广东省普通高考英语听说考试评分标准解读与高分策略以2011真题为例 一、“英语听说”考试的内容和要求(一)语言知识 要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(以每年颁布的考试大纲为依据),要求词汇量为3500个词左右(二)语言运用 听力要求考生听懂所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。考生应能:(1)理解主旨和要义;(2)获取具体的、事实性信息;(3)对所听内容作出推断;(4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度口语要求考生根据题示进行口头表达。 考生应能:(1)询问或传递事实性信息,表达意思和想法;(2)做到语音、语调自然;(3)做到语言运用得体;(4)使用有效的交际策略。二、评分标准解读 评分原则:采用整体评分法与要素评分法相结合。评分时从内容、语言、流利程度和语音语调四个方面确定考生答案所属档次。内容:信息完整; 语言:语法与句子结构准确流利性:连贯与节奏 语音语调:正确、地道0分情况:1、有声音,但不是和考试试题相关的英语。2、只听到背景声音,而非该考生声音。3、考生背诵、吟唱与考试无关的英语。4、完全没有声音。三、高三英语老师如何帮助学生高考英语听说得高分?(一)点拨考试技巧:1.录音不宜太心急 到录音时间就开始录音 Is James interested in music like you?2.大声说英语 从阅卷经验看,在每一部分的考试中, 考生只要能说出相关的英语, 回答的不管是一个词、一个短语, 还是一个并不是很完整的句子, 都会给分。 以2011真题Part B 为例。Q3. What did the man do in most of his spare time? He spent most of his spare time learning to play the piano and violin. (得满分2 分) Play the piano and violin. (得满分2 分) Piano and violin. (至少得1-1.5 分) Play piano/ violin. (起码有1 分) Piano / violin(起码有0.5 分) 有把握时, 请把句子说完整; 把握不大时, 说出句子的部分甚至一个关键的词也是很好的。 在回答Why.? 句子时, 用了Because.来回答;在回答How many.?句子时,用了There are/ is.来回答, 一样能得些分。因此, 在口语考试中 不能“沉默是金”,考生的沉默等于主动叫评卷老师不要给分给考生。 当然考生的“ Sorry, I dont know” 也是告诉老师, 你不要给分给我了, 因为我不懂。所以, 与其有礼貌的说“Sorry, I dont know.” 倒不如争取说出相关的哪怕是一两个单词, 也好让评卷老师找到给你分的理由。 说实在, 无论什么考试, 能给分的题老师绝对不会不给的, 因为你的争取不放弃会感动你的评卷老师的。特别提醒:哪怕说不好或不懂说也不要笑, 碰到容易的题更不要偷笑, 因为考生的笑会让评卷老师觉得考生的态度不好, 不够严谨。当然, 更不要说一些与本话题不相关的英语, 普通话或方言等。全过程当然杜绝不文明用语。3.说好前几句 担任多年英语人机对话改卷组长发现, 第一印象很重要。“秒杀” 给分是常有的事。用较好语音和语调, 自信地把开头说出来, 你会马上赢得老师的好评, 给你高分是不足为奇的。尤其体现在Part A的模仿朗读和Part C 的故事复述部分里。4.善于自然纠正 在Part B 的三问五答里, 有些考生明知自己回答错了, 不敢再说, 呆呆地等着时间过去。其实, 当考生在录音的过程中, 发现自己回答错了, 只要时间允许, 考生又能自然纠正过来, 评卷老师是会以考生最后纠正过来的答案给分的。5.巧练自信的声音 宏亮的声音更具有穿透力, 给人精神饱满自信的感觉。相反, 懒洋洋的声音对人有催眠作用, 会让本来已经有倦意的老师感觉更累。然而, 声音也不宜时大时小。 保持自信,字正腔圆的表达一定能打动评卷老师,得分就会高一些。特别提醒: 嘴巴不能太靠近microphone, 否则, 连不该录进去的呼吸声或喘气声也听得清清楚楚。整个过程更不要随意动microphone,如摘下等, 这样很容易导致录音不成功而出现零分现象。 今年广州一模听说考试就Part A ,抽查了6804 份录音, 其中有7 人因录音不成功而得0 分, 实在可惜。6.活用“Thats all. Thank you!”在Part C的复述故事中, 尽自己能力多说,如果能说上80 秒或稍多点的时间为最好。复述的故事要完整, 用好一些过渡词, 如,开始时可用 One day/morning/afternoon/evening; The other day; Many years ago; Long long ago; Once upon a time等;发展故事时可用Then/ After that/One day later/But/ However/ Suddenly/ Therefore/ Unfortunately/ To my surprise 等等;结束故事时可用Finally/ At last/Eventually 等。故事复述完了, 别忘了有礼貌地说一声“ Thats all. Thank you!”特别提醒: 说的时候, 不妨看看右下角的时间去调整自己的速度, 太快吧, 不像在复述,而且很快就讲完;太慢吧, 评卷老师听起来会烦; 如果停顿的时间太长再继续就更加不提倡(因为评卷老师可能误以为你说完了, 而不继续往下听了), 因此, 千万不能停顿太久! 7.熟能生巧 ,巧练多习 准确的语音语调离不开你反复的听, 反复的模仿。 英语听说考试Part A 部分在评分标准中, 满分为20 分, 而单纯语音语调就占12 分的分值。在反复模仿中, 特别注意把单词读准确, 不能随意漏掉类似s/z/iz/ t/ d/ id 等尾音; 反复模仿好的语音语调, 避免唱读,节奏平淡无味, 没有抑扬顿挫。 