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College, India.外文翻译译文:在混凝土的修复过程中的腐蚀抑制剂和其他保护系统: 真正的理解或者误解在最近的一段时间内,在世界的很多地方,早期钢筋的腐蚀而对混凝土结构产生的早期恶化和损坏,已经成为混凝土结构方面的主要问题。加速这个恶化过程的一个主要因素是混凝土结构所存在的环境和气候状况。恶劣的环境与低质量的混凝土加上有或无缺陷的设计和建设惯例,这都使结构恶化的过程变得具有交互性,累积得非常迅速,进而形成一种恶性的发展,而且很难被停止。很多混凝土结构耐久性差的性能正引起结构产生裂缝.而在补救工作的支出,则使物主和社会所不能承担,并且他们也不希望看到悲剧重演。这篇文章仅提出一些对钢筋腐蚀和保护选择的初步认识,而对混凝土和混凝土修理的抑制混合物腐蚀的影响则进行了详细讨论。与抑制剂在修理效力有关的复杂论文已经发表,其中主要对基于电化学活动在新结构和修复结构方面之间差别进行了分析。随着盲目的对需要修理的混凝土使用那些适用于新建筑的保护方法,文章断定:"修复混凝土"的生意将会越来越好。一种对新的和需要修理的混凝土之间的电化学差别的更广泛理解认为对修理的结构使用有效的钢筋保护是必要的。1.序言这是一个不幸的事实。全世界范围内,大量混凝土结构都处在恶化/ 危险状态的阶段。同时,必须承认的是,很多被修理的混凝土结构在几年后,一修再修。被修理混凝土结构的保持性能的长久表现则最大限度的取决于它们的设计,建设,维护和使用。与建筑在修理的几年之后出现裂缝相比,几乎没有问题能加剧公众与政府之间的冲突,并且导致他们对我们提供的建筑物用途的功能感到不满意。然而与预期相反,不管是恶劣的环境状况还是适合的环境状态,在混凝土修理过程中,腐蚀的问题已经变得非常普遍.因而,混凝土修理业正面临一项主要的挑战: 怎样制止全世界物质基础设施的腐坏。它是如此重要,对当今的混凝土修复,我们要迫切检查腐蚀和腐蚀保护措施的发行,且探索在不久的将来它有可能改进的地方, 即:如何使现在的修理能耐用到将来。一种用于修理结构的,对导致过早腐蚀过程的基本理解仍然没有涉及混凝土的修理单元。而它不仅应用于修复结构钢筋锈蚀的过程和混凝土的恶化腐蚀过程, 而且也被应用于多种被提议的溶液腐蚀保护技术,材料和系统。他们应用实际的历史非常悠久,但它们在许多案例中的表现是可疑的。在混凝土修复过程中的钢筋腐蚀和保护的范围内,这篇文章提出了一些随机想法。本文围绕修理过程中钢的腐蚀的基本过程,阐明了与电化学性质相反的原理,讲述了这些过程怎样导致合成修理系统的最后失败的道理。为了延长混凝土结构的使用寿命,文章也叙述了我们能或者不能成功解决这几个问题的方法。终究,我们必须从繁忙的工作表中周期性地抽身出来,回顾一下,我们在哪里和我们可能将要去哪里。当然,在这篇文章里,有一些想法可能会引起其它人同意或者不同意的意见。但是只有当想法得到争论时,才可能取得进步,并且这也是本篇文章的目的。在这里提供关于腐蚀和保护问题各方面的重要评论是不可能的.那些问题相对于本篇中的某个的重要讨论来说太广泛,而且各种各样的结构过于复杂。关于混凝土中钢筋腐蚀和保护的一般问题,许多作者已经详细阐述过,在这里就不再敖述了。研究已经实质上改进了我们对水泥材料的认识, 碳酸饱和引起腐蚀式的混凝土消耗,氯化物引起腐蚀的理论:硫酸盐侵蚀,碱类聚合反应,严寒等等。但是,由于在混凝土的修补过程中钢筋的严重腐蚀和恶劣自然环境中的修复和修复失败,使得修补工业发展的如此缓慢,这或许可归因于下列综合因素:混凝土修补是一种非常复杂的系统。它要暴露在外部环境和内部的环境,并受到环境间的相互作用。目前,提出腐蚀问题的基本原理指导还未发表。在复杂的修理环境中,钝化的装置和钢铁的腐蚀不被人了解。整个区域中,现在关于修理中钢筋的附加保护问题得到了大家的广泛关注。预埋入水泥中的钢筋的腐蚀是种极其复杂的现象,这种现象的形成涉及到环境学,冶金学,分界面和连续统一体等因素。此领域中的大多数学术研究,对于工人来说没有足够专业知识来处理,已经由国家工程高校组织力量集中解决。得到支持的行业和政府代表展现了对于解决问题的决心。真正的过程不是以学者在仓促时间内的工作做为基础。项目的启动,必须需要科学的可执行计划和充足的资金做为基础。一个乌托邦梦想存在,是因为问题可能被藉由使用高性能的材料,防腐剂,保护材料等等或者安全带和悬挂系统等措施来解决。这使得在工地上许多工人忽略了混凝土技术的基本要素和其他基本水泥材料。要设计耐用修理的知识在马瑟 1的著作"完全精炼说明"里已经叙述, 但是这种使用此知识的方式是第一次。一些在修理领域内的研究已经涉及到修理材料和他们与现有实体有关的空间行为特性的改进。但是只要电化学的兼容性的问题也考虑解决,这些活动将产生在修理耐久性方面的改进。恶化混凝土的去除和它的修理材料的替代品,即使与最好的一种一起替换,也可能由于宏单元的形成而加速钢筋腐蚀。这篇文章的主题致力于解决若干令人困惑的议题,并且试图从混凝土修理过程中的过早腐蚀问题建立关于钢筋保护的事实,特别是提出关于防腐材料的问题。我们怎样能期望被修理的混凝土结构是耐用的呢?如果测验方法,腐蚀保护方法的设计和说明都不可靠,难道依赖在修理系统里的电化学类似于那在"新建筑"里发生的不适当的假定吗?修理工作和新建筑有着重要的不同,不同因素经常导致新的修理混凝土结构方面的钢筋腐蚀。因此,在保护方法上有所体现。为修理结构中钢筋的附加保护,而批评已存在的方法和材料,或者彻底讨论一个保护系统的优点或者过失不是本论文的意图。作者没有表达明确意见,或者至少对修理结构的保护钢筋的正确或错误方法表示合理客观的意见。非常抱歉的是,并不如此。问题太复杂,因为现有的知识不能够提供一剂万能方法来解决现有的问题。由于钢筋钢过早的腐蚀而产生修理失败的结果和可能性,不一定是一种单个的过分简化的解决办法,这可能适合于新近建造的结构。在修理领域内,我们的成功可能取决于我们解决争论的能力。把感觉和废话区别开。无论我们做什么,无用的言论总是很多。在这个领域,由于缺乏适当的教育,目前许多专业词语被错误定义。不适当的教育和研究在任何领域都将要花大力气来改正误解。作者意识到当一些论点成为争论的关键时,那些论点将很难让人达成共识。而且这种情况,远远多过一根头发。或许,我们将从误解中来剥离真正的理解。2.腐蚀问题:(1)用于被修理混凝土结构嵌入钢筋的腐蚀和它的保护是一个非常复杂的现象。 很多修理失败可能归因于缺乏对自然和电化学活动在修理系统内结果的完整理解。因此,预言一个保护系统的性能和一栋修理结构的使用年限是不太准确的。 (2) 在声称多种特性的市场上有许多腐蚀保护处理方法。他们保护钢筋防止腐蚀的行为没有处理好,并且没有可靠的标准测验方法评价他们所表现的性能。 适量的研究要求为不同系统的评估作准备。需要知道结构负担这种保护有多久,修理结构的保护就有多好。为了给技术人员建立自信,科学家应该为预知措施和预测的寿命提供可信的基点。 (3) 过度期望或者修理系统的糟糕表现以及暴露状况,特别在实验室中的内部测试,经常产生使人误解的结果。如果过去评价这些保护系统的测验方法,既不反映出修理结构中腐蚀的机制,也不刺激在一个真正修理的结构里而导致钢筋腐蚀的物理化学效应。我们怎能期望花费在修理的钢筋附加保护上钱没被浪费?目前使用过的一些测验方法以后的研究范围也相当狭窄。 (4) 各种不同的保护方法的调查员都在说他们方法的效力总是比在高质量混凝土中还好。可以断定高质量新混凝土和高质量的修理是埋入钢筋防止腐蚀的最好保护系统 - 这是混凝土技术的基础。 保护措施可以另外采取,但不是做为使用基础的正确代用品。 (5) 这篇文章的中心主题考虑的不是作者在几个问题上意见的正确或者错误; 那是不相关的。它的意思是提出的问题不是无法解释的秘密,只是我们仍然在探索里的一个证明,简称研究阶段。