第二部分第二部分x ray Fluorescence Spectroscope(XRF)X荧光成分分析荧光成分分析 1l某些物质被一定波长的光照射时,会在某些物质被一定波长的光照射时,会在一定时间内发射出波长比入射光长的光,一定时间内发射出波长比入射光长的光,如果这个时间比较短,这种光就称为荧如果这个时间比较短,这种光就称为荧光。荧光由一种能发荧光的矿物光。荧光由一种能发荧光的矿物 萤萤石石(fluosrite)而得名。而得名。l除了除了紫外光紫外光和和可见光可见光可能激发荧光外,可能激发荧光外,其它的光如其它的光如红外光红外光、X射线射线也可能激发出也可能激发出荧光,因此除紫外荧光或可见荧光外,荧光,因此除紫外荧光或可见荧光外,还有红外荧光、还有红外荧光、X射线荧光射线荧光等。等。21 方法特点方法特点2 分析原理分析原理3 仪器构成仪器构成4 WDS-XRF 5 EDS-XRF6 定量分析定量分析第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析31 方法特点(方法特点(1)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 XRF是一种最有效的无损成分分析手段之一。是一种最有效的无损成分分析手段之一。优点优点:(1)(1)速度快速度快,一般测定一种元素,一般测定一种元素(定量定量)需需1010100 100 秒;秒;(2)(2)可检测固态、粉末、液态样品可检测固态、粉末、液态样品,以及晶质、非,以及晶质、非晶晶 质等样品的化学成分;质等样品的化学成分;(3)(3)非破坏性测试非破坏性测试,不损伤样品,不损伤样品(但对于某些高分子但对于某些高分子物质,如有机物,则会引起颜色变化物质,如有机物,则会引起颜色变化);(4)(4)是一种是一种物理分析方法物理分析方法,分析元素范围,分析元素范围F F9 9U U9292,分析的浓度范围分析的浓度范围1ppm1ppm100%100%;41 方法特点(方法特点(2)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析优点优点:(5)(5)制样简单,制样简单,板状样品把被照射面加工成平面即可,板状样品把被照射面加工成平面即可,粉末样品经粉碎、压片即可;粉末样品经粉碎、压片即可;(6)(6)系系表表面面分分析析,一一般般测测定定深深度度为为范范围围,另另外外也也是是表表面面整整体体分分析析,即即分分析析整整个个照照射射面面范范围围内内的的元元素素种种类类和和含量;含量;Pros:Fast Non-destructive technique Performs elemental analysis High sensitivity,detects up to 50 ppm Can detect thin single or multi-layer films and measure their thickness.51 方法特点方法特点 (3)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析缺点缺点:(1)难以作绝对分析难以作绝对分析,因此定量分析时需参照标准物质,因此定量分析时需参照标准物质进行;进行;(2)原子序数低的元素原子序数低的元素,其检出限及测定误差都相对较,其检出限及测定误差都相对较大。大。Cons:Does not assist in obtaining chemical information Not applicable to identifying the first 11 elements.Interfering x-ray lines by matrix effects can possibly complicate analysis.61 方法特点(方法特点(4)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析样品要求及处理方法样品要求及处理方法:71 方法特点(方法特点(4)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析仪器外观仪器外观:依据光源系统的不同、探测方式的不依据光源系统的不同、探测方式的不同,仪器的大小、形状有一定差异。同,仪器的大小、形状有一定差异。81 方法特点(方法特点(5)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析光源光源:X X射线光源射线光源:白色白色X X射线。即具有各种波长的射线。即具有各种波长的X X射线,射线,可分析前面所列范围的所有元素。可分析前面所列范围的所有元素。放射性同位素光源放射性同位素光源:放射出的射线亦在放射出的射线亦在X X射线范围,射线范围,但能量是固定的。因此只能分析部分元素。但能量是固定的。因此只能分析部分元素。仪器的体积可以很小,最新型的相当于一个仪器的体积可以很小,最新型的相当于一个 计算器的大小。计算器的大小。同步辐射光源同步辐射光源:光源的能量更大,对后续的二次光源的能量更大,对后续的二次 射线检测很有利,所以分析精度更高,但仪射线检测很有利,所以分析精度更高,但仪 器造价很昂贵。器造价很昂贵。92 分析原理(分析原理(1)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 When the atoms in a sample material are irradiated with high-energy primary x-ray photons,electrons are ejected in the form of photoelectrons.This creates electron holes in one or more of the orbits,converting the atoms into ions-which are unstable.102 分析原理(分析原理(2)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 To restore the atoms to a more stable state,the holes in inner orbits are filled by electrons from outer orbits.Such transitions may be accompanied by an energy emission in the form of a secondary x-ray photon-a phenomenon known as fluorescence.112 分析原理(分析原理(3)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 The various electron orbits are called K,L,M,etc.,where K is closest to the nucleus.Each corresponds to a different energy level-and the energy(E)of emitted fluorescent photons is determined by the difference in energies between the initial and final orbits for the individual transitions.122 分析原理(分析原理(4)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 Characteristic x-ray emissions result in an energy spectrum that is a fingerprint of the element.So we can determine the element kinds in the sample.And also the intensities of the peaks in the spectrum are roughly proportional to the concentrations of the constituent elements.133 仪器构成(仪器构成(1)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析波长色散型XRF:WAVELENGTH DISPERSIVE XRF (WDS-XRF)通过分析样品在入射X射线作用下产生的二次X射线(荧光射线)的波长,来定性或定量分析样品的元素组成及含量。能量色散型XRF:ENERGY-DISPERSIVE XRF(EDSXRF)通过分析样品在入射X射线作用下产生的二次X射线(荧光射线)的能量,来定性或定量分析样品的元素组成及含量。