精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外文翻译附录1基于PLC的控制系统在污水处理中的应用介绍了以PLC为核心的分布式控制系统在污水处理系统中的应用。具体叙述了控制系统的结构、任务分配及实现、控制方式和程序设计思想.控制系统采用集中监测管理、分散控制的方式,上位机负责现场设备的远程控制和监视,软件采用Intouch7. 0编制。PLC本地站负责对具体的工艺、设备、主要被控参数进行控制及采集各种运行数据,程序设计采用具有在线跟踪和离线仿真功能Concept 2. 2XL软件。上位机与PLC之间采用组网简单、运行速度快、通信稳定性强的MB+网 。整个控制系统成功地解决了PLC在污水处理中的自动化控制问题,提高了污水处理设备运行效率和管理水平。近年来,为了实现高质量、低消耗、稳定可靠的运行。国内外许多污水处理厂采用了现代先进控制技术和计算机技术,从而构成计算机监督、控制、管理系统.使系统优化运行。而可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)则是以微处理器为核心。综合了计算机技术自动控制技术和通信技术而发展起来的一种新型、通用的自动控制装置。具有结构简单、性能优越、可靠性高、灵话通用、易于编程、使用方便等优点等。银川市第一污水处理厂采用了SBR工艺及以PLC为核心的控制系统,日处理污水10 x 104 t处理后的达标污水可用于农业灌溉。1 控制系统结构控制系统采用“集中监测管理,分散控制”的方式。模拟屏、上位机、集线器、打印机位于中控室,二台PLC位于控制现场。采用这种结构可使生产过程中的信息能够集中管理,以实现整体操作、管理和优化。同时,也使得控制危险分散,提高系统可靠性。1.1上位机 中控室的两台上位计算机采用PII级工控机,运行WindowsNT操作系统。上位机负责现场设各的远程控制(全自动控制、自动控制、点动控制)和监视,利用Intouch7. 0工程软件包提供良好的人机对话界而,以查询方式从PLC获取有关参数和设备状态信息,以棒图形式在CRT上直观显示出来,同时打印必要的数据,供主控及管理人员指导生产。监控界而包括系统总图、系统分图、模拟量一览表、参数设置、报警窗、历史趋势、登录窗等界而.在系统总图里,运行人员能够监视所有控制设备的运行状态、设备事故及液位、流量等信号.在系统分图里,操作人员能够对所有控制设备进行单机点动运行操作、成组自动运行操作或全厂全自动操作并监视。同时上位机2兼做编程器.中控室另设置一个镶嵌式模拟屏,由上位机1控制,用以直观显示全厂工艺流程及主要参数值。1.2 PLC站 根据污水处理的二部分,现场设备的远程控制输出和现场信号采集由二个PLC木地控制站完成。PLC1本地控制站控制格栅、污水提升泵房、曝气沉砂池等预处理部分。PLC2本地控制站控制污泥脱水、压滤机等部。PLC3本地控制站控制SBR生物处理部分.另外,在现场本地控制站各设1台操作终端设各,负责在本地对现场设各的控制(自动控制、点动控制)。 现场各个监控点的物理参数,包括水位、温度、流量、转速、电流等模拟量,由对应的一次仪表传感器或变送器检测出来并转变为420 mA电流信号,经屏蔽电缆送到各个子系统的PLC内,由PLC通过各种模块接口采样电信号。同样,模拟量控制信号由PLC输出后以420mA电流形式送到执行机构,控制执行机构的动作。 施耐德公司的Modicon Quantum系列PLC为满足开放的、基于标准的网络连接和现场总线连接等应用技术提供了多种网络选择,支持Modbus,Mod-bus Plus(MB+),远程I/0, TCP/IP等网络连接,具有较强的灵活性。因此,污水处理中用到的PLC选用施耐德的Modicon Ouantum系列。1.3通信 MB+协议是Modicon公司推出的一个开放式的采用IEEE802. 4令牌协议的现场总线通信5协议。MB+网络同其他网络相比具有组网简单、投资少、网络速度快、通信稳定性强等特点,它使计算机、控制器和其他数据源通过使用双绞线或光缆在整个网络上作为同位体进行通信。而Modicon Quantum系列PLC的CPU模块含有MB+通信口,因此,通信网络选用MB+网络.中控室的两台上位机、二个PLC本地控制站通过MB+网络连接在一起。PLC的CPU模块通过MB+通信口与两台上位机进行数据交换,采集上位监控系统的各种操作指令及现场检测信号和数据,经过分析处理,通过输出模块向控制对象输出控制信号;同时,PLC通过MB+网向上位机返回各种数据,上位机对数据进行运算处理,显示各种信号和打印各种报表。2 PLC控制程序设计 系统有四种控制方式:本地手动控制,单一台设备点动控制,成组设备自动控制,全厂设备全自动控制。前二种方式一般只在设各调试或维修时使用,系统主要以全自动控制方式运行。在这种方式下,所有各类设备都由PLC按照预先编制的程序自动控制,不需要操作人员干预.各种现场数据通过PLC传至上位机,在上位机上描绘出来,使全厂的工艺、设备运行得到全面的控制。PLC3站控制的生物处理部分是整个污水处理的关键部分,限于篇幅,仅以PLC3站的程序设计为例。2.1控制过程PLC3站用来控制从污水进入曝气池到处理后的污水流出曝气池的整个过程。在这个过程中,包括控制各种阀、泵、风机的顺序及定时开关和风机的转速调节等。曝气池是污水处理的核心构筑物,污水在池中是通过微生物的生物氧化作用来去除有机物的,水中氧的含量对污水的处理效果是至关重要的。根据SBR工艺要求,曝气池内的溶解氧含量通常控制在13 mg/L范围内,在曝气阶段末溶解氧含量应不超过2 mg/L.含氧量过低或过高,均会影响出水质量。对日处理10 x 104 t的4组8池模式的SBR反应池,每组反应池配一台由变频器控制的风机,用于向两个曝气池轮流曝气供氧。在每个曝气池的不同地点设4块溶解氧测试仪,测量池中污水的含氧量,PLC每隔5 min检测一次曝气池内的溶解氧值,根据溶解氧的平均值来控制风机转速。若溶解氧低于设定下限时,调频风机转速增加5 % ;若溶解氧高于设定上限时,调频风机转速降低5 %.这样,就实现了曝气池供氧量的自动调节,既避免了不必要的能源损失,又优化了运行工艺。2.2 PLC程序设计 采用的编程软件是Concept 2. 2XL。Concept是基于Windows下的PLC编程工具,具有良好的用户界面,并具有在线跟踪及离线仿真功能。PLC3站的控制程序分为五个程序模块。 (1)公用程序模块包括初始化部分、时分秒等时问脉冲单元、SBR反应周期设定、溶解氧设定等。 (2)开关量顺序控制模块协调控制各个阀、泵、风机等设备的运行及相关故障的报警。SBR池的进气阀、进水阀、回流泵、剩余污泥泵由PLC根据污水处理周期的工艺时间段控制,出水阀由PLC根据工艺时间和超声液位仪的测量值来控制。 (3)断电保护模块系统断电后,PLC将所有状态锁存,待加电后使PLC恢复所保持的状态继续运行。 (4)通信模块用来完成PLC与上位机的各种数据传送。(5)溶解氧值自动调节模块根据溶解氧值调节风机转速以及相关故障的报警。调节转速的目标是在整个曝气周期中,保证溶解氧的值为2 mg/L.采用的控制策略如下:曝气周期开始,风机以全速运行,以使溶解氧在较短的时问内达到2 mg/L,同时以5 min为周期检测溶解氧值。当溶解氧值大于2mg/L时,风机转速下降5 %;当溶解氧值小于2 mg/L时,风机转速上升5%.如果风机转速升到允许的最高转速时,溶解氧值还小于2mg/L,则维持最高转速。这种情况有可能在曝气周期的末期出现,但并不会明显地影响污水处理质量。 在曝气的整个周期内,随时监控变频器的输出电流值,使其不超过变频器的额定值。如遇到意外情况使输出电流超过额定值时,立即降低风机转速。如果风机转速降到允许的最低转速时,输出电流还超过额定值,则停风机,同时发出报警信号。随着自动控制技术的发展,UNITANK工艺越来越得到广泛应用。目前以经验为主,以DO、时间、流量作为工艺控制参数,来调整曝气机的运行及排泥时间等,缺乏准确的数学模型来实现SBR法的更高层次的自动控制。有人曾提出以COD或DO为参数的模糊控制的思想。今后SBR法的自动控制的研究方向主要是寻找多个控制参数,既能反映进水的水质水量变化及反应过程中的降解情况,又能作为计算机控制参数。PLC集顺序控制和过程控制于一体,具有可靠性高,使用方便、灵活,组网简单的特点,是实现中小规模工业自动化的有力工具。在污水处理中,基于PLC的控制系统在实时性、可靠性、精确性等力一而满足了设计要求,保证了污水处理的顺利进行。由于Internet的快速发展,希望能够通过Internet来访问污水处理厂的自控系统,只需要输入用户名和密码便可实现远程的Internet来对全厂的设备进行控制。