanted to show him how beautiful his roses were. ×l During their adolescent years the author and her brother were only concerned about the shape of their bodies. ×l In the writers opinion, all mothers believe that the tighter your bond with your child, the greater her need to break away, to establish her own identity in the world×l Although Allie is leaving home for university in a week, shell not be talking about going. l Grandpa had planted the roses before the authors mother had a dream of having a child. ×l The writer, together with her daughter, worked out the solution that kept them close. ×l Since the author and her brother are now growing older, they care less about their physical appearances, but they are still at the mercy of fashion and are critical about clothes. ×l When he turned ten the author felt very sad because he was leaving his old home and friends he knew so well. 2、词汇 (10%)1、 that car model has become OBSOLETE. A.A. outmoded; B. out of stock; C. popular; D. modern2、 Owing to the efforts of conservationists nd environmentalists, few people are UNAWARE OF the problems of endangered species. A.A. indifferent to; B. ignorant of; C. opposed to; D. contrary to3、 Some cells, such as epithelia, PROLIFERATE more rapidly when the body is asleep than when it is awake. A.A. nurture; B. infect; C. nourish; D. multiply4、 The film "on golden pond" portrays to a certain extent the MENTALITY of the old people. A.A. activities; B. ideas; C. opinions; D. attitude of mind5、 every machine CONSUMES mre energy than it creates. A.A. uses up; B. fulfills; C. replaces; D. executes6、 the congregation at last sunday's sermon showed no PROPRIETY when they giggled at the sight of a person in an outlandish dress. A.A. politeness; B. courage; C. decency; D. capability7、 i detest those who like to POKE into other people's private affairs. A.A. pry; B. push; C. chat; D. gossip8、 Do you know the saying:"none but the BRAVE deserve the fair?" A.A. cautious; B. cowardly; C. plucky9、 the riginal building was erected in 1710 but this structure has been largely transfrmed nd _.A.A. increased; B. extended; C. augmented; D. stretched10、 his new plan is IDEALISTIC but not practical. A.A. romantic; B. fantastic; C. realistic11、 the COLD-BLOODED assassination of the duke was the sensational news in today's papers. A.A. warm; B. humane; C. callous12、 tv, if properly used, can _ a child's imagination. A.A. stimulate; B. arouse; C. incite; D. arise13、 accuracy is _ to the programming of computers. A.A. elemental; B. elementary; C. fundamental; D. foundational14、 my daughter was so _ in the tv programme that she frgot to turn the microwave oven off. A.A. distracted; B. attracted; C. enchanted; D. engrossed15、 tourists are _ to beware of pickpockets in the bus. A.A. commanded; B. notified; C. informed; D. advised16、 befre you start a business, you have to raise the necessary _.A.A. asset; B. investment; C. capital; D. income17、 one of the problems our government has to deal with is the _ of the growing number of plastic containers. A.A. dissolution; B. disposal; C. disappearance; D. disposition18、 the newcomer would be mre popular in the office if he didn't try so hard to _ himself with the boss. A.A. regard; B. ingratiate; C. shape; D. identify19、 the weather frecast fr today predicted _ weather with sunshine, rain, snow nd wind nd that is just what londoners have had. A.A. variable; B. various; C. variant; D. varied20、 when they heard how well the new crpration was doing in the computer business, they took a calculated _ nd invested most of their capital in it. A.A. venture; B. opportunity; C. risk; D. chance21、 commercial banks make most of their _ rom interest-earning loans nd investments in stocks nd bonds. A.A. means; B. dividends; C. earnings; D. compound interest22、 at last we found the tramps lying there, _.A.a. sick nd exhausted; b. to be sick nd exhausted; c. to be sickening nd exhausting; d. in exhausted sickness23、 there was a nobility about this simple-minded person which was _.A.A. most engaged; B. the most engaging; C. to be most engaging; D. most engaging24、 the black boys nd girls need not have felt _ fr their dark skin in the summer camp. A.A. self-effacing; B. self-centered; C. self-conscious; D. self-evident25、 there were so many people _ him in the crowd that he could not hold the camera steady while trying to take a picture of martin luther king, jr, the fremost leader of the civil rights movement. A.A. jostling; B. agitating; C. obstructing; D. jerking26、 after his famous speech against racial discrimination nd segregation, he was prosecuted fr _ driving. A.A. rash; B. reckless; C. heedless; D. irresponsible27、 when the wind died down, the sailboat DRIFTED towrd the beach. A.A. headed; B. floated; C. hurried; D. returned28、 the roof of the house was PRACTICALLY falling in nd the front steps were rotting away. A.A. virtually; B. essentially; C. always; D. basically29、 After an unhappy love affair, emily dickinson was said to have lived like a HERMIT, shut away in her family home in amherst, massachusetts. A.A. heroine; B. recluse; C. invalid; D. lunatic30、 on national day we will march in _ through the people's square. A.A. process; B. processing; C. procession; D. progression31、 VENDERS must have a license in shanghai. A.A. Everyone employed in food service; B. Anyone who is employed in hotels; C. Everyone engaged in selling; D. Anyone who works in a canteen.32、 beautiful as it is, synthetic silk will not SUPPLANT cotton apparel. A.A. replace; B. remove; C. misplace; D. take away33、 the civil war which began in 1861 CUT the united states into two nations - a southern confederacy nd a nrthern union. A.A. integrated; B. alienated; C. segmented; D. severed34、 biologists have ASCERTAINED that specialized cells convert chemical energy into