印度电钢综合有限公司2×60吨转炉及连铸工程2×60t converter and CCM project for EIL工艺技术规程Technical Specification(热力、通风)(thermal, ventilation)发放编号:SN.:持 有 人:Possessor(注:在确认现场实际设备与设计要求完全相符后,方可按本手册规定进行操作Note:Only after confirming that actual equipment at site is completely matching with the design,Operation can be carried out as per this manual)1. 转炉二次除尘系统工艺技术规程 Technical specification of converter secondary dedusting system1.1工艺流程:Process flow转炉二次除尘系统包括2座转炉兑铁水、出钢及散装料卸料等处在冶炼或工作过程产生的烟气和灰尘,共设一套除尘系统集中处理。Converter secondary dedusting system is designed with one set of dedusting system which is shared and used by the dust generating points such as 2 sets of converter for hot metal mixing, tapping and bulk unloading.转炉二次除尘烟罩 除尘管道 布袋除尘器 风机 烟囱 输灰系统 除尘灰外运经过净化处理后的气体排放浓度小于100mg/Nm3.Converter second dedusting hood dedusting pipe bag deduster fan chimney Ash conveying system dedusting dust is transported outside plantEmission concentration of gas after purified is less than 100mg/Nm31.3工艺标准Process standard 转炉二次烟气风量:2×30×104m3/h 烟气温度:120Converter secondary flue gas volume: 2×30×104m3/h temperature of flue gas: 120散装料上料风量: 5×104 m3/h 烟气温度:60Bulk charging air volume: 5×104 m3/h temperature of flue gas: 60原始含尘量:23g/m3Initial dust content: 23g/m3除尘器压差小于1500PaDifferential pressure of deduster is less than 1500Pa1.4工艺方法Process method1.4.1每座转炉三个排烟口;散装料上料系统除尘采用移动式皮带通风槽;Each converter is designed with three smoke vents; bulk charing system adopts travelling belt ventilation slot1.4.2 除尘器本体灰斗各阀门与料仓卸料阀连锁。除尘器本体灰斗各阀门卸料时料仓卸料阀提前两分钟打开,卸料结束后料仓卸料阀延时两分钟关闭。All valves of deduster body ash bucket are interlocked with cinder valves. Cinder valves shall be opened two minutes before ash discharging from ash buckets, as well as two-minute delay close after discharging is over.1.4.3除尘器本体进口混风阀由进口烟气温度自动控制。进口烟气温度100时,混风阀自动开启,进口烟气温度80时,混风阀自动关闭。Mixed air valve of deduster proper inlet is automatic controlled by inlet flue gas temperature. When inlet flue gas temperature is 100, mixed air valve is opened automatically; when inlet flue gas temperature is 80, mixed air valve is automatic closed.1.5风机启停Start/stop of fan1.5.1检查确认Check and verification 电机稀油站冷却水正常,启动稀油泵;Cooling water of motor lubrication oil station is normal, start oil lubrication pump. 检查风机轴承座冷却正常;Cooling for fan bearing house is normal 检查风机风门关闭;Fan damper is close 1.5.2风机运行Running of fan 现场启动电机;Field start motor 打开风机风门。Open fan damper2.混铁炉除尘系统工艺技术规程Technical specification of mixer furnace dedusting system2.1工艺流程:Process flow混铁炉除尘系统用于捕集和净化混铁炉受铁水和混铁炉出铁水时产生的烟气。本系统采用高悬式覆盖吸尘罩捕集兑铁水全过程的烟尘。铁水罐上部设置顶吸罩捕集混铁炉向铁水罐倒铁水时的烟尘。兑铁水烟气采用采用高悬吸尘罩进行捕集,阻挡生成的烟气从炉口外溢。除尘方式为干式,系统形式为负压,采用布袋除尘器。Dedusting system of mixer furnace is mainly used for collecting and purifying the flue gas generated during hot metal received and discharged from mixer furnace. The system adopts high suspended covered smoke dust suction hood for collecting the dust generated during hot metal mixing. Suction hood is designed above the metal ladle for collecting the smoke dust generated during hot metal is poured into hot metal ladle from mixer furnace. High suspension dust suction hood is adopted for collecting the flue gas during hot metal pouring, prevent the flue gas is overflowed outside from furnace. 混铁炉高悬式吸尘罩 电动阀门 除尘管道 布袋除尘器 风机 烟囱铁水包顶吸罩 电动阀门 输灰系统 除尘灰外运经过净化处理后的气体排放浓度小于100mg/Nm3。