ffQCA.G5600 管理评审控制程序.doc
天水华天科技股份有限公司 文件编号Doc. No : Q/CA.G5600文件名称管理评审控制程序文件版次DOC. REV. ATITLE文件总页数TOTAL PAGES 4文件版次章节编号修改码核准文号ECN NO.生效日期EFF.DATE 变 更 历 程 REVISION HISTORY起稿者INITIATOR A5/7/8 1QA-090892009-08-15修改第5、7、8章节的内容。 赵立新项 目签 字日 期项 目签 字日 期受控号:拟 制赵立新2007.1.11电镀部郭 乔2007.1.12受控章:品管部骆菊芬2007.1.12集成电路塑料封装研究中心李习周2007.1.12制造一部任江林2007.1.13品质保证部赵立权2007.1.13制造二部王小勇2007.1.13设备部钟耕波2007.1.13生管部郑建琴2007.1.12动力部批 准: 陈建军采购部陈世贵2007.1.13人力资源部朱彦荣2007.1.13销售部张铁成2007.1.13培训中心张 武2007.1.12测试部陶迎九2007.1.12标准化慕 蔚2007.1.13日 期:2007.1.13章节5/7/8版次/修改码A/1页数2/41 目的本程序规定了本公司的管理评审制度,并通过实施管理评审不断地改进质量管理体系,确保质量体系持续有效运行,以及公司质量方针和质量目标的实现。1 Purpose 本程序规定了本公司的管理评审制度,并通过实施管理评审不断地改进质量管理体系,确保质量体系持续有效运行,以及公司质量方针和质量目标的实现。 This procedure provides the company's management assessment system, and through the implementation of management assessment to make the continuous improvement of quality management system and to ensure effective operation of quality system, as well as the company's quality policy and the realization of quality objectives. 2 范围本程序适用于本公司的质量管理体系的评审。2 Scope 本程序适用于本公司的质量管理体系的评审。 This procedure applies to the assessment of Huatian Technology co.,ltd s quality management system. 3 引用文件3.1 质量记录的控制程序 Q/CA.G4300 3.2 纠正和预防措施控制程序 Q/CA.G8600 3 reference file 3.1 质量记录的控制程序 Q/CA.G4300 3.1 Quality control procedures for recording Q/CA.G4300 3.2 纠正和预防措施控制程序 Q/CA.G8600 3.2 Corrective and preventive measures of control procedures Q/CA.G8600 4 术语和定义 管理评审:由最高管理者就质量方针和质量目标,对质量体系的现状和适应性进行正式评价。由最高管理者按计划的时间间隔进行管理评审,以确保质量体系的适宜性、充分性和有效性。4术语和定义 4 Terms and definitions 管理评审:由最高管理者就质量方针和质量目标,对质量体系的现状和适应性进行正式评价。 Management Review: the top management is going to conduct a formal evaluation of the status quo and adaptability base on the quality policy and quality objectives and quality system, and to plan management review with time intervals to ensure that the quality system suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 5 职责5.1 品质保证部负责组织管理评审,对评审活动中发现的待改进项提出整改要求,并责成相关部门限期整改;5 functions and responsibilities5.1 品质保证部负责组织管理评审,对评审活动中发现的待改进项提出整改要求,并责成相关部门限期整改 ; 5.1 Quality Assurance Department is responsible for organizing the management review. For the items found to be improved during management review they were asked to give out rectification request and instructed the relevant departments for rectification; 5.2 对质量体系运行起重要作用的有关部门负责人参加管理评审,并准备有关书面评审资料;5.2 All the heads of relevant departments play an important role in management reviews, and they should prepare a written assessment with relevant information;5.3 办公室和品质保证部负责制订管理评审计划、整理管理评审报告及下达管理评审通知和管理评审报告;5.3 Office and the Quality Assurance Department are responsible for formulating the management accreditation program, making the management review report and passing "management review notice" and "Management Review Report" to relevant department.5.4 品质保证部负责整改工作的跟踪检查及综合评价。5.4 品质保证部负责整改工作的跟踪检查及综合评价。 