Skill TrainingSkill Training(中译英中译英)Jack,您好,我认为今日应当探讨一下OS/2forWindows的中文化的问题.MrJack,Howareyou?ItistimeforustodealwiththeissueofinsertingChinesecharacterentryintotheOS/2forwindows.ItistimeforustodealwiththematterofinsertingtheutilityofChinesecharactersintotheOS/2forwindows.ItistimeforustodealwiththematterofmergingtheapplicationofChinesecharacterentryintotheOS/2forwindows.我认为今日应当探讨一下OS/2 for Windows的中文化的问题.It is time for us to deal with the matter of integrating the application of Chinese version intothe OS/2 for windows.It is time for us to deal with the matter of built-in the application of Chinese version to the OS/2 for windows.It is time for us to deal with the matter of bring theapplication of Chinese version with the OS/2 for windows.It is time for us to deal with the matter of combingthe application of Chinese version with the OS/2 for windows.我认为今日应当探讨一下OS/2 for Windows的中文化的问题.I think today we had better to probe sometopics about inserting Chinese version intothe OS/2 for windows.I think today we had better to involve sometopics about inserting Chinese version intothe OS/2 for windows.I think today we had better to seek after sometopics about inserting Chinese version intothe OS/2 for windows.I think today we had better to cope with sometopics about inserting Chinese version intothe OS/2 for windows.昨天我已昨天我已经将将OS/2OS/2开开发小小组探探讨的的结果用果用电子子邮件件传送送给你你.Yesterday,the conclusion,which the OS/2 developingYesterday,the conclusion,which the OS/2 developinggroup gained,was sent by e-mail to you.group gained,was sent by e-mail to you.Yesterday,the result,which the OS/2 explore team got,Yesterday,the result,which the OS/2 explore team got,was delivered by e-mail to you.was delivered by e-mail to you.The e-mail sent to you yesterday is the results of OS/2The e-mail sent to you yesterday is the results of OS/2design team attained.design team attained.不知你是否看过?Iwonderwhetheryoureaditornot.Iwouldliketoknowwhetheryoureaditornot.Iexpecttoknowwhetheryoureaditornot.Idesiretoknowwhetheryoureaditornot.Iwanttoknowwhetheryoureaditornot.今日我要强调几个问题:Today I would like to concentrate on some matters.Today I want to emphasize some matters.Today I want to stress on some key elements.Today I want to focus on some issues.AS to some leading matters,I would like to present my opinion.By the letter I would like to give my point about some leading matters.But here Id like to call(draw)your attention to the following facts.1.打印应当用打印应当用32bits的驱动程序的驱动程序,16bits的驱动程序问题太多的驱动程序问题太多.1:The driving program of 32 bits should be inserted in printer,because there are more troubles with 16 bits.the program of 16 bits.1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted inprinter,because there are only too errors emerged in 16 bits.1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted in printer,as a matter of fact,there are too much errors come up with 16 bits.In terms of the driving program in printer,32 bits should betrail inserted in printer,because there are diversified errorsemerged in 16 bits.1.1.打印打印应当用当用32bits32bits的的驱动程序程序,16bits,16bits的的驱动程序程序问题太多太多.1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted 1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted in printer,due to there are only too troubles with 16 in printer,due to there are only too troubles with 16 bits.bits.1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted 1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted in printer,in view of there are only too troubles with in printer,in view of there are only too troubles with 16 bits.16 bits.1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted 1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted in printer,because there are only too troubles with 16 in printer,because there are only too troubles with 16 bits.bits.1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted 1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted in printer,because there are many errors arose in 16 in printer,because there are many errors arose in 16 bits.bits.1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted 1:The driving program of 32 bits should be trail inserted in printer,instead of 16 bits to avoid some problems.in printer,instead of 16 bits to avoid some problems.1.