High suspension dust suction hood electric valve dedusting pipeline bag deduster fan chimneyHot metal ladle top suction hood electric valve Ash conveying system dedusting dust is transported outside plant2.2工艺标准Process standard高悬式吸尘罩除尘风量: m3/hDedusting air volume of high suspension dedusting hood: m3/h铁水上部顶吸罩除尘风量:m3/hDedusting air volume of suction hood above hot metal ladle: m3/h除尘总风量为: m3/hTotal air volume of dedusting: m3/h烟气温度:平均<120Temperature of flue gas: average <120含尘量:2g/m3Dust content: 2g/m3除尘器压差小于1500PaDifferential pressure of deduster is less than 1500Pa2.3工艺方法Process method2.3.1除尘系统电动蝶阀与混铁炉运行连锁,混铁炉运行时阀门提前两分钟打开,混铁炉运行结束后延时两分钟关闭。Dedusting system electric bufferfly valve is interlock running with mixer furnace. Valve is opened two minutes before mixer furnace running, after two-minute delay for closing after mixer furnace is stop.2.3.2除尘系统各阀门与料仓卸料连锁。卸料时提前两分钟打开,卸料结束后延时两分钟关闭。All valves of dedusting system is interlocked with bunker. It is opened two minutes before discharging and two-minute delay for closing after discharging is over.2.3.3阀门提前两分钟打开,根据实际情况可同时打开。Valve is opened two minutes in advance; also can be opened at same time as per actual condition.2.3.4除尘器本体进口混风阀由进口烟气温度自动控制。进口烟气温度100时,混风阀自动开启,进口烟气温度80时,混风阀自动关闭。Mixed air valve of deduster proper inlet is automatic controlled by inlet flue gas temperature. When inlet flue gas temperature is 100, mixed air valve is opened automatically; when inlet flue gas temperature is 80, mixed air valve is automatic closed.2.4风机启停Start /stop of fan2.4.1检查确认Check and verification 电机稀油站冷却水正常,启动稀油泵;Cooling water of motor lubrication oil station is normal, start oil lubrication pump. 检查风机轴承座冷却正常;Cooling for fan bearing house is normal 检查风机风门关闭;Fan damper is close2.4.2风机运行Fan running 现场启动电机,打开风机风门Field start motor, open fan damper2.4.3风机停止 关闭风机风门。Field start motor 现场停止电机。Field stop motor3. 地下料仓除尘系统工艺技术规程Technical specification of underground bunker dedusting system1.1工艺流程:Process flow地下料仓除尘系统包括料仓、散装料卸料等处在运行或工作过程产生的烟气和灰尘,共设一套除尘系统集中处理。Total one set of dedusting system is designed for underground bunker dedusting system, which is mainly used for collecting the smoke and dust generated by bunker running and bulk discharging.地下料仓受料皮带卸料除尘烟罩 除尘管道 布袋除尘器 风机 烟囱 输灰系统 除尘灰外运经过净化处理后的气体排放浓度小于100mg/Nm3。Underground bunker recevingBelt discharging dedusting dust hood dedusting pipeline bag deduster fan chimney Ash conveying system dedusting dust is transported outside plantEmission concentration of gas after purified is less than 100mg/Nm31.3工艺标准Process standard 屋顶除尘罩除尘风量: 2×3.6×104m3/h 烟气温度:60Dedusting air volume of roof dedusting hood: 2×3.6×104m3/h temperature of flue gas: 60皮带卸料除尘风量: 5×0.4×104 m3/h 烟气温度:60Dedusting air volume of belt discharging: 5×0.4×104 m3/h temperature of flue gas: 60原始含尘量:23g/m3Initial dust content: 23g/m3除尘器压差小于1500PaDifferential pressure of deduster is less than 1500Pa1.4工艺方法Process method1.4.1地下料仓受料采用屋顶除尘罩,皮带卸料采用局部密封吸尘罩。设定地下料仓有2个料仓同时受料,屋顶除尘罩电动蝶阀与受料料仓连锁;Roof dedusting hood is adopted for underground bunker receiving; belt discharging adopts partial sealing dust suction hood. 2 bunkers are designed for receiving together; electric butterfly valve of roof dedusting hood is interlocked with receiving bunker.1.4.2 除尘器本体灰斗各阀门与料仓卸料阀连锁。除尘器本体灰斗各阀门卸料时料仓卸料阀提前两分钟打开,卸料结束后料仓卸料阀延时两分钟关闭。