5.4 Quality Assurance Department is responsible for tracking inspection , rectification and comprehensive evaluation. 6 流程图6流程图 6 Flowchart 7 流程说明7 Process Description2C4i$sD#j j7.1 管理评审频次、计划7.1.1 每年至少组织召开一次管理评审会议,管理评审一般安排年底或次年初进行。必要时(顾客频繁或强烈投诉、退货;发生严重的产品质量事故等),可增加管理评审次数。7.1管理评审频次、计划 7.1 Management review frequency and plan 7.1.1 每年至少组织召开一次管理评审会议,管理评审一般安排年底或次年初进行。 7.1.1 Organize and hold management review meeting at least yearly, generally the meeting will take place at the end of the year or at the beginning of the year.必要时(顾客频繁或强烈投诉、退货;发生严重的产品质量事故等),可增加管理评审次数。 When necessary (frequent or strong customer complaints, returns; serious quality accidents, etc.), increase the number of management reviews. 7.1.2 办公室和品质保证部负责制定和发放管理评审计划。7 流程说明 7.1.2 办公室和品质保证部负责制定和发放管理评审计划。7.1.2 Office and the Quality Assurance Department are responsible for developing and issuing management review program. 7.2 管理评审资料的收集,各部门负责管理评审输入相关资料的准备:7.2 Management Review data collection, all departments are responsible for preparing the reletive assessment information:7.2.1 质量管理体系的有效性,质量方针的落实、质量目标的完成情况;7.2.1 The effectiveness of Quality Management System, the implementation of quality policy and the completion of quality objectives;7.2.2 体系、过程、产品审核的结果,第二(顾客)、三方(认证机构)的审核结果及其改进措施的实施效果;7.2.2 The audit results of Systems, processes, product inspection and the audit results of second (customers), tripartite (certification bodies) and the implementation of measures to improve results; 7.2.3 顾客反馈信息及有关过程、产品或服务情况的信息;7.2.3 Customer feedback information and related processes, products or services of the information7.2.4 持续改进情况、业务计划执行情况,采取纠正和预防措施的情况;7.2.4 the situation of improvement, the implementation of business plan and the situation to take corrective and preventive measures; 7.2.5 对供方的产品质量控制与评价;7.2.5 To control and evaluate the product quality of supplier;7.2.6 顾客满意度调查报告;7.2.6 Customer Satisfaction Survey;7.2.7 质量成本分析报告;7.2.7 Quality cost analysis reports;7.2.8 以往管理评审的跟踪措施;7.2.8 以往管理评审的跟踪措施; 7.2.8 Management Review of the past, tracking measures; 7.2.10 交付过程中或在顾客处实际发生的不合格、潜在的不合格,这些不合格对质量、安全、环境的影响;7.2.7 质量成本分析报告;7.2.10 交付过程中或在顾客处实际发生的不合格、潜在的不合格,这些不合格对质量、安全、环境的影响; 7.2.10 delivery process or the failure and the potential failure actually occurred in the customer s part, which may result in the bad impact to quality, safety and environmental; 7.2.11 对设计和开发特定阶段的测量(含:质量风险、成本、制造周期、关键路径和其他适宜的方面)加以规定、分析,并汇总结果进行报告。7.2管理评审资料的收集,各部门负责管理评审输入相关资料的准备 :7.2.11 对设计和开发特定阶段的测量(含:质量风险、成本、制造周期、关键路径和其他适宜的方面)加以规定、分析,并汇总结果进行报告。 7.2.11 on the design and development of a specific phase of the measurement (including: quality risks, costs, manufacturing cycle, critical path, and other appropriate areas) be provided, analysis, and report on aggregate results. 7.3 管理评审会议的实施7.3 the implementation of the Management Review Conference 7.3.1 品质保证部负责管理评审会议的签到和记录工作。7.3.1 Quality Assurance Department is responsible for management review meetings with the attendance and record keeping. 