庄子寓言及其智慧 (4).pdf
Module 3:On CraftsmanshipLesson OneModule Guide1ConfuciusChinese philosopher and educator whose ideas and sayingswere collected after his death and became the basis of aphilosophical doctrine known a Confucianism.2SocratesAncient Athenian philosopher and educator;teacher ofPlato.3PlatoAncient Athenian philosopher;pupil of Socrates andteacher ofAristotle.4craftsmanshipThe skill that someone uses when they make beautifulthings with their hands.5refineTo improve sth.By making small changes to it.6overwhelmingSo powerful that you cant resist it or decide how to react.7Cook Ding Carvingthe Ox庖丁解牛:dismember an ox as skillfully as a butcher;skilled and magical craftsmanship8Learning to Walk inHandan邯 郸 学 步:imitate others and thus lose ones ownindividuality9The Dragon-Slayer屠 龙 之 技:the skilled-art of slaughtering dragons-useless skill;Though having high attainments,the skill isunpractical.Lesson TwoThe Essence of CraftsmanshipFable 1:Cook Ding Carving the Ox1perfectionThe state of being perfect.2orchestraa large group of musicians who play a variety ofdifferent instruments together.3symphoniesa piece of music written to be played by an orchestra.4skeletalrelating to the bones.5makeupsThe makeup of something consists of its differentparts and the way these parts are arranged.6smashHit hard.7subtletyThe quality that sth has when it has been done in aclever or skillful way,with careful attention to smalldetails.8keenIf you are keen on something,you like it a lot and arevery enthusiastic about it.9Bestsellera book that has had a large and rapid sale.10distractdraw someones attention away from something.Fable 2:Swimming in a Waterfall1billowa very large wave.2alligator短吻鳄3eddya movement in water or in the air that goes aroundand around instead of flowing in one continuousdirection.4abideact in accordance with someones rules,commands,or wishes.5thriveIf someone or something thrives,they do well andare successful,healthy,or strong.Fable 3:The Dragon-Slayer1criticalextremely important because what happens in thefuture depends on it.2pragmaticA pragmatic way of dealing with something is basedon practical considerations,rather than theoreticalones.3sensiblyin a reasonable or intelligent manner.4prominentSomething that is prominent is very noticeable or isan important part of something else.5pioneeringPioneering work or a pioneering individual doessomething that has not been done before,forexample,by developing or using new methods ortechniques.Lesson Three:The Importance of PracticingFable 1:Catching Cicadas1Cicadaa large insect found in warm countries that producesa high continuous sound.2hunchbacka person who has a back with a large,round lump(=raised area)on it,either because of illness or old age,or the lump itself.3disciplea person who believes in the ideas and principles ofsomeone famous and tries to live the way that persondoes or did.4pelleta small hard ball or tube-shaped piece of anysubstance.5stumpthe part of something such as a tree,tooth,arm,orleg that is left after most of it has been removed.6irrelevantnot related to what is being discussed or consideredand therefore not important.7depictionthe way that something is represented or shown.8divertto cause somebody to change direction.9arduousrequiring great physical or mental effort;difficult toaccomplish;strenuous.Fable 2:No Distractions1faultlesshaving no mistakes.2authenticconforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief.3persevereto try to do or continue doing something in adetermined way,despite having problems.Lesson FourThe Influence of Internal FactorsFable 1:PerfectArchery1archerythe art or sport of shooting arrows.2tenetone of the principles on which a belief or theory isbased.3LieziLie Yukou,a famous thinker,philosopher,writer,educator and outstanding representative of Taoistschool in the Spring and Autumn Period.4Bohun WurenLie zis teacher who had taught him archery.5abyssa very deep hole that seems to have no bottom.6ascendto go or move up(a ladder,hill,slope,etc);mount;climb.7descendmove downward from a higher to a lower level.8perspireWhen you perspire,a liquid comes out on the surfaceof your skin,because you are hot or frightened.9endeavorIf you endeavor to do something,you try very hard todo it.10altercausetochange;makedifferent;causeatransformation.11reclaimto get back something that you have lost or that hasbeen taken away from youFable 2:Steering a Boat1steertocontrolthedirectionavehicleisgoing,for example by turning a wheel2YanHuiYan Hui is the most proud disciple of Confucius.Heis one of the ten philosophers of Confucius,the headof the 72nd sage of Confucius,one of the five greatsaints of Confucianism,and one of the editors of TheAnalects.3gulfa large area of sea partly enclosed by land.4treacherousIf you describe someone as treacherous,you meanthat they are likely to betray you and cannot betrusted.4uneaseIf you have a feeling of unease,you feel anxious orafraid,because you think that something is wrong.Fable 3:The Man Drinking Icy Water1contemplateIf you contemplate an idea or subject,you thinkabout it carefully for a long time.2adorelove intensely.Lesson Five:The Influence of External FactorsFable 1:Learning to Walk in Handan1Han DanHandan City,a municipality under the jurisdiction ofHebei Province,is located at the southern end ofHebei Province.2imitateIf you imitate someone,you copy what they do orproduce.3intriguingIf you describe something as intriguing,you meanthat it is interesting or strange.4traita particular characteristic,quality,or tendency thatsomeone or something has.5mentalitya persons particular way of thinking about things.Fable 2:Qing Makes a Bell Stand1summonto order someone to come to or be present at aparticular place,or to officially arrange a meeting ofpeople.2workmanshipthe skill with which something was made or done.3dismissto decide that something or someone is not importantand not worth considering.Fable 3:Recluses Who Dont Hide Themselves1reclusesa person who lives alone and deliberately avoidsother people.2immunenot affected by a given influence.3elaboratemarked by complexity and richness of detail.4restoretomakesomethingreturntoitsformerstateor condition.5solitudea state of social isolation.6dervisha member of a Muslim religious group which has avery active and lively dance as part of its worship.7hivea man-made receptacle that houses a swarm of bees.