此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。销售生英文简历模板导语:中文简历大家写得多了,但是英文简历大家会写吗?今天我们就一起来看看英文简历应该如何拟写吧!销售生英文简历模板Donald Jobs(+86) 138-0013-xxxxservice.comSkype:No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China, 200070JOB OBJECTIVESALES MANGEMENT TRAINEE IN A SOFTWARE COMANYEDUCATION2020-presentBeijing University of Aeronautics and AstonauticsBEIJINGCandidate for Bachelor in Automotive Engineering in July 2020Minor:Applied MathematicsAverage score 85/100.Ranked 2nd in classAwarded "Top Ten Marketing Stars" of BUAA in 2020Awarded Honeywell Scholarship in 2020 and People's Scholarship from 2020 to 2020Full grade in Dynamics without exam in 2020 by writing a paper "Dynamices Analysis of a Pencil Falling Down".The only one,who had solved the problem,among 1700 studentsINTERN EXPERIENCEJul,2020-Aug,2020IBM CompanyBlue Pathway Internship Program,sales InternBEIJINGAnlyzed customers' needs,sorted them into different groups and make sales planBuilt relationship with 83 customers with 20 IT service opportunities indentified and followedParticipated in the Cisco MA Potential Customer Buying Behavior SurveyJul,2020-Aug,2020Tong Ji Innova Engineering & Technology Co, LtdSoftware Development InternSHANGHAIThe biggest auto design company in ChinaInvoloved in the Knowledge based Product Data Management System(KPDM) developmentCompleted unit design of Workflow (based on J2EE) with a colleagueParticipated in a coach electrical system redesign and implementationEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIESJun,2020-Dec,20202020 Global Management ChallengeTeam LeaderBEIJINGA worldwide game in which lots of business schools participatedHad been got into the semi-final in the nationwide game (42 out of 656)Set up company strategy and prepared marketing plan to lead the team to win the gameCreated our own Decision Support System (DSS) in ExcelApr,20202020 Beijing "Aigo Cup"Business Simulation ChallengeTeam LeaderBEIJINGA business game held by Guanghua School of Mangement,Peking UniversityRanked 4th in 900 teams from most of the universities in Beijing finallyAnalyzedthe market environment and competitors'statusMade decisions about marketing,production and finance with teammatesMar,2020-Sep,2020Managemnt Information System for the Blinds'Massage CompanyTeam MemberBEIJINGAnalyzed the customer's business requirement through field surveyDeveloped the speech based solution and implemented in 2 storesWorked on this required using VBNET and Microsoft NET Speech SDKMade decisions about marketing,production and finance with teammatesApr,2020-presentBUAA Microsoft Technology ClubVice President,Publicity Group LeaderBEIJINGPlanned and coordinated lost of club activities,such as member congress,training,etcPERSONALNative speaker of Mandarin,fluent in English,CET-6Frequent user of Excel and PowerPoint Advanced programming skill in C#Enjoy basketball and bridge温馨提示:宣讲会上的隐藏信息1. 宣讲会的组织水平。一般来讲,大企业在组织招聘会以前会与学校就业部门进行多次沟通,确定日程安排,会提前不止场地,宣讲会的各环节也会经过反复的演练。而管理水平有限,准备不充分的企业,则易出现一些意想不到的问题,如迟到、宣传片临时出问题、环节衔接不上、介绍前言不搭后语等。2. 员工形象。员工的言谈举止及精神状态、员工之间的合作与沟通、甚至员工的着装仪表都可以透露出一些有关企业文化的信息,需要细心的观察。3. 潜台词需用心领会。如”;能在压力下保持良好的工作效率”;,可能是说该岗位经常需要加班,”;适应快节奏的工作环境”;,可能是经常需要出差,”;关注细节”;则可能是工作比较琐碎。