.Teaching PlanTeaching Plan燕山学校燕山学校李雯李雯TeachingTeachingMaterialMaterialTeachingTeachingObjectObjectTeachingTeachingAimsAims1.Knowledge objects:to let the Ss know more details on how touse cormorants to catch fish.2.Ability objects:to let the Ss acquire the abilities of gettinguseful information from a text and summarizing a text accordingto some clues.3.Emotional or moral objects:to arouse Ss interests intraditionalChinese culture.ImportantImportantpointspointsDifficult pointsDifficult pointsTo retell the procedures of catching fish with cormorantsTeaching AidsTeaching AidsMulti-media computer and so on.Learning Procedures&Learning Procedures&ActivitiesActivitiesPurposesPurposesTraditional skills(reading)Traditional skills(reading)Grade EightTo know how fishermen catch fish with cormorants.Teaching ProceduresTeaching Procedures专业 word 可编辑.Step 1:Lead-in:Step 1:Lead-in:FreeFreetalk:talk:talktalkaboutabout1.Ask the Ss what will theyArouse Ss interestdo for their mothers onMothers Day?2.Taking Cindy as anand lead them toget into the topic ofcatching fish withMotherMother s sDayDaypresentpresent(6(6minutes)minutes)example,guess what willcormorants.she do for her mother?3.Arouse the question:How can humans get fishfrom water.Step 2:Fast reading:Step 2:Fast reading:Match the paragraphs withLet the Ss get themain structure of thepassage and mainideas of eachparagraph.ScanScanthethepassagepassagequicklyquicklytheir main ideas.and get the main idea of theand get the main idea of thepassage.(3 minutes)passage.(3 minutes)Step 3:While-readingStep 3:While-readingReadRead thethe passagepassage carefullycarefullyandandgetgetthetheimportantimportantpoints of the text.points of the text.1.a.Read the 1st paragraphcarefully and finish theIn this part,Ss willdescriptionDamin.ofWangbe familiar with thedetails of the text,b.Describe Wang Daminand also,they will专业 word 可编辑.according to the givenknowhowWanginformation.2.a.ReadtheDamin catches fish2ndwith cormorants.paragraph carefully andfind out the appearanceand special abilities ofcormorants.b.Describe cormorantsaccording to the giveninformation.3.Read the 3rdparagraph,and find out how WangDamin catches fish withcormorants.4.Read the last paragraphandansweraboutthethequestionstraditional skills.Step 4:SummaryStep 4:SummaryAskstudentstoanswerBy answering CindysCindys question again:Howquestion,Ss may专业 word 可编辑.can birds catch fish?(Somereview the main ideakey words are given on theand some details ofscreen.)the text.Step 5:DiscussionStep 5:DiscussionAsk students the following 3 According to the1.Compared with othercomparison,arouseways,whataretheSs love foradvantagesofWangtraditional ChineseDamins way of catching culture.fish?2.Do you know any othertraditionalskills?Whatare they?3.Howcanwekeeptraditional skills?专业 word 可编辑.