答案新编大学英语(第三册)习题答案 新编大学英语(第二版)由浙江大学编著,应惠兰主编,外语教学与研究出版社出版,刊出其习题答案是为了我三合在读大学生,同时欢迎关注三合的朋友们分享,更多内容请点击博客首页并在“搜博主文章”中按关键字搜索。 Unit 1 PersonalityVocabulary (P16)1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth 6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually 7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded 5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation (P17)1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, hell take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation (P46)2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Dont let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so dont blame yourself too much. Unit 2 Myths and LegendsVocabulary (P62)1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation 3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered 4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove 5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently 6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully 7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion 8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered 9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling 10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have trouble 5) trouble with 6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us 3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter 5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves 7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government 9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English(P93)1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that Ive seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didnt have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked the tiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice(P96) 万物之初,天地还是一体,充满混沌。宇宙如同一个大黑蛋,盘古就在黑蛋里。一万八千年以后,盘古长睡醒来,他感到窒息,于是他拿起一把斧子,用尽全身力量砸开黑蛋。轻的、透明的部分冉冉上升,变成了天;而冷的、浑浊的物体依然在下面,变成了大地。盘古站在中间,顶天立地。天地开始以每天一长的速度分开,盘古的身子也随着长高。一万八千年后,天更高,地更厚,盘古像一根九百万里高的柱子伫立其间,田地永远也无法再合在一起。 Unit 3 Social ProblemsVocabulary (P112)2. 1) constantly 2) impact 3) burden 4) Candidly 5) fulfillment 6) salaried 7) resentment 8)assistance 9)perfect 10) suppress3. 1) successfully 2) resentment 3)security 4) necessity 5) advisable 6) access/accessibility 7) athletic 8) maturity 9) emotional 10) effectivelyTranslation (P113)1) Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours.2) How will taxes affect people with low income?3) My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didnt give up practicing the piano.4) These books range in price form $10 to $20.5) It seems to me that you dont have much choice.6) Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job.7) For such a big house the price is fairly cheap/low, but youve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on repairs.8) Can we begin with discussing questions/problems arising from the last meeting?Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice (P142)1) 孩子最好远离毒品 一个电话报警者打来三个电话,报告毒品交易。他还对交易场所中小孩子的健康表示忧虑。有两个人被发现因吸入过量毒品而深度中毒,现场还发现大量被使用过的注射器。屋内情况非常糟糕,孩子们立即得到了保护。2) 在逃的武装抢劫犯落入法网 四名武装抢劫犯在逃离现场时,开枪打伤一名警察。警察抓住了两名罪犯,但是不能确认另两名逃走的罪犯的身份。打进警察热线的一个电话准确、详细地描述了这起事件和其中一个逃走的罪犯。不久,一名男子被抓获,他被指控企图谋杀及武装抢劫。 Unit 4 Career PlanningVocabulary (P161)1. 1) acceptable 2) efficiency 3) implications 4) instability 5) rationalize 6)evaluation 7) foreseeable 8) invention 9) hastily 10)probability 11) professional 12)challenging 13)defensive 14) personality2. 1) in case 2) Every so often 3) resort to 4) talk over 5) start over 6) in reality 7) at stake 8) seized on 9) leading to 10) take stock of3. 