打印应当用32bits的驱动程序,16bits的驱动程序问题太多.1:Printer should be controlled by the driving program of 32 bits,instead of 16 bits to avoid some problems.1:Printer should be coordinated by the driving program of 32 bits,instead of 16 bits to avoid some problems.1:In the case of the driving program in printer,16 bits has failed,and 32 bits is an alternative.1:Poor performance of driving program of 16 bits prevented us from further using it in printer.32 bits has to be inserted in printer.1:Poor performance of driving program of 16 bits caused us to select 32 bits in printer.1.打印应当用32bits的驱动程序,16bits的驱动程序问题太多.1:Considering the poor performance of driving program of 16 bits in printer,I think it advisable to select 32 bits.1:The poor performance of driving program of 16 bits means that it should be replaced by 32 bits.1:Because the driving program of 32 bits is super to 16 bits in performance,32 bits is the first selected for printer.1:The driving program of 16 bits is imperfect,which result in we have to choice 32 bits for printer.1.1.打印打印应当用当用32bits32bits的的驱动程序程序,16bits,16bits的的驱动程序程序问题太多太多.It is well known that there exists too much problem inIt is well known that there exists too much problem indrive program of 16 bits in printer and drive program ofdrive program of 16 bits in printer and drive program of32 bits is a good alternative(available).32 bits is a good alternative(available).Driving program of 32 bits should be inserted in printer Driving program of 32 bits should be inserted in printer rather than of 16 bits,as there exists too much problemrather than of 16 bits,as there exists too much problemin driving program of 16 bits in printer.in driving program of 16 bits in printer.Driving program of printer should be“32 bits”ratherDriving program of printer should be“32 bits”ratherthan“16 bits”,as problems appeared frequently in than“16 bits”,as problems appeared frequently in“16 bits”.“16 bits”.As problems appeared frequently in drive program of 16As problems appeared frequently in drive program of 16bits in printer,we have no choice but to use 32 bits.bits in printer,we have no choice but to use 32 bits.1.1.打印打印应当用当用32bits32bits的的驱动程序程序,16bits,16bits的的驱动程序程序问题太多太多.Driving program of 32 bits to be selected in printer is Driving program of 32 bits to be selected in printer is directed from the bad performance of 16 bits.directed from the bad performance of 16 bits.Imperfect performance of 16 bits driving program leadsImperfect performance of 16 bits driving program leadsto failure in printer and hence 32 bits to be considered.to failure in printer and hence 32 bits to be considered.Driving program of 16 bits,however,is imperfect in Driving program of 16 bits,however,is imperfect in Printer,for which 32 bits to be alternated.Printer,for which 32 bits to be alternated.Printer has witted that the 16 bits driving program Printer has witted that the 16 bits driving program stumbled over in print,32 bits was recommended to trailstumbled over in print,32 bits was recommended to trailin printer.in printer.2.显示驱动程序应当在更多的显示卡上进行测试.2:Displayprogramanddrivingprogramisneededtotrailtestunderthevarietyofdisplaycards.2:Displayprogramanddrivingprogramshouldbedebuggedonvarieddisplaycards.2:Displayprogramanddrivingprogramshouldbetrailtestedonvatiousofdisplaycards.2:Testshouldbedoneondisplayprogramanddrivingprogramindiversifieddisplaycards.2:Avarietyofdisplaycardsshouldbedebuggedbydisplayprogramanddrivingprogram.