英语说得越难听, 越要坚持说。 录音是很好的老师。反复听录音, 并跟着录音认真模仿, 刻苦操练, 这是很有效的语言学习方法。 “我们从小就是通过听来获得母语能力的! 录音是全世界最简单、最有效、最便宜、最敬业、最伟大的老师! 听烂一光碟, 就可以建立像母语那样的语感! 听烂就是要听一百遍, 甚至一千遍!”-李阳 建议学生购买单机版(如“易得优”就很好用,资源丰富,真题模拟都有),每天练习一套。 在平时的操练中, 注意提醒自己避免可避免的问题; 在高考英语听说考试中, 只要考生这样做, 就一定能取得更满意成绩。(二)传授应试策略: 示范2011高考真题一 Part A Reading Aloud(模仿朗读)1. Instructions:watch and read 2. 考纲要求3.流程与策略:观看阅读听录音朗读(录音)1)Play the video 观看短片约1分钟(了解大意,整体感知)2)Now you have ONE minute to practice reading (快速默读,建议记下发音没有把握的难词或数字);3)Now listen to the speaker once again and try to read after the speaker.对照文本听录音(建议跟读,特别注意听清前面记下的不熟悉的单词或数字);4)Read as the speaker in the video 观看视频,开始朗读并录音(确认设备正常就绪,注意朗读技巧,响亮录音,语音语调自然,语速与画面一致)。 4.特别提醒(For Part A)1)尽可能模仿短片中的语音、语调。若不能一模一样,但一定要设法做到发音准确、清晰,语调规范。2)语速一定要与画面保持一致,过快或过慢都会扣分。3)注意单词、句子重音、弱读、连读、失去爆破、意群划分、停顿和节奏。4)特别注意不会读的生词读音,并力图在 第3个步骤记下生词的读音。5)需要时在规定时间内修正自己的发音错误。5.Tape script: The South Pacific is on the face of it still a healthy ocean. We depend on it. Over 60% of the worlds fish catch comes from the Pacific. But like all oceans, it has little or no protection, so it may not stay healthy much longer. For the South Pacific, this is a critical time. Its changing in ways that, if left unchecked, could develop into a global crisis. Some of its residents have been through crisis before. And protecting the fish will ensure a healthy ocean for all the marine life of the Pacific. It will require international commitment and co-operation.Part B Role play1.Instructions:In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: Listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions from the computer acting as another role.2.考纲要求 要求考生观看一段约2分钟的片段,明确自己拟要扮演的角色及需完成的任务。看完片段之后首先根据中文提示,准备20秒后用英语提出三个问题,计算机江回答考生的问题,然后计算机向考生提出五各问题,考生必须根据自己所视听的内容(包括片段和计算机回答的回答两部分)回答问题,回答之前考生有10秒的准备时间。PART B Role Play(角色扮演)情景介绍角色:你是学生任务:(1) 与同学谈论双胞胎的兴趣培养; (2) 根据谈话内容回答问题。生词:gene 基因4)三问首先要根据汉语提示确定哪种类型的问句提问。考生要掌握好各种疑问句的句式结构。 录音时根据不同类型的问句用不同的语调。5)在20秒的准备时间里,要根据中文提示进行简单翻译,形成初步答案。这样才会在计算机回答时可以专心做记录,为五答作准备。6)三问的机答内容,可能是五答的答案所在,所以考生务必做好记录。计算机回答两遍,考生听懂并记录其要点不是很难。7)五答时考生务必听清计算机的提问,特别关注特别疑问句。8)问啥答啥,不要画蛇添足。W: Did you and James dress alike and have the same teachers in elementary school?M: No, my parents encouraged us to dress differently, and we are in different courses at school.W: Didnt you have any same ideas?M: Sure, some of the time, but that is also true of any brothers who grow up together in the same family三问部分 1.James像你一样热爱音乐吗? 电脑回答:Yes, but only for relaxation. Hes never been interested in studying music, and he didnt learn to play any musical instruments when we were younger. I did well in math courses but I was very interested in music and spent most of my spare time learning to play the piano and violin. 