毕竟本杰明·富兰克林说过,"做永远比说好"!AbstractIn recent times in many parts of the world, reinforcement corrosion has become the main factor in early, premature deterioration, and sometimes failure, of concrete structures. One of the major factors contributing to this deterioration process is the environmental and climatic conditions to which a concrete structure is exposed. When the severity of environment is compounded with poor quality concrete and/or defective design and construction practices, the process of deterioration becomes interactive, cumulative and very rapid, and a cancerous growth that cannot be easily stopped. The poor durability performance of many concrete structures is causing disruption and expenditure on remedial works which owners and society cannot afford and do not wish to see repeated. A glimpse of reinforcement corrosion and some of the protection options is presented in this paper. The effect of corrosion inhibiting admixtures in concrete and concrete repair is discussed in detail. The complex issue related to the effectiveness of inhibitors in repairs is addressed, based on analysis of the differences between electrochemical activities in new and repaired structures. The paper concludes that as long as one continues to blindly use protection methods applicable for newly constructed structures for concrete repairs, the business of "repairing the repairs" will be on the rise. A broader understanding of the electrochemical differences between new and repaired concrete is necessary for effective protection of reinforcement in repaired structures.2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Alkalinity; Corrosion protection; Durability; Inhibitors; Reinforcement1. IntroductionIt is an unfortunate fact that very large amounts of existing concrete structures worldwide are in a state of eterioration/distress. At the same time, it must also be recognized that many repaired concrete structures are severely deteriorated only a few years after being repaired. The performance of repaired concrete structures remains a matter of utmost concern to all those involved with their design, construction, maintenance and use. Few problems aggravate the public and lead to their dissatisfaction with our ability to provide for the structures use than the disruption of its use a few years after repairs. Contrary to the expectations, the problem of corrosion in concrete repairs has become widespread not only with respect to severe environmental conditions but also with respect to moderate environmental condition.The concrete repair industry is thus facing a major challenge: How to halt the decay of the worlds physical infrastructure. It is therefore important that we critically examine the issue of corrosion and corrosion protection in todays concrete repair and explore how it can be improved in the near future, i.e.: how to make todays repairs durable for tomorrow. A basic understanding of the processes leading to premature corrosion in repaired structures still eludes the concrete repair community. This applies not only to the processes of corrosion of reinforcement in repaired structures and deterioration/ distress of concrete, but also to a variety of the proposed solutionscorrosion protection techniques, materials and systems. They have a highly empirical history of use, and their performance in many cases is questionable.This paper offers some random thoughts in the area of reinforcement corrosion and protection in concrete repair. It encompasses the elucidation of the basic processes of corrosion of steel in repair, electrochemical incompatibility, and how these processes may lead to eventual failure of the composite repair system. The paper is also about how we can, or