同时通过Internet将污水处理厂的污水数据输送到国家环保总局或者市环保局,以便卜级部门对污水处理厂的管理。附录2Application of control system on the base of PLC in sewage treatmentThe paper introduces adistributed control system of sewage treatment, and the core of the system is PLC. Thestructure ofthe control system, the assignment and implementation of the tasks, the control scheme and the design concept ofprogram are expounded. The way of central monitoring management and dispersing control is used by the control system。 thelong一distance control and monitoring of field equipment are uncharged of the upper computer。 the software program of designsuses Intouch7. 0. The specific technology, equipment, the controlling of main parameter and several running data are uncharged ofthe PLC stations, and the software program of designs uses Concept 2. 2XL with online tracking and outline simulating. MB+net is adopted by the communication between the upper computer and the PLC stations, with its simply building net, quicklyrunning and stable communication. The automatic control of PLC has been successfully completed in sewage treatment, which hasimproved the operation efficiency and management level of sewage treatment equipmentIntroduced to take PLC as the distribute type control system of core in the wastewater treatment system of apply。Concretely described the structure, mission of the control system an allotment and carry out, the way of control and the thought of the program design.The way controled the concentration monitor of the system adoption a management and scattered a control, the place of honor machine be responsible for the spot the long range of the equipments control and surveillance, software adoption Intouch7. 0 draw up.The PLC native station is responsible for to the concrete craft, equipments and is mainly controled parameter to carry on control and collect various movement data, the program design adoption have on-line follow with off-line imitate the Concept of true function 2. 2 XL software.Place of honor machine and of the PLC adoption set the net be quickly simple and circulate speed, correspond by letter the stability strong MB+net.The whole control system successfully solved the PLC controls a problem in the automation within wastewater treatment and raised a wastewater treatment equipments to circulate an efficiency and manage level.Recently, for carrying out high quality, low consume, stable dependable movement.Domestic and international many wastewater treatment factorieses adopted a modern forerunner to control technique and calculator technique and constitute calculator direct, control thus, manage system.Make system excellent to turn movement.But the programmable logic controller(PLC) then take microprocessor as core.Synthesize the calculator technique automatically controls technique and correspondence technique but develops of a kind of new and in general use utomatic control device.Have structure simple, function superior, dependable sex Gao, work properly words in general use, be easy to plait distance, usage convenience etc. advantage etc.The silver Chuan City the first wastewater treatment factory adopted a SBR craft and take PLC as the control system of core, day after handling the sewage 10 × 104 t the processing of reach mark sewage can used for an agriculture irrigation.1 Control system structureControl the way of "concentration monitor management, scatter a control" of the system adoption.The emulation hold, place of honor machine, gather a line machine, printer to Be located on medium control room, two set PLCs are located on control the spot.Adopt this kind of structure can make the information in the production line can centralized management with carry out whole operation, management with excellent turn.Also make to control dangerous dispersion in the meantime, raise the system credibility.1.1 The upper computersMedium control two calculator adoption PII class works of room to control machine, circulate the operate system of Windows NT.The place of honor machine be responsible for on the scene establish each long range control(full-automatic control, automatic control, order to move a control) with surveillance, make use of Intouch7. 