TS16949系统解析与导入(PPT 88页).pptx
ISO/TS16949 品質管理系統解析與導入,主講者 : Jonathan Chang (張哲瑜)資深企業輔導顧問師,ISO/TS16949是什麼(1/2)?,汽車行業之品質管理系統要求標準由IATF, JAMA及ISO/TC176(技術委員會)所制定由五國督導辦公室: ANFIA (Italy), IAOB (USA), FIEV/ CCFA (France), SMMT (UK), VDA-QMC (Germany), 組織成IATF(國際汽車工業聯盟)驗證公司必須要登錄在其中任何一家, 始可執行TS16949之系統驗證ISO/TS16949內容以ISO9001:2000版為基礎並增定了汽車行業的具體要求, 及五大核心工具的應用適用對象為汽車工業供應鏈內之製造商, 包括板金 塗裝 電鍍 熱處理 控制及其他表面完裝服務供應者,ISO/TS16949是什麼(2/2)?,美國AIAG已宣告QS9000將於2006年12月撤銷(失效), 屆時由ISO/TS16949完全取代現有QS9000認證者, 須於上述時效前完成系統轉換與驗證, 否則自動失效目前ISO/TS16949管理系統為全球各大車廠認同及接受, 並逐步要求供應商建立與驗證各大汽車廠第一階供應鏈必須建立該管理系統, 其餘各階供應商依條款7.4.1.1之規定以滿足此標準為目標; 最低限度須取得ISO9001:2000之第三者驗證貴公司完成建立TS16949系統三年內, 所有協力廠及供應商最起碼均須通過ISO9001國際驗證,ISO/TS16949相關標準,ISO/TS16949 Quality management systems, 2002-03-01IATF Guidance to ISO/TS16949: 2002, edition 1Quality system assessment checklist to ISO/TS16949: 2002, ed 1Automotive certification scheme for ISO/TS16949, 2002-3-19ISO9004: 2000, Guidelines for performance improvementsISO19011, Guidelines on quality and/or environmental managements auditingISO10012-1: 1992, Quality Assurance requirements for measuring equipment-part 1: Metrologic confirmation system for measuring equipmentISO10012-2: 1997, Quality Assurance for measuring equipment-part 2: Guidelines for control of measurement processesISO/IEC 17025: 1999, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories,OEM廠對TS16949之要求,DaimlerChrysler require certification to ISO/TS16949:2002 by all suppliers by 1 July 2004.Ford & GM require certification to ISO/TS16949:2002 by 15 December 2006.PSA Peugeot-Citroen require certification to ISO/TS16949:2002 by 15 Decemebr 2003. Renault require certification to ISO/TS16949:2002 by 15 Decemebr 2003.Fiat require certification to ISO/TS16949:1999 or ISO/TS16949:2002 from now.Volkswagen require certification to either ISO/TS16949:2002 or VDA6.1.BMW require compliance to either ISO/TS16949:2002 or VDA6.1.Nissan, because of their link with Renault, require compliance to ISO/TS16949:2002.Other Japanese manufacturers dont require ISO/TS16949:2002 as a supplier approval process, but may reduce second party audits if an supplier is ISO/TS16949:2002 certified.,