Lesson 16.1. Chinese medicinal herbs2. four properties and five flavors3. the part used for medical purpose4. collection of herbs5. processing of herbs6. eliminating impurity/ removal of impurity7. mild/ moderate effect8. relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion9. astringing and checking10. lubricant purgation by softening hardness11. drying dampness to invigorate the spleen12. ascending, descending, sinking and floating13. channel/meridian tropism/channel distribution of medicines14. medication contraindication15. dosage16. pungent and warm herbs with the function of relieving exterior syndrome17. herbs for expelling wind and dampness18. eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism19. herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood20. herbs for eliminating sputum and stopping cough .1. The seasons and methods of collecting herbs vary with the parts used for medicinal purpose of the herbal plants.2. Processing of herbs refers to the preparation of crude herbs with water, fire, alcohol and vinegar.3. The aim of processing is to get rid of /eliminate/ remove impurity and make the herbs clean for the convenience of oral taking / administration and storage.4. The processing of herbs can reduce the toxicity,intensity and side-effects of herbs and reinforce the curative effect.5. Cold-natured herbs have the function of clearing away heat, purging fire, and removing toxins/detoxification.6. Cool-natured herbs have the same function with cold-natured herbs except that the former is milder.7. Hot-natured herbs have the function of expelling coldness, warming the interior and invigorating yang.8. Mild-natured/ Neutral herbs fall in between cool-natured herbs and warm-natured herbs.9. Herbs pungent in flavor have the function of dispersing and promoting qi flow and blood circulation.10. Herbs sweet in flavor have the function of tonifying, harmonizing and moderating.11. Herbs sour in flavor have the function of astringing and controlling.12. Herbs bitter in flavor have the function of drying dampness and promoting defecation.13. Herbs salty in flavor have the function of softening hardness for lubricant defecation.14. The functional tendencies of herbs are marked by ascending, descending, sinking and floating.15. Channel tropism means that certain herbs play a central role in treating certain disorders of the viscera and channels.16. Most herbs have to be used in combination except a few special ones used singularly/in a single way.17. Proper combination of herbs can reinforce the curative effects or reduce toxicity.18. Overuse of herbs with acute/strong toxicity will cause side-effects or intoxication.19. Special attention should be paid to the contraindication of herbs for medication in gestational period.20. The dosage of a singularly-applied herb should be small while the dosage of herbs in a compound prescription should be large. Lesson 17.1. Science of prescription/prescriptionology2. compatibility/combinative relationship3. prescription-formulating principle4. modification of prescriptions5. drug form and dosage6. sovereign, minister, assistant and guide7. toxicity of medicinal herbs8. moderating /neutralizing the property of herbs9. guiding action10. mediating all herbs in a prescription11. warming meridians to dissipate cold12. dispersing lung to relieve/sooth asthma13. flexible modification14. clearing away and dispersing stagnated heat15. modification according to symptoms16. processed herbs/prepared slices of Chinese crude herbs17. powder for oral taking18. medicinal extract for external application19. mixed/infused in boiled water for oral taking20. condensed extract .1. The science of prescription aims to study the compatibility, formulating rule, and clinical application of different herbs in a prescription as well as the pharmacology of compound prescription.2. Modification of herbs refers to the changes of prescription effect by adding or deducting/subtracting one or several herbs, or by changing the compatibility of different herbs in a prescription.3. The function and indication of a prescription vary with the modification of herbs in the prescription.4. The compatibility/combination of Mahuang and Shigao aims to clear away and disperse stagnated heat.5. Under the circumstances of unchanged main syndrome, one or several herbs could be added or deducted according to the changes of symptoms.6. Though there are certain rules for the formulation of prescriptions, the application of the prescriptions is very flexible.7. The advantage of decoction is that the effective elements can be easily absorbed after being taken.8. Herbs with the function of promoting sweating to relieve the exterior syndrome are not suitable for long-term decoction because the main substances of these herbs are volatile oil.9. For some fresh herbs, they are usually taken by extracting juice.10. Pills are commonly used in chronic diseases because they are slow in absorption. 11. The powders for external application, made by grinding medicinal herbs into minute substances, are often spread or pasted on affected areas of the body for topical treatment.12. Medicated wine can generally activate blood to dredge collaterals and expel wind to stop pain, so it is often used to treat rheumatalgia or pains due to sprain, etc.13. Exterior syndrome-relieving prescription, mainly composed of pungent herbs with the function of dispersing exterior pathogenic factors, is used to treat exterior syndromes.14. Mahuang Decoction is very effective in diaphoresis/promoting sweating, so it is used only to treat exterior-excess syndrome due to wind-cold.15. Guizhi Decoction is effective in expelling exogenous pathogenic factors from the skin and muscles and harmonizing yingfen and weifen /ying and wei aspect.16. Wind-expelling prescription is mainly composed of herbs with the function of expelling wind-cold or herbs with the function of eliminating wind-dampness.17. The herbs used in wind-expelling prescriptions are mostly bitter in flavor, warm and dry in property, and yang-lifting in function.18. Dampness-expelling prescription, mainly composed of herbs with the function of expelling pathogenic dampness, is used to treat rheumatism. 19. Heat-clearing prescription, mainly composed of cool or cold natured herbs, is used to treat heat syndrome and fire syndrome. 20. Purgative prescription, mainly composed of herbs with the function of purgation, is used to purge interior-excess.