测控技术与仪器专业英语阅读翻译 篇一:测控技术与仪器专业英语翻译 5. Inheritance In Figure 9.7, the classes SalesOrderCheclcPmt and SalesOrderCreditPmt are called subclasses of SalesOrder. The class SalesOrder is called the super class of SalesOrderCheckPmt and SalesOrderCreditPmt. The relationship between a class and its subclass (or superclass) is called generalization or specialization. Subclasses inherit attributes and operations from their class. A subclass has its own additional attributes and operations. For example, the class SalesOrderCreditPmt inherits the attributes order No, order Date, delivery Date, and order Terms and the methods calcTotal and changeDelivDate. In this case, the class SalesOrder is the generalized class, and SalesOrderCheckPrmt and SalesOrderCreditPrmt are the specialized classes. 6. Polymorphism Earlier it was mentioned that a DVR and a DVD player that respond similarly but differently to the same message are polymorphic. Polymorphism means having many forms. In the context of OQSAD, polymorphism means that the same message can invoke similar but different behavior. Thus, a message that invokes the operation calcTotalQ of a :SalesOrder object will result in the sales order total calculation; a message that invokes the operation calcTotaIQ of a PurchaseOrder object will result in a purchase order total calculation. The implementation of the operations in the respective classes will be different. Foundations of the object model Structured design methods evolved to guide developers who were trying to build complex systems using algorithms as their fundamental building blocks. Similarly, object-oriented design methods have evolved to help developers exploit the expressive power of object-based and object- oriented programming languages, using the class and object as basic building blocks. Foundations of the object model. Actually, the object model has been influenced by a number of factors, not just object-oriented programming. The object model has proven to be a unifying concept in computer science, applicable not just to programming languages but also to the design of user interfaces, databases, and even computer architectures. The reason for this widespread appeal is simply that an object orientation helps us to cope with the complexity inherent in many different kinds of systems. 5。继承 在图9.7中,类SalesOrderCheclcPmt和SalesOrderCreditPmt被称为SalesOrder的子类。类SalesOrder被称为超类SalesOrderCheckPmt和SalesOrderCreditPmt的。一类和它的子类(或超类)之间的关系被称为泛化或专业。子类继承他们的阶级属性和操作。子类有它本人的附加属性和操作。例如,类SalesOrderCreditPmt继承属性订单号,订单日期,发货日期和订单术语和方法calcTotal和changeDelivDate。在这种情况下,类SalesOrder是广义类,并SalesOrderCheckPrmt和SalesOrderCreditPrmt是专门的类。性 早些时候有人提到,DVR和DVD播放器,以一样的消息作出回应,但类似的不同是多态。多态是指“有多种方式”。在OQSAD的上下文中,多态性是指同一消息可以调用类似,但不同的行为。因此,一条消息,调用的操作calcTotal:SalesOrder对象将导致销售订单总额计算;一个消息调用了一个采购订单对象的操作calcTotaL将导致采购订单总额计算。在各自的类中的操作的实现将是不同的。 对象模型的根底 构造化方法演化为指导开发谁试图建立使用的算法作为其根本构建模块的复杂系统。同样的,面向对象的设计方法已经开展到协助开发人员利用基于对象和面向对象编程语言的表现力,使用类和对象的根本构建模块。对象模型的根底。 实际上,对象模型已经由许多要素的阻碍,而不是仅仅面向对象编程。对象模型已经被证明是一个统一概念在计算机科学中,适用不只是为了编程语言,但也给用户接口,数据库,甚至计算机体系构造设计。如此做的缘故广泛的吸引力仅仅是一个面向对象的协助我们以应付所固有的许多不同品种的系统的复杂性。篇二:测控技术与仪器专业英语课文翻译 因此,有应用的个人电脑的所有者可能想比仅通过GPIB与各种设备的奇数,提供更高的功能。这种系统通常称为基于PC的工作站。在基于PC的工作站,仪器模块匹配功能和兼容性都聚拢围绕PC电脑。基于PC的工作站同意来自多台仪器的数据迅速聚拢,存储,作图,分析,并纳入一台PC机上的报告方式。这品种型的系统一般都放在一个制造商合作,以提高功能和涉及的仪器模块之间的合作。 There are, of course, applications for which the owner of a PC may want higher performance than that offered by the GPIB alone, with its odd assortment of devices. Such systems are generally referred to as PC-based workstations. In a PC-based workstation, instrument modules with matched performance and compatibility are clustered around a PC computer. The PC-based workstation allows data from multiple instruments to be rapidly gathered ,stored, graphed ,analyzed, and incorporated into report form on a single PC. Systems of this type are generally put together by one manufacturer to enhance performance and cooperation between the instrument modules involved. 