1) programs 2) way 3) technical 4) both 5) provided 6) who 7) such 8) needed 9) opportunities 10) when 11) to 12) Completion 13) holding 14) early 15) hire 16) promote 17) up 18) educatingTranslation (P163)1) He underwent a major heart surgery several years ago.2) We estimated that it would take a week to finish the work.3) I used to enjoy photography, but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies.4) You may love someone but not necessarily have to marry him.5) Terrorists resort to violence to achieve their political aims.6) He says hell stay in the office this afternoon in case you want to see him.7) Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth.8) These examples demonstrate how badly some students write their resumes.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice (P195)A = Applicant I = InterviewerAI: Do you have a boyfriend?A: Yes.I: Is he here, in this city?A: No, he is in another city.I: Sorry, we will not employ you?A: Why not?I: You would not be keeping your mind on your work. Whats more, we do not want to see our telephone bill increase enormously because of you.BI: Do you have a girlfriend?A: No. Have you ever dated a girl?I: Yes, but she didnt want to date me?A: Do you want to date girls after you have a job?I: I will set my mind on work first. I will not consider my marriage now.A: Sorry, we will not employ you.I: Why not?A: You are lacking in the ability of dealing with interpersonal relationships. Also, you lack self-confidence.CI: Do you have a girlfriend?A: Yes.I: Is she pretty?A: Not quite.I: Sorry, we will not employ you.A: Can it be that a plain girlfriend will affect your companys image?I: Its not that. But our company engages in works of art. Your aesthetic judgment does not satisfy our companys need.DI: Do you have a girlfriend?A: Yes.I: Is she pretty?A: Very.I: Is she your first love?A: Yes.I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because you lack the initiative in pursuing the better unceasingly.EI: Do you have a girlfriend?A: Yes.I: Is she your first love?A: No, I have a couple of girlfriends before.I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because you would soon job-hop.FI: Do you have a boyfriend?A: Yes.I: Is he very rich?A: No.I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because your job is to work with money. I am afraid you cannot resist the temptation. Unit 5 LanguageVocabulary (P215)1. Section A 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) C 9) A 10) A Section B 1) renewed 2) apply 3) persist 4) succeeded 5) drop 6) revealed 7) wonder 8) keenly 9) vainly 10) impressed2. 1) unconsciously 2) expectant 3) eventful 4) immeasurable 5) imitation/imitating 6) continually 7) tenderness 8) impatientTranslation (P216)1) Seeing all the people walking to and fro outside the office, I became more worried.2) In time he will see who is his true friend.3) That scientists experiment gave birth to a new drug.4) He had been shut in by illness during much of the winter.5) They would practice spoken English at the first opportunity.6) Everything she valued might be swept away overnight.7) Towards the close of the term, all the students are busy preparing for the finals.8) It is a very cold winter and we long for it to be over.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice (P239)1) 他钦佩布朗太太,这使我很惊奇。2) 暴风雨持续了一整天;就在这段时间里船破裂了。3) 虽然那个学生在做试验前已仔细阅读过实验说明,但由于他生搬硬套,未能得到满意的结果。4) 我知道萨拉会将那个好消息告诉她姐姐的,而她姐姐又很可能将它告诉她的同学。5) 史密斯先生很有教学经验,他将在春天和我们一起工作。6) 邮递员早晨6点30分来。这个时候我通常还在睡大觉呢。 Unit 6 Man and AnimalsVocabulary (P254)3. 1) survive 2) conflicts 3) available 4) likely 5) injuring 6) absorbed 7) competition 8) instinct 9) hesitated 10) similar4. 1) ensure 2) population 3) characteristic 4) exhibit 5) defense 6) familiar 7) territory 8) case 9) minute 10) aggressiveTranslation (P256)1) She always behaves badly when her aunt comes to visit.2) If it hadnt been for your help, we wouldnt have been able to finish the task in time.3) I warned him off going to the east coast because it was full of tourists.4) The fact that something is cheap doesnt necessarily mean its of low quality.5) Without anyone to turn to for help, making an appropriate choice can be difficult.7) Only if Peter goes to the evening party will she go.8) I can only compare the experience to a nightmare.Writing and Translation2. Translation practice (P279)主语从句1) 这种理论的核心是:我们的环境同我们的本能、性格特征和行为,即使有什么联系的话,也是微不足道的。