云路鹏程九万里,雪窗萤火二十年。王实甫天行健,君子以自强不息。地势坤,君子以厚德载物。易经1.Multi-symptom cold medicines include a mix of ingredients,some of _ may be useful and some not,depending on what your most severe symptoms are.A.them B.which C.these D.that 2.Unlike some kids who graduate high school eager to start a life away from home,Matt _ a college about 30 miles from his home so that he could remain devoted to family,and especially his mother.A.applied to B.applied for C.replied to D.replied for 3.A recent survey found a solid majority of women and men in agreement that _ equal sharing of housework when both parents work full time.A.it should have B.it should be C.there should have D.there should be 4.I wouldnt want to go into _ on those particular issues right now,but I want to emphasize that drastic measures must be taken to effectively address them.A.a too great detail B.too a great detail C.too great a detail D.a great detail too 5.In 1980,the average textile(纺织业的)worker in the United States was earning$an hour,while his _ in some developing countries was making only 80 cents an hour.人之为学,不日进则日退,独学无友,则孤陋而难成;久处一方,则习染而不自觉。顾炎武穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。孟子 A.counterpart B.colleague C.comrade D.companion 6.When Jim purchased the land five years ago,he had a scenario that included potential _ of it to a holiday resort.A.diversion B.conversion C.innovation D.conservation 7.There seems to be no debate about the _ that the world will be warmer and warmer if we keep pumping large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.A.preposition B.proposition C.persuasion D.perception 8.Corey said his time working with the professor was the most rewarding experience he had ever had in his life,far _ anything that he might have dreamed of or imagined.A.surpassing(超过)B.surpassed C.surpass D.to surpass 9.According to a recent study,if somebody gets into a car and tries to pull out,they often take longer to do so if theres somebody waiting to get into that parking _.A.venue B.lot 百川东到海,何时复西归?少壮不尽力,老大徒伤悲。汉乐府长歌行人之为学,不日进则日退,独学无友,则孤陋而难成;久处一方,则习染而不自觉。顾炎武 C.space D.zone 10.After the layoffs were announced,Mr.Hollande _ that the plan is not acceptable,and therefore it will not be accepted.A.refuted B.resented C.reverted D.retorted 11.With the collapse of the stock market,many _ professionals and executives have been stripped of their huge gains on stock option packages and investments.A.well-fed B.well-off C.well-timed D.well-earned 12.Denise has a worsening eye problem that leaves her unable to drive._,she recently fell and broke her ankle and has to use a wheelchair now to get around her house.A.To keep things as bad B.To make things worsening C.To put bad things together D.To make matters worse 13._ that his eldest son had a drug addiction and liked to use painkillers and different medications.A.There s no secret B.There isnt secret C.Its no secret D.Its not a secret 14.The smiling champion said she was lucky _ she came along at a time when there 吾日三省乎吾身。为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?论语老当益壮,宁移白首之心;穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。唐王勃were places where she could learn and people who would give her the opportunity to learn.A.in that B.given that C.provided that D.now that 15.Experts carry heavy responsibilities when assessing the risk of the epidemic for the health of the population and _ enormous pressure to be both efficient and accurate.A.are supposed to B.are subject to C.are inclined to D.are likely to 16.Some people dread the idea of eating the same thing for dinner two nights _.They prefer to cook fresh food for themselves every day.A.at a stretch B.at a time C.in any case D.in a row 17.Environmental issues such as global warming and acid rain have captured public attention recently.Concern about such issues has led many to _ far-reaching solutions.A.call for B.call upon C.call up D.call in 18.Last years rate increases _ the worst bear market in bonds since records were started in the early 1920s.A.evoked B.aroused 其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。论语人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?论语 C.triggered 触发 D.inspired 19.Officials of the company have repeatedly denied in public statements and sworn _ that they sought to sell cigarettes to those under 18.A.oath B.testimony 证词 C.confession D.evidence 20.Beyond keeping detailed records,our company needs to have a plan in place for the _ and preservation of documents after a demand letter is served.A.retrieval 恢复 B.renewal C.rescue D.retention 21.I cant believe she spent five hours loafing around in the open garden outside the pyramids,_ on the bare ground,watching the comings and goings of people around her.A.sat B.to sit C.seated 就座 D.to be seated 22.The media says that the new prime minister risks _ the economy by pushing through a higher sales tax that may damp consumption.A.to stall B.stall C.having stalled D.stalling 停转 23.In an era with few well-paid jobs available,job seekers are usually unable to speak up for 常将有日思无日,莫待无时思有时。增广贤文以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以古为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。