cannot, successfully address these problems with the aim of prolonging lifetime of existing concrete structures. After all, we must pause periodically from our busy schedules to review where we are and where we might be going. Of course, there are some thoughts in this paper which may lead others to agree or disagree. But it is only when ideas receive a forum that progress can be made, and that is the goal of this paper.It is not possible here to provide a critical review of numerous aspects of corrosion and corrosion protection, the problems are too extensive and various mechanisms too complicated for a critical discussion in a single paper. General aspects of steel corrosion in concrete and its protection have been treated by a number of authors and will not be addressed here.Research has substantially improved our knowledge of cementitious materials, the fundamentals of concrete deterioration from carbonation-induced corrosion, chloride-induced corrosion, sulphate attack, alkaliaggregate reaction, frost, etc. However, in view of the serious and insidious nature of the corrosion of steel in concrete repair and repair failures, it is surprising that progress in the repair industry has been so slow, which is probably attributable to some combination of the following: the exterior and interior environments and their interaction. problems does not exist. The mechanism of passivation and corrosion of steel in a complex repair environment is poorly understood. The whole area concerning “additional protection” of reinforcement in repair is currently highly speculative. is an extremely complex phenomenon involving environmental, metallurgical, interfacial, and continuum considerations. Most of the research in this area is being done by the civil engineering departments of universities where few workers have adequate knowledge of the subject. in support of research leading to a resolution to problems. Real progress cannot be made on the basis of "graduate students working for limited periods". It is necessary to initiate programs which include a balanced practical approach and are adequately funded. by using "high performance" materials, corrosion inhibitors, protective coatings, etc., or belt and suspender systems. This caused many workers in the field to ignore the basics in the technology of concrete and other cement-based materials.ficant knowledge to design durable repairs already exists in a relatively “quite refined state”, as stated by Mather 1. But the manner in which this knowledge is used is primitive.Several research studies in the repair field have been concerned with the improvement of properties of repair materials and their dimensional behaviour relative to the existing substrate. But these activities will lead to improvements in repair durability only if the issues of electrochemical compatibility are also addressed. Removal of deteriorated concrete and its replacement with a repair material, even the best one, may result in accelerated rebar corrosion due to macrocell formation.The subject of this paper is also devoted to several confusing issues and attempts to establish the facts concerning the protection of reinforcement from premature corrosion in concrete repair, particularly that offered by corrosion inhibitors.How can we expect repaired concrete structures to be durable if the testing methods, design and specification of corrosion protection methods, are relying on an inadequate assumption that electrochemistry in a repair system is similar to that