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Useful Expressions from How trees talk to each otherDirection:Here are some useful expressions from this units TED Talk.Read aloud the sentences and try tomemorize the useful expression(s)in each sentence.1.Im guessing youre thinking of a collection of trees,what we foresters call a stand,with their rugged stems andtheirbeautiful crowns.我猜你想的是一大片树,我们林业工作者称之为“林分”,它们有着遒劲的枝干和漂亮的树冠。2.a world of infinite biological pathways that connect trees and allow them to communicate and allow the forestto behave as though its a single organism一个有着无限生物通道的世界,其间树木相连,互相交流,使得整个森林好似单个生命体。3.I used to lay on the forest floor and stare up at the tree crowns.我小时候常常躺在树下仰望着树冠。4.Grandpa taught me about the quiet and cohesiveways ofthe woods,and howmy family wasknit into it.爷爷教会我了解树木间静谧而紧密连接的沟通方式,以及我们家族是如何融入其中的。5.So I followed in grandpas footsteps.于是我也追随了爷爷的脚步。6.Eventually,grandpa and I rescued the poor dog,but it was at that moment that I realized that that palette of rootsandsoilwas really the foundation of the forest.最终,我和爷爷救出了那只可怜的狗,但也就是在那时我意识到,正是树根和土壤的混合构成了森林的基础。7.I soon found myself conflicted by my part in it.我很快就发现自己与置身其中的角色发生了冲突。8.It seemed that nothing could stop this relentless industrial machine.看来什么都挡不住这种无情的工业机器。9.Cedar was in its own world.It was not connected into the web interlinking birch and fir.雪松则独善其身,未与柏树和杉树织成的网络建立联系。10.The C-13 andC-14 wasshowing me that paperbirch andDouglasfir were in a livelytwo-way conversation.碳 13 和碳 14 的流向告诉我,纸皮桦和花旗松之间的交流是双向的。11.So it turns out the two species were interdependent,like yin and yang.事实证明两个树种之间确实存在着有如阴阳之间的相依相存。12.At that moment,everything came into focus for me.那时那刻对我来说,一切都聚焦了。13.And I had found solid evidence of thismassive belowground communicationsnetwork,the otherworld.并且我当时已经找到了关于在那个世界中,树木的巨大地下交流网络的确凿的证据。14.I truly hoped and believed that my discovery would change how we practice forestry,from clear-cutting andherbicidingto more holistic and sustainablemethods,methodsthatwere lessexpensive andmore practical.现在,我真诚地希望和相信,我的发现能够改变我们的林业实践活动,能够让我们放弃皆伐和大范围的使用除草剂,转而采用一些更全面和更可持续的方法。这些方法更经济,也更实用。15.So how do we do science in complex systems like forests?那么我们对于像森林那样的复杂系统如何做科学研究呢?16.It turns out they were conversing not only in the language of carbon but also nitrogen and phosphorus andwater and defense signals and allele chemicals and hormones-information.结果表明,它们(两个树种之间)不仅交换碳,还交流包括氮、麟、水、防御信息、等位化学品和荷尔蒙等信息。17.Where the fungal cells interact with the root cells,theres a trade of carbon for nutrients.菌细胞和树根互动时是在以碳换营养素。18.Mycorrhizal networks have nodes and links.真菌菌根的网络有结点和连接线。19.We call those hub trees,or more fondly,mother trees.我们把这些叫做核心树,或者叫母树显得更有爱。20.So lets come back to the initial point.让我们回到最初的话题。21.I want to take a check on that 30 years later.我想 30 年以后再来检验一下。22.They have enormous capacity to self-heal.它们的自愈能力很强。23.We cant kid ourselves that these are too complicated to act on.我们不能以太复杂难以实施为由来糊弄自己。24.You see,most of our forests now are managed using a one-size-fits-all approach,but good forest stewardshiprequiresknowledge of localconditions.现在我们的大部分林业实践采用的都是一体通用的方法,但是优秀的森林管理员是需要具备关于当地环境情况的知识的。