一个基于PC的工作站的一个例子是惠普推出的PC仪器系统。 PC仪器是一系列的九个专用仪器模块,旨在通过一个专门的接口总线操作惠普触摸屏II个人电脑,IBM PC / XT / AT,ATT的电脑6300,或的HP Vectra PC。在PC的仪器提供仪器模块是一个50 MHz的数字示波器,一个12位数字 - 模拟转换器双通道,100 MHz的通用计数器,5 MHz的函数发生器,数字万用表。 An example of a PC-based workstation is the PC Instruments system introduced by Hewlett-Packard. PC Instruments are a series of nine dedicated instrument modules designed to operate over a dedicated interface bus by an HP Touchscreen II personal computer ,an IBM PC/XT/AT, an ATT PC 6300, or an HP Vectra PC. Among the instrument modules available for PC Instruments are a 50-MHz digitizing oscilloscope, a 12-bit dual-channel digital-to-analog converter, a 100-MHz universal counter, a 5-MHz function generator, and a digital multimeter. 从仪器模块搜集的测试数据直截了当送入电脑存储,显示和分析。该仪器模块本身有没有米,或显示本人的。所有输出,包括波形显示,通过电脑屏幕上,可同时显示多达八个不同的仪器输出。 Test data gathered from the instrument modules are fed directly to the PC for storage, display, and analysis. The instrument modules themselves have no meters or displays of their own. All outputs, including waveform displays, are through the PC screen, and up to eight different instrument outputs may be displayed simultaneously. PC仪器通讯与PC通过PC的仪器总线,或PCIB。 PCIB实现一个单一的接口卡插入到PC主板的扩展槽。每个PCIB接口卡支持多达8个仪器模块。安装到计算机中的第二个PCIB,同意为8个额外的仪器模块的支持。 PC Instruments communicates with the PC via the PC Instruments Bus, or PCIB. PCIB is implemented with a single interface card that plugs into one expansion slot of the PC motherboard. Each PCIB interface card supports up to eight instrument modules. Installing a second PCIB into the computer permits support for an eight additional instrument modules. PCIB是独一无二的,它支持并行和串行通讯(图1)。乍一看,两个通讯信道,在一个单一的总线系统的方法大概是多余的。然而,细心分析,是实现节约本钱和减少冗余。 The PCIB is unique in that it supports both parallel and serial communications (Figure 1). At first glance, the idea of having two communications channels in a single bus system appears to be redundant. On closer analysis, however, a cost saving is realized and the redundancy is reduced. 在一个典型的GPIB系统,有需要的输入和/或输出接地和计算机隔离,以使可浮动测量的仪器,如电压和电流米。隔离通常是providedby光隔离器的GPIB通讯仪器中的数据串行方式使用并行到串行的转换。从仪器的数据,也必须通过使用光隔离串行到并行的转换器传递到GPIB。因此,每一个设备,需要隔离,还需要本人的一双光隔离器和相应的转换器。 In a typical GPIB system there are instruments, such as voltage and current meters, that require the inputs and/or outputs to be isolated from earth ground and the computer so that floating measurements can be made. The isolation is typically provided by optoisolators communicating the data from the GPIB side to the instrument in serial fashion using a parallel-to-serial converter. Data coming from the instrument likewise must pass to the GPIB through an optoisolator using a serial-to-parallel converter. Consequently, every device that requires isolation also requires its own pair of optical isolators and respective converters. 在PC仪器,测试仪器,可以选择之间的隔离的串行通讯通道或更快,非隔离总线并 行通讯。串行通道的并行到串行和串行到并行转换器被放置在接口卡,从而降低了系统本钱,同时提高功能。 In PC Instruments, the test instrument may choose between an isolated serial communications channel or the faster, nonisolated parallel communications bus. The parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel converters for the serial channel are placed on the interface card ,thus reducing system cost while improving performance. PCIB并行通讯通道(图2)提供高速数据途径为文书,并不需要隔离。数据可传输速率最高可达100K字节/秒,受个人电脑主机的限制。并行通讯通道包含一个8位数据途径,两条操纵线,与相应的地面报答,是26芯的带状电缆连接个人电脑主机的模块化仪器的一部分。PCIB并行通讯通道是向上兼容的GPIB,PC仪器最通用的系统。 