吉林华桥外国语学院英美报刊选读(2010级)姓 名: 学 号:院 系: 专 业:英语(英方向)班 级指导教师:湛 霞 二一二年十二月批注在打印报告前删除The Impact of Different Thought Patterns upon American TV Subtitle Translation Methods-A Case Study of The Big Bang Theory(Times New Roman 小二 加粗 1.5倍行距) 中西思维方式的不同对美剧台词翻译方法的影响 -以生活大爆炸为例(仿宋 小二 加粗 1.5倍行距) 吉林华桥外国语学院Jilin HuaQiao Foreign Languages InstituteAbstract(Times New Roman 小二 加粗)Thought and language interact with each other, but the part each plays in the(Times New Roman 小四 1.5行距) relationship is not in the balance and thought plays a decisive role. Translation is not only a kind of linguistic activity but also a kind of thinking activity as well. The various thought patterns give rise to various language expressive forms and this is the origin of the problems we often encounter in translation, especially during the translation process of subtitles in American TV series. Those distinctive thought patterns, such as abstract thought patterns, linear structure, detached modes and so on, are all bringing some difficulties to the translation of subtitles.The first chapter of this thesis presents a careful analysis of the definition of subtitle and the translation of subtitles, which provides the precondition for the exploration in the rest chapters. Thought and language are closely interactive with each other. Translating process includes not only transfer from one language to another language, but also transfer from one thought pattern to another.The second, third and forth chapter are the major parts of the thesis. The second chapter definite thought pattern and the interaction between Chinese and Western thought patterns and discourses is interpreted in detail. Chapter three traces back geographic conditions and philosophy reasons contributing to differences in thought patterns between Chinese and English. Chapter four, in accordance with the Chinese and English thought pattern differences, this thesis provides some techniques on how to do the translation of subtitles well, including “Amplification”, “Omission”, “Reversing”.Key Words(Times New Roman 小四 加粗 1.5行距): thought pattern; subtitle; translation methods摘 要(仿宋 小二 加粗 1.5倍行距)思维和语言是相互作用的,但相互作用的双方在力量上是不平衡的。翻译不仅(仿宋 小四 1.5倍行距)是一种语言活动,更是一种思维活动。思维方式的不同形成语言表达形式上的明显差异,这是我们在翻译中经常遇到的问题,尤其是在翻译美剧台词的过程中。西方特有的思维方式如抽象思维、直线性思维以及个体性思维等都给字幕翻译带来了一定的难度。本文第一章详细讨论台词及台词翻译的定义,从而为后面的分析提供了基础。思维和语言是紧密联系,相互作用的。翻译过程不只是语际之间的转换,确切的说,更是不同思维方式之间的转换。第二三四章是论文的主体部分。第二章对翻译进行了定义,分析英汉思维方式的主要不同之处。第三章从地理及哲学角度追溯了造成英汉两种思维方式差异的根源。第四章通过举例探讨了在翻译过程中如何调整差异以适应汉语的表达习惯,根据思维方式的差异,提供一些英汉翻译的技巧。主要有增译法,减译法,倒译法。关键词:中西思维方式;台词;翻译方法The Impact of Different Thought Patterns upon(Times New Roman 小二 加粗 单倍行距) American TV Subtitle Translation Methods1. Introduction(Times New Roman三号 加粗 单倍行距)Subtitles are frequently used by movies or TV series with the aim to ensure a good(Times New Roman 小四 单倍行距) understanding of the target audiences. Since translated subtitles become the major way for the foreign audiences to get the information, translation of subtitles is raised to the urgent agenda of the translation studies.2. Subtitle and Translation of Subtitle2.2 Definition of Subtitle(Times New Roman四号 加粗 单倍行距)2.3 Translation of Subtitle3. Thought Pattern3.1 Definition of Thought Pattern3.2 Contrastive Studies of Chinese and Western Thought Patterns3.2.1 Concrete Thought Patterns and Abstract Thought Patterns(Times New Roman小四 加粗 单倍行距)1) 2) 3) 4) 3.2.2 Cyclical Structure and Linear Structure3.2.3 Collectivistic Modes and Detached Modes4. Conclusion Bibliography(Times New Roman 小二 加粗 单倍行距)1 David E. Cooper. Philosophy and the Nature of Language, Longman Group(Times New Roman 小四 1.5行距) Ltd, 1973.2 Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture and Translation. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1997.3 R. Flesch. The Art of Plain Talk, Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1946.4 Samovar, Larry A. and Porter, Richard E. Communication Between Cultures, New York: Wadsorth Publishing Company, 1995.5 Xu Yuanchong. Book of Poetry. Changsha: Hunan Publishing House, 1992.6 包惠南,文化语境与语言翻译. 中国对外翻译出版公司,2001(仿宋 小四 1.5行距)参考书目的体例和标点符号必须按照所给范例标注。.7 陈定安,英汉比较与翻译. 中国对外翻译出版公司,1998.8 邓炎昌,刘润清,语言与文化. 外语教学与研究出版社,1995.9 季羡林,东西文化议论集. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.10 连淑能,“论中西思维方式”J .外语与外语教学,2002(02):41-46.