STANDARD INTERVIEW FORMATCandidate Name: Interviewer/s: _ Date: _Post Interview Summary:v Welcome and self-introductions.v Interview style/ format and expected length.v Format for interview: -o Background to the Companyo The vacancy in some more detailo The candidates work experience to date and further details about themselves (Go through their CV as starting point).o Some general interview questions.o Terms and conditions associated with the role/ company.o Answering any candidate led questions.o What happens next.v Explain notes will be taken during interview.Interview QuestionsNotes/ Comments1. WORK EXPERIENCEv Please talk us through your career history (Areas to clarify: Any gaps in employment; reasons for leaving jobs; organisational structure e.g. who did they report to/ manage).v Focus on main duties and responsibilities.Interview QuestionsNotes/ Comments1. WORK EXPERIENCE (continued)v Why do you believe you are suitable for this job?v What do you think this role will give you that your current doesnt?v What are you looking for from a new job?v What would you see as being the biggest challenge for you if you were to get this job?v What tasks/ jobs did you enjoy most in your last or most recent position?v Why?v What tasks/ jobs did you enjoy the least in your most recent/ last position?v Why?v What is the most demanding aspect of your present/ last job?v Why?Interview QuestionsNotes/ Comments2. QUESTIONS SPECIFIC TO DEK JOB(Interviewers need to identify which areas need to be probed with the candidate prior to commencing the selection interviewing).(Based on the requirements of the job, there should be a list of personal requirements e.g. skills/ experience/ knowledge etc that someone requires in order to undertake the job competently. This section should then be based around these areas.)a.v What manufacturing processes are you familiar with? Give examples of usev Have you used geometric tolerancing? Give examples to show level of understandingb.v What issues could you foresee with large fabricated structures?v Suggest ways to overcome these.c.v What are the advantages and disadvantages of belt drive systems?v Suggest alternativesd.v You have been asked to design a new mechanism for cleaning the underside of a stencil. Explain how you would go about this.e.v Our machines are capable of aligning to +/- 12.5um at 2.0 CpK (6 sigma). What factors do you think could influence this capability?f.v Outline the design process in your current/previous employ.v Give examples of where this has been advantageous and/or disadvantageousv If you felt that something was wrong, either design or procedure, what would you do?v As a senior engineer where do you see your responsibilities starting and finishing; either in general or for a design task?Should you require more areas to be examined please use back of this sheet or produce additional page 3s.Interview QuestionsNotes/ Comments3. ABOUT YOURSELFv What skills would you need to acquire if you get this job?v If you were to get this job, where would you like to see yourself in say 2 years time?v What kind of people do you find it difficult to deal with?v Why?v What type of manager/ supervisor gets the best out of you?v Why?v Where do your strengths lie?v What did your manager say about you at your last appraisal/ performance review?v Did you agree with this?v What could you have done better and why?v How would your manager describe you as a person (in a work context)? v Probe for say 3 good/ 1 bad here.Interview QuestionsNotes/ Comments4. HOURS OF WORKv Once you have stated the expected hours of work in the DEK job Are there any circumstances, which would prevent you from working these or any additional hours on Saturdays, evenings or extra hours.v Travelling?5. TERMS AND CONDITIONSv What is their current salary/ benefits/ commission/ bonus etc? In respect of commission and bonuses etc ask what they earned from those schemes in the last year, not what the on target was.v What are their salary/ benefits expectations from a new position?v Then state DEKs Ts and Cs.6. ABSENCEv Please tell us how many days you have been absent, due to sickness or injury in the last year?v Are you aware of any health or medical matters we should be aware of as potential employers? If so, state.7. REFERENCESv It is company policy to take up previous employers references. Do you foresee any problems with this?8. HOLIDAYSv Do you have any holidays/ time off booked over the next few months?9. NOTICE PERIODv How much notice do you have to give your current employers?v If you were offered this position, when would you be able/ want to start?Interview QuestionsNotes/ Comments10. OTHER JOB APPLICATIONSv What other jobs have you applied for?v At what stage are they?v Could you ask who are they with?v What are the roles?v What salaries are being offered?(Note: This section is to help establish whether DEK would need to move quickly to get this candidate. Also it is designed to see how serious the candidate is getting this role/ work for DEK.)11. AOBv Are there any areas the candidate feels that havent been covered?v Does the candidate have any questions?12. WHAT HAPPENS NEXTv Cover timescales of what will happen to the applications next and by when.v Response will be made by <who> and by <when>.- End of Interview -