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    Teaching Plan(Test paper analysis for Baoshan District)School:Beicai Middle SchoolTeacher:Chen XiujuanClass:Class 6,Grade 9Time:2012-9-19(11:00-11:40)Teaching Procedure:1 1.Say something about the test result the children did a few days ago.2.2.Tell the children were going to talk about the ways of doing three kinds ofexercises.3.3.Task 1:Change the words into correct forms(from the test paper)Tell us your ways of doing this kind of exercise.Challenge yourself(do the exercises from other papers)4.4.Task 2:Complete the following passage with the words in the box.(from the testpaper)Tell us your ways of doing this kind of exercise.More practice(do the exercises from other papers)As every parent knows,if you have children,you worry about them all the time.However,it seems that these days were worrying about our kids a lot more than weused to.Are we trying to protect our children too much and will this _1_ problemsfor them in their later life?“Kids in the UK used to walk to school every day _2_,but these days parentsdont let their children go out on their own in case something bad happens to them,”says Dr.Andy Hallett,a childcare expert.“If children stay indoors all the time,theybecome _3_.This means they often have health problems in later life.”The _4_ of letting your kids go out by themselves is smaller than you mightthink.“The media makes parents worry about children safety.”says Julie Benz,achildcare expert.“But children are _5_ now than they have ever been.If parentswant their kids to grow up healthily,they shouldnt protect them so much.Childrenneed to make _6_ themselves.”Over 27%of British children are now overweight,partly because they _7_too much of their free time playing computer games and watching TV.“I canunderstand why parents are worried,”says Julie Benz.“But if kids never go outside,they cant learn to _8_ themselves in the real world.”So far,we can learn that if you want happy and healthy kids,give them backtheir freedom.5.Task 3:Fill in the blanks with proper word:(from the test paper)Tell us your ways of doing this kind of exercise.More practice(do the exercises from other papers)We know it is a little bit difficult to do Cloze Test.Actually,there are some stepswe can follow to help us do such exercises.First,read the whole passage,pay more attention to the first sentence and thel_(1)sentence.Second,try to get the m_(2)idea of the passage.Third,analyze the sentence(分析句子成分)and decide what kind of s_(3)we need.Fourth,imagine(猜想)the m_(4)of the missing word according to thecontext(上下文)and fill in the blanks.Fifth,read the sentence again to check the f_(5)of the words that we fillin.Finally,read the whole passage a_(6)to check our answers.If you use these rules to help you do Cloze Test,you will find it e_(7)toget the perfect answers.6.Homework:(1)Correct the wrong mistakes on your test paper.(2)Think of the ways of doing other kinds of exercises.


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