商务英语培训商务英语写作讲义目录第一章 写作基本常识3第1.1讲 过程与基本要求 3第1.2讲 商务英语写作的基本要求 3第1.3讲 商务写作的文体风格 5第二章 商务基础写作 7第2.1讲 便条Note 7第2.2讲 通知 Notice 9 第2.3讲 便函与电子邮件11第三章 商务信函 13第3.1讲 商务信函的写作格式. 13第3.2讲 社交信 13第3.3讲业务报告 17第3.4讲 商务会议记录 22第3.5讲 简历与求职信 26第一章 写作基本常识第11讲 过程与基本要求 第12 讲 商务英语写作的基本要求原则:correcteness clarity conciseness concreteness conylesteness courtesy correcteness : 改写下列一段话:The first main prevention method that can help our company eliminateemployee theft is to perform pre-employment screening of all applicantsfor positions with our company. This can be a major aid to our company.Which screening technique used in the hiring process is a very importantdecision because it will either decrease the amount of theft or evenIncrease it if we are not careful in hiring. We need to hire applicants forpositions who have the proper work skills required for the positions andfor being successful in the jobs, and applicants who have job-relatedvalues in areas such as integrity, service, and safety to ensure that there isless chance that they will engage in employee theft. To ensure this, weneed to use pre-employment screening techniques that identify jobcandidates who possess the qualities of integrity, service, and safety, asdemonstrated in their past job performance. Clarity: Marshall corporation was fourded forty years ago and it mow has brach offices in four states and it euploys nearly Woo individuals (表达不好用独立主格) They bought a bike in Beijing in a small shop which costs us 25,000. 改为:Conciseness :ConcretenessCompteteness 完整6Wcourtesy 迅速答复 体谅对方 使用礼貌词汇 please 体谅对方 拱辞得体 及时reply写作练习:n You are the manager of a small export company. A&B, an important client is visiting your company for 3 days from 22 October.n Write a note of 40-50 words to your secretary:l Asking her to book a hotel rooml Saying where the hotel should bel Giving her the dates.Sample1: Dear Ms JonesIm writing to inform you that Mr Pedro Franz will be visiting our company. Would you please be so kindly as to reserve a suitable room for him? Yours SincerelySample2: Hi MaryLook Im really sorry to have troubled you but Pedro Franz a really important client is visiting the company for three days in October, starting on 22nd, to discuss a contract with us. Please will you book for him a really nice hotel room as soon as possible. Thanks.See you soon.Sample3: Mary,Mr Pedro Franz is visiting us in October. Could you please hire a hotel room for him? He is visiting on 22nd October and will stay for three nights. If possible, the hotel should be one near the office.Thank you.第1.3 讲 商务写作的文体风格一、 特殊符号二、 书信的开关、结尾、格式 “忌讳” 标点:Our factory , in Singapore ,was destroyed ,by fire. 1.逗号:2.分号: 3.句号:4.不常用的标点:5.大写:6.数字写法:7.缩写:8.不能缩写: 开头结尾开头写法与技巧:Eg.We understand that youre exporters of .If you can supplyWe read with interest your advertisement .And should like to be glad to receiveIm placed to tell you that your order/goods Thank you for your interest in expressed in your letter of 开头内容: Were wondering whether Im grateful if you send . concering I should be glad if you would submit a quotation Fill our needs 满足需要 I regret to report that Today Im sending you sth. Were pleased .to announce Its much regret that 歉疚Im delighted to speak on behalf of sb. For the position of in your companyWere sorry to learn that from the letter of Im deeply honored (荣幸) by your offer Well be happy to replace the defective nart (残损的部件)结尾: We hope to hear soon about your shipment We hope that we have made the above after natives clear to you and that they May help you make .your choice to sump up Your advice would be welcome 恳请指教 Your prompt attention this matter 即刻观注此事 We look forward to hearing from you If you have any question , please call me at . We want to insure that you I apologize for the inconvenient . Thanks again for your cooperation. We look forward to 第二章 商务基础写作第2.1讲 便条Note 便条是书信的一种非正式形式,特点是内容简短,语言口头化。主要是临时性的询问、留言、通知、要求等。写便条时,可以省略收信人和发信人的地址、称呼语中的“Dear”, 结束敬语,日期中的年份。便条的基本格式一般包括以下几个方面1.留言(Message)Sally, Here is a ticket for the concert tomorrow. I will pick you up at 7:00p.m.tomorrow. Maggie2. Appointment (约会)June 2Larry, Could we see each other at KFC on Sunday afternoon at 4oclock? Sue3.