假如說過去與未來就是一片漆黑而不見光亮的暗夜,而文學作品就是照亮這一夜漆黑的點點星光 朱光潛翻譯&文學Translation之“詩”的翻譯“purpose of poetical translation is the poetry,not the verbal definitions in dictionaries.”Ernest Fenollosa(18531908)主要 翻譯 作家William Carlos WilliamsWilliam Carlos WilliamsEzra PoundEzra PoundKenneth RexrothKenneth RexrothRobert PayneRobert PayneLouis Zukofskys CatullusLouis Zukofskys CatullusDavid HintonDavid Hinton (參考文獻參考文獻:The New:The New Directions Anthology Of Classical Chinese Poetry Directions Anthology Of Classical Chinese Poetry Edit by Eliot Weinberger)Edit by Eliot Weinberger)翻譯 途徑(歐美學者)對中國原典的認識途徑對中國原典的認識途徑原典其他 譯作翻譯 手稿和東方學者交游歐美學者翻譯數量(20世紀初)第 篇 謝靈運 Translator David Hinton (節錄)謝靈運山居賦11.11.Far off to the east areFar off to the east are Tung-Cypress and Celestial-Terrace,Tung-Cypress and Celestial-Terrace,Stone-Window and Boundless-Peace,Stone-Window and Boundless-Peace,Twin-Leeks and Fourfold-Radiance,Twin-Leeks and Fourfold-Radiance,Fivefold-Shrine and Three-Reeds,Fivefold-Shrine and Three-Reeds,(原文原文)遠東則天臺、桐柏,方石、太平,遠東則天臺、桐柏,方石、太平,二韭、四明,五奧、三菁。二韭、四明,五奧、三菁。Cypress Cypress 柏樹柏樹 Celestial-Terrace Celestial-Terrace 天臺天臺 Stone-Window Stone-Window 方石方石 Boundless-Peace Boundless-Peace 太平太平 Leek Leek 韮蔥韮蔥 Fourfold Fourfold 四倍的、四重的四倍的、四重的 Radiance Radiance 發光發光(臉部或眼睛臉部或眼睛)Reed )Reed 蘆葦蘆葦 Ranges and peaks all entered in books of divine marvels.The rapport in things is tangible in the divine blessings I wander among there,hiking Stone-Bridges mossy trail and beyond through the twisting gnarls of Oaken Gorge.(原文)表神異於緯牒,驗感應於慶靈。凌石橋之苺苔,越楢溪之紆縈。Range 山脈 Peaks 山峰 Rapport 相互瞭解而信賴的關係 trail 足跡/痕跡 gnarl 樹瘤 Oaken 橡樹的 Gorge 隘路 峽谷 Far off to the south are Far off to the south are Peaks like Pine-Needle and Nest-Hen,Peaks like Pine-Needle and Nest-Hen,Halcyon-Knoll and Brimmed-stone,Halcyon-Knoll and Brimmed-stone,Harrow and Spire Ridges faced together,Harrow and Spire Ridges faced together,Elder and Eye-Loft cleaving summits.Elder and Eye-Loft cleaving summits.(原文原文)遠南則松箴、棲雞,唐嵫、漫石。遠南則松箴、棲雞,唐嵫、漫石。卒、卒、對嶺,釐、孟分隔。對嶺,釐、孟分隔。Pine-Needle Pine-Needle 松箴松箴 Nest-Hen Nest-Hen 棲雞棲雞 Halcyon Halcyon 翠鳥、魚狗翠鳥、魚狗 Knoll Knoll 小山、土墩小山、土墩 Brimmed-stone Brimmed-stone 漫石漫石 Harrow Harrow 耙子耙子 Summit Summit 峰頂峰頂 When you go deep,following a winding river to its source,When you go deep,following a winding river to its source,youre soon bewildered,wandering a place beyond youre soon bewildered,wandering a place beyond knowing:knowing:Cragged peaks towering above stay lost in confusions of Cragged peaks towering above stay lost in confusions of mist,mist,and depths sunken away far below surge and swell in a and depths sunken away far below surge and swell in a blur.blur.(原文原文)入極浦而邅回,迷不知其所適。入極浦而邅回,迷不知其所適。上嶔崎而蒙籠,下深厚而澆激。上嶔崎而蒙籠,下深厚而澆激。winding winding 蜿蜒的蜿蜒的 bewildered bewildered 使困惑使困惑 擾亂擾亂 cragged cragged 嶙峋的嶙峋的 blur blur 糢糊不清的事物糢糊不清的事物 Far off to the north are Far off to the north are a long river flowing ever homeward a long river flowing ever homeward and the boundless seas taking it in.and the boundless seas taking it in.Advent Ridge and sandbars wander away,Advent Ridge and sandbars wander away,island mountains crowding together island mountains crowding together (原文原文)遠北則長江永歸,巨海廿延納。遠北則長江永歸,巨海廿延納。昆漲緬曠,島嶼綢遝昆漲緬曠,島嶼綢遝。homeward homeward 歸途的歸途的 返家的返家的 Advent Advent 重要的重要的 sandbar sandbar 由潮汐或水流造成的沙洲由潮汐或水流造成的沙洲 below sumits towering far and wide,sentinels watching over below sumits towering far and wide,sentinels watching over waters meandering through depths and winding liquid away.waters meandering through depths and winding liquid away.These wildlands,such wonder unceasing:they spread away into These wildlands,such wonder unceasing:they spread away into wind-driven waves all struggle and repose together in the end.wind-driven waves all struggle and repose together in the end.(原文原文)山縱橫以布護,水回沉而縈浥。山縱橫以布護,水回沉而縈浥。信荒極之綿眇,究風波之睽合。信荒極之綿眇,究風波之睽合。Its emptiness to gaze along South RoadsIts emptiness to gaze along South Roadsgrowing cliffs become plateau growing cliffs become plateau shorelines you can fathom the deep,shorelines you can fathom the deep,and seeing islands understand the shallow,and seeing islands understand the shallow,.Are you tired?.Are you tired?.Lets see a Lets see a Concert Concert&take a rest !&take a rest !老師“唱”給你聽唷!(下週主題下週主題:現代流行音樂的創作文學現代流行音樂的創作文學)讓我們一同做那照亮夜空的星星吧!Thanks For Your Attention