齐齐哈尔大学毕业设计(论文)齐 齐 哈 尔 大 学毕业设计(论文)题 目 目的论指导下的新闻英语翻译 学 院 外国语学院 专业班级 英本151 学生姓名 赵雪坤 指导教师 李红梅 成 绩 2019 年 月 日齐齐哈尔大学毕业设计(论文)摘 要 新闻是传递舆论与展现国家形象的重要工具,世界上四分之三的新闻是以英语语言为载体的,这就使得新闻英语翻译显得十分必要。该课题基于目的论理论,从新闻词汇、句子、语篇和修辞等方面,探究新闻英语翻译的方法,使之更加符合目的语表达习惯,以便新闻信息更好传递给特定受众人群,更好地规范和提高新闻英语翻译的质量。目的论理论针对英语新闻翻译有很强的适用性,更加贴切翻译的要求。该选题兼具理论意义和实践意义。就理论意义而言,该选题的研究为新闻英语翻译提供一个更好的理论支撑,提供了新的翻译视角,促进了研究的继续发展;就实践意义而言,目的论翻译理论为我们找到更好的翻译策略和翻译方法,可以将研究的成果应用于指导翻译实践,可以改变现在新闻英语翻译某些不规范的现状,使英语新闻翻译质量慢慢提升,提高新闻传播效果和满足受众需求。本文首先简要分析英语新闻文体特征,结合目的论对英语新闻翻译的具体要求,其次在探索和发现新闻英语翻译过程中常出现的基本问题的同时,给出恰当的基本翻译策略,逐步完善英语新闻翻译的研究。关键词:新闻英语;新闻翻译; 目的论; 翻译方法 Abstract News is an important tool to convey public opinion and display the image of the country. Three-quarters of the world's news is based on English language, which makes news English translation very necessary. Based on the Skopos theory, this research explores the methods of news English translation from the lexical, syntactical, textual and rhetorical perspectives, making it in line with the target language expression habits, so that news information can be better transmitted to specific audiences, which enables us to better improve the quality of news English translation. Skopos theory has a strong applicability to English news translation, and the study of news English translation from the perspective of Skopos theory has both theoretical and practical significance. In terms of the theoretical significance, the study provides a better theoretical support for news English translation, and promotes the continued development of the research. In practical terms, it opens a door for us in the long way ahead through English translation research. Better translation strategies and translation methods can apply to guiding translation practice. It can to some degrees change the current situation of some irregularities in news English translation, and improve the quality of English news translation, improve the effectiveness of news dissemination so as to meet the needs of audiences. This paper firstly analyzes the characteristics of English news stylistics, combines the specific requirements of English translation with Skopos theory, and secondly explores the basic problems that often appear in the process of news English translation, gives appropriate basic translation strategies, which enables us gradually to improves English news translation research.Key words: News English; News translation; Skopos theory; Translation methodIIIContents摘要.AbstractIntroduction 1 1 An overview of News English3 1.1 Classification of News English.3 1.2 Structure of News English4 1.2.1 Headline.4 1.2.2 Lead5 1.2.3 Body5 1.3 Features of News English51.3.1 ABC Rule(Accuracy, Brevity & Clarity).61.3.2 Looseness of sentence pattern.61.3.3 Inconsistency of tenses.71.3.4 Interspersion of backgrounds.71.3.5 Wide use of attribution.72 Theoretical Basis: Skopos Theory.92.1 Rise and Development of H.J.Vermeers Skopos Theory.92.2 Three Rules of Skopos Theory.112.2.1 Skopos rule.112.2.2 Coherence rule.112.2.3 Fidelity rule.122.3 Applicability of Skopos Theory to News English Translation .123 Problems in Translation of News English.143.1 Problems in Headline Translation.143.1.1 Lack of conciseness.143.1.2 Lack of accuracy.153.1.3 Lack of attraction.153.2 Problems on Lexical Level.163.2.1 Neologism Meaning gap between English and Chinese.163.2.2 Inaccuracy in Midget Words Translation.173.2.3 Mistakes in Translation of Acronyms.18 3.3 Problems on Syntactical Level.183.3.1 Wide Use of Passive Voice Instead of Passive Voice.18 3.3.2 Lengthy and Verbose Sentences.193.4 Rhetorical Level.204 Solutions to the Problems From the Perspective of Skopos Theory21 4.1 Purposeful Translation on Lexical Level.214.1.1 Literal translation & annotation.224.1.2 Transliteration.224.1.3. Conversion.234.1.4. Translation of new-coined words.244.2 Purposeful Translation on Syntactical Level.244.2.1 Omission of Unconventional sentences.244.2.2 Adjusting Sentence Structure.254.2.3 Conversion of Passive Voice.254.2.4 Splitting and Combination.264.3 Purposeful Translation on Textual Level.284.3.1 Factors to be considered in Compiling.284.3.2 highlights in the Process of Compiling.294.4 Purposeful Translation on Rhetorical Level.31Conclusion .32References33Acknowledgements34Introduction In the modern society where globalization and communication technology are developing at a unexpected speed, things that often attract people's attention are taking place all the time. News is a window for the Chinese people to understand the world. English is the most widely used language in global market. Therefore, studies on translation of news English to some degrees can promote the spread of international news messages in China. News English has unique linguistic features, and news translation also has its own particularity. In order to translate news English faithfully and accurately, translators involved must understand the characteristics of news English and understand the differences between English and Chinese news in terms of vocabulary and sentences, and then choose appropriate translation methods.The starting time of news translation research in China is roughly the same as that in foreign countries, which began roughly during the Opium War years. But the flourishing period of true flourishing began in the past 20 years, and the researchers' awareness of discipline has been continuously enhanced, thus achieving unprecedented breakthroughs. But in many of these studies, reading from the emphasis on translation there is not much research on translation of News English from the perspective of the Skopos theory. Foreign studies on news translation mainly focus on three aspects: one is the role of news organizations and journalists and translation methods; the other is the comparison of original texts and translations for the purpose of analyzing, evaluating and correcting translations; the third is culture, ethics and politics. Chinese research on English news translation has also made great progress, and is mainly seen in three aspects. First, strict review and selection have been applied in news selection, so that the newsmakers can convey information effectively to the audience that is conducive to China's ideology, commonly seen in political news translation; secondly, the translation of soft news is the focus of domestic research, which is consistent with the needs of the current