occurring in "new construction?" There are significant differences between new construction and repair jobs; there are often different factors leading to corrosion of reinforcement in new an repaired concrete structures and, therefore, in the methods of protection.It is not the intent of this paper to criticize existing methods and materials for additional protection of reinforcement in repairs, or to discuss in depth the merits or demerits of one protection system against another. The author can offer no panacea, or at least express a reasonably objective view of the right and wrong way to protect reinforcement in repaired structures. Much to our regret, this is not so. The problem is too complex because the existing knowledge is not sufficient to offer a panacea.The consequence and probability of repair failure due to the premature corrosion of the reinforcing steel is not necessarily a single simplistic solution as may be appropriate for newly constructed structures. Our success in the repair field may depend on our ability to resolve the controversies, to differentiate sense from nonsense. The nonsense will be abundant, no matter what we do: this field, due to the lack of proper education, is presently well positioned to import a lot of misconceptions; any field where education and research are inadequate is going to have great trouble getting rid of the prevailing misconceptions.The author realizes that some statements will not be shared by many since it hits at the crux of the controversy. But in this case, much more than a hair, perhaps, divides concepts from misconcepts.2. A glimpse of corrosion problemAccording to published data, steel reinforcement in concrete and in concrete-like materials is, in general, well protected from corrosion by the alkaline nature of the cementitious matrix surrounding it. In general, this is true, it is protected, and it is not supposed to corrode. But such concrete "in general" may only exist as "labcrete", in a small specimen. In the real world, reinforcing and prestressing steels are subject to corrosion due to carbonation and chloride ion attack.Steel reinforcement in concrete does not corrode because the surface of the steel in the alkaline environment is passivated; steel in concrete corrodes when its surface is depassivated during the manufacturing of the structure, or becomes active during service. Corrosion is the electrochemical reaction, and the important factor affecting a corrosion cell is the difference in potentials of the metal. The driving force for current and corrosion is the potential development. Since the structure of steel and the contact layer of concrete are both heterogenous, the requirement for potential difference between the separate portions of the metal surface (the electrochemical inhomogeneity) is always satisfied.Concrete is a permeable material, where aggressive agents diffuse (micropermeability) through it and reach the reinforcing steel, causing its depassivation and corrosion, when water and oxygen are available. Corrosion by this mode however, is a relatively lengthy process. Concrete is a brittle material and always contains microcracks. When these microcracks combine in a network with macrocracks, the prevailing transport mechanism is not diffusion, it is the permeation of water and aggressive agents via water through the cracks to the reinforcement (macropermeability). Why enter through the closed door, when an open door is nearby?High permeability of concrete and other cementbased materials