精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上附件1:外文资料翻译译文包装对食品发展的影响一个消费者对某个产品的第一印象来说包装是至关重要的,包括沟通的可取性,可接受性,健康饮食形象等。食品能够提供广泛的产品和包装组合,传达自己加工的形象感知给消费者,例如新鲜包装/准备,冷藏,冷冻,超高温无菌,消毒(灭菌),烘干产品。食物的最重要的质量属性之一,是它的味道,其影响人类的感官知觉,即味觉和嗅觉。味道可以很大程度作退化的处理和/或扩展存储。其他质量属性,也可能受到影响,包括颜色,质地和营养成分。食品质量不仅取决于原材料,添加剂,加工和包装的方法,而且其预期的货架寿命(保质期)过程中遇到的分布和储存条件的质量。越来越多的竞争当中,食品生产商,零售商和供应商;和质量审核供应商有显着提高食品质量以及急剧增加包装食品的选择。这些改进也得益于严格的冷藏链中的温度控制和越来越挑剔的消费者。保质期的一个定义是:在食品加工和包装组合下,在食品的容器和条件,在销售点分布在特定系统的时间能保持令人满意的食味品质。保质期,可以用来作为一个新鲜的概念,促进营销的工具。延期或保质期长的产品,还提供产品的使用时间,方便以及减少浪费食物的风险,消费者和/或零售商。包装产品的质量和保质期的主题是在第3章中详细讨论。包装为消费者提供有关产品的重要信息,在许多情况下,使用的包装和/或产品,包括事实信息如重量,体积,配料,制造商的细节,营养价值,烹饪和开放的指示,除了法律准则的最小尺寸的文字和数字,有定义的各类产品。消费者寻求更详细的产品信息,同时,许多标签已经成为多语种。标签的可读性是为视障人士的问题,这很可能成为一个对越来越多的老年人口越来越重要的问题。食物的选择和包装创新的一个主要驱动力是为了方便消费者的需求。这里有许多方便的现代包装所提供的属性,这些措施包括易于接入和开放,处置和处理,产品的知名度,再密封性能,微波加热性,延长保质期等。在英国和其他发达经济体显示出生率下降和快速增长的一个相对富裕的老人人口趋势,伴随着更加苛刻的年轻消费者,他们将要求和期望改进包装的功能,如方便包揭开(百货配送研究所,IGD)。对零售商而言存在有一个高的成本,供应和服务的货架体系。没有储备足够的产品品种或及时补充库存,特别是副食品,如鲜牛奶,可能导致客户不满和流失到竞争对手的商店,这正需要保证产品供应。现代化的配送和包装系统,允许消费者在购买食品时,他们希望在他们想任何时间地点都能享用。近几年消费者的选择已在急剧扩大。例如在英国,20世纪60年代和90年代之间在一般超市的产品线的数量从2000年左右上升到超过18000人(INCPEN)。自20世纪70年代以来,食品卫生和安全问题已成为日益重要的关注和选择食物的驱动力。媒体所关注的一系列问题,如使用化学添加剂和食品污染事故已警示消费者,这些事件都是故意的,恶意篡改的,和在生产过程意外发生的。然而,许多消费者都没有充分认识到包装在维护食品安全和质量过程中的重要作用。明显更改之后的包装迅速推出,不仅为了保护消费者,而且为了品牌的一个效果,一直是许多预包装食品。另一个影响一直激励消费者注重保质保鲜、最小加工和对产品的原产地(OECD)的标准给予更多的关注。消费者直接通过他们的购买方式和它们所产生的包装废弃物对环境的影响。消费者购买包装作为产品的一部分,包装的重量,多年来,所包含的产品,相对下降。然而,消费模式产生了更大容量的包装,由于人口结构的变化和生活方式的变化,这些情况使得包装体积,而不是包装的重量,正成为吸引公众关注的关键。此外,朝预包装食品和食品包装服务的发展趋势,增加了塑料包装废弃物进入固体废物流的金额。零售商和制造商所使用的营销策略之一,是对环境的兼容性。然而,消费者往往混淆或发现它很难界定什么是对环境负责的或友好的包装。正是这种缺乏明确的含义,至今无法利用,以使零售商和包装公司获得竞争优势。消费者需要明确的信息来指导他们的行动,使大多数的人差异化。包装链的各部门负责解释的职能和自身包装的好处,厂家销售好的包装,他们的客户,产品的厂家,但这一特定的信息到达最终顾客相对较少。包装在现代快速消费品零售上的发展,反过来成了促使以满足其需求的演变的关键。最重要的发展为食品包装行业已出现大型零售集团。这些群体产生巨大的影响和控制生产什么,如何介绍产品和它们是如何分配商店的。大型零售商处理的包装食品杂货市场的主要份额对食品生产厂家相关的包装供应商施加相当大的影响。因此,重要的包装供应商充分了解市场需求和快速响应变化。此外,买方力量集中在零售层面是指制造商可能需要修改它们的分布和包装业务反应的结构变化的零售。论包装多种食品零售环境可考虑其在品牌竞争和零售物流中的作用。在食品销售流通中一个重要的关键,一个品牌的成功,或仅仅是生存在一个高度竞争的市场,包装起着至关重要的作用。包装设计创新存在于一线之间的竞争品牌的主要零售商和产品制造商,已在近年来推动巨大的零售增长,行业激烈的竞争和日益苛刻和复杂的消费者。在个人品牌/产品的基础上,成功取决于产品制造商的快速创新的反应的主要趋势。一个最有效的回应方式是通过独特的包装,这已经成为一个品牌成功关键因素。零售商自有品牌产品与制造商的品牌在几乎每一个产品类别竞争激烈。品牌差异化可以提高创新的包装设计,赋予审美和/或功能属性。包装在预测零售商的形象,赢得竞争优势方面起着重要的支撑作用。一般零售商自己的品牌形象的目的是积极的消息,如高品质的,健康的饮食,新鲜,环保意识还是物有所值的整体。例如,零售商是热衷于环保意识,推动部分为可生物降解、可堆肥包装成长的利基市场,他们正在使用它作为与客户的沟通点。包装与广告是密切相关的,但它远远超过了广告,重点是因为它每天在家里和在零售货架上向消费者介绍产品。商品显示,目前用一个有吸引力的或有趣的方式和媒体广告与包装的形象一致的包装设计也有利于促进品牌。品牌的拥有者是经常负责采购操作,促销活动的关键是通过利用有效的包装,存在多种返还优惠的方式,如免费额外的产品,退返现金,特别版,新的改进产品,铝箔新鲜包装。零售商的忠诚卡计划使用条码扫描信息购买和销售决策,对其产生了很大的影响。他们的任务是更好地利用这一信息消费行为为目的,并建立品牌忠诚度。零售商还可以使用此信息来评估新的包装设计有效性,返还促销和新产品销售。包装的作用在多个零售物流配送和店内商品有严格的限制。零售商是接受包装,降低经营成本,增加存货周转率,转化为吸引力商品显示器 - 如预组装或易于装配显示 - 满足物流服务水平(可靠性,响应速度和产品的可用性)。例如,联合运输销售点包装节省商店劳动力通过更快货架载荷,从而避免需要使用有潜在危险的不安全的切割工具,提供方便的机会,并减少了污染源的可能。总经销成本影响,通过对价格的影响(麦金农,1989)的需求总量。对于一些快速移动商品型产品,如巴氏杀菌奶,分销及零售商品成本产品总成本占高达50或更多的销售价格通常是一个相当大的比例。包装材料和容器还增加了成本而设计出最佳包装系统可以大大降低在零售连锁配送的成本。发展全球食品供应链意味着,许多生产点位置远离消费点,往往导致配送成本较高。通过改善供应链运作效率,进行分销成本控制是一个零售商竞争优势关键。零售商必须最大限度地发挥在分销渠道(西,1989年)的运作效率。分配目标是以最少的成本为客户提供必要的服务水平,最具成本效益后勤包装标识变得更加重要。配送成本领域,包括仓储,库存,运输,管理包装;仓储,库存,运输和储存劳动是零售商的主要成本区而运输,仓储包装食品制造商主要成本区。多种零售食品供应链效率依赖于零售商,食品生产商和包装供应商之间密切沟通。它还依赖于准确的订单预测可能的市场需求。信息技术大规模投资,使更紧密的供应链的整合,并通过电子数据交换(EDI),确保股票上刚刚在实时(JIT)的基础上移动商店,出售届满前条形码是一个代码,使全行业的零售产品单位鉴定通过一个独特的参考号码,主要应用在零售结帐电子销售系统(EPOS)。小学,中学和大专院校包装使用鉴定的条形码,使有效的分配管理和库存控制。 