品質系統品質系統1Agenda Quality System1.Total Quality Excellence Company Policy Letter No.1. 2.Brief History of FLH Quality Management3.Quality Arrow (Quality is Job#1)4.QS-9000/ISO 14001 System/Quality Operating System5.TGW Reduction / VRT / SAQ6.TGR / Kano Model21. Ford Total Quality ExcellenceCompany Policy Letter No. 1Quality is defined by the customer; the customer wants products and services that, throughout their life, meet his or her needs and expectations at a cost that represents value. 品質是由顧客所定義品質是由顧客所定義Quality excellence can best be achieved by preventing problems rather than by detecting and correcting them after they occur. 達成卓越的品質必須注重在問題的預防達成卓越的品質必須注重在問題的預防All work that is done by Company employees, suppliers, and dealers is part of a process that creates a product or service for a customer. Each person can influence some part of that process and, therefore, affect the quality of its output and the ultimate customers satisfaction with our products and services. 每個公司員工對品質及最終的顧客滿意都有貢獻每個公司員工對品質及最終的顧客滿意都有貢獻3Ford Total Quality ExcellenceSustained quality excellence requires continuous process improvement. This means, regardless of how good present performance may be, it can become even better.維持卓越的品質必須持續作流程的改善維持卓越的品質必須持續作流程的改善People provide the intelligence and generate the actions that are necessary to realize these improvements.改善的智識及行動來自人改善的智識及行動來自人Each employee is a customer for work done by other employees or suppliers, with a right to expect good work from others and an obligation to contribute work of high caliber to those who, in turn, are his or her customers.後工程即是顧客後工程即是顧客; ;不接收不良不接收不良, ,不傳送不良不傳送不良- Chairman of the board(口徑口徑; ;水準水準, ,程度程度)42. 福特六和品質管理之發展演進福特六和品質管理之發展演進 1/41986- Introduction/Localization引入福特原廠產品開發標準如Worldwide Design Requirement 及Worldwide Product Acceptance Specifications 。品管部門轄AP-QC (裝配及製造品管)及QA(品保) 。對供應商推行福特Q-101全球性品質管理規範。廠內推動UPAS-Uniform Product Assessment System-產品品質統一稽核系統。 1984年起正式推動品管圈(QCC)活動。Achievement 1986年正式通過加拿大法規標準,成為台灣第一個成車外銷的廠商。5福特六和品質管理之發展演進福特六和品質管理之發展演進2/419861991 Self-development/Expansion 1988年起福特六和採購部門設立專責單位,全力輔導零組件廠商提昇品質。導入先期品質規劃觀念APQP(Advanced Product Quality Planning)及品質基礎教育如團隊導向問題解決手法-8D (Team Oriented Problem Solving 8 Disciplines) 。Achievement全球福特總部品質評鑑人員評定金全壘打車系為全球同車系品質之冠。 1990年引擎鑄造廠獲頒象徵福特品質最高榮譽的Q1獎 1991年裝配廠獲頒象徵福特品質最高榮譽的Q1獎 。 6福特六和品質管理之發展演進福特六和品質管理之發展演進3/419911996 Upgrading/ Standardization建置QIS(Quality Information System)系統,在生產線上直接反應品質問題並於第一時間即時改善。 1994年導入顧客導向式車輛評價系統 Nova-C (New Overall Vehicle Assessment- Customer)。 1996年起導入QOS品質運行系統。Achievement 1994年獲得Q1再次驗證肯定。 1996年成為國內首家汽車業者通過 ISO-9001國際標準驗證,得到世界品質系統標準的肯定。 7福特六和品質管理之發展演進福特六和品質管理之發展演進4/41996now Transformation/ Internationalization 1996年起開始推動福特生產系統-FPS(Ford Production System)。 2000年起廠內開始推動Six Sigma品質改善專案活動。 2002年導入新版QOS品質運作系統及FCPA消費者導向產品稽核系統 (Ford Consumer Product Audit)。Achievement 1997年榮獲國際環境管理系統ISO 14001驗證 。 1998年獲得汽車業國際品質系統QS-9000驗證肯定。 2001年福特六和引擎廠新人圈榮獲福特總部CDQA(Customer Driven Quality Award)總裁獎。 2001及2002年獲得福特FPS全球評比最高層級之榮耀。 2002年獲得ISO 9001/QS 9000及ISO 14001整合系統驗證。83. Ford Quality is Job#1 Arrow Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control Design for 6-Sigma Common Problem Solving Language & Tools High Quality, High Velocity Improvements in Business Results 9 Leadership Principles Reward and Recognition Training and Feedback Partnership with Unions, Dealers and SuppliersQualityQualityIs IsJob #1Job #1QUALITY LEADERSHIP INITIATIVE Engage All Employees6-SIGMAData Driven Decision MakingQUALITY OPERATING SYSTEMPerformance to StandardsDrive ProcessDeliver ResultsPlanDoCheckActFord Motor Company QOSProductCreationSales & Service Certification SystemFPDSFutureCustomersCurrentCustomersOrder toDeliverySuppliersLaunchCurrentModelFPS9Quality Leadership Initiative9 Leadership Principles1.Value: Quality is Job One. It is our responsibility, our job security and our future. 