中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center医学与英语教育杨军林 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center英语专业现状英语专业现状全国近五年新增留学回国人员全国近五年新增留学回国人员54万余人万余人新华网,新华网,2012广东归国人员以每年广东归国人员以每年20%增长,并逐年递增,增长,并逐年递增,六成硕士,一成博士六成硕士,一成博士中国教育和科研计算机网中国教育和科研计算机网中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center目前国内英语教育目前国内英语教育主要课程:语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、主要课程:语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、外交、社会文化等基本理论知识外交、社会文化等基本理论知识专业方向:外事、经贸、文化、新闻、教育、专业方向:外事、经贸、文化、新闻、教育、研究、旅游研究、旅游(师范、翻译、商务三大就业方向)(师范、翻译、商务三大就业方向)中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center就业形势就业形势非英语专业学生英语水平提高非英语专业学生英语水平提高近一亿成人和近近一亿成人和近3亿中小学生学英语亿中小学生学英语留学归国人员增多留学归国人员增多具备单一英语技能的人才具备单一英语技能的人才就业需求饱和就业需求饱和中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center英语英语法学法学计算机科学与技术计算机科学与技术会计学会计学国际经济与贸易国际经济与贸易工商管理工商管理英语专业连续英语专业连续3年跻身失业榜前十年跻身失业榜前十英语与法学专业位居失业榜首,均为9万人2011年新浪教育新浪教育中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center知识的知识的有机融合有机融合专业性学科专业性学科有所了解有所了解目标是目标是朝阳产业朝阳产业英语技能熟练英语技能熟练复合型人才复合型人才ADBC英语专业人才英语专业人才+非英语专业知识非英语专业知识市场需求大市场需求大中国教育在线中国教育在线,2012中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center“朝阳”专业特点全球各国重视不可替代领域可长期且稳定发展结构复杂,涉及领域广阔 社会&人类 息息相关 医学中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center专业回报专业回报数据来源:新华社数据来源:新华社2012中国大学生就业调查中国大学生就业调查大学大学毕业生收入生收入医学英医学英语专业收入水平收入水平处于于高薪高薪阶层2540元/月2676元/月8000元/月20000元/月英英语专业收入收入医学英医学英语口口译收入收入医学英医学英语同同传收入收入中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center学习医学英语的瓶颈是什么?学习医学英语的瓶颈是什么?没有医学没有医学专业知识专业知识没有实际没有实际医疗语境医疗语境中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center10医学专业分支广泛医学专业分支广泛生命科学生命科学医学医学临床医学临床医学外科学外科学骨科学骨科学脊柱脊柱外科外科学学我院临床医学我院临床医学设有设有69个专科个专科专业间分工精细专业间分工精细学科跨度大学科跨度大中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center骨科的特点骨科的特点创伤、关节、脊柱、肿瘤显微、小儿、运动等 分科广泛最难、技术要求最高的专科脊柱中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center脊柱侧弯手术是骨科最大最难的手术代表脊柱最高水平脊柱侧弯中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center高风险高风险高并发症高并发症高额费用高额费用 团队的力量胜于一个医生的能力脊柱侧弯“三高”1501258170中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterNutritionalSpine SurgeryChest SurgeryVascular SurgeryRehabiliationNeurosurgeryPlastic surgeryUltrasound RadiologyCardiologyPediatric RespiratoryAnesthesiologyNeuromonitoring SICU&PICUOperation RoomRespiratory Function Test Lab including 17 departments over 50 specialistsScoliosis Team in China(2008)中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterSingapore National HospitalSingapore Central HospitalTaiwan Spine CenterUSA Barnes-Jweish HospitalDanmarkAarhus University HospitalEnglandNottingham University HospitalJapanNagoya City Hospital Team Exchange at international scoliosis center Team Specialized in Spinal Deformity中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterPeter NewtonLenke Ogilvie,U.S.A Cody,DenmarkMichael Ogen,Austria Monica BRAZIL,Dr.Morcuende,U.S.AManbu Ito&Yuichiro Abe.Japan Vallespir,SpainImprove our Effective&Feasiable GuidelineOverseas Specialists Visit Our CenterPeter Newton 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterSevere Kyphoscoliosis T T5 5-7 7 VCR VCR(one stage)(one stage)M,27 ysPre:FVC22%,FEV120%H-traction 4 ms:FVC28%FEV122%7575165155Pre-opPost-op 2ys FVC 30%中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center856759168111172 F,31 ys Pre:FVC 24%FEV1 22%Severe Kyphoscoliosis T4-6 VCR (one stage)Pre-opPost-op 2ys FVC 30%中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterSevere Kyphoscoliosis T6-T12 SPO(One stage)F,F,11ys,11ys,AISAIS129132Pre-op 11565Traction 72 45Post-op 4ys Pre-Traction:FVC%24%,FEV127%Delayed spinal cord injury 5 hour after op at SICU department release correctionFVC 30%中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center1606417062F,7yspre-op:Incomplete paralysis FVC 21%post-op:Normal muscle powerSevere Congenital Kyphoscoliosis one stage T6-7 VCR(SCEP only)pre-op post-op 6mons FVC 30%+Paralysis 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterM,15yspre-op:Incomplete paralysispost-op:Normal muscle power96964545Severe Congenital Scoliosis with Paralysis pre-op post-op one stage T4-5 VCR(SCEP only)Paralysis 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center11034 Severe Kyphoscoliosis with Chiari deformity T3-4 