2.James小时候对什么感兴趣? 电脑回答:He loves skating. He spent most of his time skating in his school on weekends. He is still doing that now 3.谁给你们的影响最大? 电脑回答:Well, I think my father had a big influence on developing differences in our interests. He encouraged us to learn different things and study different subjects. It was my father who suggested me doing music at university.五答 Q1. What does the mans brother study at Harvard University? Q2. What does the woman think about twins? Q3. What did the man do in most of his spare time? Q4. Where did Jim skate on weekends? Q5 .Who suggested the man doing music at university? 三问五答有密切联系Part C 故事复述 PART C Retelling (故事复述) 梗概:Uncle John独居,某日侄子Tom得知叔叔晕倒,请来医生救了他。 关键词:alone (独自)nephew (侄子)call (打电话) neighbor (邻居) save(救活) Uncle John was saved. When Uncle John was eighty five years old, most of his friends and relatives were already dead. He lived by himself in a big house. The only person who often talked to him was his nephew Tom. Tom called several times a week just for a few minutes to say hello and see if everything was OK. One morning, Tom phoned Uncle John. But he didnt answer the phone. He then hung up and went back to work. That afternoon, he called Uncle John again. Again, no answer. Two hours later, he called the third time. Still no answer. He got very anxious, so he called Uncle Johns next-door neighbor. Tom told her that he was worried about Uncle John and asked her to see what was wrong. A while later, the neighbor phoned Tom. She said nervously: “Tom, Im sorry it took so long. Uncle John didnt answer the door. So I used his back yard and I found him lying on the bathroom floor. I could not wake him up.” Tom called the doctor immediately and then rushed to Uncle Johns house. When he got there, the doctor had already arrived. The doctor said that he was just in time to save him.I. Instructions考纲要求 C节要求考生听一段约2分钟的独白,录音播放两遍。 考生准备一分钟之后开始复述所听内容。要求考生尽可能使用自己的语言复述,且复述尽可能涵盖尽可能多的原文信息点。选取的独白其体裁主要以记叙文和议论文为主。 重点是听力。 3.考试流程 考生首先在视频中出现“梗概”和“关键词”;15秒之后,听一段大约2分钟无图像无字幕的独白,录音听两遍;考生准备一份钟后复述独白的大概内容。4.高分策略1)在听故事前,先阅读故事梗概和关键词,并据此发挥想象,预测故事内容。2)边听边快速记录关键词,听故事时应听清楚并记录故事发生的时间、地点、起因、经过、结果。3)若有标题,要听清楚标题,这对理解故事内容很重要,因为它对理解故事起着概括作用。4)首尾句对理解全文起着关键作用,要特别注意 听。5)个别词没听懂,别慌。只要听懂大意,抓住关键信息即可。6)记叙文中常用one day, on this way. Soon, eventually等 表示时间顺序的连词或连接性的词语来叙述顺序的连词来叙述故事发展的先后或做某事的过程。四、高一/高二英语老师如何帮助学生高考英语听说(PartA/B/C) 得高分?广东省2011年普通高考“英语听说” 考试形式、 试卷结构和题型题序题型题量赋分时间A节模仿朗读12030分钟B节角色扮演116C节故事复述124总计36030分钟Skill 1:Dealing with rising tone1. 英语中的升调一般用于: (5种)a. 一般疑问句,如:Do you come here a lot? Have you been to any foreign countries? b. 