旧唐书魏征列传themselves _ losing badly needed employment.A.by virtue of B.for fear of C.at risk of D.in case of 24.The event has _ young people since it was launched because of the discussions they can have with their peers in a supportive environment.A.appealed to B.stuck to C.contributed to D.adapted to 25.The water used to cool the citys buildings travels in a closed _ inside 48-inch pipes that run for 15 miles beneath the city.A.whirl B.spiral C.circuit D.loop 圈 26.Questions concerning the origins of the laws of nature are beyond the _ of science,and in areas where only philosophers and theologians(神学家)dare access.A.bound B.branch C.realm 领域,范围 D.reach 27.His apartment was one of three that had been _ out of a glamorous old house built in the 1930s.A.partitioned 隔开 B.separated 百川东到海,何时复西归?少壮不尽力,老大徒伤悲。汉乐府长歌行穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。孟子 C.isolated D.allocated 28.Lets take a check of the weather and see whats going on all across the country.Shall we _ we are going to see some rain move through parts of the country.A.It looks B.It looks as C.It looks alike D.It looks like 29.If a prophet had come to our village in those days and told us what things _,none of our people would have believed him.A.were to take place B.were taking place C.had taken place D.took place 30._,you may want to mark that question for review and return to it once you have completed the other test questions.A.If you stuck on a difficult question B.If you get stuck on a difficult question C.If a difficult question stuck on you D.If a difficult question gets stuck on you Unit 2 1.All public pools in the country must have a lift for the disabled installed by next month,a lift _ the one you are now seeing on your screen.A.to B.like C.as 非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮吾日三省乎吾身。为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?论语 D.of 2.Agreement and harmony are much easier to achieve in a(n)_ group or organization where everyone shares the same values,beliefs,and cultures.A.cautious B.erroneous C.simultaneous D.homogeneous 同类的 3.The museum is hardly the only artistic center grappling with tough financial times.Ballets,theaters,_,and museums across the country are cutting programs.A.symphonies 交响乐 B.symptoms C.testimonies D.ceremonies 4.While he was sitting in the car and thinking whether he should knock on the door,he noticed a simple _ of Christmas lights around the front window.A.sample B.scratch C.strand 股 D.sketch 5.Jack and I were riding in the back of a long black car,insulated from the heat and dust as it follows a deserted highway through a _ desert landscape.A.barren 贫瘠的 B.bound C.radiant D.robust 6.I would like someone to invent a rain-sensitive windshield wiper,_,a computerized wiper that would know how fast to go according to how hard it was raining.非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮良辰美景奈何天,便赏心乐事谁家院。则为你如花美眷,似水流年。汤显祖 A.in another way B.in no way C.in other words D.in no word 7.She decided to buy that car because it used less gasoline and had the two _ she couldnt live without:a GPS and a CD player.A.alternatives B.accessories 附件 C.artifacts D.attributes 8.The mayors ambitious plan to build affordable housing for low-income residents was controversial because of the prevailing _ against public housing.A.session B.sense C.setback D.sentiment 情绪 9.The companys long-term power contract,signed before electricity prices went up,is _ expire,and it says it can not pay the new rate being offered by suppliers.A.about to B.down to C.up to D.out to 10.Now she works from home as a full-time employee,providing technical support for companies websites _ telephone or email.A.beyond B.versus 丈夫志四方,有事先悬弧,焉能钧三江,终年守菰蒲。顾炎武人之为学,不日进则日退,独学无友,则孤陋而难成;久处一方,则习染而不自觉。顾炎武 C.from D.via 经过 11.He recalled his own experience of seeing a television for the very first time 30 years ago,when it was still a _.He felt delight and fascination.A.necessity B.neglect C.novelty 新奇 D.notation 12.Stomach and intestinal(肠的)problems,insufficient intake of iron from daily foods,as well as other factors may all cause _ levels of stored iron in the body.A.effective B.efficient C.defective D.deficient 不足的 13.Temporary workers of the company were once not entitled to decent health care because they were just short-term contractors _ how long they kept the same job.A.no problem B.no matter C.whatever D.however 14.Last December,the company completed a successful test flight of a reusable _ capable of carrying up to seven people to the space.A.council B.venue C.capsule 胶囊 D.avenue 老当益壮,宁移白首之心;穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。唐王勃好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。中庸15.She didnt set out to have a child-centered marriage,but it just happened when commercial and cultural pressures _ with her own intentions.A.collided 相撞 B.confirmed C.clustered D.consented 16.The United Nations World Assembly on Aging has forecast a much older population on a global scale than now,with many people _ beyond 80 by the year 2050.A.lived B.living C.are living D.being lived 17.The two teams each have their strengths and their weaknesses,and thus they can _ each other when working on the project together.A.conceive B.confront C.complement 补充 D.compliment 18.These gas transmission lines were mostly installed before 1970,which means that many pipes may have started to _ and that the need to inspect them is urgent.A.collide B.corrode 侵蚀 C.convert D.conflict 19.To play sports is _ winning and losing a game.More importantly,it is _ doing your best and building your character.A.not on.on 穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。