VCR(one stage)(one stage)M,21ysSpine Cord Deformity 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center Severe Scoliosis with Bone Diastematomyelia F,10ys,One Stage T11VCR Coni medullaris at L4,no adhesion T11-L2 bone diastematomyelia T2-T5 Central canal dilation,spinal canal dilation below T9 with sacral canal cyst Post Op:normal neural functionPre-opPost-op 3ys 110554628Spine Cord Deformity 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center Severe Kyphoscoliosis with DiastematomyeliaF,17ys,One Stage T12 VCR EP:Left abnormal Right normal 1251406162Pre-opPost-op 6mons Spine Cord Deformity 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterSevere Kyphoscoliosis with Syringomyelia F,13ys,One Stage T7 VCRPre-op:FVC40%FEV1 43%pre-op post-op 1221355553Spine Cord Deformity 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center lM,16ys,One Stage T6-12 SPOlPre.:left abdominal reflex normal neural examinationlPost.:normal neural examination Severe Scoliosis with cavernous hemangiomaPre-opPost-op 2ys 78812623Spine Cord Deformity 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Centermyelomeningocele86 Severe Neurofibromatosis Scoliosis with myelomeningocele M,14ys,One Stage L2 VCRPre-Op:Normal neural examPost-Op:Normal neural examPre-opPost-op 1ys 7Spine Cord Deformity 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center M,10ys Paralysis after 1st op in other hospital Incomplete paralysis after implant removal 3rd op in our hospital,neural deficit recoveredCongenital Scoliosis Revision Pre-opPost-op3ys94804045T5-6 VCR(one stage)Revision中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterSevere Congenital Kyphocoliosis Revisionone stage L2-3 VCR(The fourth correction)10710712812843432525pre-op post-op 6mons M,19ysRevision中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterSevere Congenital Kyphoscoliosis Revision T11-L1 VCR(one stage)Revision16016011611670706363pre-op M,14yspost-op 6mons 中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterT6-T9 SPO+T11 VCR(one stage)127100100347630Severe KyphoscoliosisM,25y,AISscoliosis apex:T8,L1 kyphosis apex:T11 Post-op 2ys Pre-opKyphosis ApexScoliosis Apex中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterSevere KyphoscoliosisT8-T11 SPO+T12 VCR(one stage)123123120120109109616153535757pre-op post-op M,15ysscoliosis apex:T10,L2 kyphosis apex:T12 Kyphosis ApexScoliosis Apex中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center150125163817060Severe KyphoscoliosisT9-10 VCR+T5-8 SPO+T12-L3SPO(one stage)M,21ysscoliosis apex:T7,L2 kyphosis apex:T10 pre-op post-op Kyphosis ApexScoliosis Apex中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center中心国际化发展障碍中心国际化发展障碍国际深层次交流不仅限于书面与幻灯手术深层次交流实时细节即可深入探讨中心技术现成为国际一流、国内领先的团队中心技术现成为国际一流、国内领先的团队中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center解决障碍的瓶颈是什么?解决障碍的瓶颈是什么?没有实际没有实际医疗语境医疗语境没有语言没有语言教学技能教学技能中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center没有语言没有语言教学技能教学技能没有实际没有实际医疗语境医疗语境没有医学没有医学专业知识专业知识医疗专业和英语专业结合的共同瓶颈医疗专业和英语专业结合的共同瓶颈中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center未来展望未来展望创建共同语境,互利共赢创建共同语境,互利共赢空有空有语言言环境境无展无展现舞台舞台侧弯中心侧弯中心进一步发展需要进一步发展需要英语学习英语学习增强除自身专业外的竞争力增强除自身专业外的竞争力语境语境医学医学英语英语教学教学中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center脊柱医学英语人才市场需求脊柱医学英语人才市场需求国内大型国内大型国内大型国内大型国际脊柱会议国际脊柱会议国际脊柱会议国际脊柱会议200200人次人次人次人次300300场场场场/年年年年国外脊柱会议多国外脊柱会议多国外脊柱会议多国外脊柱会议多设中文专场设中文专场设中文专场设中文专场5050场场场场/年年年年大型国外企业组大型国外企业组大型国外企业组大型国外企业组织国外脊柱教授织国外脊柱教授织国外脊柱教授织国外脊柱教授组办会议交流组办会议交流组办会议交流组办会议交流100100场场场场/年年年年中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center我中心每年举办国际脊柱畸形高峰论坛Lenke U.S.ACody,DenmarkMichael Grevitt,U.K每年国际多位脊柱专家到我中心参观每年国际多位脊柱专家到我中心参观在我中心的机会在我中心的机会中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center 脊柱医学的大舞台脊柱医学的大舞台与国际顶尖教授与国际顶尖教授交流联系平台交流联系平台其他医疗专业其他医疗专业扩展平台扩展平台共享医疗共享医疗资源平台资源平台中山大学附属第一医院中山大学附属第一医院 脊柱侧弯中心脊柱侧弯中心 The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis Center The first affiliated hospital of SYSU Scoliosis CenterThank You!WELCOME TO OUR SCOLIOSIS CENTERJun Lin Yang Ph.D./ProfessorDeputy Director of Orthorpaedics DepartmentDirector of Scoliosis CenterDirector of Xinmiao Scoliosis Treatment Base14thZhongshan Er Road,Yuexiu DistrictGuangzhou,Guangdong 510080Tel:+86-020-87755766-8236