附件2:外文原文FOOD PACKING TECHNOLOGYPackaging is critical to a consumers first impression of a product, communi-cating desirability, acceptability, healthy eating image etc. Food is available in awide range of product and pack combinations that convey their own processedimage perception to the consumer e.g. freshly packed/prepared, chilled, frozen,ultra-heat treated (UHT) aseptic, in-can sterilised and dried products.One of the most important quality attributes of food, affecting human sen-sory perception, is its flavour, i.e. taste and smell. Flavour can be significantlydegraded by processing and/or extended storage. Other quality attributes thatmay also be affected include colour, texture and nutritional content. The qualityof a food depends not only on the quality of raw ingredients, additives, methodsof processing and packaging, but also on distribution and storage conditionsencountered during its expected shelf life. Increasing competition amongstfood producers, retailers and packaging suppliers; and quality audits of suppliershave resulted in significant improvements in food quality as well as a dramaticincrease in the choice of packaged food. These improvements have also beenaided by tighter temperature control in the cold chain and a more discerningconsumer.One definition of shelf life is: the time during which a combination of foodprocessing and packaging can maintain satisfactory eating quality under theparticular system by which the food is distributed in the containers and theconditions at the point of sale. Shelf life can be used as a marketing tool forpromoting the concept of freshness. Extended or long shelf life products alsoprovide the consumer and/or retailer with the time convenience of product useas well as a reduced risk of food wastage. The subject of Packaged productquality and shelf life is discussed in detail in Chapter 3. Packaging provides the consumer with important information about theproduct and, in many cases, use of the pack and/or product. These includefacts such as weight, volume, ingredients, the manufacturers details,nutritional value, cooking and opening instructions. In addition to legalguidelines on the minimum size of lettering and numbers, there are definitionsfor the various types of product. Consumers are seeking more detailednformation about products and, at the same time, many labels have becomemultilingual. Legibility of labels is an issue for the visually impairedand this is likely to become more important with an increasingly elderlypopulation.A major driver of food choice and packaging innovation is the consumerdemand for convenience. There are many convenience attributes offered bymodern packaging. These include ease of access and opening, disposal andhandling, product visibility, resealability, microwaveability, prolonged shelflife etc. Demographic trends in the age profile of the UK and other advancedeconomies reveal a declining birth rate and rapid growth of a relatively afflu-ent elderly population. They, along with a more demanding young consumer,will require and expect improved pack functionality, such as ease of packopening (The Institute of Grocery Distribution, IGD).There is a high cost to supplying and servicing the retailers shelf. Failure tostock a sufficient variety of product or replenish stock in time, especially forstaple foods such as fresh milk, can lead to customer dissatisfaction anddefection to a competitors store, where product availability is assured. Mod-ern distribution and packaging systems allow consumers to buy food when andwhere they want them. Consumer choice has expanded dramatically in recentyears. In the UK, for example, between the 1960s and 1990s the number ofproduct lines in the average supermarket rose from around 2000 to over 18 000. Since the 1970s, food health and safety have become increasingly majorconcerns and drivers of food choices. Media attention has alerted consumers toa