COMPANY LOGO中国俗语惯用语 Still waters run deep.流流静静水深水深,人人静静心深心深 Where there is life,there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望COMPANY LOGO1.白白马王子王子 Prince Charming2.傍大款傍大款 find a sugar daddy Lean on a moneybag3.包二奶包二奶 keep a concubine4.暴暴发户 an overnight millionaireCOMPANY LOGO5.门外外汉 Layman6.早早恋恋 puppy love7.纸里包不住火里包不住火 The truth will be out.8.占便宜占便宜 profit at others expenseCOMPANY LOGO9.冤枉冤枉别人人 do somebody wrong10.一一个个鼻子出鼻子出气气 sing the same tune12.一不做,二不休一不做,二不休。Be in for a penny,be in for a pound.13.一分一分钱一分一分货。One gets what one pays for.14.一一个个巴掌打不巴掌打不响响。It takes two to make a quarrel.COMPANY LOGO