All valves of deduster body ash bucket are interlocked with cinder valves. Cinder valves shall be opened two minutes before ash discharging from ash buckets, as well as two-minute delay close after discharging is over.1.5风机启停Start/stop of fan1.5.1检查确认Check and verification 电机稀油站冷却水正常,启动稀油泵;Cooling water of motor lubrication oil station is normal, start oil lubrication pump. 检查风机轴承座冷却正常;Cooling for fan bearing house is normal 检查风机风门关闭;Fan damper is close 1.5.2风机运行Fan running 现场启动电机;Field start motor 打开风机风门。Open fan damper4. 转炉一次除尘、煤气回收系统工艺技术规程 Technical specification of converter primary dedusting, gas recovery system4.1工艺流程:Process flow:转炉烟气净化采用“OG”法,净化后符合回收条件的煤气回收,不符合回收条件的煤气,经放散烟囱放散。Converter gas cleaning adopts OG method. Gas meets requirement after purifying is recovered, unqualified gas is bled by chimney.转炉 活动烟罩 汽化冷却烟道 “一文” 重力脱水器 “二文” 90°弯头脱水器 湿旋脱水器 煤气鼓风机 三通切换阀 水封逆止阀 放散烟囱 电动蝶阀+盲板阀 煤气柜 湿式电除尘器 煤气加压机 用户Converter removable gas hood evaporative cooling flue parimary venturi tube gravity dehydrator seconday venturi tube 90° elbow dehydrator wet rotary dehydrator gas blower three-way changeover valve water seal check valve Discharge chimney Electric butterfly valve+blind valve gas holder wet type ESP gas booster user4.2工艺标准Process standard放散烟囱烟气排放浓度小于100mg/Nm3。Emission concentration of discharge chimney is less than 100mg/Nm3 外输转炉煤气浓度小于20mg/Nm3。Concentration of transported converter gas is less than 20mg/Nm34.3工艺参数Process parmaters 4.3.1“一文”入口烟气含尘量:80150g/Nm3Dust concentration of primary venturi inlet: 80150g/Nm34.3.2 “一文”入口烟气量:Nm3/hDust concentration of primary venturi inlet: Nm3/h4.3.3“一文”入口烟气温度:8001000Gas temperature of primary venturi inlet: 80010004.3.4“OG”系统阻力:22.0Kpa“OG” system resistance: 22.0Kpa4.3.5煤气鼓风机电机功率:1400KW 转速:2980rpm 电压:6.6KV 升压:27.0KPa 流量:2040m3/minGas blower motor power: 1400KW rotate speed: 2980rpm voltage:6.6KV step-up:27.0KPa flow rate:2040m3/min4.3.6转炉煤气加压机:160KW 转速:2950rpm 电压:415V 升压:20.0KPa流量:260Nm3/minConverter gas booster: 160KW rotate speed: 2950rpm voltage: 415V step-up:20.0KPa flow rate: 260Nm3/min4.3.7转炉煤气柜公称容积:5.0万m3Nominal volume of converter gas holder: 50000 m34.3.8转炉煤气柜设计温度:70Design temperature of converter gas holder: 704.3.9转炉煤气回收条件:CO33% O22%;煤气柜具备接受条件;加压站同意回收。Converter gas reconvery condition: CO33% O22%; gas holder is ready for reciving; booster station agrees to reconvery4.4工艺方法Process method4.4.1“一文”、“二文”供水正常;Water supply of primary venturi, secondary venturi is normal4.4.2转炉煤气加压机稀油润滑站供水正常;Water supply of converter gas booster oil lubrication station is normal4.4.3转炉煤气加压机稀油润滑站供水正常;Water supply of converter gas booster oil lubrication station is normal4.4.4湿式电除尘器供水正常;Water supply of wet type ESP is normal4.4.5水封逆止阀供水正常;Water supply of water seal check valve is normal4.4.6转炉煤气回收PLC系统工作正常PLC system of converter gas recovery is working normal5.余热锅炉工艺技术规程5.1工艺流程:Process flow为充分利用转炉烟气的显热,2×60t转炉设二套余热锅炉布置在主厂房转炉炉口上方。In order to utilize the wet heat of converter exhaust gas, 2×60t converter is designed with two sets of WHRB which are located above converter mouth.转炉为周期生产,转炉余热锅炉所产生的蒸汽也是周期性波动的,蒸汽量呈周期性变化,为了有效地利用这种波动的蒸汽,在蒸汽系统中装设了蓄热器,其作用是将转炉余热锅炉装置产生的周期性波动的蒸汽,通过蓄热器的调节,能连续而稳定地向外供汽。蓄热器与余热锅炉采取并联系统,蒸汽母管至外网的调节阀采用定流量调节方式。系统的充热压力为1.62.45MPa,放热压力为0.8MPa。送外网的蒸汽压力0.8MPa。