最好增加AGC卡的驱动程序.ItisbettertoaddeddrivingprogramforAGCcard.ItisagoodideatomergeddrivingprogramforAGCcard.AGCcardwithdrivingprogramisneededtoadd.ItwouldbebetterifwemergedrivingprogramonAGCcard.ItiswisefortointegratedrivingprogramonAGCcard.最好增加AGC卡的驱动程序.DrivingprogramisbettertobeintegratedforAGCcard.ThereisurgenttoadddrivingprogramforAGCcard.Inmyopinion,adddrivingprogramforAGCcardisnecessary.AdddrivingprogramforAGCcardisdesired.3.改进中文输入法.特殊是五笔输入法.3:UpdatethewayofChinesecharacterinputisneeded,especiallythewayofWubipatterninput.3:WeshouldimprovethewayofChinesecharacterentry,especiallythewayofWubipatterninput.3:InputmethodsofChinesecharacter,especiallythewayofWubipattern,urgenttobeenhanced.3:ThewayofWubipatternespeciallyneededtobeenhancewhenwediscussInputmethodsofChinesecharacter.3:ThefocusofimprovementthewayofChinesecharacterentryisonWubipattern.摘要:本文提出了一般高等院校计算机专业应当以网络应用、系统应用、数据库应用和软件工程应用作为主要教学内容。建议加强计算机新学问、新技术、新工具和计算机应用实例分析的教学内容。关键字:计算机;教学;高教;课程设置;Abstract:Thispaperexpoundgeneralcollagecomputerspecialtymajorteachingcourseisapplicationofnetwork,system,databaseandsoftwareengineering.Increasingforstudyingcomputernewknowledge,newtechnology,newtoolsandapplicationexampleanalyze.KEYWORD:Computer;Teaching;Highereducation;Courseset;本文提出了一般高等院校计算机专业应当以网络应用、系统应用、数据库应用和软件工程应用作为主要教学内容。建议加强计算机新学问、新技术、新工具和计算机应用实例分析的教学内容关键字:计算机;教学;高教;课程设置;Abstract:The text bring forward that it should use networkapplication,system application,database application and software engineering application by way of main curriculums in thecomputer specialty of common altitude academy,and advise toreinforce the curriculums in the knowledge of computer,newtechnique,new tools and case study of computer application.Keywords:computer;teaching;higher education;curriculums arrangement.本文提出了一般高等院校计算机专业应当以网络应用、系统应用、数据库应用和软件工程应用作为主要教学内容。建议加强计算机新学问、新技术、新工具和计算机应用实例分析的教学内容.关键字:计算机;教学;高教;课程设置;This article advanced that it should be thought mostly teaching content of computer specialty in the common altitude academy that they are network application、system application、database application and software engineering application.It propose to reinforce this teaching content on new knowledge、new technology、new tool and analytical application example in computer.Key word:computer;teaching;altitude education;curriculum arrange.Abstract:Thispaperarticleessayextendsthatcollegehighereducationingeneralcollegeschoolforadvancededucationmajorincomputershouldtakethecomputerregardcatchnetwork,computerapplication,databaseandsoftwareengineeringastheircompulsorysubjectmajorcurriculumsmaincoursesspecificsubjectskeysubjectsregularcontentsprofessionallessonsformalsubjectsfunctionalsubjectsmandatorysubjectsobligatorysubjectsprimarysubjectsrequiredsubjectscoresubjectsandalsoindicates(holdstheopinion)boldclaims(givesananalysisof)proposes(givesanaccountof)explains(concernsabout)presentsexpressesversionexpects(makesasuggests)thinks(putforwardsasuggests)suggests(submitsasuggests)maintainsInadditionto,Besides,Moreover,theauthorofthispaperindicates(holdstheopinion)boldclaims(givesananalysisof)proposes(givesanaccountof)explains(concernsabout)presentsexpressesversionexpects(makesasuggests)thinks(putforwardsasuggests)suggests(submitsasuggests)maintainsthat thelatestknowledge,noveltechnologyand(uptodate)innovationtoolofcomputer,andthecasestudyofcomputerapplicationasthethatthelatestknowledge,technologyandtoolofcomputer,andthecasestudyofcomputerapplicationasthereferencecurriculumsminoralessonschoiceauxiliarysubjectsappendsupplementelectivenon-examsubjectsoptionalsubjectssubsidiarysubjectsoptionsubjectsshouldbestressed.strengthened.intensive.