2.Attitude: Zero Defect Mindset. Dont take it, dont make it and dont pass it on. 3.Culture: A relentless daily focus on quality. 4.Training: Ensuring people have the necessary skills and tools to do their jobs. 5.Accountability: Effective measurement and feedback for continuous improvement - accountability and performance metrics.6.Cooperation: Help suppliers help us succeed. 7.Joint Leadership Commitment: Effective Quality Leadership at all levels. 8.Disciplined Execution: Changes never compromise quality. 9.Enterprising Approach: The customer is our shared concern. 104. ISO 9001/QS-9000及及ISO 14001整合整合系統系統ISO 9001(96)/QS-9000(98)內部稽核內部稽核: 2 times/yearwISO 14001(97)內部稽核內部稽核: 1 times/yearwISO 9001(96)/QS-9000(98)外部稽核外部稽核: 1 times/yearwISO 14001(97)外部稽核外部稽核: 1 times/yearw2 systems, 2 sets of procedures, 30% overlap Integrationw整合程序書,整併減少整合程序書,整併減少30%重疊重疊。w建立整合內部網站以建立整合內部網站以e化管理,減少紙張及增進效率化管理,減少紙張及增進效率。w整合內部稽核整合內部稽核: 2 times/yearw整合外部稽核整合外部稽核: 1 times/yearw不僅整合集中內部資源人力,連外部稽核費用都可降低不僅整合集中內部資源人力,連外部稽核費用都可降低! Next Stepw轉換轉換QS-9000至至TS 16949wISO 1800011QOS-Quality Operating System品質運行系統品質運行系統 由福特總部發行之一致性生產品質運行系統,涵蓋所有生產廠區(車身、塗裝、完成車、新車驗放部)之要求。 以ISO 9001/QS 9000為基礎,連結FPS, Six-sigma, FPDS等企業之組織系統工具。 目的在推行一致性的福特組裝廠最佳品質系統,以達到監控並持續改善新車的出廠品質。共27個QOS單元要求,62個評分項目。 (R/Y/G)12QOS-Quality Operating System Time and Data ManagementRequired meeting scheduled at designated frequencies to communicate and evaluate Plant Quality System Output, total 18 meetings. A tool for plants to communicate information back to the base departments addressing customer concerns.VOPQUG-001FLH PracticesDescriptionFrequencyParticipantsMetricsDescriptionFrequencyParticipantsMetricsNOVA-C and Quality system Performance OverviewsDailyPlant Mgr.Area Mgr.Quality Mgr.Area SupervisorArea CIWG LeadersNova-cWrap reviewChips & ScratchesSqueaks / RattlesFAI/CAI review Roll TestConvoy Yard reviewDailyPlant Mgr.Area Mgr.Quality Mgr.Area SupervisorArea CIWG LeadersNova-c Wrap review Chips & ScratchesSqueaks / Rattles FAI/CAI review Road Test, Excel, PDI, FTT 13Convoy Yard Review-每日品質會議Review Vehicle QualityReview Concern & Actions14QOS-Quality Operating System Variability Reduction VRT/VFGa structured process to drive quality improvement focused on customer expectations. It ensures that plant controllable customer concerns are acted upon quickly and permanently. Tool Verificationensure regular inspection and certification of plant test equipment, tools, and gages is being conducted per the corporate guidelines. 15QOS-Quality Operating System Incoming Materialmeasures plant effectiveness in improving and controlling the quality of material entering the plant. A working relationship with the plant, suppliers, purchasing, and other key activities is essential for quality improvement. Process Control / Build & Inspection Process identify requirements for controlling specific operations and inspections. Those requirements come from practices and/or procedures that are the infrastructure of the assembly Vehicle Operations QOS. CCs, SCs, CTQ16QOS-Quality Operating System Repair Systema formalized repair process assuring the preparation, repair, material, and tooling/equipment used are in accordance with established/approved repair standards. Quality Acceptance Criteria established level of standards to be used for inspection. the criteria must then be cascaded throughout the plants.to assure that every inspection/check/test is performed to the same standards throughout the entire system.17QOS-Quality Operating System Weld SurveillanceIn process checks of welded assemblies, when coupled with periodic tear down of welded bodies and assemblies, provide a