2019学术邀请函4篇 *同志:为纪念*诞辰*周年,定于*年*月*日至*日在市里举行*同志诞辰一百周年学术研讨会“,希望您届光阴临。现将有关事项通知如下:一、会议主要内容:(一)宣读学术论文(二)交流教学、科学研究经历二、出席会议的代表原那么上应向大会提交学术论文。三、会议的住宿费、伙食补助费由大会负责,往返交通费由代表所在单位负责。四、接到通知后,请即向大会筹备组寄回代表登记表(会前三天不见寄回登记表,即视为不出席会议,不再安排食宿)。五、报到时间:20*年*月*日六、报到地点:*七、代表登记表请寄:*单位时间:*年*月*日学术会议英文邀请函下面是来自推荐的学术邀请函dear professor wang,on behalf of the ohio state university and the ieee computer society, i would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming XX international conference on parallel data processing to be held in bellaire, michigan, from october 25 to october 28, XX.you are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. your participation will be among the highlights of the conference. we sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. as you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. we have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from china. if you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. we are looking forward to your acceptance. sincerely yours, peter white 学术会议邀请函为大家推荐一份学术邀请函一、寄信人地址、日期。二、收信人及其地址。三、尊称:dear x x x。四、正文:发出邀请,要真诚而渴望。说明邀请的目的及有关信息,有相关的材料随信寄出。五、落款。适用范围这是对知名的学者、教授发出的邀请其前来参加学术会议的信函。信中一定要写明邀请参加学术会议的时间、会议内容,需要与会者做的工作,以便对方有备而来。另外,参加学术会议期间的食宿、交通等费用征询题如何处理也应交待明晰,一般都会有专门的参会指南,不要不记得附上。惯用例句(1)the academic contbrence on british and american literature sponsored by beijing university will be held in beijing on 2nd july XX.我们定于XX年7月2日在北京大学举行英美文学学术会议。(2)i am writing today to invite you to our university next summer between may to june to take part in a meeting.我写信正式邀请您在明年5、6月间来我校参加一次会晤。(3)if you have any paper or.toples on which you would like to give talks,please inform us as soon as possible for the program is being finalized soon.假设您有要宣读的论文或发言的论题,请尽早来函告知,由于会务预备工作不久将完毕。(4)we will pay your hotel accommodation and meals,but you will be responsable for your airfare.会议免费安排食宿,往返机票自理。学术研讨会专家邀请函尊敬的_教师:您好!长养薰风拂晓吹,渐开荷芰落蔷薇“,和风带来了夏日的征询候,也送来了学术的佳音我们将邀请您参加xxxx年xx月xx日-xx日在xx举办的xx学术研讨会“,大会将有特别多省内专家以及多学科专家齐聚一堂,共同交流xx科专业和xx科专业xx诊治流程及研究进展,并对临床常见的一些热点难点征询题进展讨论。请您拨冗出席,相信您一定不虚此行!会议日程:xxxx年xx月xx日 中午报到xxxx年xx月xx日下午 会议xxxx年xx月xx日 上午会议xxxx年xx月xx日 下午撤离xxxx事业部 xx办事处xxxx年xx月xx日