7.3.2 管理者代表负责做工作报告,并提出改进意见,由会议进行讨论。7.3.2 The management representative is responsible for the work report, and suggest improvements at the meeting for discussion.7.3.3 公司领导对各部门的总结、汇报陈述及计划给予适当的评价分析、指导,并对部门、人员提出的有关问题给予答复、决策并提出改进要求。7.3.1 品质保证部 负责管理评审会议的签到和记录工作。 7.3.2 管理者代表负责做工作报告,并提出改进意见,由会议进行讨论。 7.3.3 公司领导对各部门的总结、汇报陈述及计划给予适当的评价分析、指导,并对部门、人员提出的有关问题给予答复、决策并提出改进要求。 7.3.3' The heard of the company make summary to the reporting statements and plans of various departments, to give the appropriate evaluation and analysis, guidance, and responded to the issues raised by the various departments also make decision and required for improvements. 7.4 品质保证部将管理评审会议记录整理成管理评审报告,内容包括:7.4 Quality Assurance Department will organize the records of the management review meeting into management review report, which including: 7.4.1 质量管理体系及其过程有关的任何决定和措施;7.4.2 与顾客要求有关的产品的改进;7.4.3 资源需求;7.4.4 管理评审报告经总经理批准后分发各相关部门。7.4.1 质量管理体系及其过程有关的任何决定和措施; 7.4.1 Quality Management System and any decisions related to the process and measures; 7.4.2 与顾客要求有关的产品的改进; 7.4.2 The product improvements related to customer s requirement; 7.4.3 资源需求; 7.4.3 Resource requirements; 7.4.4 管理评审报告经总经理批准后分发各相关部门。 7.4.4 Management review report approved by the General Manager and distributed to all relevant departments. 7.5 管理评审结果的整改、跟踪验证7.5 Rectification, tracking and verification of Management Review results7.5.1 品质保证部负责对管理评审提出的不符合项下达整改通知,并下发相关部门或人。7.5.1 品质保证部负责对管理评审提出的不符合项下达整改通知,并下发相关部门7.5.1 Quality Assurance Department is responsible for management review of non-conformance and pass the rectification notice to the relevant department or person. 7.5.2 相关责任部门负责制定整改措施,并实施整改。具体按纠正和预防措施控制程序实施。7.5.2 相关责任部门负责制定整改措施,并7.5.2 The relevant departments are responsible for developing corrective measures and implement corrective. 具体按纠正和预防措施控制程序实施。 Specifically implement bycorrective and preventive measures to control procedures. 7.5.3 品质保证部负责对整改措施实施的效果进行跟踪评价。必要时可组织相关部门进行共同评价。7.5.3 Quality Assurance Department is responsible for evaluate and trace the result of the implementation of corrective measures. 必要时可组织相关部门进行共同评价。When necessary organize relevant departments to conduct assessment.7.5.4 品质保证部负责督促各部门对整改措施进行落实,并对最终改进的成果进行评价。7.5.4 Quality Assurance Department is responsible for supervision of all departments with the implementation of corrective measures, and to conduct assessment on the results of the evaluation ultimately.7.6 管理评审过程形成的相关质量记录,具体按质量记录的控制程序实施。7.5.3 品质保证部负责对整改措施实施的效果进行跟踪评价。 7.6 管理评审过程形成的相关质量记录,具体按质量记录的控制程序实施。 7.6 The related quality records formed during the process of management review, specifically implemented by quality control procedures documented. 8 注意事项8.1 管理评审间隔不能超过12个月。8.2 管理评审资料整理后由文件中心存档备案。8 Notes 8.1 管理评审间隔不能超过12个月。 8.1 Management Review intervals not longer than 12 months. 8.2 管理评审资料整理后 由文件中心存档备案 。 8.2 The collated in formation of management review is filed by the Documentation Center.9 引用表单9引用表单 9 Reference Form