|课 程 论 文中国汽车产业发展现状及市场分析姓 名: 指 导 教 师 : 学 院 : 管理学院专 业: 工商管理硕士完 成 日 期 : 2017.01.30|摘 要汽车产业上下游产业链长,产值高,带动就业能力强,对于国家经济建设有举足轻重的作用。中国汽车业经过最近十几年的高速发展,有了长足进步,成为了一个汽车大国。2016 年,汽车产销 2811.88 万辆和 2802.82万辆,同比增长 14.46%和 13.65%。本文通过对我国汽车产业特征、结构、规模、销售数据等进行研究分析,对我国汽车产业的发展现状有了一个宏观的、基本的认识,对汽车市场有了一个初步的了解,并提出了汽车产业发展所面临的一些问题和对策。本文主要分为以下 5 个章节:第 1 章:绪论,主要介绍本文的选题意义、本文的研究重点与方法,以及本文运用的主要理论。第 2 章:中国汽车产业的发展历史,本章通过产业向度、经济向度、文化向度多种不同角度详细介绍了中国汽车产业从无到有、从艰苦奋斗到飞速发展的曲折过程。第 3 章:中国汽车产业的发展现状,描述了我国汽车产业规模,总结出我国汽车产业具有企业多、集群式发展、上下游产业链长和发展空间大等特征,并从政治、经济、文化三个方面总结了我国汽车产业所面临的环境。第 4 章:中国汽车产业市场分析,这一部分主要通过数据分析了我国汽车产业的产品结构,阐明我国汽车产业市场结构的基本形态为寡头垄断,存在着集中度不够等问题。还通过收集到的近年来汽车销售数据,总结了我国汽车市场的一些问题和特点,包括近年来中国汽车市场销量增长情况、|自主品牌与德、美、法、日、韩五大车系销量和市占率情况、分车型销售情况、进出口情况和新能源汽车的发展情况。第 5 章:中国汽车产业的问题与对策,本章主要通过对我国汽车产业的 SWOT 分析,总结了我国汽车发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,提出了我国汽车产业发展所面临的一些问题,并尝试给出应对对策。关键词:汽车产业,发展现状,销量,市场分析|ABSTRACTUpstream and downstream industry of Automobile industry chain is long, the output value is high, the drive employment ability is strong, has the pivotal function to the national economy construction. After more than ten years of rapid development, China's automobile industry has made great progress and become a big automobile country. 2016, car sales 28 million 118 thousand and 800 and 28 million 28 thousand and 200, an increase of 14.46% and 13.65%. This paper analyzes the characteristics of China's automobile industry, structure, scale, sales data, there is a macroscopic and basic understanding of the current development of China's automobile industry, have a preliminary understanding of the automobile market, and puts forward some problems and Countermeasures of the development of the automobile industry faces. This paper is divided into the following 5 chapters:The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the significance of this topic, the research emphases and methods, and the main theories used in this paper.The second chapter: the historical development of Chinese automobile industry, this chapter through to the industrial and economic orientation, culture at different angles of various details of the China automobile industry from |scratch, from hard work to the tortuous process of rapid development.The third chapter: the current situation of the development of Chinese automobile industry, describes the scale of China's automobile industry, summed up China's automobile industry has many enterprises, cluster development, the upstream and downstream industry chain length and the development of space and other features, and from the three aspects of politics, economy, culture, summed up China's automobile industry faces the environment.The fourth chapter: the analysis of Chinese automobile industry market, this part mainly through the data analysis of the product structure of China's automobile industry, expounding the basic form of the market structure of China's automobile industry is oligopoly, there exist problems such as lack of concentration. The collected in recent years, car sales data, summarizes some characteristics and problems of China's auto market in recent years, including China auto market sales growth, the independent brand and Germany and the United States, France, Japan and South Korea five series sales and market share, car sales, and import and export the development of new energy vehicles.The fifth chapter: the problems and Countermeasures of China automobile industry, this chapter mainly analysis the SWOT on China's automobile industry, summarizes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of China's automobile development, and puts forward some problems faced by the development of China's automobile industry, and try to give countermeasures.|Key words: automobile industry, development status, sales volume, market analysis|目 录摘 要 .IABSTRACT.III目 录 .V第一章 绪论 .11.1 产业的定义 .11.2 选题意义 .11.3 研究方法 .2第二章 中国汽车产业发展历史 .32.1 民国时期汽车产业发展情况 .32.2 新中国时期汽车产业发展情况 .42.2.1 计划经济时期 .42.2.2 市场经济时期 .5第三章 中国汽车产业发展现状 .83.1 中国汽车产业的规模 .83.2 中国汽车产业特征 .83.2.1 企业数量多,集群式发展 .83.2.2 产业关联度高 .103.2.3 市场空间大 .113.3 产业环境 .123.3.1 政治政策环境 .12|3.3.2 经济环境 .133.3.2 文化环境 .14第四章 中国汽车产业市场分析 .154.1 中国汽车产业产品结构 .154.2 中国汽车产业市场结构 .164.2.1 基本形态 寡头垄断 .164.2.2 市场集中度 .164.2.3 产品差别化 .194.2.4 进入退出壁垒 .194.3 中国汽车产业市场特点分析 .204.3.1 市场总体分析 .204.3.2 品牌及车系分析 .234.3.3 细分车型分析 .244.3.4 海外市场分析 .284.3.5 新能源汽车市场分析 .304.4 2017 年中国汽车市场销量预测 .33第五章 中国汽车产业的问题与对策 .345.1 中国汽车产业 SWOT 分析 .345.1.1 面临的优势: .345.1.2 面临的劣势: .345.1.3 面临的挑战: .375.1.4 面临的机遇: .38|5.2 应对策略 .395.2.1 国家出台积极地引导政策 .395.2.2 企业需重视研发,开发新的市场 .39参考文献 .41致 谢 .43