说 明各有关用人单位需在申报“高端外国专家项目”(文教类)时提供工作合同(工作意向书),工作合同或意向书是国家外国专家局评审和资助的重要依据。所附工作合同(工作意向书)文本仅供参考,各相关用人单位应根据本单位情况自行拟定工作合同(工作意向书),相关法律责任由用人单位承担。附件五工作合同文本(工作意向书)(仅供参考)甲方(用人单位) 石河子大学 乙方(受聘专家) Alexander C P Chu 根据中华人民共和国法律法规,双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上签订本合同(工作意向书)。甲方 石河子大学 (用人单位,以下简称“甲方”)法定代表人: 向本春 联系人: 高剑峰 职务: 处长 办公电话: +86 993 手机: +86 9 乙方(中文) 朱昌平 (外文) Alexander C P Chu (受聘专家,以下简称“乙方”)国籍: 新西兰 性别: 男 出生日期 1941 年 1 月 15 日 护照号码: LN 居住国通讯地址:1 Guernsey Place, Palmerston North, New Zealand 电话: +64 6 传真:+64 6 电子邮箱:alexchu.nz第一条 工作时间本合同/意向书约定:2013年乙方在甲方 研究生院 工作 2 个月(或自2013年起乙方在甲方 研究生院 连续工作3年,其中2013年工作 2 个月,2014年工作 2 个月,2015年工作 2 个月)。第二条 劳动报酬本合同/意向书约定:2.1、乙方完成约定的工作量(包括工作时间),2013年甲方将支付乙方劳动报酬13,000元人民币/人(税前),2014年支付13,000元人民币/人(税前),2015年支付13,000元人民币/人(税前)。2.2、甲方应按照中华人民共和国有关规定为乙方代缴个人所得税。第三条 岗位职责(请用人单位根据情况自行约定)3.1甲方聘用乙方在 研究生院 担任 名誉教授 岗位的工作。3.2乙方的主要工作任务是:根据北京大学-石河子大学-梅西大学在2012年9月25日签订的“三兄弟”合作协议的具体内容执行。第四条 福利待遇(请用人单位根据情况自行约定)4.1乙方在甲方工作期间,除双方另有约定,甲方应按照中国劳动法有关规定,安排乙方执行标准工时制度,即乙方每日工作8小时,每周工作40小时。4.2甲方安排或者同意乙方加班的,应按照法律规定安排乙方补休或支付加班工资。4.3 乙方享受中国公民法定带薪节日休假。第五条 权利和义务(请用人单位根据情况自行约定)5.1 知识产权保护乙方在甲方工作期间,在项目工作中所取得的知识产权,包括著作权、专利权、商标权等,其所有权归 双方共有 。(建议甲乙双方根据工作范围和事项另行签订知识产权保护协议)5.2 保密义务乙方须遵守甲方相关保密规定,对甲方商业秘密及其他与知识产权相关的涉密事项进行保密。若乙方违反保密义务,除赔偿甲方因此造成的损失外,应按照相关法律法规承担相应的法律责任。(建议甲乙双方根据工作性质及实际需要商定保密范围和事项,另行签订保密义务协议)5.3 竞业限制竞业限制的约定不得违反法律、法规的规定。(建议甲乙双方商定竞业限制的范围、地域、期限以及经济补偿和违约赔偿金额及相关责任,另行签订竞业限制协议)5.4 侵害第三方权利的责任本合同/意向书执行期间,如发生侵害第三方权利情形的,要按照甲乙双方的过错确定责任,并由过错方依法进行赔付。因乙方过错侵害第三方权利,而甲方为此先行赔付的,甲方可向乙方追偿。5.5 其他义务(1)甲方应按照有关规定协助乙方办理出入境、居留等相关手续,为乙方开展工作提供必要的条件,按时支付乙方劳动报酬,保障乙方的福利待遇和正当权益,同时对乙方的工作进行考核评价和成果评估。(2)乙方应遵守中国法律、法规和用人单位的规章制度,按照合同约定的时间在岗工作,认真履行岗位职责,完成岗位工作任务,接受甲方的考核和监督。(3)建议甲乙双方明确约定甲方是否为乙方提供国际交通或国际交通补贴)本合同/意向书一式两份,由甲方和乙方分别留存。合同/意向书分别用中、英文书就,两种文本内容完全一致,具有同等的效力。 甲方:石河子大学 乙方: 法定代表人: (单位公章)时间:2013年 3月 20日 Contract of Employment/Letter of Intent (For Reference Only)Party A (Employer) Shihezi University Party B (Employee) Alexander C P Chu According to the relevant laws and regulations of the PRC, both Parties, in line with the principles of equality, mutual agreement, and on a voluntary basis, agree to sign this Contract/Letter of Intent. Party A Shihezi University (Employer, hereafter referred to as “Party A”)Legal Representative: Benchun Xiang Contact Person: Jianfeng Gao Position: Section chief Telephone: +86 993 Cell Phone: +86 Party B4 (in Chinese) 朱昌平 (in native language) Alexander C P Chu (Employee, hereafter referred to as “Party B”)Nationality: New Zealand Gender: Male Date of Birth: 1941 (year) 1 (month) 15 (date)Passport Number: LN Address (outside of China): 1 Guernsey Place, Palmerston North, New Zealand Telephone: + Fax: + Email Address: alexchu.nz Article 1. Term of EmploymentParty B ensures to work in Party A Graduate School of Shihezi University (Unit) for 2 months in 2013 (or from year 2013, Party B ensures to work for 3 years continuously in Party A, 2 months in 2013, 2 months in 2014, 2 months in 2015)Article 2. Compensation or Salary2.1 If Party B accomplishes his/her responsibilities (including the working time), Party A should pay 13,000 RMB/member (before tax) to Party B as compensation or salary in 2013, pay 13,000 RMB/member (before tax) to Party B in 2014 and pay 13,000 RMB/member (before tax) to Party B in 2015.2.2 Party A should help Party B go through tax-related procedures in accordance with the related regulations and policies of the PRC. Article 3. Job Responsibilities (optional)3.1 Party A employs Party B as Honorary Professor in Graduate School of Shihezi University .3.2 Party Bs job responsibilities are: according to Peking University-Shihezi University-Massey University tripartite relationship agreement that be signed at September 25th 2012 .Article 4. Benefits (optional)4.1 Unless the two Parties agree otherwise, Party A will adopt standard working time for Party B in accordance with the Labor Law of PRC. That is to say, Party B will work 8 hours a day, 40 total hours each week. 4.2 If Party A asks Party B to work overtime or endorses Party Bs application for overtime work, Party A shall give Party B overtime payment according to the relevant laws and regulations. 4.3 Party B is entitled to have paid public holidays of China. Article 5. Rights and Obligations (optional)5.1 Intellectual Property Protection Two parties owns the copyrights of the works, inventions, patents and other intellectual properties produced by Party B during the Contract period. 5.2 Confidentiality Party B should obey the rules concerning confidentiality formulated by Party A. Party B is obliged to maintain confidentiality of Party As secrecy, including but not limited to trade secrets, issues related to intellectual properties, etc. If Party B disobeys the confidentiality obligations, he or she shall not only compensate Party A for the loss but also bear the relevant legal liability in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. 5.3 Non-Competition Restriction The non-competition restriction shall be determined according to the relevant laws and regulations.5.4 Liability for Violation of the Third Partys RightsShould any rights of the third Party be violated during the Contract period, both Parties shall determine the responsible Party who will be liable for reimbursement. In the event that Party A pays for Party Bs misbehavior, Party A shall be compensated by Party B. 5.5 Other Obligations (1) Party A shall help Party B manage issues such as residence, entry and exit, etc. Party A should provide essential conditions to Party B in order to carry out joint programs, pay compensation or salary to Party B on time, ensure the benefits and rights of Party B when he/she works for Party A, and evaluate the work performances and contributions of Party B. (2) Party B shall observe all relevant laws and regulations of the PRC, follow the rules and employment discipline formulated by Party A, start work on the prescribed date according to this Contract/Letter of Intent,fulfill the tasks assigned to him/her with high standards within the prescribed timeframe, and be subject to Party As supervision and review of his or her working performance. There are two original copies of the Contract/Letter of Intent, which to be preserved separately by Party A and Party B. Each copy will be signed in duplicate in both English and Chinese with both texts being equally authentic.Party A: Shihezi University Party B: Legal Representative: Date: March 20th 2013(Official Seal)