2)遗憾的是,我们的呼吁没有得到响应。3)众所周知,肺癌至少部分是由于吸烟过多引起的。4)现在把话题转到一个月以前发生的惨案上,这是很自然的事。5)那位老太太解释说她在为一个女孩找一副手套。宾语从句1)他想再次提醒大家,决定这件事的不止他一个人,还有其他许多人。2)他们想要说明,为什么我们有某些特征并表现出某些行为。3)在这场争论中,赞成“天性”的那些人认为:我们的性格特征和行为模式大多是由生物因素所决定的。4)伽利略最光辉是业绩在于他在1609年第一个把新发明的望远镜对准天空,证实了行星围绕太阳而不是围绕地球旋转。Unit 7 They Joy of TravelVocabulary (P294)1. 1) engagement 2) separating 3) influences 4) arranged 5) chosen 6) In case 7) processed 8) changes 9) benefited 10) go on2. 1) end 2) booked 3) trapped 4) book 5) ended 6) appeal 7) trap 8) appeal 9) samples 10) structure 11) value 12) structured 13) sampled 14) process 15) valued 16) process3. 1) A. emptied B. emptiness 2) A. terrified B. terrifying 3) A. entertaining B. entertainment 4) A. introductory B. introduction 5) A. employed B. employment 6) A. transform B. transformation 7) A. convinced B. convincing 8) A. approval B. approve 9) A. isolates B. isolation 10.A. reinforcement B. reinforcedTranslation (P296)1) I didnt realize putting on/staging a play involved so much work.2) The most important thing is not what you say but what you do.3) This is the best result that can be expected in such circumstances.4) It isnt the first time that youve found yourself in such a situation.5) This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer.6) The new threat on the horizon is unemployment.7) We have alternative ways of expressing the same idea.8) He slipped into the old habit of drinking.Writing and Translation2. Translation practice (P320)A. From English to Chinese1) 悲观主义者的典型特征是他们往往认为坏事会持续很久,会损害他们所做的每一件事情,而且都是自己的过错。2) 猴子回答说他确信自己有足够的力量同志天庭。3) 好消息是并非A型行为的各个方面都同样有害。4) 有观察表明,如果人们不被告知正在发生的事情,他们会变得更不耐烦。这是Larson研究的另一个课题。5) 有时病人所需的只是一种安慰;一切都会好的。B. From Chinese to English1) The question to ask is not whether we should travel but where we should travel.2) The distinctive feather of the island is that it is made up of pink coral.3) The belief that he would win helped him go out of the desert.4) The fact that the town had beautiful scenery and low expense made us overjoyed.5) He wanted to find some evidence that the restaurant overcharged him. Unit 8 Nature and NurtureVocabulary (P335)1. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) B 2. 1) resemble 2) alike 3) Like 4) similar 5) same 6) Identical, same, alike3. 1) absolutely 2) eventually 3) obviously 4) Similarly 5) remarkably 6) approximately 7) exclusively 8)actuallyWriting and Translation2. Translation practice (P365) 在全球范围内实行计划生育的困难之一在于,各国政府考虑到国家的工业发展水平以及可利用的食物和原材料,对人口控制采取了不同的态度。在一个发展中国家,如果急剧增加的人口对食物、空间以及自然资源造成巨大的压力,那么政府会不计后果,首先关注限制出生率。在一个高度工业化的国家,问题可能会更加复杂。出生率降低会导致失业,因为降低出生率会使制造品市场萎缩。当人口对住房的压力减少时,房价会降低,建筑业就会因此疲软。面对这样一些因素,发达国家的政府可能会希望本国的人口呈渐长趋势,而不是保持稳定或下降。 Unit 9 MusicVocabulary (P386)1. 1) stimulate 2) distract 3) qualify/be qualified 4) induce 5) accelerate 6) soothe 7) overtaken 8) wander 9) combine 10) commissioned2. 1) C 2) D 3) A 4) C 5) A 6) C 7) C 8) ATranslation (P387)1) I took advantage of the fine weather today to play tennis.2) You may even swim in the lakeif you feel inclined to.3) The loud music brought on another one of his headaches.4) A careless person is apt to make mistakes.5) The experiment resulted in the discovery of a cure for cancer.6) Comparatively speaking, we are more concerned with work efficiency and product development.7) Doctors said that surgery could induce heart attack.8) I qualified/was qualified as a doctor at London University 30 years ago.Writing and Translation2. Translation practice (P409)1) 音乐是人类的共同语言。亨利W朗费罗(1807-18820,美国诗人2) 音乐给人的启示超过哲学。路德维希 范 贝多芬(1770-1827),德国作曲家3) 在生命的黑夜中音乐是月光。让 保罗 里彻 (1763-1825) ,德国作家4) 音乐能洗涤灵魂,清除其日常生活的尘埃。摘自一百零一首最好的歌5) 人们用音乐来表达语言难以表达的情感。埃尔伯特 哈伯德 (1856-1915),美国作家、编辑6) 音乐真奇妙,它能平息胸中的怒气,软化坚硬的岩石,压弯长满节瘤的橡树。威廉康格里夫(1670-1729),英国戏剧家7) 记忆中,所有的一切都似乎跟音乐有关。田纳西 威廉斯(1