此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。法务英文简历模板英文简历制作是找工作的第一步。就像识人先听声,英文简历就是找工作时给人的第一印象,它是你能否进入面试的敲门砖。以下是法务英文简历模板,仅供参考哦!法务英文简历模板No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China 200070.com(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxObjective: Solicitor/Legal Personnel EXPERIENCETHE CONSERVATION ALLIANCEWashington, DC2020-PresentManager, Carbon Project•Plan and implement carbon sequestration projects, including drafting applications to meet carbonstandards, verifying planting projects, drafting contracts with corporate partners and carbonauditors, conducting carbon standards audits, and monitoring United States carbon policy.CRANSTON SHAW LLPWashington, DC2020Litigation and Regulatory Associate•Prepared witness kits and assisted with witness interviews in criminal investigation ofpharmaceutical industry client. •Drafted memoranda on a variety of health care regulatory issues.Performed legal research on issues under the Administrative Procedure Act. •Conducted documentreview in internal investigation of alleged fraud by employees of financial services company.U.S. DISTRICT COURT, EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORKChicago, IL2020Law Clerk to the Honorable James G. Tabor•Conducted research and drafted opinions on wide range of issues, including employmentdiscrimination under Title VII and Section 1981, jurisdiction under the Federal Tort Claims Act,patent and trademark issues under relevant federal statutes, preemption under the Railway LaborAct, and various matters under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.JOHNSON, KENNEDY AND THIEBAULT LLPChicago, IL2020Litigation Associate, also Summer Associate, Summer 2020•Drafted interrogatories, subpoenas, document requests and motions to compel, conducted clientinterviews, and prepared for depositions in intellectual property litigation. •Researched issuesunder the Americans with Disabilities Act, prepared deposition outlines, took third partydepositions, conferred with experts and collaborated with five non-profit organizations on probono matter advocating for the rights of mentally ill individuals.OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERALAnchorage, AKSummer 2020Legal Intern, Environmental Division•Prepared memorandum on recovery status of injured resources for Exxon Valdez Oil SpillTrustee Council. •Synthesized legal and biological research and witness interviews to developlegal and policy framework to guide Council decisions. •Drafted proposal for new legislation toaddress Alaska’s invasive species problem.EDUCATIONHARVARD LAW SCHOOLJ.D.June 2020Activities:Harvard Environmental Law Review, Senior EditorHarvard Public Interest Auction, Student Committee ChairPublication:Comment, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection v. EPA28 Harvard Environmental Law Review 599 (2020)UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAB.S. in Biology & Society, with DistinctionMay 2020Awards:Award for Outstanding Senior in the College of Human EcologyHuman Ecology Dean’s Scholar面试口头语对于面试考试,大部分的考生对此比较犯难,所以,面试策略是必不可少的。考生都有一定的基础,表达内容很丰富,而且有”;亮点”;的存在,但是在说话的过程中常用口头语,让人听起来很不舒服,就像一张很美的画作上被胡乱涂抹了几笔,自然考生在考官心中的形象就会大打折扣。第一,摆正心态,克服紧张感,减缓自己的语速有些考生个性比较急,说话就像机关枪,虽然表达很丰富,反而让考官看到你的急躁,因此在事业单位面试备考中,考生要不断地调整自己的心态,以一个平稳和无畏的心态来看待面试结果。面试是综合素质的考验,更是一次心理素质的考验,心态摆正了,你就已经走在别人前面了。第二,考生要分析自身存在的问题1.可能是日常习惯,在平时生活当中养成了说口头语的坏毛病,对于此类考生应该坚持不间断练习,录下自己的音频反复播放、倾听,并不断重复改正,直到逐步减少甚至消除这个问题;2.无话可说,不知道怎么答,所以在说口头语的过程中争取思考时间。有这种情况的考生在平常要不断训练自己的思维灵敏度,增强知识储备,能够快速地找到问题反映的本质,自然就出口成章。第三,学会停顿或者寻找替代词当考生想出现口头语的时候,可以换一下气,做下心里暗示或者用”;然后”;、”;因此”;、”;所以”;等词来替换,也会避免重复口头语的尴尬。