FPGA常见的错误Quartus II常见错误 1.Found clock-sensitive change during active clock edge at time <time> on register "<name>"原因:vector source file中时钟敏感信号(如:数据,允许端,清零,同步加载等)在时钟的边缘同时变化。而时钟敏感信号是不能在时钟边沿变化的。其后果为导致结果不正确。措施:编辑vector source file2.Verilog HDL assignment warning at <location>: truncated with size <number> to match size of target (<number>原因:在HDL设计中对目标的位数进行了设定,如:reg4:0 a;而默认为32位,将位数裁定到合适的大小措施:如果结果正确,无须加以修正,如果不想看到这个警告,可以改变设定的位数3.All reachable assignments to data_out(10) assign '0', register removed by optimization原因:经过综合器优化后,输出端口已经不起作用了4.Following 9 pins have nothing, GND, or VCC driving datain port - changes to this connectivity may change fitting results原因:第9脚,空或接地或接上了电源措施:有时候定义了输出端口,但输出端直接赋0,便会被接地,赋1接电源。如果你的设计中这些端口就是这样用的,那便可以不理会这些warning5.Found pins ing as undefined clocks and/or memory enables原因:是你作为时钟的PIN没有约束信息。可以对相应的PIN做一下设定就行了。主要是指你的某些管脚在电路当中起到了时钟管脚的作用,比如flip-flop的clk管脚,而此管脚没有时钟约束,因此QuartusII把“clk”作为未定义的时钟。措施:如果clk不是时钟,可以加“not clock”的约束;如果是,可以在clock setting当中加入;在某些对时钟要求不很高的情况下,可以忽略此警告或在这里修改:Assignments>Timing analysis settings.>Individual clocks.>.6.Timing characteristics of device EPM570T144C5 are preliminary原因:因为MAXII 是比較新的元件在 QuartusII 中的時序并不是正式版的,要等 Service Pack措施:只影响 Quartus 的 Waveform7.Warning: Clock latency analysis for PLL offsets is supported for the current device family, but is not enabled措施:将setting中的timing Requirements&Option->More Timing Setting->setting->Enable Clock Latency中的on改成OFF8.Found clock high time violation at 14.8 ns on register "|counter|lpm_counter:count1_rtl_0|dffs11"原因:违反了steup/hold时间,应该是后仿真,看看波形设置是否和时钟沿符合steup/hold时间措施:在中间加个寄存器可能可以解决问题9.warning: circuit may not operate.detected 46 non-operational paths clocked by clock clk44 with clock skew larger than data delay原因:时钟抖动大于数据延时,当时钟很快,而if等类的层次过多就会出现这种问题,但这个问题多是在器件的最高频率中才会出现措施:setting->timing Requirements&Options->Default required fmax 改小一些,如改到50MHZ10.Design contains <number> input pin(s) that do not drive logic原因:输入引脚没有驱动逻辑(驱动其他引脚),所有的输入引脚需要有输入逻辑措施:如果这种情况是故意的,无须理会,如果非故意,输入逻辑驱动.11.Warning:Found clock high time violation at 8.9ns on node 'TEST3.CLK'原因:FF中输入的PLS的保持时间过短措施:在FF中设置较高的时钟频率12.Warning: Found 10 node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks - node(s) analyzed as buffer(s) resulting in clock skew原因:如果你用的 CPLD 只有一组全局时钟时,用全局时钟分频产生的另一个时钟在布线中当作信号处理,不能保证低的时钟歪斜(SKEW)。会造成在这个时钟上工作的时序电路不可靠,甚至每次布线产生的问题都不一样。措施:如果用有两组以上全局时钟的 FPGA 芯片,可以把第二个全局时钟作为另一个时钟用,可以解决这个问题。13.Critical Warning: Timing requirements were not met. See Report window for details.原因:时序要求未满足,措施:双击Compilation Report->Time Analyzer->红色部分(如clock setup:'clk'等)->左键单击list path,查看fmax的SLACK REPORT再根据提示解决,有可能是程序的算法问题14.Can't achieve minimum setup and hold requirement <text> along <number> path(s). See Report window for details.原因:时序分析发现一定数量的路径违背了最小的建立和保持时间,与时钟歪斜有关,一般是由于多时钟引起的措施:利用Compilation Report->Time Analyzer->红色部分(如clock hold:'clk'等),在slack中观察是hold time为负值还是setup time 为负值,然后在:Assignment->Assignment Editor->To中增加时钟名(from node finder),Assignment Name中增加 多时钟有关的Multicycle 和Multicycle Hold选项,如hold time为负,可使Multicycle hold的值>multicycle,如设为2和1。15: Can't analyze file - file E:/quartusii/*/*.v is missing原因:试图编译一个不存在的文件,该文件可能被改名或者删除了措施:不管他,没什么影响16.Warning: Can't find signal in vector source file for input pin |whole|clk10m原因:因为你的波形仿真文件( vector source file )中并没有把所有的输入信号(input pin)加进去,对于每一个输入都需要有激励源的17.Error: Can't name logic scfifo0 of instance "inst" - has same name as current design file原因:模块的名字和project的名字重名了措施:把两个名字之一改一下,一般改模块的名字18.Warning: Using design file lpm_fifo0.v, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for 1 design units and 1 entities in project Info: Found entity 1: lpm_fifo0原因:模块不是在本项目生成的,而是直接copy了别的项目的原理图和源程序而生成的,而不是用QUARTUS将文件添加进本项目措施:无须理会,不影响使用19.Timing characteristics of device <name> are preliminary原因:目前版本的QuartusII只对该器件提供初步的时序特征分析措施:如果坚持用目前的器件,无须理会该警告。