SIX SIGMACONTINUOUSIMPROVEMENTPROCESSQIAImprove QualityReduceCostProductivityImprovesCaptureMarketProvides jobs andmore jobsModels of the relationships affecting qualityand business performanceDemings Model:less rework, less scrapIncrease cycle time,increase throughputbetter quality,lower priceOverall societybenefitsCOST OF POOR QUALITY (COPQ)External Failure CostsWarranty AdjustmentsRepairsCustomer ServiceReturned GoodsReturned Repaired GoodsProduct RecallsProduct Liability SuitsOpportunity CostsInternal Failure CostsScrapReworkRE-INSPECTION of ReworkDowngrading Because of DefectsLosses Caused by Vendor ScrapDowntime Caused by DefectsFailure Analysis.Appraisal CostsReceiving InspectionIn-process InspectionLaboratory InspectionOutside Laboratory EndorsementsSetup for TestingMaintenance of Test EquipmentQuality AuditsCalibration of Quality Equipment.Prevention CostsQuality EngineeringDesign and Development of Quality EquipmentDesign Verification and Review to Evaluate the Quality of New ProductsQuality TrainingQuality Improvement ProjectsQuality Data Gathering Analysis and ReportingOther Process Control Activities Used to Prevent DefectsLost OpportunityLost OpportunityScrapReworkInspectionWarrantyRejectsLost salesLate deliveryEngineering change ordersLong cycle timesExpediting costsExcess inventoryThe Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) “Iceberg”Traditional Quality CostsAdditional Costs of Poor Quality(intangible)(tangible)4-8%25-35%(Easily Identified)(Difficult or impossible to measure)Lost Customer LoyaltyMore SetupsSix Sigma Philosophy We are in business to make money We make money by satisfying needs We are able to satisfy needs by doing Every need/do pair is an interaction The aim of customer focus is on improving need/do interaction Repetition of the same action constitute a processImprove our business means improvement of our processesCustomers need products/services on-time, with zero defects, with lower cost As process capability improves, the product quality increases As quality increases, costs and cycle-time go down. The reduction of defects, cycle-time, cost leads to improved customer satisfaction As customer satisfaction improves, the likelihood of doing business increases As business increases, we (as individual and society) grow and prosperWhat is Six Sigma?Sigma is a statistical unit of measure which reflects process capability. The sigma scale of measure is perfectly correlated to such characteristics as defects-per-unit, parts per million defective (PPM), and a probability of a failure/error. The sigma value indicates how often defects are likely to occur. The higher the sigma value, the less likely a process will produce defects. As sigma increases, costs go down, cycle time goes down, and customer satisfaction goes up.What is the meaning of quality?99% Good (3.8 Sigma)99.9997% Good (6 Sigma)20,000 lost articles of mail per hourSeven articles of mail lost per hourUnsafe drinking water for almostOne unsafe minute every seven months 15 minutes each day5,000 incorrect surgical operations 1.7 incorrect operations per weekper week2 short or long landings at most majorone short or long landing every fiveairports each dayyears at each airport200,000 wrong drug prescriptions per year68 wrong drug prescriptions per yearNo electricity for seven hours each monthOne hour without electricity every34 yearsSix Sigma Is.Six Sigma is disciplined methodology for continuous improvement for Reducing process variability and keeping it reduced achieve benefits from improvements in: better product/process quality reduce scarp and rework reduce cycle time better product/process design reduce major expanses A tool set to make that change practical Empowered people have the control they need to improve the way they work A common language for discussing, measuring and comparing process capabilities A powerful competitive advantage.-6 -5-5 -4 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 X +1 +2+2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 Normal DistributionShifted 1.5 Process Capability (Sigma) PPMYield2308,53769%3 66,80793.3%4 6,21099.3%5 23399.98%6 3.499.9997% Sigma Measures - Process CapabilityPerformanceLevelSIGMA% Yield# of Defects perMillion (DPM)A+699.999663.4A599.9767233B499.37906,210C393.366,807D269308,537F131691,462Cost ofQuality %1% of sales5 - 15% of sales15 - 25% of sales25 - 40% of salesC93.366,8073Establish organizational measurements Identify the sigma level Establish COPQ measurement process Identify the major areas for improvement 3 to 4 sigma means 15 % to 25% cost of sales: - Which means if your sales is $100 millions, you can save up to $25 millions by implementing Six Sigma program. The savings is continuous basis year over year What is the Benefits of Six Sigma ?Output Measurement Failure rate (internal and external) Warranty cost Repair cost per unit Cycle time per unit Cycle time for new product development # of engineering changes Supplier issues WIP inventory cost Finished