143 仪器构成(仪器构成(2)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析WDS-XRF and EDS-XRF154 WDS-XRF(1)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析Wavelength dispersive XRF uses a crystal to separate the various wavelengths:for every angle of incident radiation,the only wavelength reflected to the detector is the one that conforms to Braggs formula:n =2d sin where is the wavelength of the x-ray radiation produced by the sample;d is a constant characteristic of every crystalline substance(i.e.the x-ray crystal);and is the angle on incidence of the x-radiation on the sample.164 WDS-XRF(2)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析The crystals and their planes often used are as follow.174 WDS-XRF(3)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析How to determine the wavelength:Detector is rotating when doing the wavelength determination,also the crystal is rotating by half speed.184 WDS-XRF(4)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 So,by changing the angle of the crystal,you can select any wavelength for specific elements of interest.Different crystal can be used determine different elements.When doing measurement,we often need to change crystals for the various elements,finally we can yield results in any form desired:qualitative,ratio,quantitative,graphic,etc.194 WDS-XRF(5)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 The relationship between the range of analyzing element and the crystals,and the 2 theta scanning range.204 WDS-XRF(6)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 Analyzing Procedure:Every element have a strongest X ray wavelength.In order to determine it,first we should measure the intensity of that wavelength.For example,strongest Line and their 2 position for Ni,Fe,&Ru,when detected by different crystal.214 WDS-XRF(7)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 Analyzing Procedure:In order to make the determination more accurate,we should also measure their accompanying peaks.224 WDS-XRF(8)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 Analyzing Procedure:234 WDS-XRF(9)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 WDS was introduced in the early 1950s.WDS spectrometer systems employ diffraction by a single crystal to separate characteristic wavelengths emitted by the sample.IN WDS,polychromatic radiations emanating from the X-ray tube impinge on the specimen and reject K,L,level electrons from atoms of the elements present in the specimen.This results in the emission of fluorescence radiation(K,L,.series lines)which are dispersed by an appropriate crystal according to the well-known Bragg equation.244 WDS-XRF(10)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 In order to measure x-rays of different energies(wavelengths),the position of the diffracting crystal and detector must be mechanically changed relative to the fixed specimen to alter the angles.To cover the range of X-ray wavelength to be measured,several different diffraction crystals must be utilized.The detectors used will often be a flow-proportional detector a gas-filled scintillator and photo multiplier tube 255 EDS-XRF(1)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 The second and more common method for analyzing obsidian is EDS-XRF.EDSXRF systems detect elements on the periodic table between atomic numbers 11(Na)and 92(U).Samples can be analyzed non-destructively with little or no sample preparation in minutes and in some cases seconds.Elements in concentrations from as low as a few parts per million to 100%may be analyzed in the same sample simultaneously.Accuracy of less than one percent relative error are attainable with comparable reproducibility265 EDS-XRF(2)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 Analysis by EDSXRF,like WDSXRF involves use of ionizing radiation to excite the sample,followed by detection and measurement of X-rays leaving the sample that are characteristic of the elements in the sample.However,unlike the crystal(wavelength)XRF,EDSXRF spectrometer electronics digitize the signal produced by X-rays entering the lithium drifted detector,and send this information to the PC for display and analysis.The Na to U spectral data are in the 1-37 KeV range.275 EDS-XRF(3)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析285 EDS-XRF(4)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 The high resolution lithium drifted