Converter is cyclic production system, steam generated by converter WHRB is also cyclical fluctuation and steam qty. is alos periodic variation. In order to effective utilize the fluctuated steam, heat accumulator is equipped in steam system, which is used for contiuous supply the steam generated by WHRB by adjusting of heat accumulator. Parallel system is adopted for heat accumulator and WHRB. The regulation valve from main steam pipe to external pipeline is constant flow adjusting type. Heat charging pressure of system is 1.62.45MPa, heat discharging pressure is 0.8MPa. Pressure of steam which is transported to external pipeline is less than 0.8MPa.5.2工艺标准Process standard活动烟罩烟气进口烟气温度:14001550Gas temperature of removable gas hood inlet: 14001550汽化冷却烟道出口烟气温度:8001000Gas termerature of evaporative cooling flue: 8001000吨钢钢产汽量: 105KgSteam qty. of tonnage steel: 105Kg5.3工艺参数Process parameters设计工作压力: 2.45MPa(汽包) Design working pressure: 2.45MPa (drum)运行工作压力: 2.45MPa(汽包)Running working pressure: 2.45MPa (drum)设计工作温度: 225 Design working temperature: 225瞬时最大蒸发量: 58.55th Instataneous maximum evaporation: 58.55th吹炼期平均蒸发量: 48.86th Average evaporation during blowing process: 48.86th冶炼期平均蒸发量: 9.5thAverage evaporation during smelting process: 9.5th每炉钢产汽量: 6.3t Steam production qty. of each heat: 6.3t 蓄热器充汽压力: 2.402.45MPa 放汽压力0.8MPaSteam charge pressure of heat accumulator: 2.402.45MPa steam discharge pressure: 0.8MPa 电动给水泵:Electric water feed pump 型号:DG46-50X8Model number: DG46-50X8 数量:3台Qty.: 3 set 扬程:3.044.0MPaHead: 3.044.0MPa 流量 :50m3/hFlow rate: 50m3/h电动给水泵的运行方式:电动给水泵与余热锅炉汽包呈对应关系。Running mode of electric feed pump: electric water feed pump is corresponding relationship with WHRB drum 运行方式:2台运行,1台备用。Running mode: 2 sets are running; 1 set is standby除氧器采用低压热力喷雾除氧器,其主要参数为:Deaerator adopts low pressure thermal spray deaerator, its main parameters are:工作压力: 0.02MPaWorking pressure: 0.02MPa 工作温度: 104Working temperature: 104 出力: 50thOutput: 50th 水箱容积: 40m3Volume of water tank: 40m3数量: 1台Qty.: 1 set软水泵主要参数为:Main parameters of soft water pump are: 型号:IS80-65-160Model number: IS80-65-160 数量:2台Qty.: 2 set 扬程:0.32MPaHead: 0.32MPa流量 :50m3/hFlow rate: 50m3/h运行方式:1台运行,1台备用。Running mode: 1 set is running, 1 set is standby强制电动循环泵参数(每座转炉):Parameters of forced electric circulating pump (each converter): 数量:2台Qty.: 2 set 扬程:0.6MPaHead: 0.6MPa流量:450m3/hFlow rate: 450m3/h电机功率: 110KWMotor power: 110KW运行方式:1台运行,1台备用。Running mode: 1 set is running, 1 set is standby5.4工艺方法Process method余热锅炉运行:Running of WHRB5.4.1启动软水泵,将除氧水箱水位补至+400mm;Start soft water pump to charge water level of deoxidize water tank upto +400mm5.4.2打开除氧器蒸汽调节阀将水加热至104;Open steam regulation valve of deaerator to heat water upto 1045.4.3启动电动给水泵,将汽包水位补至+100mm;Start electric water feed pump to charge water level upto +100mm5.4.4启动强制电动循环泵;Start forced electric circulating pump5.4.5开新炉第一炉蒸汽不回收,打开蓄热器电动放散阀放散;First heat steam will not be recovered, open electric bleed valve of heat accumulator for bleeding5.4.6运行中,每班不少于两次排污。During running, at least two times drainage for each shift5.4.7系统压力控制:System pressure control转炉在冶炼过程中,确保汽包出汽调节阀处于自动调节状态:Ensure the drum steam discharge regulation valve is in automatic state during smelting.汽包压力1.35MPa打开;Drum pressure 1.35MPa open汽包压力1.25MPa关闭。Drum pressure1.25MPa close汽包气动放散阀连锁:Interlock of drum pneumatic bleed valve汽包压力2.45MPa打开;Drum pressure 2.45MPa open汽包压力2.35MPa关闭。Drum pressure2.35MPa close蓄热器气动放散阀连锁:Interlock of heat accumulator pneumatic bleed valve:蓄热器压力0.85MPa打开;