复现并列结构的处理 (17).pdf
英译汉强调语气的翻译非正式口语体的翻译文学文体的翻译科技文体的翻译第一节强调语气的翻译文体分析CATTI 2014年上半年二级笔译试题英译汉第1篇人物特写,夹叙夹议全文有10段,共计412个单词,主要分为两个部分背景知识Silicon Valley,硅谷 University of California,Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校Laurene Powell Jobs,劳伦鲍威尔乔布斯第一节强调语气的翻译翻译方法分析 原理:利用非常规句法的结构产生心理刺激 共同点:把信息焦点放在最重要的位置 差异:原则不同:英语:末尾焦点原则、末尾着重原则汉语:末尾焦点原则 英汉强调句式不同第一节强调语气的翻译范例讲解(1)第2段:It was only later,when she was a freshman atUniversity of California,Berkeley,that Ms.Castro reada news article and realized that Laurene was SiliconValley royalty,the wife of Apples co-founder,Steven P.Jobs.(2)第7段第2句:Its not about getting any publicrecognition for her giving,its to help touch andtransform individual lives.第一节强调语气的翻译范例讲解(1)第2段:It was only later,when she was a freshmanat University of California,Berkeley,that Ms.Castroread a news article and realized that Laurene was SiliconValley royalty,the wife of Apples co-founder,Steven P.Jobs.直到直到后来,卡斯特罗女士在加州大学伯克利分校读大一的时候,才才从一篇新闻报道中得知劳伦原来是硅谷名人,是苹果公司联合创始人史蒂夫 乔布斯(SteveJobs)的夫人。第一节强调语气的翻译范例讲解(2)第7段第2句:Its not about getting any publicrecognition for her giving,its to help touch andtransform individual lives.她的付出不是不是为了博得公众认可,而是而是为了感化和改变一个人的生活。第一节强调语气的翻译练习中的背景知识夹叙夹议Steven King 斯蒂芬 金1963年11月22日第一节强调语气的翻译练习讲解(1)第1段第2句:In his new novel,“11/22/63,”it isa rabbit hole into the past that pops up in LisbonFalls,a woebegone corner of Maine.(2)第3段第3句:The Kennebec Fruit Companyisnt a curio for tourists;it sells oranges.(3)第16段第3句:The real events arent historical,theyre very small giving advice to a footballplayer,staging the school play,doing the Lindy Hopwith Sadie.第一节强调语气的翻译练习讲解(1)第1段第2句:In his new novel,“11/22/63,”it isa rabbit hole into the past that pops up in LisbonFalls,a woebegone corner of Maine.在他的最新作品11/22/63当中,这样的事情就是就是通过兔子洞穿越到美国缅因州一个破败的角落:里斯本福尔斯(Lisbon Falls)。第一节强调语气的翻译练习讲解(2)第3段第3句:The Kennebec Fruit Companyisnt a curio for tourists;it sells oranges.肯纳贝克果品公司(Kennebec Fruit Company)尚未变成一个观光胜地,而是在出售柑橘。第一节强调语气的翻译练习讲解(3)第16段第3句:The real events arent historical,theyre very small giving advice to a footballplayer,staging the school play,doing the Lindy Hopwith Sadie.他们之间的事情没有什么历史意义,很琐碎,无非是给一名橄榄球运动员提提建议、组织学校演出、跳跳林迪舞而已。第一节强调语气的翻译本节总结本节总结 识别英文中的强调语气时,除了要注意强调句式之外,还要根据末尾焦点和末尾着重两个原则去判断。末尾焦点原则对汉语也起作用,但末尾着重原则对汉语影响比较小。我们可以根据目的语表达强调语气的原则来调整重要信息的位置,还可以通过词汇或句法手段来强调重要信息。此外,英汉两种语言都有表示强调的句式。在翻译强调语气时,要根据语境准确挑选强调句式,使上下文衔接紧密、连贯。第一节强调语气的翻译THANKS第一节 抽象意义的理想与表达主讲教师:王乐洋汉译英Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.SECTION ONE2 请输入标题Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.关键词/关键词/关键词/关键词Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.SECTION TWO3 请输入标题Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.关键词/关键词/关键词/关键词SECTION THREEPlease replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.Please replace the text,enter the content related to the title,or copy and paste directly.