goods inventory Defects product arrival at customer # of service eventsLearn how the companies like General Electric, AlliedSignal, Motorola, Lockheed Martin, American Express, J.P. Morgan & Chase, and others use Six Sigma methodologies to reduce defects, improve processes, lower cost, higher profit, increase customer satisfaction, and drive improvement to a new levels. “The Six Sigma Quality initiatives has lowered GEs costs by dramatically reducing rework, simplifying processes, and reducing direct material costs. Design for six sigma has been a key to the introduction of numerous high-quality new products with significantly enhanced features.”John F. Welch jr., General electric Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer, GE Annual Report 2000. bKnowledgeManagementKnowledgeManagementbBusiness ResultsOps Review, Strategy Review LeadershipValues, Vision, MissionLearning and GrowthStrategy ManagementBalanced ScorecardProcess ManagementCustomer Management Knowledge Management Quality ManagementQMSThe Six Sigma SystemCustomersRequirementsSatisfactionCustomersContinuous improvement ofthe quality management systemManagementresponsibilityResourcemanagementProductrealizationMeasurement analysis and improvementProductInputOutputSix SigmaProcessCustomerSatisfaction Increase revenue and profit Increase market share Decrease costQuality Management System VS Six SigmaQuality Management SystemSix Sigma SystemCustomerSatisfactionBusinessObjectivesBusinessStrategyProcess ImprovementBusiness Governance ModelDelivery Return RateWarranty $Problem ResolutionNew prod PerformanceCust. SurveyMfg QualitySupplier PerformanceRevenueCost ProfitMarket ShareGrowthBusinessResultsAssessment PDP Product LCM Supplier Development Planning Marketing Customer Service ManufacturingISO/QS 9000 ProcessSix Sigma ProcessQIA Six Sigma Implementation ModelUnderstanding ofSix Sigma Process (Executive Training)Define BusinessStrategy (Values, Vision, Mission)Adopt Six Sigma Process as Long Term Business Strategy for Continuous Improvement(QMS Process)Develop Measurements and Goals (Balanced Scorecard) for the BusinessGap Analysis (Understand the strength & weakness), Areas for ImprovementDevelop Business Governance Model to Monitor Business PerformanceDefine Roles & Responsibilities for Six Sigma DeploymentDevelop the Roadmap for Six Sigma Process DeploymentIdentify Resource RequirementsDevelop Six Sigma Governance ProcessDevelop Six Sigma Training and Certification program (SSL, MBB, BB, GB)Identify Projects for ImprovementsAssess Business Performance related to Six Sigma Process(QMS Process)QIA Six SigmaSix Sigma Continuous Improvement PrioritiesOverall focus will: Dramatically reduce the Cost of Quality by improving: process improvement product and service improvement design improvement supplier improvement training Develop and implement a systematic approach to drive performance improvements throughout the business Make Customer Satisfaction a driving force in all business decisions Implement a balanced score card that measures the success of our efforts Leader/ChampionMaster Black Belt(MBB)Black Belts (BB)Green Belts (GB)Project Team MembersSix Sigma - Roles & ResponsibilitiesIs responsible for coordinating a business roadmap to achieve 6. Selects projects, executes control, and alleviates roadblocks for the 6 projects in his or her area of responsibility.Is mentor, trainer, and coach of Black Belts and others in the organization. Brings the broad organization up to the required 6 competency level.Is a leader of teams implementing the 6 methodology on projects. Introduces the methodology and tools to team members and the broader organization.Delivers successful small, focused departmental projects using the success strategy.Participates on the project teams. Supports the goals of the project, typically in the context of his or her existing responsibilities. Is expected to continue to utilize learned 6 methodology and tools as part of his or her normal job.QIA can help you to grow your business by introducing you a world class business strategy by combining your existing Quality Management System (QMS) with Six Sigma continuous improvement process. This strategy helps you to provide best quality products and services to your customer, which will help you to significantly improve customer satisfaction, business growth, lower cost and higher profits.WHAT QIA CAN DO FOR YOU!QIA Six Sigma Training & Certification Program An Executive Overview of Six Sigma Program Six Sigma Leader/Champion Master Black Belt Black Belt Green BeltWhat is Next?Six Sigma executive trainingAdopt Six Sigma process as long term business strategy Business gap analysis (identify strengths and weaknesses) Benchmark Develop business strategy and governance model Develop measurement processes Develop roadmap for Six Sigma deployment Identify resource requirements Identify training roadmap for Six Sigma Develop six sigma training programIdentify improvement projectsAssess business success.