MARVEL 品牌策略案例分析商业模式创新MARVEL 品牌概述商标简介品牌文化 漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美国的漫画巨头,与DC漫画齐名,于1939年创建;于1961年正式命名为Marvel;后于2009年12月被华特迪士尼公司收购;于2010年9月宣布中文名为“漫威”。漫威漫画旗下拥有诸多著名的角色,包括蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、美国队长、雷神托尔、绿巨人、金刚狼、神奇四侠、恶灵骑士、蚁人、复仇者联盟、X战警、银河守卫者等。2008年底,华特迪士尼公司以42.4亿美元收购Marvel Entertainment Inc.,获得了绝大部分漫画角色的所有权。2010年9月,Marvel宣布其正式中文名称为“漫威”。 漫威塑造的英雄集正直勇敢的品格、坚定顽强的信念、维护和平与正义的雄心于一身,是青少年的英雄梦的写照。产业链MARVEL 公司历程30年代 1934年,马丁古德曼创立RedCircle,开始出版通俗小说40年代 1941年乔西蒙和杰克科比创造的美国队长出版。50年代 二战结束,超级英雄题材衰落,恐怖和犯罪漫画引发社会对恐怖漫画的批判。大批漫画公司倒闭,60年代 1961年,斯坦李和杰克科比创作出神奇四侠很快漫威拥有了浩克、蚁人、蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、雷神等受欢迎的人物,具备了崛起的资本。70年代 1970年,漫威和DC打变相的价格战,最终获胜。自此,漫威的市场份额首次超越了DC。80年代 80年代初,美国漫画市场格局变动,成年读者成为消费主流,漫画的销售方式从报摊、药妆店分销,演变成专门的漫画店直销方式。漫画内容变得更黑暗,更成熟。 1980年,漫威宣布成立自己的影视公司Marvel Productions,主要从事动画出品。 1986年,漫威被新世界电影公司( New World Pictures )收购,后来又于1988年转卖给露华浓的总裁罗纳德佩雷尔曼。 90年代 1991年,漫威上市。 上市后的漫威大肆扩张,背上了巨大的债务。“漫威电影”(Marvel Films)成立。主要售卖版权(X战警的改编权被卖给了20世纪福斯,蜘蛛侠的改编权卖给了索尼。) 1991年,吉姆李、麦法兰等一批明星画家反出漫威自立门户,成立了Image公司。 九十年代中期,漫画业的泡沫破灭,大批漫画店破产关门,漫威的销售渠道受损,股价一路下跌。 1996年,漫威影业(Marvel Studios)成立。 新千年 2001年,漫威宣布退出CCA,比照电影的分级制推出了自己的分级系统。 漫威影业决定打造自己的电影宇宙,不再出售改编权。2008年的钢铁侠是漫威电影宇宙的第一步。2009年,迪士尼宣布以40亿美元的价格收购漫威。第一次危机二战结束后超级英雄题材衰落 社会对恐怖漫画的批判第二次危机20世纪50年代20世纪90年代设立自律条例CCA 委托渠道商美国新闻公司发行 DC旗下的分销商“独立新闻公司”代其发行转机:“神奇四侠”二战结束后超级英雄题材衰落 大量收购分销公司背负巨大债务 明星画家脱离漫威成立image公司 90年代中期漫画业衰败,漫画店破产,漫威销售渠道受损,股价严重下跌通过贩卖漫画人物版权来维持经营被迪士尼收购What are success factors underlying Marvels turnaround ?The Turnaround Years: Marvel Enterprises, Inc.MARVEL 公司周转monetizing the content library via licensing characters for use with media products (such as motion pictures, television, publishing, and video games) as well as other consumer products (such as toys, apparel, collectibles, and food). Managing the library of characters to foster long-term value,bring them to life, using motion pictures, television, animation, or toys.” Retaining some form of control over the creative processto ensure the quality of the content that featured Marvel characterswas the third main strategic dimension. 周边产品深入角色角色质量Marvels three divisions Each of its divisionscomic-book publishing, toys, and licensingwere run as distinct businesses, but the Marvel Universe provided a common theme to all activities.Comic-Book PublishingToys licensingCustomers Marvel toys were “primarily aimed at boys from four to 12 years oldtoys usually represent the first exposure of a child to a character. It determines whether its going to be thumbs up or thumbs down. If its thumbs up, then the likelihood of that child buying a T-shirt, a lunchbox, a backpack, and a pair of sneakers based upon that character is much higher. periodicals and graphic novels,13-23years oldMarvel maintained an “aggressive publishing schedule,” according to Gui Karyo, president of Publishing. About 60 periodicals appeared each month, and 100 to 300 graphic novels were published each year.magazinescollection“Were helping our licensees sell their products under a Marvel brand,” The licensing division licensed Marvels characters to a variety of media, including feature films, television programs, video games, animation, and destination-based entertainment (such as theme parks). Marvel also received fees from the sale of licenses for use in a wide variety of consumer products. 