positive method of determining weld quality.ensure that all weld production operations are being effectively performed. Dimensional Control a comprehensive body sheet metal construction strategy that takes into account all key body sheet metal components and their relationships to each other and bodylines. to identify, track, and reduce dimensional variation from component to component and vehicle to vehicle 18QOS-Quality Operating System Torque Assuranceto assure that Fastening Control System implementation is standardized and effective across all assembly plants. FCPAto identify manufacturing imperfections through a series of a Static/Dynamic/Full (combination of static & dynamic) audits of finished units.使顧客導向所發現的問題直接回饋到生產線,以求獲得迅速對策及改善方案。 19FCPA(Ford Consumer Product Audit)福特消費性產品評價是完成車的稽核流程,用以指出產品的問題及潛在可能造成顧客/消費者不滿意的地方。採用全球一致的車輛作業評價流程於所有量產車種。驅使製造精緻工藝的提昇以期在車輛交貨與初期服務時達成高度顧客滿意度。強調顧客/消費者的回饋及反應。強調會影響顧客滿意度的設計意圖及製程限制。使用顧客/消費者導向的評分系統CCRS(稽核時間約為每輛車三個小時)。20FCPA(Ford Consumer Product Audit)福特消費性產品評價檢查項目包括:內外部裝配情形塗裝情形電機及各部機械功能引擎室及底盤漏水,風音及異音情形車輛動態及道路駕駛21CCRS(Customer Concern Rating System)顧客導向式評分系統抱怨分類抱怨分類BlitzC-ConcernsScore Complete Veh.30030020 1020 10噴塗廠分數噴塗廠分數909020 1020 10車身廠分數車身廠分數909015 10 515 10 5評鑑評鑑安全相關,並非令人喜歡的挑剔的顧客會針對抱怨的項目要求改善。無法達到對品質的期望值。受過訓練的偵測員會抱怨對顧客的衝擊對顧客的衝擊無法提供車顧客會要求檢修顧客會抱怨品質水準稽核的改善行動稽核的改善行動滿意程度滿意程度非常不滿意非常滿意完全地滿意觀察;避免惡化生產線上的改善行動生產線上的改善行動B-Concerns50 40 3050 40 3050 40 3050 40 3050(Zone1) 30(Zone2) 15(Zone3)50(Zone1) 30(Zone2) 15(Zone3)採取行動避免再發令人討厭和困擾的問題,一般的顧客會抱怨。品質不夠水準顧客在下次去經銷商時可以拿到維修好的車A-Concerns90 7090 70抱怨的問題被改正,不應該流至客戶處改善的動力來自於改善的動力來自於所有的顧客一般的顧客挑剔的顧客訓練過的觀察者無法接受,導致顧客關心並嚴重的抱怨不滿意有些不滿意必須不定期的前往維修車計算不良頻率,初擬改善行動22QOS-Quality Operating System Wind Noiseevaluates the noise acceptability of vehicles, as would an average customer. During the drive evaluation, the trained auditor listens with an unaided ear and rates wind noise performance, on a scale from 1 to 10, using the Wind Noise Rating Criteria form Squeak & Rattleto effectively detect assembly or component squeak and rattle concerns prior to the units leaving the plant. 23Squeak & Rattle Road TestSqueak & Rattle Test Track UpgradeLength:100 ft Uniform Vienna Block, 100 ft Stepped Vienna BlockWidth:104”40”40”24”Track Width 66”40”40”24”100Uniform Vienna BlockStepped Vienna Block24Squeak & Rattle Road TestUniform Vienna BlockStepped Vienna Block(1” Step in Height)25QOS-Quality Operating System Water (20 minute soak)pre-determined critical water entry areas, which may not show up during the normal 100% production water test. This 20 Minute test is a verification of process/design actions taken to correct any repetitive water leak concerns. Finish Vehicle Evaluation Program (M-10 Program) a daily evaluation of completed production level vehicles. These units are driven over-night, over the road by authorized plant personnel. Its function is to identify issues early and develop immediate process/product containment and improvement actions. 26QOS-Quality Operating System PIC (Product Information Center)includes external and internal quality indicators, giving the plants a standardized means of displaying quality data, description, and visual representation. PIC allows information flow to present quality efforts, which factually demonstrate performance over time. Control Point/Tip Level utilizes either current or added inspection as a tool to drive In-Station-Process-Control (ISPC) and to facilitate communication with the Base Operator to develop countermeasures to contain quality concerns within the zone. 27QOS-Quality Operating System Ultrasonica method to evaluate wind noise. The process is performed by attaching an ultra sonic tone generator to the center of the windshield and moving a detection instrument around the potential leak areas (glass runs, windshield, door openings, etc.). Wind Noise leaks are measured in decibels (dB) and compared to predetermined limits. Predetermined limits are established by correlation of leaks and customer data. Air Leakage Test an evaluation of sealed painted vehicle bodies and completed production vehicles for objective measurements of body air leakage. 