邀请(Invitation) March 9Judy, would you like to buy some reference books with me this afternoon? We may meet at the school gate at about 3:00p.m. I hope you can make it. LiuYan4. 致谢(Thanks) ExampleDan, Many thanks for your kind invitation to dinner on Saturday, May 28. I would be delighted to come. Adam5.致歉( Apology) July12 Mary, I am sorry for not being able to keep our 3 oclock appointment. I have to be out of town on business right now. I will come back on July 20, so I will come over to your office that day, if that is convenient for you. If not, please leave a note in my mailbox. Tom6. 请假条 (Ask for leave)Example April 25Dear Ms. Dickens, Im sorry that I shall be unable to attend the two periods of English Class due to a serious stomachache. Enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few days. I will go back to your class as soon as I recover. Tom7. 借条IOU June11,2004To Ms. *IOU ten thousand U.S. dollars to be paid back within one year . TomDoing some exercisesWrite a short note to your bossapologizing for your absenceexplaining why you will be awaysaying where the conference is write about 15-20 wordsKEY: (For reference only)To: PeterMessage: I cannot attend your meeting on Thursday. I shall be at a conference. I shall be back on Monday. Doing some exercisesyour company has just received new company brochureswrite a note to the marketing Managertelling her the brochures have arrivedsaying which department they are inasking her to collect her copies immediatelywrite 15-20 words.KEY: (for reference only)To: Sales manager Message: We have received some brochures about a new company, which is the leading chemical company in Europe, producing wide range of chemical products, according to the brochures. Please collect the copies immediately so that we can establish business relations. Doing some exercisesYou are going to attend a meeting tomorrowWrite a note for your secretary telling herWhere and why you are goingWhen you will be backwrite about 15-20 wordsKEY: (for reference only)Message: There will be a meeting tomorrow in BeiJing, I have to attend the meeting. The meeting will last a week. Ill be back nextweek.第2.2讲 通知 Notice SALESPERSON OF THE YEARThe decision for Salesperson of the Year has been almostimpossible as there have been so many excellentperformances. However, because of her work in turninground a long-term fall in sales, the prize goes to: Paula Stuart ( Madrid office)Congratulations to Paula, who wins a holiday in Florida. 通知:Example:A MeetingFriday Mar. 184:30p.m.Rm.203Example:Basketball MatchOn Playing CourtEnglish dept. vs Japanese Dept.Tuesday Mar.155:00p.m.example:MovieGonewith the windIn the Auditorium(大礼堂)Sunday Mar.207:00-9:00Admission Free (免费入场)Example: How to Improve Reading SpeedSpeaker: Prof. William WhiteProfessor of Linguistics, Oxford UmversityDate: Monday, 30 Mar.Time: 8p.m.Place: audutoriumAll welcome失物招领的通知FOUNDAn English-Chinese dictionary, in thedining hall on the evening of May 29th.Owner Please claims at trhe Lost and Found Office/Lost Property Office(失物认领处), Rm.221 on the 2nd floor of the Office building.Lost and Found Office/Lost Property OfficeDoing some exercisesSimon Howe is leaving the company next week. You decide to have a farewell party for him.Write a notice to all your colleagues:Informing them about the party Saying when and where the party is Inviting them to the party Write 1520 words.第2.3讲 便函与电子邮件一、概况二、结构与拱词exercises :1.We have come to the decision that its mot possible for this order to be accepted by one company.2.In view of the fact that well lose a big contact next year ,expenses will have to be cut by our company.3.In the went of a retailer finding our shirts unsatisfactory ,we should make arrangements for them to be collected and replacement sent without delay.4.In spite of the fact that were losing orders to our competitors, we have no intention of lowering our prices.Exercises: IS THIS A GOOD MEMO ?To: All members of staff, Northern BranchFrom: KLJDate: 2 December 2003As you know, one of the reasons for the introduction of laptops in Northern Branch was to provide us with feedback before we decide whether to provide laptops for staff in other department. The Board has asked me to submit a