The PCIB parallel communications channel (Figure 2) offers a high-speed data path for instruments that do not need isolation. Data can be transmitted at rates up to 100K bytes/second, subject to limitations of the host personal computer. The parallel communications channel consists of an 8-bit data path, two control lines, with appropriate ground returns, are part of the 26-conductor ribbon cable that connects the host personal computer to the modular instruments. The PCIB parallel communications channel is also upwardly compatible the GPIB, making PC Instruments a most versatile system. PC仪器的最令人印象深化的的方面之一是软前面板的系统软件,它提供了一个交互式图形用户手动操纵仪器的机制。操纵面板也可以直截了当调用eithej - DOS,BASIC,或任何其他语言,产生正确的反响,因此,贷款使用定制软件程序的计算机自动测试系统。 One of the most impressive aspects of PC Instruments is the soft front-panel system software, which provides an interactive graphics mechanism for the user to control instruments manually. The control panel can also be invoked directly from eithej- DOS, BASIC, or any other language that produces the correct response, thus lending the system to computer automated testing using customized software routines. 前面板软件模拟传统乐器堆放台式,同意用户同时观看所有的操纵模块。它是一件简单的事TD选择一个新的仪器,利用简单的触摸屏,鼠标或键盘输入。 The front-panel software emulates a benchtop stacked with traditional instruments,allowing the user to control one module while viewing them all. It is a simple matter tdselect a new instrument using simple touch-screen, mouse, or keyboard inputs. 为每个已安装的仪器模块的软件是包含在所有时间内的主机电脑。每个测试模块的功能进展了优化个人表现及互动合作。数字示波器软件,例如,在当前的PC仪器行是最复杂的,是代表什么系统可以做到的事情。数字示波器软件包分成五大功能:硬件设置,数据采集和显示,用户界面,测量,并操纵。 The software for each installed instrument module is contained within the host computer at all times. The performance of each test module has been optimized for both individual performance and interactive cooperation. The software for the digitizing oscilloscope,for example, is the most complex in the current PC Instruments line, and is representative of what the system is capable of doing. The digitizing oscilloscope software package is broken into five major functions: hardware setup, data acquisition and display, user interface,measurements, and program control. 硬件设置设置纵向和横向的敏感性,延迟timip耦合输入,采集方式,并触发配置示波器模量被调用时,安装说明在PCIB发送执行示波器modufl。 The hardware setup sets the vertical and horizontal sensitivities,delay timip coupling input,acquisition mode,and trigger configuration for the oscilloscope moduli When invoked,the setup instructions are sent over the PCIB to the oscilloscope modufl for execution. 数据采集包括以下测量过程,从示波器模块读取一个251字节的数据字符串。按照上述过程中所描绘的硬件设置缩放的数据。用户使用前面板的图形,每个屏幕上的设置可能会被修正。因此,在数据显示的变化可飞。 Data acquisition consists of reading a 251-byte data string from the oscilloscope module following a measurement procedure. The data is scaled according to the hardware settings described in the procedure above. The settings may be modified by the user using the front-panel graphics that are available on every screen. Consequently, change in the display of the data can be made on the fly. 测量包包括操纵电压和时间标记和自动参数测量上升时间,下降时间的波形分析?时期,频率,脉冲宽度,过冲,前冲,峰 - 峰值电压。这些测量的根底上的251字节的数据从示波器模块的字符串使用直方图来确定的绝对和相对maximum9 minitnum,和个百分点,以及上升沿和下降沿的位置,统计分析。由于统计学的数据显示,而不是身体,它也遭到tosoftware处理在大致一样的方式,信号处理与RC Flectronics是IS - 16 COMPUTERSCOPE在本章开头所述。 The measurement package includes control of voltage and time markers and waveform analysis for automatic parametric measurements of rise time,fall time? period, frequency, pulse width, overshoot, preshoot,and peak-to-peak voltage. These measurements are based on a statistical analysis of the 251-byte data string from the oscilloscope module, using a histogram to determine the absolute and relative maximum9 minitnum, and percentage points, as well as the location of rising and falling edges. Because the data is displayed statistically,not physically,it is also subject tosoftware processing in much the same way that signal processing was done with the R C Flectronics IS-16 COMPUTERSCOPE described at the beginning of this chapter. 