audience to obtain information, so that they take seriously in the fields of rhetorical and discourse translation; third, the accurate and timely characteristics of online news make news translation more fragmented and diversified, and hyperlinks and H5 technology have made the translation of various media coverage into one, and the skills of news translation need to be improved. In summary, the research about translation of News English at home and abroad has been fruitful, but the purpose and sociality of news English itself makes a lot of translators' translations fail to meet the needs of readers. Therefore, the translation of news English under the guidance of Skopos theory has a certain significance. Based on the previous studies, this paper will focus on the linguistic features of news English and its translation methods, so that translators can understand the importance of Skopos theory in news English translation. In the translation process, the translation methods of news English can be determined according to the characteristics of the English news and its audience.1 An Overview of News EnglishAs the process of globalization continues to deepen, the Western countries are now conquering the world. Instead of relying on naked military power in the past, they rely on "cultural hegemony" to achieve the effects that the past military hegemony could not achieve in a subtle way. The mainstream media coverage in Western countries is one of the main ways. For a long time, Western media has dominated the world public opinion, and its reports have influenced people's perceptions of ideas. The language of English is the carrier of the Western media's dissemination of ideological concepts. “Therefore, as the second largest economy and the largest developing country, China needs to make the rise of our country's status proportional to the intensity of external propaganda, so The ability to learn and understand English news must be improved in order to track international grievances in a timely manner, identify problems and deliver useful and timely information to our audience that is consistent with our national values.” 11.1 Classification of News English News report can be classified by six criteria:(1) By media, it can be divided into newspaper coverage, magazine coverage, picture/photo news, radio news, TV news, cable (TV) news, dispatches, and Internet news.(2) By regions where events happened, it can be divided into world news, home news, local news.(3) By news content it can be divided into political news, economic news, technological news, cultural and entertainment news, military news, sports news, legal news, violence and crime news, disaster news, and weather news.(4) By the nature of news it can be divided into hard news/pure news/spot news/straight news & soft news.(5) By the happening state it can be divided into follow-up news, breaking news, general news and round-up news.(6) By types of news it can be divided into news reporting, feature articles, commentaries and columns, interpretive reporting, investigative reporting, new journalism/literary journalism, skit/essay, and picture news.1.2 Structure of News English News reports (also known as hard news or live news) have extremely strict time requirements, and reports must be quick and accurate. In general it consists of three parts: the headline, the lead, and the body. The headline usually plays the role of hunting and attracting, and is regarded as the "eye" of the news; the lead is regarded as the "soul" of the news; the body is specifically described as the "torso" of the news. English news reports and Chinese news reports have some similarities, but they also have their own unique text structure and stylistic style.1.2.1 Headline A good headline is half the story. There are about four functions of headline.First, a good headline can better generalize the gist of a news story with the most specific, accurate, and concise words. With the guidance of terse headlines, readers who live a busy life can quickly get the news that attracts them.Second, the headline is sometimes used to make comment and evaluation, exerting an effect of spin control. It is obliged to point out the real implication of news content based on summarization, and help the readers to comprehend and appreciate the contents in a valid way.Third, a good headline can be used to attract readers attention. Most of the time readers will choose to do selective skimming on the headlinesstop to finish what interests them and skip what looks wearisome. A marvelous headline is always eye-catching and fascinates readers deeply.Fourth, a good headline beautifies the layout. A printed page filled with news articles without elaborate titles lacks unity and coherence. Delicate headlines, which appear in various form and typefaces, can make the whole layout more delightful and vigorous.Besides, headlines are also used to maintain the emotions containing in the news, set the tone for the whole article, suggest the importance of the news, enhance the appeal of newspapers, and so on. 1.2.2 LeadAs an infallible law of news writing, the summary lead has been adopted since the American Civil War to save more time and space for reporters with limited media resources. However, entering the 1930s, the traditional summary lead is losing its days, getting barely enough to meet readers needs, and facing the increasing competition with electronic media increasingly. In recent decades, the lead is developing in two main directions.First, 5Ws(when, what, who, where, and why) are seldom presented at a time in the leadwhile the main fact lead is preferred to convey the latest information with the fewest Ws so as to fit the rapid pace of modern life.Second, the types of leads are not confined to summary lead and main fact lead. More than ten kinds of other leads, say, descriptive lead and quotation lead, are adopted to add the touch of readability and impress readers. 1.2.3 Body The main body of the news is the main part of the message that follows the lead. It supplements and explain the lead with typical and sufficient news facts and necessary background materials to express the news theme. The main body of the news should follow the instructions of the lead and narrate the facts of the news to make it concrete and complete, fully embodying the characteristics of "news must use facts to sp