关于进一步的时序特征分析会在后续版本的Quartus得到完善。20.Timing Analysis does not support the analysis of latches as synchronous elements for the currently selected device family原因:用analyze_latches_as_synchronous_elements setting可以让Quaruts II来分析同步锁存,但目前的器件不支持这个特性措施:无须理会。时序分析可能将锁存器分析成回路。但并不一定分析正确。其后果可能会导致显示提醒用户:改变设计来消除锁 存器21.Warning:Found xx output pins without output pin load capacitance assignment(网友:gucheng82提供)原因:没有给输出管教指定负载电容措施:该功能用于估算TCO和功耗,可以不理会,也可以在Assignment Editor中为相应的输出管脚指定负载电容,以消除警告22.Warning: Found 6 node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks - node(s) analyzed as buffer(s) resulting in clock skew原因:使用了行波时钟或门控时钟,把触发器的输出当时钟用就会报行波时钟,将组合逻辑的输出当时钟用就会报门控时钟措施:不要把触发器的输出当时钟,不要将组合逻辑的输出当时钟,如果本身如此设计,则无须理会该警告23.Warning (10268): Verilog HDL information at lcd7106.v(63): Always Construct contains both blocking and non-blocking assignments原因: 一个always模块中同时有阻塞和非阻塞的赋值Warning: VHDL Process Statement warning at random.vhd(18): signal reset is in statement, but is not in sensitivity list-没把singal放到process()中2 Warning: Found pins ing as undefined clocks and/or memory enablesInfo: Assuming node CLK is an undefined clock-=-可能是说设计中产生的触发器没有使能端3 Error: VHDL Interface Declaration error in clk_gen.vhd(29): interface object "clk_scan" of mode out cannot be read. Change object mode to buffer or inout. -信号类型设置不对,out当作buffer来定义4 Error: Node instance "clk_gen1" instantiates undefined entity "clk_gen" -引用的例化元件未定义实体entity "clk_gen"5 Warning: Found 2 node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks - node(s) analyzed as buffer(s) resulting in clock skewInfo: Detected ripple clock "clk_gen:clk_gen1|clk_incr" as buffer Info: Detected ripple clock "clk_gen:clk_gen1|clk_scan" as buffer6 Warning: VHDL Process Statement warning at ledmux.vhd(15): signal or variable "dataout" may not be assigned a new in every possible path through the Process Statement. Signal or variable "dataout" holds its previous in every path with no new assignment, which may create a combinational loop in the current design.7 Warning: VHDL Process Statement warning at divider_10.vhd(17): signal "cnt" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensivitity list -缺少敏感信号8 Warning: No clock transition on "counter_bcd7:counter_counter_clk|q_sig3" register9 Warning: Reduced register "counter_bcd7:counter_counter_clk|q_sig3" with stuck clock port to stuck GND10 Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 1 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "class1" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.11 Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 1 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "sign" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.12 Error: VHDL error at counter_clk.vhd(90): actual port "class" of mode "in" cannot be associated with formal port "class" of mode "out"-两者不能连接起来13 Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "class_sig2" in design.