28Ultrasonic Test Equipment29QOS 總表- 1/3RYGRYGRYGRYG1Time & Data Mgmt. G G G G2Variability ReductionVRT/VFG G G G G3Tool Verification G G G G4Incoming Material Y G 5Process Control /Build & InspectionProcess G G G G6Repair System Y G Y G7Quality AcceptanceCriteria G8Weld Surveillance G9Dimensional Control G10Torque Assurance Y11FCPA G12Wind Noise GQOS Area / Element R/Y/G RatingsVO QOS / QITDArea / ElementsBodyPaintFinalPDA / NOVA-C30QOS 總表- 2/3RYGRYGRYGRYG13Squeak & Rattle G14Water (20 minutesoak) G15M-10 Program G16CBT (PDI or Final) 17PIC (ProductInformation Center) G18QVS Quick VIMS G19Control Pt/Tip LevelR R 20Ultra Sonic21Air Leakage Test22Joint QualityComm./Mgmt. QualityComm.23 6-SigmaMethodologyQOS Area / Element R/Y/G RatingsVO QOS / QITDArea / ElementsBodyPaintFinalPDA / NOVA-CNew QITDArea / Elements GTBDTBDTBD31QOS 總表- 3/3RYGRYGRYGRYGTime & Data Mgmt. G G G GVariability ReductionVRT/VFG GTool Verification GIncoming Material Y Process Control /Build & InspectionProcess G G Repair System GQuality AcceptanceCriteria G GQOS Activity / Element R/Y/G Rating24252627VO e-QOSElementAPQPMCPVTRecg / Insp32QOS FAP Assessment ResultFLH element level: 2.75 (Full Level: 4)U.S. VO total plant summary status for reference:The level of FLH is better than VO plants in the US.Total Plant QOS Results % R/Y/G76%87%20%10%4%3%0%20%40%60%80%100%VOQO 1stQtr 2002 FLH 1st AssessmentRedYellowGreen33Ford Lio Ho Quality Improvement Flow Diagram345. TGW Reduction VRT / SAQ TGW (Things Gone Wrong): 問題點問題點,故障情況故障情況 VRT (Variability Reduction Team)a structured process to drive quality improvement focused on customer expectations. SAQ (Single Agenda for Quality)a systematic matrix to prioritize Customer Concerns based on internal and external indicators. 35VRT OrganizationMeeting DateChampionTeam LeaderSub-System /GQRS CategoryJ.D. Power CategoryTue.Ringo LinMike Chang Exterior Paint & Corrosion Vehicle exterior, (Paint issues) James Wang Body & Exterior Trim / Bumper Vehicle exterior (Exclude Wind noise, Water leaks) Steve TangInterior Trim, Water leakage, Squeaks and rattles Vehicle interiorWater leaksSqk & Rat Wed.Richard ChenS.M. Lee Mirror, Seating & Restraints MirrorSeats Fred Hsu E & A(1) Wiper, Elec. Accessory Feature & Controls(Exterior) S.L. Yang E & A(2) IP, Lighting, E/C Feature & Controls(Interior)IP, Sound system 36VRT OrganizationMeeting DateChampionTeam LeaderGQRS CategoryJ.D. Power CategoryThu.C.S. Li S.S. HsiehWind Noise & NVH Wind noiseNVH R.C. RauMechanism Vehicle interior(Mechanisms) John LinSteering / Handling & Ride Ride, Handling & BrakingFri.C.C. Yang D.P. WenTemperature Control HVAC Jack JAoBrakes Ride, Handling & BrakingC.J. WuPowertrain System EngineTransmission 376. TGR Kano Model TGR (Things Gone Right): Surprise & Delight 取悅取悅,喜愛喜愛 Traditional, One-Dimensional ThinkingDissatisfiedSatisfiedUsers PerceptionInsufficientSufficientPhysical State38TGR Kano ModelExciting Quality(Surprise & Delight High % BTE BetterThan Expected /TGR)Performance Quality(Attributes Product Building Blocks Of Customer Satisfaction,And some High % BTE)Basic Quality(TGW Inhibitors)Customer SatisfactionDegree of Achievementxy39Review Quality System1.Total Quality Excellence Company Policy Letter No.1. 2.Brief History of FLH Quality Management3.Quality Arrow (Quality is Job#1)4.QS-9000/ISO 14001 System/Quality Operating System5.TGW Reduction / VRT / SAQ