孟子人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?论语 B.about.not about C.on.not on D.not about.about 20.Her job at the clothing factory was just standing on the assembly line and _ labels to clothes in precisely the same place.A.affix 附加 B.accord C.acquire D.approach 21.They started joking about his house at the end of the dinner,partly out of respect for his brilliance,partly out of _ for his success.A.aspect B.prospect C.sympathy D.jealousy 嫉妒 22.Until age 14,Dennis lived in an orphanage,and then he moved to a slum neighborhood of racial _ between whites,blacks,and Hispanics.A.campaign B.warfare 战争 C.contest D.awareness 23.A key point that should be _ in all population and development planning for this region is the provision of and access to basic social services.A.underestimated B.undertaken C.underscored 下划线 D.undermined 志不强者智不达,言不信者行不果。墨翟海纳百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,无欲则刚。林则徐24.As a top industrial designer in the world today,he thinks design is _ just making attractive products.It can also help change the way people live.A.more than B.less than C.fewer than D.better than 25.Mrs.McBride,my neighbor,was a fanatic(狂热的)gardener,planting lots of flowers and vegetables on the _ at the back of her house.A.installment B.segment C.allotment 分配 D.fragment 26.Your personal sense of photographic _ helps you determine how you will depict the subject and whether your image is acceptable.A.esthetics 美学 B.ethics C.exploration D.exposition 27.On the wall of his office,there was a big picture of a(n)_ of soldiers,and another of a man in an air-force uniform standing in the park.A.enrollment B.arrangement C.regiment 团 D.recruitment 28.My sister likes visiting the art museum,and she always says real art gives people not just _ pleasure but also intellectual stimulation.A.sensitive 其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。论语非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮 B.sensual 感觉 C.sensational D.sensible 29.The new drug could extend life significantly,but the problem was _ the treatment was too expensive to be made available to patients in the developing world.A.that B.which C.what D.when 30.It was no surprise that they were perceived as rude and _ because they always boasted about the glory of their past achievements.A.addicted B.absorbed C.absolute D.arrogant 自大的 Unit three 1.Substances like sugar,salt,spices,and vitamins are generally recognized _ safe additives(添加剂)which could be used directly in food manufacturing.A.of B.for C.as D.to 2.During his trip in Spain ten years ago,he suddenly _ of a plan to serve coffee and snacks in his bookstores.A.acquired B.perceived C.acknowledged 天行健,君子以自强不息。地势坤,君子以厚德载物。易经以家为家,以乡为乡,以国为国,以天下为天下。管子牧民 D.conceived 想出 3.The army is often seen as the last line of defense against both foreign and domestic threats,thus it has been significantly funded and held in high _.A.reward B.regard 认为 C.guard D.regards 4.Thomas Paine declared that the Revolutionary War contributed more to enlightening the world than any human event that ever _ it.A.preceding B.preceded C.precedent D.precedes 5.To our great surprise,the champion in the cycling race this year _ his success to the accident which harmed his legs earlier in the year.A.attributed 认为。是 B.distributed C.contradicted D.contributed 6.Though we know nothing about the content of the lecture,we can still _ from the large crowd that the speaker is very popular.A.decree B.induce C.deduce 推论 D.inflict 7.Though being born _ a wealthy family clan,he built his career from nothing and refused any help from his family.吾日三省乎吾身。为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?论语以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以古为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。旧唐书魏征列传 A.from B.with C.of D.into 8.The economist _ both individual investors and institutional investors and blamed them for the imbalanced development in economy.A.picked on 选上 B.picked up C.picked from D.picked out 9.If youre a good observer,you can see a _ of anger leaking through the seemingly indifferent comments of the speaker.A.trait B.trace 追踪 C.trail D.track 10.The project is the _ of our community council,which calls on volunteers to build houses for and with poor people,who then pay for the cost of the materials.A.brainwave B.brainchild 脑力劳动的产物 C.brainpower D.brainstorm 11.The escape of the president to other countries _ the whole plan of the government and led to riots in some cities.A.interrupted B.erupted C.disrupted 扰乱 万两黄金容易得,知心一个也难求。曹雪芹丈夫志四方,有事先悬弧,焉能钧三江,终年守菰蒲。顾炎武 D.corrupted 12.Within limited time,he drafted a _ for his design and started to look for investors.A.portrait B.profile C.preface D.prototype 原型 13._ by the boys remarkable achievements in school,the president is determined to have the boy enrolled in his university.A.Be impressed B.Had impressed C.Being impressed D.Impressing 14.No matter how unrealistic his plans seem to be,he is still sure that he must be _ something in the near future.A.wi