-没有编写testbench文件,或者没有编辑输入变量的值 testbench里是元件申明和映射14 Error: VHDL Binding Indication error at freqdetect_top.vhd(19): port "class" in design entity does not have std_logic_vector type that is specified for the same generic in the associated component -在相关的元件里没有当前文件所定义的类型15 Error: VHDL error at tongbu.vhd(16): can't infer register for signal "gate" because signal does not hold its outside clock edge16 Warning: Found clock high time violation at 1000.0 ns on register "|fcounter|lpm_counter:temp_rtl_0|dffs4"17 Warning: Compiler packed, optimized or synthesized away node "temp19". Ignored vector source file node.-"temp19"被优化掉了18 Warning: Reduced register "gatereg0" with stuck data_in port to stuck GND19 Warning: Design contains 2 input pin(s) that do not drive logic Warning: No output dependent on input pin "clk" Warning: No output dependent on input pin "sign"-输出信号与输入信号无关,20 Warning: Found clock high time violation at 16625.0 ns on register "|impulcomp|gate1"21 Error: VHDL error at impulcomp.vhd(19): can't implement clock enable condition specified using binary operator "or"22 Error: VHDL Association List error at period_counter.vhd(38): actual parameter assigned to formal parameter "alarm", but formal parameter is not declared-连接表错误,形参"alarm"赋值给实参,形参没定义,可能是形参与实参的位置颠倒了,规定形参在实参之前。23 Error: Ignored construct behavier at period_counter.vhd(15) because of previous errors因为前一个错误而导致的错误24 Error: VHDL error at period_counter.vhd(38): type of identifier "alarm" does not agree with its usage as std_logic type"alarm"的定义类型与使用的类型不一致warning:Info: Pin num0 not assigned to an exact location on the devicenum0管脚没有在器件上非配一个准确位置解决方法:进行管脚分配。Warning: Found pins functioning as undefined clocks and/or memory enablesInfo: Assuming node "clk" is an undefined clock原因:是你作为时钟的PIN没有约束信息。可以对相应的PIN做一下设定就行了。主要是指你的某些管脚在电路当中起到了时钟管脚的作用,比如flip-flop的clk管脚,而此管脚没有时钟约束,因此QuartusII把“clk”作为未定义的时钟。措施:如果clk不是时钟,可以加“not clock”的约束;如果是,可以在clock setting当中加入;在某些对时钟要求不很高的情况下,可以忽略此警告或在这里修改:Assignments>Timing analysis settings.>Individualclocks.>.注意在Applies to node中只用选择时钟引脚一项即可,required fmax一般比所要求频率高5%即可,无须太紧或太松。25 Error: VHDL error at shift_reg.vhd(24): can't synthesize logic for statement with conditions that test for the edges of multiple clocks -同一进程中含有两个或多个if(edge)条件,(一个进程中之能有一个时钟沿)26 Error: Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "datain_reg22" at shift_reg.vhd(19)27 can't infer register for signal "num0" because signal does not hold its outside clock edge28Error: Can't elaborate top-level user hierarchy29 Error: Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "cs_in" at led_key.vhd(32) -有两个以上赋值语句,不能确定“cs_in”的值,30 Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "over" in design.-在源文件中找不到对应的节点“over”。31 Error: Can't access JTAG chain 无法找到下载链Warning (10541)的意思是设计中使用了一个未赋值的信号,并且没有复位值,这样该信号为无效值(确定但不可知),被其他逻辑使用也许会导致错误。Warning (10036)不用管它,大概是说有个信号未被使用,这样不会对逻辑产生任何影响,当然也可以考虑删除它。Warning (10492)是很常见的,这个关系到编码风格问题。在process里作为被判断信号(if或者case后面的)或者赋值语句右端信号通常应该写在process的敏感信号表里。有些eda工具不检查这个,可能会导致仿真结果与综合出来的电路不一致。实际上,综合工具在综合的时候会自动把这类信号添加到敏感信号表里,但仿真工具不会,而是完全按照代码体现的语意来仿真。Reduced register .这两个应该是说明eda工具所作的优化,去掉了一些多余的D触发器。Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND 如果正是希望某些输出被固定置高电平或低电平或者无所谓,就不用管它,否则请检查代码。Design contains 1 input pin(s) that do not drive logic 这个也比较常见,eda工具会提醒设计中没被用到的输入,然而这经常就是设计者的本意(不关心某些输入)。Found 1 node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks - node(s) analyzed as buffer(s) resulting in clock skew 这就是说明门控时钟带来的扭曲1.Found clock-sensitive change during active clock edge at time <time> on register "<name>"原因:vector source file中时钟敏感信号(如:数据,允许端,清零,同步加载等)在时钟的边缘同时变化。而时钟敏感信号是不能在时钟边沿变化的。其后果为导致结果不正确。