range of issues such as the use of chemical additives and food contaminationincidents. These incidents have been both deliberate, by malicious tampering,and accidental, occurring during the production process. However, manyconsumers are not fully aware of the importance of packaging in maintainingfood safety and quality. One effect has been the rapid introduction of tamperevident closures for many pre-packaged foods in order to not only protect theconsumer but also the brand. Another impact has been to motivate consumersto give more attention to the criteria of freshness/shelf life, minimum processingand the products oringin.Consumers have direct environmental impact through the way theypurchase and the packaging waste they generate. Consumers purchasepackaging as part of the product and, over the years, the weight of packaginghas declined relative to that of the product contained. However, consumptionpatterns have generated larger volumes of packaging due to changing demo-graphics and lifestyles. It is the volume of packaging rather than the weightof packaging that is attracting critical public attention. In addition, the trendtoward increased pre-packaged foods and food service packaging hasincreased the amount of plastics packaging waste entering the solid wastestream. Packaging has been a key to the evolution of modern fast-moving consugoods retailing that in turn has spurred on packaging developments to meet itsrequirements. The most significant development for the food packaging supplyindustries has been the emergence of large retail groups. These groups exertenormous influence and control over what is produced, how products are pre-sented and how they are distributed to stores. The large retailers handle amajor share of the packaged grocery market and exert considerable influenceon food manufacturers and associated packaging suppliers. It is, therefore, important for packaging suppliers to be fully aware of market demand and respondquickly to changes. In addition, the concentration of buyer power at the retaillevel means that manufacturers may have to modify their distribution andpackaging operations in response to structural changes in retailing.Packaging for fast-moving consumer goods (f.m.c.g.) has been referred to aspart of the food retail marketing mix and thus closely affects all the othermarketing variables i.e. product, price, promotion, and place (Nickels & Jolsen, The discussion on packaging in the multiple food retail environment may beconsidered in terms of its role in brand competition and retail logistics.The role of packaging in brand competition. Packaging plays a vital role infood marketing representing a significant key to a brands success or mere sur-vival in a highly competitive marketplace. Packaging innovation and designare in the front line of competition between the brands of both major retailersand product manufacturers, having been driven in recent years by dramaticretail growth, intense industry competition and an increasingly demanding andsophisticated consumer. On an individual product/brand basis, success isdependent on the product manufacturers rapid innovative response to majortrends. One of the most effective ways to respond is through distinctive pack-aging, and this has become one key factor in the success of a brand. The retail-ers own brand products compete intensely with manufacturers brands invirtually every product category. Brand differentiation can be enhanced by drive the growing niche market for biodegradable and compostable packaging.They are using it as a point of communication with their customers.Packaging is closely linked to advertising