课题名称:Unit2 My Favourite Season Part B Lets learn /Group work(第四课时)教材版本:PEP小学英语授课时间:40分一、学生分析本课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生。大部分学生基础较好,能较熟练运用单词的日常用语,对英语学习兴趣高。他们学习态度积极,有一定的合作意识。老师采用多媒体教学时,学生表现出极大的兴趣,注意力也较集中。在学本课时,他们已有一定的词汇量,能听懂基本的课堂用语,对于老师的问题会做出相应的回答。二、教材分析本课时为第二单元的第四课时,在本单元的前几个课时已学习了spring,summer,fall,winter,season五个有关季节的词汇和句型Whats your favourite season? Which season do you like best? I like. I can.在掌握了季节词汇及基本句型的基础上,本节课重点是新授在不同的季节所能做的事情,并学会如何在日常生活中询问别人最喜欢哪个季节及想做哪些事。三、教学目标认知目标1能够听、说、读、写单词和短语:swim,fly kites,skate,make a snowman,plant trees. 2 能听、说、读、写句型:Which season do you like best? I can make a snowman.What would you like to do? Id like to.3 完成Group work4 能在日常生活中询问他人最喜欢哪个季节,并解释喜欢的原因及想做哪些事。 情感态度目标1通过师生互动,让学生敢于开口说英语,用英语与他人交流。2 调动学英语的积极性,养成积极参与活动的习惯。 学习策略目标1 英语听、说、读、写技能都有所提高。2 学会与同伴合作、交流。四、教学思路 1本节课我将综合运用情景教学法、故事教学法、交际法、任务型教学法、TPR教学法来突出重点、突破难点。卡通人物是学生较熟悉也较喜欢的对象,于是我借助多媒体课件设置了学生在第一单元接触过的Mike的小狗 Rusty这个学生感兴趣的卡通人物。整节课我紧紧围绕小狗Rusty的故事展开,以一年四季为线索。围绕一个教学中心,用不同方式层层引出新内容,变换方式让学生有大量练习语言的机会,环节之间过渡自然,设计合理,重点突出。让学生在有趣的故事和轻松的学习环境中学习单词和运用句型。本节课全班学生都会参与在唱、说、演各项活动中。 1、注重创设自然有趣的情境 本节课主要是学习五个短语及句型Which season do you like best?.I can.我将单调的单词教学融入有趣的故事中,借助多媒体课件引入学生喜欢的卡通人物Rusty巧妙地设置一个故事,同时将自己也引进故事中营造有趣的交际情境与气氛。2、过渡自然,设计合理,重点突出 如课前的歌曲热身部分既调起学生的情绪又复习了与本课有关的短语。顺着歌曲Whats Your Favourite Season?很自然地引入到复习这一环节。接着我以一年四季为线索,单词的引入环环相扣。学生在有关小狗Rusty的故事中不知不觉的学会运用短语。 3、将教学引进生活 如教学plant trees时引出植树节并引导学生多种树;教学swim时告诉学生不能在河里游泳,让学生有安全意识;教学skate 和make a snowman时联系南方冬天没下雪的实际。 4、拥有良好的语音语态,准确的发音以及自然亲切的的教态。 这是新课标提出对老师更高的要求,老师教态会潜移默化地影响到学生上课的状态。5、多用鼓励的言语评价学生 我相信“亲其师,信其道”“数子十过,不如赞子一功”。在与学生互相合作共同学习过程中,首先要对学生充满爱,让学生感受到你对他们的关怀与希望。评语是一门艺术,所以要精心设计对学生的评语,如多用鼓励、赞赏的话语:Well done!Good job!Wonderful!Perfet.以收到最佳的课堂效果,优化课堂教学。五、教学过程 Step1 Warm-up.1 Greetings. T:Hello.Boys and girls.How are you?Ss:Im fine.Thank you.And you?T: Im fine ,too.Sit down,please. 2 Lets sing. T:Now, Lets sing a song Whats Your Favourite Season? 【设计意图】学生与老师一起表演歌唱,活跃了气氛,调动学生情绪,同时复习部分所学内容。 2Step2 RevisionT:Well done.Which season is it?Ss:Spring.T: Whats the weather like in spring?Ss:Its windy and warm.T:Which season do you like best?S1:I like.T:What can you do in spring?S1:I can.【设计意图】 简单的对话复习了旧知识同时为新授知识做铺垫。Step3 Presentation & practice 1 T:Boys and girls.Do you remember Rusty?Ss:Yes.T:Hes Mikes dog.He can do morning exercises.(老师边做动作,引出学生一起说)He goes with Mike everywhere.Do you want to know what does Rusty do with Mike in spring?Ss:Yes.T:Look.Wow!Plant trees.(课件出现Rusty在种树,通过课件,将学生带入Rusty 的故事中。)T:plant trees.aSs:T:eeSs: i:【设计意图】在学习单词时教学生发音方法,既帮学生记忆单词,又“授之以渔”。 ( Teacher shows the picture and does the action,students imitate and repeat,ask several student to read it one by one) T:Good./Very good!/Wenderful.【设计意图】老师多样的语言评价有利于学生了解自己回答的正确程度同时在老师地鼓励中不断增强信心,有利于师生间地互动。