措施:编辑vector source file2.Verilog HDL assignment warning at <location>: truncated value with size <number> to match size of target (<number>原因:在HDL设计中对目标的位数进行了设定,如:reg4:0 a;而默认为32位,将位数裁定到合适的大小措施:如果结果正确,无须加以修正,如果不想看到这个警告,可以改变设定的位数3.All reachable assignments to data_out(10) assign '0', register removed by optimization原因:经过综合器优化后,输出端口已经不起作用了4.Following 9 pins have nothing, GND, or VCC driving datain port - changes to this connectivity may change fitting results原因:第9脚,空或接地或接上了电源措施:有时候定义了输出端口,但输出端直接赋0,便会被接地,赋1接电源。如果你的设计中这些端口就是这样用的,那便可以不理会这些warning5.Found pins functioning as undefined clocks and/or memory enables原因:是你作为时钟的PIN没有约束信息。可以对相应的PIN做一下设定就行了。主要是指你的某些管脚在电路当中起到了时钟管脚的 作用,比如flip-flop的clk管脚,而此管脚没有时钟约束,因此QuartusII把“clk”作为未定义的时钟。措施:如果clk不是时钟,可以加“not clock”的约束;如果是,可以在clock setting当中加入;在某些对时钟要求不很高的情况下,可以忽略此警告或在这里修改:Assignments>Timing analysis settings.>Individual clocks.>.6.Timing characteristics of device EPM570T144C5 are preliminary原因:因为MAXII 是比較新的元件在 QuartusII 中的時序並不是正式版的,要等 Service Pack措施:只影响 Quartus 的 Waveform7.Warning: Clock latency analysis for PLL offsets is supported for the current device family, but is not enabled措施:将setting中的timing Requirements&Option->More Timing Setting->setting->Enable Clock Latency中的on改成OFF8.Found clock high time violation at 14.8 ns on register "|counter|lpm_counter:count1_rtl_0|dffs11"原因:违反了steup/hold时间,应该是后仿真,看看波形设置是否和时钟沿符合steup/hold时间措施:在中间加个寄存器可能可以解决问题9.warning: circuit may not operate.detected 46 non-operational paths clocked by clock clk44 with clock skew larger than data delay原因:时钟抖动大于数据延时,当时钟很快,而if等类的层次过多就会出现这种问题,但这个问题多是在器件的最高频率中才会出现措施:setting->timing Requirements&Options->Default required fmax 改小一些,如改到50MHZ10.Design contains <number> input pin(s) that do not drive logic原因:输入引脚没有驱动逻辑(驱动其他引脚),所有的输入引脚需要有输入逻辑措施:如果这种情况是故意的,无须理会,如果非故意,输入逻辑驱动.11.Warning:Found clock high time violation at 8.9ns on node 'TEST3.CLK'原因:FF中输入的PLS的保持时间过短措施:在FF中设置较高的时钟频率12.Warning: Found 10 node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks - node(s) analyzed as buffer(s) resulting in clock skew原因:如果你用的 CPLD 只有一组全局时钟时,用全局时钟分频产生的另一个时钟在布线中当作信号处理,不能保证低的时钟歪斜(SKEW)。会造成在这个时钟上工作的时序电路不可靠,甚至每次布线产生的问题都不一样。措施:如果用有两组以上全局时钟的 FPGA 芯片,可以把第二个全局时钟作为另一个时钟用,可以解决这个问题。第5条补充如下:5.Found pins functioning as undefined clocks and/or memory enables.可以忽略此警告 Assignments>Timing analysis settings.>Individual clocks.>. new Clock setting->注意在Applies to node中只用选择时钟引脚一项即可,required fmax一般比所要求频率高5%即可,无须太紧或太松。增加第13条:13.Critical Warning: Timing requirements were not met. See Report window for details.原因:时序要求未满足,措施:双击Compilation Report->Time Analyzer->红色部分(如clock setup:'clk'等)->左键单击list path,查看fmax的SLACK REPORT再根据提示解决,有可能是程序的算法问题或fmax设置问题ps:大家如果有什么难解决的warning也可以发上来讨论一下,如果有已经解决的疑难warning解决方法,也可以一起分享经验.上面的情况如有错误之处,欢迎拍砖14.Can't achieve minimum setup and hold requirement <text> along <number> path(s). See Report window for details.原因:时序分析发现一定数量的路径违背了最小的建立和保持时间,与时钟歪斜有关,一般是由于多时钟引起的措施:利用Compilation Report->Time Analyzer->红色部分(如clock hold:'clk'等),在slack中观察是hold time为负值还是setup time 为负值,然后在:Assignment->Assignment Editor->To中增加时钟名(from node finder),Assignment Name中增加和多时钟有关的Multicycle 和Multicycle Hold选项,如hold time为负,可使Multicycle hold的值>multicycle,如设为2和1。15: Can't analyze file - file E:/quartusii/*/*.v is missing原因:试图编译一个不存在的文件,该文件可能被改名或者删除了措施:不管他,没什么影响16.Warning: Can't find signal in vector source file for input pin |whole|clk10m原因:因为你的波形仿真文件( vector source file )中并没有把所有的输入信号(input pin)加进去, 对于每一个输入都需要有激励源的17.Error: Can't name logic function scfifo0 of instance "inst" - function has same name as current design file原因:模块的名字和project的名字重名了措施:把两个名字之一改一下,一般改模块的名字18.Warning: Using design file lpm_fifo0.v,