庄子寓言及其智慧 (7).pdf
Module 6:On Other IssuesLesson OneModule Guide1elaborateTo explain or describe sth.in a more detailed way.2warfareThe activity of fighting a war,especially usingparticular weapons or methods.3eaveThe edge of the roof which overhang the face of awall and,normally,project beyond the side ofabuilding.4enlightenmentKnowledge about and understanding of sth.;theprocessofunderstandingsth.Ormakingsb.understand it.Lesson TwoAwareness of DangerFable 1The Mantis Getting the Cicada1mantisGreen insect with long body and large eyes,usuallyliving in warm regions.2cicadaA large insect with transparent wings,common inhot countries.3chestnutA smooth brown nut of chestnut tree,some types ofwhich can be eaten.4preyA creatures prey are the creatures that it hunts andeats in order to live.5manufactureTo make goods in large quantities,using machinery.6supplierAperson or company that supplies goods.Fable 2The Bad Wine of Lu Brought Warfare to Handan1emissaryAnemissaryisarepresentativesentbyonegovernment or leader to another.2viciousViolent and cruel.3snobA person who admires people in the higher socialclasses too much has has no respect for people in thelower social classes.4insightAn understanding of what sth is like.5ubiquitousSeeming to be everywhere.6bilateralInvolving two groups of people or two countries.Fable 3The Oil Burns Itself Out1priorityIf something is a priority,it is the most importantthing you have to do or deal with,or must be doneor dealt with before everything else you have to do.2stumpThe base part of a tree that remains standing afterthe tree has been felled3fluidCapable of flowing and easily changing shape4aromaticHaving a strong pleasant smell.5cassia barkAromatic bark of the cassia-bark tree.6varnishAn oily liquid that is painted onto wood or othermaterial to give it a hard,clear,shiny surface7sapThe watery liquid in plants and treesLesson ThreeAcceptance of DeathFable 1Zhuangzi Sings upon his Wifes Death1grief-strickenIf someone is grief-stricken,they are extremely sadabout something that has happened.2condolenceWhen you offer or express your condolences tosomeone,you express your sympathy for thembecause one of their friends or relatives has diedrecently.3defianceDefiance is behaviour or an attitude which showsthat you are not willing to obey someone.4mourningMourning is behaviour in which you show sadnessabout a persons death.5transformationa qualitative change.6commentatoranexpertwhoobservesandcommentsonsomething.Fable 2Zhuangzi and the Skull1tapIf you tap something,you hit it with a quick lightblow or a series of quick light blows.2riding cropA short whip with a thong at one end and a handlefor opening gates at the other.3desiccatedThoroughly dried out.4retainTo retain something means to continue to have thatthing.5insatiableIf someone has an insatiable desire for something,they want as much of it as they can possibly get.6disgracefulIf you say that something such as behaviour or asituationisdisgraceful,youdisapproveofitstrongly,andfeelthatthepersonorpeopleresponsible should be ashamed of it.7monarchThe monarch of a country is the king,queen,emperor,or empress.Fable 3Zhuangzi Was about to Die1lavishIf you describe something as lavish,you mean that itis very elaborate and impressive and a lot of moneyhas been spent on it.2burialThe act or ceremony of putting a dead body into agrave in the ground.3ConstellationA group of stars which form a pattern and have aname.4vultureAlarge bird that eats the flesh of dead animals.5groundlessWithout a basis in reason or fact6unprovenNot definitely proved to be true.7skepticalHaving doubts about sth.8decryExpress strong disapproval of sth.9solemnityAtrait of dignified seriousness.10undercutTo make sth weaker or less likely to be effective.11revereIf you revere someone or something,you respectand admire them greatly.12unsettledNot calm or relaxed.Lesson FourTolerance of Co-existenceFable 1The Turtle in the Mud1turtleAny of various aquatic and land reptiles having abony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming.2Ancestral templeAplace for ancestral worship.3divinationThe art or practice of discovering what will happenin the future using supernatural means.4caterProvide what is desired or needed,especiallysupport,food or sustenance.5diversifiedHaving variety of character or form or components.Fable 2Swallows Nest in the Eave1swallowSmall long-winged songbird noted for swift gracefulflight and the regularity of its migrations.2arenaAn area of activity that concerns the public,especially one where there is a lot of oppositionbetween different groups or countries.3competencyCompetence,the ability to do sth well or effectively.4enrichmentThe act of enriching someone or something or thestate of being enriched.Fable 3Yaos Question1primitiveA personwho belongstoanearlystageofcivilization.2righteousMorally right and good.3multilateralismThe policy of trying to make multilateral agreementin order to achieve nuclear disarmament.4unilateralismThe policy in which one country or group involvedin a situation takes a decision or action on its own,with out the agreement of the other countriesinvolved.Lesson FiveTheArt of LoveFable 1The Tiger Trainer1predatorAny animal that lives by preying on other animals2carcassThedeadbodyofananimalespeciallyoneslaughtered and dressed for food3ripTear violently.4confrontIf you confront someone,you stand or sit in front ofthem,especially when you are going to fight,argue,or compete with them.Fable 2The Horse Lover1stallionAmale horse,especially one kept for breeding.2manureThe waste matter from animals that is spread over ormixed with the soil to help plants and crops grow.3clamshellHaving a lid or other part that opens and shuts likethe shell of a clam.4groomIf you groom an animal,you clean its fur,usually bybrushing it.5startleIf something sudden and unexpected startles you,itsurprises and frightens you slightly.6swatHit swiftly with a violent blow.7obsessedHaving or showing excessive or compulsive concernwith something.8intrusionAn intrusion is something that disturbs your moodor your life in a way you do not like.Fable 3Entertaining a Seabird1MarquisA marquis is a male member of the nobility who hasa rank between duke and earl.2outskirtApart of the city far removed from the center3delicacyA rareorexpensivefoodthatisconsideredespecially nice to eat.4offeringA gift that people offer to their God or gods as aform of worship.5nutshellThe shell around the kernel of a nut.6illusionAfalse idea or belief.