选择疑问句的前半部分,如:Is she an English teacher or Chinese teacher? Are you here for the tickets or books? c. 若干相同类目的词语并列出现时,除最后一项外,如: I want low fat yogurt, tuna salad, chocolate cake and hamburger special. My ideal man must be handsome, generous, dependable and considerate.d. 表示疑问的陈述句,如: You want a cup of coffee? You dont work here? e. 表现祝贺,同情,或热情时:如 Congratulations! Im sorry to hear that. Have a nice weekend. 2. 一般疑问句升调的训练要领: 要练习好一般疑问句的升调,首先要学好单词的升调。因为一般疑问句的升调明显表现在句子的最后一个单词上,陡直的升音明显地落在最后一个单词的最后一至两个音上。大多数中国学生使用升调时,会从单词的第一个音一直持续升到最后一个音,这样听起来极不自然。需要注意的是:升音并不是从单词的第一个音开始,只有单词的最后一到两个音时,突然很陡地升上去,请参照下面反映升调变化的曲线图,给单词正确升调: university language student questions school countries disappointed AmericanSkill 2:Dealing with falling tone1. 英语中的降调一般用于: (5种)a. 特殊疑问句: What have all the flowers gone? What the hell did he do? b. 感叹句: What a game! What depressing information! c. 反义疑问句中,当说话人对自己所说的内容已经很确定,知识象征性地与对方确认一下时: We all live in a global village, arent we? A small world, isnt it? d. 选择疑问句的最后一个选项,如: Do you prefer hand-written letter or E-mail? Does she raise rats or rabbits? e. 并列出现的若干相同类目词语的最后一项,如: I want a house with a dining room, two bedrooms, a bath and a basement. 2. 特殊疑问句降调训练要领: 特殊疑问句在通常情况下使用降调,但仅了解这一点是不够的。实际上,特殊疑问句的音调变化是有规律可循的,以下列句子为例: Where were you born? Which countries have you been to? Which university did you graduate? Why are you learning English? 我们发现整个句子的语调如下曲线图:起调时,特殊疑问句的音调较高,遇到助动词时弱读,并且将音调降下来,然后渐渐提高,一般在句子的最后一个单词重重地降下来。Which university did you graduate?Why are you learning English?Skill 3:Dealing with pause 讲英语或读英语时,尤其是遇到长句时,适当的停顿很重要。停顿并非随心所欲读累了就停,而要根据意群(句子中构成相对独立完整的意思的语言单位)来停。 一般来说,段与段之间的停顿时间最长,其次是句与句之间的停顿,最后才是句子内部意群之间的停顿,例如:主语与分句或从句之间的停顿。句子内部意群之间的停顿,在下列情况下尤其突出: (9种)1主句与从句(定语从句、宾语从句等)之间 a. These are the robots of our dreams, intelligent machines that live to serve. b. And, the FBI confronts the most heavily armed militia that US law enforcement has ever faced. c. James Bond, the ultimate survivor knows very well that there are many ways to kill.2. 条件状语、时间状语等分句与主句之间 a. All would be lost if not for the strength of one woman. b. Welcome to paradise. When you arrive here youll find a million secrets and as you explore it, youll find a million more. 3. 当后置定语较长时,其与所修饰的核心词之间 a. As we reveal the secret strategies of an FBI crisis negotiator, these stories are straight ahead on Best Kept Secrets. b. But for their variety of appearance, all dogs are simply mutations of their closet ancestral relative, the wolf. c. How does the FBI solve cases like the Oklahoma City Bombing?4. 