个人电脑工具软件还同意通过电脑仪器之间的数据交换。例如,在示波器显示屏上看到的变化,可以调整使用软件的反响循环,函数发生器,继电器执行器等,一个应用程序可能预期随频率变化。通过监测被测设备的输出电压,使用示波器,可自动补偿信号波动的数据字符串和软件处理,函数发生器的输出电平调整。 The PC Instruments software also allows for data exchange between instruments via the computer. For example,changes seen on the oscilloscope display can be adjusted using software feedback loops to the function generator, relay actuator, etc. One application may be expected to vary with frequency. By monitoring the output voltage of the device under test, using the oscilloscope,s data string and software processing, adjustment to the output level of the function generator can be made to automatically compensate for signal fluctuations 基于PC的工作站,不管是作为一个像惠普PC从GPIB元件组装的仪器系统购置,也特别适用于自动化测试环境。自动测试系统,自动测试设备(ATE)组装,计算机与数字操纵的鼓舞和测量仪器接口 The PC-based workstation,whether purchased as a system like the Hewlett-Packard PC Instruments of assembled from GPIB components, also lends itself well to automated testing environments. Automated testing systems,assembled from automatic test equipment (ATE), are a result of the computer being interfaced with digitally controlled stimulus and measurement instrumentation. ATE正在迅速取代台式设置,手动操纵,使测量的仪器。一旦启动,ATE可以接着在没有外界干预其运作,可以在几秒钟内数以千计的参数测试。 ATE的记录测试数据时,不犯错误,不妥协的测试,不会不记得测试,不累。因此,ATE极大地提高了吞吐量和测量精度。它甚至可以纠正本人的错误,其测量结果比较已经明白的标准和补偿的区别。 ATE is quickly replacing the benchtop setups of instrumentation that were manually controlled to make measurements. Once started, ATE can continue its operation with no outside intervention and can test thousands of parameters in seconds. ATE does not make mistakes when recording test data, does not compromise a test, does not forget tests, and does not get tired. Consequently, ATE dramatically improves throughput and measurement accuracy. It can even correct its own errors by comparing its measurement results to a known standard and compensating for the difference. 可分为三大类:台式,专用,通用ATE测试系统。消费半导体和大型电子系统,专用自动测试设备是必要的,尽管沉重,投资。但是,成千上万的小系统和子系统制造商,本钱更低的台式PC为根底的工作站是更好的处理。 ATE test system may be divided into three classes:benchtop, dedicated, and general-purpose. For manufactures of semiconductors and large electronics systems, dedicated automatic test equipment is a necessary, albeit hefty, investment. But for thousands of small systems and subsystems manufacturers, the less costly benchtop PC-based workstation is the better solution. 灵敏的ATE系统通常由参加由IEEE - 488或RS - 232总线,以纾缓的不兼容征询题,可以发生在来自不同供应商的连接部分的现成文书。这种方法的主要优点是,它可以特别容易地为多种测试应用程序重新配置,只需更换一个另一台仪器。 A flexible ATE system usually consists of off-the-shelf instruments joined by an IEEE-488 or RS-232 bus to relieve the incompatibility problem that can occur in linking parts from different vendors. A major advantage of this approach is that it can easily be reconfigured for a variety of test applications by simply swapping one instrument for another. 灵敏的ATE测试中,是没有操作员干预的应用一般是完全可编程。尽管如此,其成分也应该同意操作员干预或手动操作时的情况使然。例如,手动操作时,仪器具有功能关闭行细微的测试任务,为维护或缺点排除目的,或系统测试软件的编写和调试是可取的。 Flexible ATE is generally fully programmable for applications in which testing is to be done with no operator intervention. Nonetheless,its components should also allow for operator intervention or manual operation when the situation so dictates. For example,manual operation is desirable when an instrument has to function off-line for maintenance or troubleshooting purposes, for minor testing tasks, or for writing and debugging the system test software. 到ATE的一个缺点是在编写软件所产生的费用。由于编写软件可配置ATE系统时,最大的单一任务,必须慎重,在选择编程语言和程序构造。有人可能,软件开发本钱可以运转系统本钱的90。一般而言,ATE系统将耗资4至7倍多相当于手开工具。 A drawback to ATE is the expense incurred