report on your experiences by the end of this week. I talked to some of you informally about this last month. During my brief visit I noticed a group of people in the canteen playing some kind of computer game and I heard from a senior manager that he only used his forwriting letters. So that I can compile a full report .I would like everyone to let me know what they personally use their laptop for, what software they use and how long per day they spend actually using it.It would also be useful to find out how their laptop has not come up to expectations, and any unexpected uses they have found for their laptop, so that others can benefit from your experience.KLJImproved version:SUBJEDT: LAPTOP COMPUTERSThe board urgently requires feedback on ourexperience with laptops in Northern Branch. I need to know, for my report:1. What you personally use your laptop for and your reasons for doing this. Ifyou are doing work that was formerly done by other staff, please justify it.2. What software you use. Please give the details.3. How many hours per day you actually spend using it. 4. How your laptop has not come up to your expectations.5. What unanticipated uses you have found for your laptop that others may want to share.Please fax this information directly to me by 5 pm on Wednesday 7 December.If you have any queries, please contact my assistant,Jane Simmons, who will be visiting you on Tuesday 6 December.Thank you for your help.KLJ Do It Yourselvesuse the note and diary page below to write a memo to all staff in HRM Dept. (30-40 words)AlexCould you organize a meeting on Tue. with all the HRM Department to discuss our new training courses and send a memo to inform them about it. Look at my desk diary for the best time. Well hold the meeting in the boardroom and itll take about 1 hour.Thanks. PaulTuesday 8 June09.00 Meeting with Paul Rose 9.30-10.3010.00 _11.00 _ 12.00 Lunch with Stuart 12-1.3013.00 _Exercise2:It is the beginning of December and you have been asking to find out how many days holiday staff in your department intend to take over Christmas.Write a memo to all staff in the department: Saying on which days the company is closedAsking them to confirm their holidaysGiving deadline for filling in holiday form.Exercise3You have lost your pocket calculator, and you want to order a new one. You need to make a written request to your supervisor, Ann Ray.Write a memorandum to hersaying that you need a replacementexplaining what happened to the old oneasking her to approve the requestwrite about 15-20 wordsExercises 4我部门急需新的办公设备,希望尽早解决。第三章 商务信函第3.1讲 商务信函的写作格式第3.2讲 社交信社交信 (一).感谢信信头1. I enjoyed visiting your factory last weekend.2. Thank you so much for your hospitality of Friday.3. I was delighted to receive your letter today.4. Thank you very much for all your help over the past few weeks.个人感受1.I was very impressed with the way you organize staff training. ( 员工培训 ) we all have a lesson ( 获益 ) to learnfrom your experience2. I do appreciate your thoughtfulness3. I should just like you to know that I appreciate your willingness to help out in times of need.结尾1. Once again let me express my thanks to your for making the visit the success it was.2. your understanding and sympathetic attitude will not be forgotten when the company is once more on its feet.日后公司再度步上正轨时。ExampleDate: Dear Sirs,Thank you very much for all your help over the past few weeks. I should just like you to know that I appreciate your willingness to help out in times of need ( 鼎力相助 ) and to assure you that your understanding and sympathetic attitude will not be forgetten when the company is once more on its feet.Yours,*访问结束后的感谢信 Letters of thanks on returnExample:Dear Sirs,Now that I am back in London I am wriring to say how pleased I was to be able to meet you during my visit to china. I must also thank you for arranging suah an excellent program for me.I found all my meetings and visits very interesting indeed and respect we will be able to develop trade and industrial cooperation between our two countries on substantial and mutually beneficial scale.Thank you for your warm hospitality which helped to make my visit to china particularly memorable.Yours,Key:我现已安返