表时间、地点、距离、方式等的介词短语与句子其他成分之间 a. The four hundred-year-old Hapsburg dynasty still commands most of Europe to the envy of her neighbours. b. Wolves had competed for prey with another group of hunters, complex communicators not unlike themselves. c. Her crew is plotting a course to one of the most notorious points in the north Atlantic, the site of Titanic disaster.5. 表目的、伴随动作、原因、或结果的分词短语与句子其他成分之间 a. Perhaps the wolves were drawn in by the smell of meat cooking cover a fire, and into contract into their rivals. b. Tucked high in the canyon hills are aristocratic retreats over-looking some of the most expensive real estate in the United States. c. But for the Russian people born to this giant land, Europe is distant horizon beyond their imagination.6. 不定式短语与句子其他成分之间 a. What exactly happened on that terrible night to cause the death of one thousand of five hundred and twenty-three men, women and children? b. Science is taking us back in time to witness the sinking of the unsinkable Titanic. c. She is the first woman to inherit the Hasburg thrown, and few believe she can keep it.7. 以and或or分隔的较长的句子成分之间But youre not in the jungle of Bali or even a hidden sanctuary somewhere in Thailand.b. He drags millions out of the Dark Ages and forges a new nation.c. It defies definition and can only be described as unbelievable, capricious and dreamlike.8. 同位语与句子其他成分之间a. The one exception: her devoted husband Francis, duke of Lorraine. 9. 插入语与句子其他成分之间a. At times, dogs appears to move and react like wild animals, yet they are by definition, domesticated.b. The instruments of death have pushed technology to the limits in what has become the Deadly Game.Skill 4:Dealing with weak forms of auxiliary verbs 助动词弱读在句子中的应用: 学会助动词的弱读,是掌握连读技巧的第一步。任何一种语言,在口语表达时,句子中的单词有重读、弱读这样的变化,句子听上去才生动、自然。英语也不例外。 1.在英语中,哪些单词在句子中需要弱读呢? 一般情况下,助动词会明显地弱读。 请看下面的例句,揣摩助动词在句中是如何被弱读的: Do you come here a lot? They werent expecting us. Theyre having another argument. We havent been told anything yet.2. 助动词弱读时的发音变化: 助动词弱读时,其发音与单词音标中的发音会有一些不同,快读时,他们发音会变为: do you /dju/ Im /aim/ werent/wnt/ were / w / theyre /ð/ Ill /aiI/ being /bi/ have /hv/ was /wz/ theyve /ðei/ been /bin/ well /wiI/ were /wi/ be /bi/ havent /hvn/Skill 5:Dealing with the weak form of “ of” 1.Of的弱读形式: of 在词典中的音标及它的重读形式为:/ v /,而当它出现在句子中时,很少采取strong form, 而会采取其弱读形式,即/ v/。2. of 与其他单词的连读 当of 前面单词的最后一个音为辅音时,该辅音与of的弱读形式的起首元音/构成连读,可以构成一个音节来发音;同样道理,当of后面单词的第一个音为元音时,该元音与of弱读形式结尾的辅音/ v /也构成连读。例如下面的短语: a flightof stairs a pieceof furniture an itemof news a pinchof salt a cartonof milk a barof chocolate a bunchof flowers a bundleof sticks a suiteof room a clusterof houses a touchof bitternessSkill 6:Dealing with the weak forms of prepositions1.处理好介词的弱读,会让您的英语听起来流利得多。2.常用介词在重读和弱读时的不同发音:单词重读形式弱读形式from/frm/frm/to/t