(a.)enhanced.(a.)reinforced.Keywords:computer;teaching;collegeeducation;curriculumprovision;curriculumsarrangement.本文提出了一般高等院校计算机专业应当以网络应用、系统应用、数据库应用和软件工程应用作为主要教学内容。This paper suggested that computernetwork,computer system,database and software engineering of their corresponding(respectively)applications should be takenas the major curriculums for college students special in computer.建议加强计算机新学问、新技术、新工具和计算机应用实例分析的教学内容.At the same time,the focus of this paper is that the latest knowledge,novel technologyand innovation tool of computer,and thecase study of computer application should be offered as the reference curriculums forstudents to know(touch)the trends of computer development.本文提出了一般高等院校计算机专业应当以网络应用、系统应用、数据库应用和软件工程应用作为主要教学内容。Computer network,computer system,database and software engineering of their corresponding(respectively)applications are indispensable major curriculums for college students specialin computer.建议加强计算机新学问、新技术、新工具和计算机应用实例分析的教学内容.And the latest knowledge,novel technologyand innovation tool of computer,and the case study of computer applications are also needed as the reference curriculums for them to know the trends of computer development which is the focus of thispaper.本文提出了一般高等院校计算机专业应当以网络应用、系统应用、数据库应用和软件工程应用作为主要教学内容。This paper put great emphasis on the topic about the main curriculums whichcovering computer network,computer system,database and softwareengineering of their corresponding(respectively)applications as the majorcurriculums 建议加强计算机新学问、新技术、新工具和计算机应用实例分析的教学内容.and special focus also be placed on the topic about the knowledge of the latest knowledge,novel technology andinnovation tool of computer,and the case study of computer application as the reference curriculums or college students special in computer to know(touch)the trends of computer development.Web阅读器与数据库互连技术及其在CAD/CAM系统中的应用摘要:分析了Web与数据库接口模式,ASP工作原理、体系结构和编程技巧,给出了ASP在(塑料注射模)CAD/CAM系统中应用实例。关键词:Web;ASP;CAD/CAM;数据库;塑料注射模The Application for the InterfaceTechniqueofWebandDatabaseinCAD/CAMSystemAbstract:Themodelsfortheinterface technique of Web andDatabase,the work principle,built-inobjectsandActiveXservercomponents of ASP technology areanalyzed.Anexampleoftheapplicationof(injectionMoulds)CAD/CAMSystembyASPTechnologyisgiven.Keywords:Web;ASP;CAD/CAM;DatabaseInjectionMouldsWebWeb阅读器与数据器与数据库互互连技技术及其在及其在CAD/CAMCAD/CAM系系统中的中的应用用The application of Interface The application of Interface technique technique practical application practical application strategy strategy connectionconnection merging merging integration integration combine combine mixing mixing coupling coupling between Web browser and Database in CAD/CAM between Web browser and Database in CAD/CAM systemsystemWebWeb阅读器与数据器与数据库互互连技技术及其在及其在CAD/CAMCAD/CAM系系统中的中的应用用Application based on interface Application based on interface techniquetechniquePractical application Practical application Strategy Strategy connectionconnection merging merging integration integration combining combining mixing mixing coupling coupling between Web browser and Database in CAD/CAM between Web browser and Database in CAD/CAM system studiessystem studies WebWeb阅读器与数据器与数据库互互连技技术及其在及其在CAD/CAMCAD/CAM系系统中的中的应用用Application of interface technique Application of interface technique connection connection merging merging integration integration combining combining mixing mixing coupling couplingin CAD/CAM System aboutin CAD/CAM System about on on Web Web browser withbrowser withDatabaseDatabase分析了Web与数据库接口模式,ASP工作原理、体系结构和编程技巧,给出了ASP在(塑料注射模)CAD/CAM系统中应用实例。Theauthorofthispaperstudiesthewayanalyses theschemeindicatestheplantheprojectthecontentsthecharacteristicsofinterfacetechnologybetweenWebbrowserandDatabase,theASPworkexecut