商务英语 英汉广告翻译方法研究.doc
北京理工大学珠海学院2020届本科生毕业论文学 院: 外国语学院专 业:姓 名:指导老师:商 务 英 语廖 铠 彤学 号:职 称:160803101852刘 华副 教 授On Chinese-English Translation of Advertisements中国·珠海二二 年 五 月毕业论文诚信承诺书本人郑重承诺:我所呈交的毕业论文 On Chinese-English Translation of Advertisement是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究或调查所取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,文中所使用的数据真实可靠。承诺人签名: 日期: 年 月 日IOn Chinese-English Translation of AdvertisementAbstractWith the incessant development of socioeconomic development level, advertisements have become an obbligato part of People's daily life, work and study. Under the background of economic globalization and cultural diversification, the interflow of goods, services and public welfare in every country has become increasingly germane among which advertisements translation plays a vital role. Firstly, the thesis analyzes the background of Chinese and western advertisements in detail, which can help readers gain more awareness of the current situation of China's advertisements industry and the current situation of advertisements in western countries, and at the same time make readers have realized deeply that advertisements translation is extremely important. Secondly, it introduces the relationship between advertisements and culture, so as to understand that the differences between English and Chinese advertisements language and translation results are mainly affected by language and culture. Thirdly, this paper also analyzes the effect of Chinese and western cultural differences on advertisements in detail. For this moment, we came into contact with two kinds of advertisements: commercial advertisements and public service advertisements. This paper makes a comparative study of these two types of advertisements through Martin's evaluation theory and draws a conclusion. At the beginning, through the summary of this paper, the author puts forward the relevant methods of English-Chinese advertisements translation.Keywords: English and Chinese advertisement, cultural difference, translation methodI英汉广告翻译方法研究摘要随着全世界经济的不断发展,广告已经成为人们日常生活、工作、学习中不可或缺的一部分了。各国的商品广告、服务广告、公益广告在经济全球化和文化多元化的大背景下交流日益密切,而广告翻译在其中扮演了极其重要的角色。本文首先介绍了中西方广告背景让读者更加了解中国广告业的发展现状以及西方国家广告的发展现状的同时还能使读者更加深刻的认识到广告翻译的重要性。其次,介绍了广告与文化的关系,从而了解到英汉广告语以及翻译结果的不同主要是受到语言文化的影响。随后。本文立即中西方文化差异对广告产生的影响进行了详细分析。目前我们所接触的广告有两种:商业广告和公益广告。本文将这两种类型的广告通过马丁的评价理论进行对比研究后得出结论。通过对全文的总结,最后笔者提出英汉广告翻译的相关方法。关键词:英汉广告;文化差异;翻译方法IContentsAbstract摘 要1 Advertisements Background Analysis of China and Western Countries1 1.1 Background Analysis of Advertisements in China1 1.2 Background Analysis of Advertisements in Western Countries 3 1.3 The Importance of English-Chinese Advertisements Translation42 The Relationship Between Advertisements and Culture43 Effect of Cultural Differences Between China and the West on Advertisements Translation5 3.1 Effect of Material and Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English on Advertisements Translation5 3.2 Effect of Spiritual and Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English on Advertisements Translation64 Analysis of Differences Between English and Chinese Public Service Advertisements6 4.1 Difference of Attitude Resources Between English and Chinese Public Service Advertisements7 4.2 Difference of Intervening Resources Between English and Chinese Public Service Advertisements8 4.3 Resource Difference Between English and Chinese Public Service Advertisements85 Research on Translation Methods of English-Chinese Advertisements9 5.1 Principles of English-Chinese Advertisements Translation10 5.2 Literal Translation Method11 5.3 Transliteration Method12Conclusion12References13Acknowledgments141 Advertisements Background Analysis of China and Western CountriesNowadays, the international advertisements industry is extremely unbalanced between developed and developing countries, which are mainly reflected in 1. The centralization of international advertisements business: it mainly focuses on large transnational advertisements groups in developed countries or regions. 2. The advertisements industry in developed countries or regions has entered into the market in developing countries or regions, putting considerable pressure on the advertisements industry in developing countries or regions. So for China, finding an outlet in advertisements is a long way off.1.1 Background Analysis of Advertisements in China In recent years, as China's advertisements industry has entered a period of intense competition, both the number of advertisements companies and the number of employees, and the advertisements turnover, have shown a rapid growth of competition. In 2017, the scale of China's advertising market reached 690 billion yuan. It is expected that the growth of China's advertising market will be almost consistent with the growth trend of nominal GDP in 2018-2019. To 760 billion yuan and 