0 engineering software packages provide a good person machine dialogue boundary but obtain concerning parameter and equipments appearance information from the PLC by searching a way, keep a view manifestation to come out on the CRT by good sketch type, print a necessary data in the meantime and be provided for lord to control and manager instruction produce.Supervise and control boundary but include the system total diagram, system cent diagram, imitate the quantity general chart, parameter a constitution, report to the police a window, history trend and register a window etc. boundary but.In the system total diagram, circulate the personnel can keep watch on signals, such as all movement appearances, equipments trouble and liquid which control an equipments and discharge.etc.Operate a personnel in the system the cent the diagram can carry on a single machine point to move to circulate an operation to all control equipmentses, become the set automatically circulate operation or the whole factorieses full-automatic operation combine surveillance.In the meantime place of honor machine 2 and do a plait distance a machine.Medium control room to establish another an inset type emulation to hold, is been one control by the place of honor machine, in order to keep the craft process of the view manifestation whole factory and main parameter value.1. 2 The PLC stand According to wastewater treatment of two part, the spot the long range of the equipments the control output and the spot the signal collect to control a station completion from two PLC wood ground.PLC1 native control station control the space grid, sewage promote a pump house, Pu spirit to sink sand pond's etc. to prepare a processing part.The PLC2 native control station controls dirty mire to dehydrate, press to filter machine etc. department.PLC3 native control station control SBR living creature processing part.Moreover, the on the spot native control station is each to establish an operation terminal to establish each, be responsible for at native to establish each control on the scene.(automatic control, order to move a control) The spot is each the physical parameter that the supervision order and include water level, temperature, discharge and turn soon, electric current's etc. imitate quantity, from to in response to of an appearance spread a feeling machine or change to send to a machine examination to come out and change into the electric current signal of the 420 mA, through shield inside the PLC that the electric cable sends to each statures system, from the PLC picks up a people through various mold piece sample telecommunication number.Same, imitate quantity control the signal send to performance organization by the 420 mA electric current form after being output by the PLC, control performance organization of action. The Modicon Quantum series PLC of Schneider company is satisfy liberal of, according to standard of network conjunction and the spot total line conjunction etc. application the technique provided various network a choice, support Modbus, Mod-bus Plus(MB+), the long range I/0, TCP/IP etc. network conjunction, have stronger and vivid.Therefore, the wastewater treatment is convenient to arrive of the PLC choose the series of Modicon Ouantum of useSchneider.1. 