T: When is Tree-planting Day? Ss:Its on March 12th. T: What do we usually do on that day?Ss:We usually plant trees.T:Thats right.We should plant trees.2 T: Rusty plants trees with Mike in spring.Can Rusty swim?Ss:Yes,he can.T:You are right.(课件出现Rusty游泳的图片)T:Look,Rusty is swimming now. Thats funny.Ss:How funny!(引导学生说出这句话)3 ( Teacher shows the picture and does the action,students imitateand repeat)( 教学生拼读单词)T:Can you swim?Ss: Yes,I can./ No, I cant.T:Can we swim in the river?Ss;Yes,we can.T:No,we cant. Its dangerous.We may swim in the swimming pool.3 T:One day,Miss Xu met Rusty.We had a short chat .(课件出现Miss Xu与Rusty 聊天的内容) 【设计意图】老师自己出现在课件中更能吸引学生的注意力,有激发了学生说的愿望,实现了将“教材内容引入生活化情景”的想法。Miss Xu与Rusty的对话引出了fly kites一词。课件对话内容:Rusty:How do you do,Miss Xu?Miss Xu:How do you do,Rusty?Rusty: Where are you from?Miss Xu: Im from Guangdong.Rusty:Whats the weather like in fall in Guangdong?Miss Xu: Its sunny and windy.Rusty:Which season do you like best?Miss Xu:Fall.I can fly kites. T:Which season does Miss Xu like best? Why? Ss:Fall.Because she can fly kites.【设计意图】老师帮助学生用第三人称转述,是对本课第一人称用法的延伸。T:You are right.Its windy today.Can we fly kites? Ss:Yes,we can.(老师做动作,引导学生说出)We can fly kites.( Teacher shows the picture and does the action,students imitate and repeat)4 T: Miss Xu likes fall.Because I can fly kites.But Rusty likes winter.Why? Guess!Ss:.T:Well done.Boys and girls.Yes,he can skate and make a snowman.(课件出示Rusty滑冰和堆雪人的图片)T:Can we make a snowman here?(do actions)Ss:.T:There is no snow here.We cant make a snowman.Can we skate?(do actions)【设计意图】动作可帮学生理解记忆,印象深刻。Ss:No,we cant.T: Yes. Its not cold enough for us to skate.We cant make a snowman.We cant skate,either.4 【设计意图】引导学生表达出这句话,起到复习either用法的作用. ( Teacher shows the picture and does the action,students imitate and repeat)Step4 Consolidation1(课件出现五个短语的图片及单词)T:Lets read the words ,do actions and make a sentence like this:We can plant trees in spring.Ss:.【设计意图】学习了新授短语后,通过TPR活动帮助学生理解,并把短语的教学融入句子中,达到“词不离句”的效果。2 T:Good job.Lets make a season book.(课件出现五个短语的图片,同时操练下面的句型)Its spring/summer/fall/winter. Its.I can.【设计意图】让个别发言再全班齐练,这样既给学生有独自发言的机会同时也顾及全班。3 Group work & production T: Its sunny and worm.Id like to go hiking.What would you like to do ?Ss: Id like to.T:Suppose your group is going out together. Make a survey to find out your groups favourite activity. (Ask one student to make a dialogue with teacher,and then let the students do it by themselves and then make a report)【设计意图】通过合作学习不但培养了学生合作完成任务的能力,也培养了学生运用语言做事情的能力。Step5 SummaryT:Spring,summer,fall,winter,four seasons make a year.We can do many things.We love them all.六、 Homework. Recite the new words and write a conversation about what do you do in different seasons.