836 billion yuan, it is expected that in the future in the entire advertising market, online advertising, especially leading Internet companies will drive strong growth in the industry. The advertisements market is divided into Internet advertisements, outdoor advertisements, television advertisements, magazine and news advertisements and other channels. According to relevant data, among the 690 billion yuan advertisements market in 2017, the share of Internet advertisements is 37 percent, or 255 billion yuan, based on the advertisements budget of Internet platforms. In addition, outdoor advertisements, TV advertisements, magazine and news advertisements and other advertisements accounted for 17 percent, 29 percent, 6 percent and 11 percent, respectively. If the advertisements budgets of e-commerce platforms such as alibaba, and pinduoduo are included, the scale of Internet advertisements in China in 2017 was about 400 billion yuan, accounting for a relatively high proportion. According to relevant reports, China's advertisements market opened up and declined in 2018, showing a slight growth of 2.9 percent compared with 4.3 percent in 2017. There was a slight decline in the cost of traditional advertisements, while elevator TV and elevator poster both rose. However, due to the poor performance of cinema media in the fourth quarter, the low film market and the change of advertisers' advertisements strategies, the growth of cinema media stagnated, and the growth rate of cinema video advertisements decreased in 2018. Total spending on online advertisements rose 7.3 percent year-on-year in 2018, down slightly from 12.4 percent in the same period of 2017 but up from 7.1 percent in the first three quarters of 2018.In 2018 all media advertisements spend the first five is the telecommunications industry, beverage, medicine, food, commercial and service industry, of the traditional industry, the telecommunications industry fell 2.3 percent year on year, beverage industry with growth of 3.8 percent, up from 6.3 percent a year ago, the pharmaceutical industry fell 4.3 percent year on year, the food industry grew by 1.1 percent year on year, up from 1.9 percent a year ago, industry advertisers dropping will decline, only commercial and service industry advertisers dropping will increase. There is so much innovation of digital media technology in the contemporary society with the rapid development of new media to include newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and traditional outdoor media, traditional advertisements caused huge impact, traditional media advertisements fell 1.5 percent in 2018. Among them, the TV drop more, newspapers, magazines, the continuation of weakness but decline narrowed and expand traditional outdoor drop, radio, Internet advertisements to achieve steady growth but the growth rate is lower than in 2017. In terms of different media, in 2018, the life circle media achieved high growth but the growth rate gradually slowed down, while the growth rate of traditional media declined. Among them, the spending on television, newspapers, magazines, radio and traditional outdoor magazines fell 0.3 percent, fell 30.3 percent, fell 8.6 percent, fell 5.9 percent and fell 14.2 percent, respectively. The main reasons are as follows:(1) In 2018, only radio advertisements spending in traditional media increased year on year, while TV advertisements declined slightly, newspaper, magazine and traditional outdoor advertisements all showed a significant decline, and the top five industries of newspaper and magazine advertisements decreased year on year.(2) The year-on-year decline in TV advertisements spending is mainly due to the decrease of 4.4 percent and 14.8 percent in provincial terrestrial and provincial city channels, while the year-on-year increase of 17.8 percent and 5.1 percent in CCTV and provincial satellite TV channels. In addition, the time spent on TV commercials in 2018 fell 8.1 percent year on year. In 2017, elevator poster advertisements continued to grow at a high rate, with a year-on-year growth of 24.9 percent. The top five advertisements sectors were posts and telecommunications, commerce and services, transportation, food, and IT products and services, among which food and IT products and services increased 39.4 percent and 86.8 percent year on year. In addition, elevator television advertisements also maintained a sustained high growth trend, a year-on-year increase of 23.40 percent. The top five advertisements sectors were posts and telecommunications, IT products and services, entertainment and leisure, beverages, and alcoholic beverages, with a year-on-year increase of 123.6 percent and 329.2 percent respectively. The top five industries in 2018 are transportation, activities, posts and telecommunications, IT products and services, and entertainment