3 Correspondences MB+agreement is the Modicon company release of an open type of the adoption IEEE802. 4 correspond by letter 5 agreements the spot total line of card agreement.MB+the network together other networks compare to have a set of net simple, the investment be little, network speed quick, correspondence the stability strong etc. characteristics, it make calculator, controller and other data sources through an usage double wring line or fiber optic cable Be a body to together carry on correspondence at the whole network top.But the CPU mold piece of the Modicon Quantum series PLC imply MB+correspondence, therefore correspond by letter a network to choose to use MB+network.Medium control two machine, two control stations with native PLC of room to pass MB+the network link together.The PLC CPU mold piece passes MB+correspondence and two machines carry on data commutation and collect the place of honor supervision various operation instruction of the system and the spot the examination signal and data, through analysis handle, pass exportation mold piece to control object output control signal。In the meantime, the PLC passes MB+net upward the machine return to various data, place of honor machine logarithms according to carry on an operation processing, show various signal and print various statement.2 The design of PLC control program The system has four kinds of control methods:The native hand moves a control, single set equipments point moves a control, become a set, the equipments automatically controls, the whole factory equipments full-automatic control.Two kinds of ex- with general methods at establish each adjust to try or maintain usage, the system is mainly circulate with full-automatic control.Under this kind of way, all each kind of equipmentses from PLC according to in advance draw up of procedure auto control, don't need to operate a personnel an intervention.Various spot data spreads a highest machine through a PLC, come out in the place of honor on board description and make the craft, equipments movement of whole factorieses get an overall control. The living creature processing part of the PLC3 station control is the whole wastewater treatment of key part, be limited by space, only with the PLC3 stand of program design for example.2.1 Process of controlThe PLC3 stationses were use to control to get into Pu spirit from sewage, the pond is everywhere sewage run off Pu after manage spirit the whole process of the pond.Include turn of sequence and time- switch moderate breezes machine of control various valve, pump, breeze machine to soon regulate etc. in this process.The Pu spirit pond is the core of wastewater treatment to construct a thing, sewage is to come and go through a microbial living creature oxygenation in the pond in addition to organic matter, the processing effect of content to sewage of the oxygen in water is to go to a pass important.Request according to the SBR craft, the deliquescence oxygen in the Pu spirit pond content usually controls within the scope of 13 mgs/L and annoy a stage end to fuse an oxygen content in the Pu should be not over the 2 mgs/L.Contain the oxygen once measured low or lead Gao, all will influence a fluid matter quantity.Handle 4 sets of the 10 ×104 t the SBR of 8 pond modes to respond pond to the day, each one responds that the pond go together with a pedestal from change Pin machine control of breeze machine, used for annoying pond Pu spirit to by turn provide oxygen toward two Pus.Establish 4 pieces of deliquescence oxygen test instruments in the different location of each Pu spirit pond, measure contain of sewage amount of oxygen in pond, th