漫画出版玩具版权Comic-Book Publishing“One of the problems with our standard comic books is that its hard for new readers to get into them if theyre coming into a story laterthey dont have an opportunity to read the previous 30 years of comic books,” Karyo explained. “What we did with the Ultimate series is move to complete adventures in four to six magazines, so a new reader can come into the series and get interested in the whole story.” 与时俱进保持更新 统一风格 特点满足消费者诉求分销渠道传统零售网点漫画专营店订阅销售平台the direct marketadvantageplayed a crucial role.Specialty bookstores generally did not occupy premier retail locations, were often not managed as professionally as general bookstores and mass-market retailers, and had a very narrow customer base. carry many products on a monthly basis as comic-book specialty stores.disadvantageSales often benefited greatly from exposure in other media, particularly movies. The publishing division adjusted supply accordingly. “刺激消费 the comic-book publishing giants were engaged in a relatively friendly rivalryToy divisionMarvel收取的版权费是玩具销售总值的15%,同时因为活动玩偶占玩具授权收入的90%,这一笔交易对于玩具部的运行有着重大影响,同时Marvel的玩具部门负责为TBW进行其版权内角色的产品设计,市场营销和销售。In July 2001, Marvel had entered into a five-and-a-half-year exclusive licensing agreement with TBW, a Hong Kong-based independent company. Under this agreement, TBW licensed the right to manufacture and sell action figures that featured Marvel characters.以和TBM合作为例可以控制产品从设计到最终的管理和执行过程,保证产品质量control over the quality of the product, from design to final engineering and executionBe intimately knowledgeable about and aware of our characterswe know what they are all about, what their powers are, and what the story of their life is.对于自己的产品有更好的认识和理解BenefitsWe have toy designers, salespeople, and merchandising expertise. TBW is a manufacturing company. It is a perfect blend.现在玩具市场充满风险,而漫威的玩具部具拥有玩具设计师、销售人员和专业的销售知识,和TBW制造公司形成完美的融合1998年被Toy Biz公司收购,Marvel拥有大量的玩具业务经验In the early 2000s, Marvels toy division was widely recognized as one of the worlds foremost designers of action figures, action-figure accessories, play sets, and boys role-playing toys for the mass market. licensingLicensing represented a significant market opportunity. The licensing division licensed Marvels characters to a variety of media,also received fees from the sale of licenses for use in a wide variety of consumer products. 电影制片方保留发行时间和策略的权利,漫威保留商业销售权目前,超级英雄电影大致呈现出三足鼎立之势,漫威、福斯、索尼分别坐拥复仇者联盟X战警蜘蛛侠这三大当下最热门的超级英雄系列电影的版权。事实上,这三大系列曾经都属于漫威旗下,由漫威一手创造。从20世纪90年代开始,漫威将旗下电影权纷纷卖给各家电影公司 1986年至1996年期间,漫威旗下的多数超级英雄都被各家电影公司买走 索尼买走了蜘蛛侠毒液的版权 福斯买走了X战警神奇四侠死侍等版权 现如今电影版权分散在各家,超级英雄无法组队,再买回也很难“趣味“漫威角色版权归属图解s.w.o.t分析历史悠久,基础雄厚,资金充裕群众基础,现有角色深受喜爱(渗透到文化),待开发角色潜力大具备优秀的创作团体严格的质量把控机制S (strength)W (weakness)新角色不够深入人心审美疲劳技术创新不足版权分散s.w.o.t分析利用已有资源和商业模式制作电影开发有潜力的新角色O (opportunity)T (threats)竞争对手强势(DC)制作成本高漫威和DC对比: 漫威的主要在于商业电影,吸引观众眼球,DC的剧情更深刻有内涵,在反派的塑造上更为成功,比如小丑。 DC的电影策略上比较保守,版权只给了一个公司,漫威走的路线比较多 漫威公司的几千名动作英雄形象已被更有效地开发和拓展,同时又被迪士尼公司的发行网络在世界各地充分展现。除了有着惊人的票房回报的复仇者联盟和钢铁侠3,还有更多漫威品牌的新电影作品问世:复仇者联盟2、雷神2:黑暗世界、美国队长2并且电视、玩具、图书、游戏和服装等衍生产品也源源不断地涌现。 Marvel Studios executives were closely involved in the film development process and played a key role in relaying information on characters and story lines to studio partners. MARVEL 高管战略方向结合市场优势, 继续塑造已有的超级英雄形象,将其推向更高峰; 提高观众支持度,并在此基础上逐渐发展新的英雄形象,提高漫画的质量; 大力发展电影及漫画的周边产品,将人物形象投入到市场中。漫威逆转了传统地依赖漫画或者原始素材的人气开发电影的方式它可以反转,自由控制。比如,银卫的漫画销量虽然都低到停产,但是在漫威公布了电影拍摄计划后,漫画书又在2013年被重新出版,销量飙升。而漫威接下来的作品蚁人和谣传中的奇异博士都像之前的银卫一样默默无闻。而且单独就银卫而言,漫威也借此机会搭建起它的太空宇宙。end漫威的品牌在变得更加强大。 不断的成功让观众将漫威与品质相联。