but it is far more focused thanadvertising because it presents the product to the consumer daily in the homeand on the retail shelf. Merchandising displays that present the pack design inan attractive or interesting way and media advertising consistent with thepacks image also serve to promote the brand. The brand owner is frequentlyresponsible for the merchandising operation. A key to promotional activitiesis through effective use of packaging and there exist many kinds of on-packpromotions such as free extra product, money-off, special edition, new improved Bar code scanning information linked to the use of retailers loyalty cardschemes has made a big impact on buying and marketing decision-makingby retailers. Their task is to make better use of this information on con-sumer behaviour for promotional purposes and to build store brand loyalty.Retailers can also use this information to evaluate the effectiveness of newpack designs, on-pack promotions and the sales appeal of new products.The role of packaging in multiple retail logistics. There are tight constraintson physical distribution and in-store merchandising. The retailer is receptiveto packaging that reduces operating costs, increases inventory turnover, trans-forms to attractive merchandising displays such as pre-assembled or easy-to-assemble aisle displays and satisfies logistics service levels (reliability,responsiveness and product availability). For example, combined transit andpoint-of-sale packaging saves store labour through faster shelf loading, pro-vides ease of access to product thereby obviating the need to use potentiallydangerous unsafe cutting tools, and presents an opportunity for sourcereduce.The total distribution cost affects the total volume of demand through itsinfluence on price (McKinnon, 1989). For some fast-moving commodity typeproducts, such as pasteurised milk, the cost of distribution and retail mer-chandising is usually a sizeable proportion of total product cost representingup to 50 per cent or more of the sales price. The cost of packaging materialsand containers also adds slightly to the cost but design of the optimalpackaging system can significantly reduce cost in the retail distributionchain. The development of global food supply chains has meant that manypoints of production have located further away from the points of consump-tion, often resulting in higher distribution cost.Controlling distribution cost through improved operational efficiency inthe supply chain is a key to competitive advantage for a retailer. The retailermust maximise operational efficiency in the distribution channel (West, 1989).The goal of distribution is to deliver the requisite level of service to customersat the least cost. The identification of the most cost-effective logistical packagingis becoming more crucial. Cost areas in distribution include storage, inventory,transport, administration and packaging. Storage, inventory, transport andstore labour are major cost areas for the retailer while transport, storage andpackaging are the main cost areas for the food manufacturer.The efficiency of the multiple retail food supply chain relies on close com-munication between retailers, food manufacturers and packaging suppliers. Italso relies on accurate order forecasting of likely demand. Massive investmentin information technology has enabled closer integration of the supply chainand, through electronic data interchange (EDI), has ensured that stock movesto stores on a just-in-time (JIT) basis, and is sold well before the expiry date.The bar code is a code that allows the industry-wide identification of retailproduct units by means o