silicon X-ray detectors provide low detection limits,few spectral interferences,and accuracy over a wide range of concentrations.These detectors are able to separate the electron energy coming from the sample into elemental components,which in turn are translated into ratio,qualitative,or quantitative elemental data in spreadsheet or word processor formats.Additionally,the tube voltages on EDSXRF are quite low and the entire instrument is plugged into a standard wall socket.WDSXRF requires filtered voltage at 220 V.295 EDS-XRF(5)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析Advantages:(1)NON-DESTRUCTIVEIn the vast majority of cases,analyzed samples are not destroyed or changed by exposure to x-rays.They can thus be saved for future reference or used for other types of testing that may be destructive.(2)MINIMAL PREPARATION Many samples can be examined with little or no pre-treatment.Many of the alternative techniques require dissolution procedures that are both time-consuming and costly in terms of the acids or other reagents required.305 EDS-XRF(6)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析Advantages:(3)FASTX-ray spectrometry enables chemical compositions to be determined in seconds.(4)EASY TO USEModern instruments run under computer control,with effective software to handle measurement set-up and results calculation.Tasks that once required the constant attention of a trained analyst can now be handled by skilled operators or even carried out by fully automated systems.315 EDS-XRF(7)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析Comparing with WDS-XRF WDS-slow,but accuracy is high.EDS-fast,but accuracy is low.WDS Quantitative is easier than qualitative.EDS both are same.Generally the differentiating ability of Wavelength is higher then that of Energy.325 EDS-XRF(8)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析Advantages of Energy Dispersion:*simplicity of instrumentation-no moving parts*simultaneous accumulation of the entire X-ray spectrum*qualitative analysis can be performed in 30 s,or so*a range of alternative excitation sources can be used in place of high-power x-ray tubes with their large,heavy,expensive and power-consuming supplies335 EDS-XRF(9)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析Advantages of Energy Dispersion:*alternative sources include,low power x-ray tubes,secondary monochromatic radiators,radioisotopes and ion beams.345 EDS-XRF(10)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析Advantages of Wavelength Dispersion:*resolution is better at wavelengths longer than 0.08 nm*higher individual intensities can be measured because only a small portion of the spectrum is admitted to the detector*with multichannel analysers sensitivity for weak lines in the presence of strong lines is limited because the strongest line determines the counting time*lower detection limits are possible356 定量分析(定量分析(1)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析 定定量量分分析析的的基基本本原原理理是是测测定定出出样样品品所所产产生生的的2次次X射射线线的的强强度度,然然后后与与标标准准样样品品所所产产生生的的2次次X射射线线的的强强度度比比较较,从从而而确确定定出出样样品品中中某某种种元素的含量。元素的含量。首首先先用用一一系系列列标标准准样样品品中中某某元元素素工工作作峰峰的的强强度作一条工作曲线。度作一条工作曲线。然然后后把把实实际际样样品品中中对对应应该该元元素素所所产产生生的的2次次X射射线线的的强强度度投投影影到到工工作作曲曲线线上上,即即可可得得到到样样品中该元素的含量。品中该元素的含量。366 定量分析(定量分析(2)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析一一般般对对于于5 59595之之间间的的定定量量效效果果最最好好。9595以以上上的的往往效果不是很好。在于标准物质选取的困难。往往效果不是很好。在于标准物质选取的困难。376 定量分析(定量分析(3)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析选线系选线系 一一般般对对Nd60号号以以前前的的元元素素用用K线线作作工工作作峰峰,Cd48号号以以后后的的元元素素用用L或或L线线作作工工作作峰峰,而而Cd48Nd60之间的元素则用之间的元素则用K或或L、L均可均可。测定方式测定方式定定时时计计数数法法:测测定定在在一一定定时时间间间间隔隔内内的的总总计计数;数;定定数数计计时时法法:测测定定达达到到一一定定计计数数值值所所需需要要的的时间时间 386 定量分析(定量分析(4)第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析标准样品的选择标准样品的选择 所所谓谓标标准准物物质质是是指指已已确确切切知知道道其其中中某某种种元元素素的的含含量量(化学分析数值化学分析数值)。标标准准样样品品与与未未知知样样品品必必须须由由相相同同的的处处理理方方法法制制成成,如如处处理理粉粉末末样样品品时时的的碎碎样样方方法法、压压片片方方式式、压压片片时时使使用用的的压压力力大大小小等等等等,必必须须为为相相同同的的条条件件;对对于于块块状状样样品品,则则要要求求样样品品必必须须有有一一平平整整面面,且且平平整整面面的的面面积积、表表面面光光洁度等必须相同。洁度等必须相同。39作作 业业第二部分第二部分.X.X荧荧光成分分析光成分分析1 Briefly shows the principal of XRF(WDS and EDS).2 Compares the WDS-XRF and XRD.40