and leisure. Traffic advertisers increased the number of bullet car +390.90 percent year on year, melon seeds used car +932.70 percent year on year. Due to the obvious positive correlation between cinema video advertisements and the film box office market, with the overall trend of the domestic film market in the future, the number of movie-goers will gradually increase, which is expected to drive the continuous rapid growth of cinema video advertisements. In 2016 and 2017, the online advertisements penetration rate in China was 44.7 percent and 58 percent, respectively. Thanks to the rapid growth of advertisements revenue of Internet header companies such as tencent, byteplay and pinduoduo, it is expected that the online advertisements penetration rate in China's advertisements market (including e-commerce advertisements) will continue to grow, reaching around 79 percent in 2019. Online advertisements (including e-commerce advertisements) are expected to maintain a high growth rate, with a year-on-year growth of 27 percent in 2019, while Internet advertisements will maintain a growth rate of around 30 percent in 2018 and 2019, with an increment of 120 billion yuan and 140 billion yuan.With the continuous rise of Internet advertisements, on the one hand, traditional offline advertisements platforms will further shrink, on the other hand, platforms that rely more heavily on traditional industry advertisers (such as automobile, real estate, fast consumer goods and other industries that are subject to macro impact) will face greater macro risks.1.2 Background Analysis of Advertisements in Western Countries World War II, the huge changes in the world economic and political situation occurred, while international trade also had unprecedented development, which made the western advertising industry has considerable progress. They mainly manifested in: 1. The color television, video, satellite communication, computer and other advanced telecommunication technology used in advertisements campaigns, advertisements into the electronic information age. New forms of advertisements continue to emerge, large-scale, international advertisements activities continue to carry out. The new means of communication greatly improve the efficiency, speed and quality of communication, and expand the scope of communication. 2. The establishment of international advertisements companies and the development of transnational operations enable advertisements companies to engage in large-scale planning activities for international advertisements and to carry out advertisements promotion in many countries. 3. The development of social production, many countries in the international industrial division to mass production on the basis of international products, these products to global integration market as the goal, and on a global scale to a wide range of advertisements, an unprecedented scale, make the international advertisements campaigns such as American Coca-Cola, butyl speed culling, every time around the world to carry out the advertisements campaign.1.3 The Importance of English-Chinese advertisements Translation As the economies of various countries continue to move toward globalization, the trade relationship between China and the West has become closer and closer. Language, as a bridge of communication, is indispensable in bilateral exchanges. In the face of fierce market competition, various countries, especially developed countries, seize market share by developing high-tech products, improving product quality, establishing sales networks and increasing advertisements. Advertising plays an important role in the sale of products in the international market, which helps trade entities to open the international market and enhance the brand image. Advertisements translation is not only a simple translation of language. If the translator simply converts words, the advertisements effect will be greatly reduced. In terms of language, education, traditional customs, religious beliefs, etc., domestic and foreign advertisements contain cultural differences. Chinese bicycle brand "Five Goats" is translated as "Five Goats" in foreign countries, which affects the brand image and sales, because "goat" is a negative word in English. The quality of advertisements translation will not only affect the transmission of information, but also determine whether the product can stand on the market to a large extent.2 The Relationship Between Advertisements And Culture Today, the original communication function and content of advertisements are gradually changing. The reason is the social development characteristics of global economic integration and global economic and cultural integration. And the relationship between advertising and culture is getting closer and closer. Its performance is as follows: (1) Advert