1早上好/下午好/晚上好,欢迎登机!Good morning/Good afternoon/ Good evening. Welcome aboard!2打扰一下,能看一下您的登机牌吗?Excuse me. May I see your boarding pass?3.恐怕您坐错位子了。I'm afraidyou are in the wrong seat.4(1) 您的座位号标在阅读灯旁。(Airbus 机型)indicatedYour seat number isnear the reading light.(2) 您的座位号标在行李架边缘。(Boeing 机型)indicatedYour seat number ison the overhead compartment.5需要我帮您摆放行李吗?May I help youwith your bag?6先生,您的行李有点儿大,您不介意我把它放在别处吧?我会帮您保管的。Would you mind if Istow it somewhere else? Iklelep it for you.7请跟我来。Please follow me.8对不起,先生。您能往边上站一点吗?Excuse me, sir. Could you please step aside?9如有任何需要,请按呼唤铃。pressIf there's anything we can do for you, justthe call button.10我是本次航班乘务长/乘务员 XXX,如有任何需要,您可以随时联系我。(Im the purserthoifs flight. ) My name is xxx.If there is anything I can do for you, please call me.11请您用热毛巾/湿纸巾,女士/先生。hot towelYour/ wet towel, madam/sir.12根据最新的天气消息,外面温度为摄氏零下 5 度。According tolatesttemperaturetheweather report, the outsideisdegrees centigrade below zero. / minusfivefive degrees centigrade.13对不起,我没有完全听懂。您能重复一遍吗?CouldIm sorry. I didnt get that.youit?repeat14对不起,恐怕我的英文不太好,您能否说慢一点?Sorry, My English is poor / isnt very well. Could you please speak more slowly?15先生,您想要点什么?What would you liketo eat/ drink, sir?16.对不起,让您久等了。keeping you waitingI'm sorry forso long.17我们很快就要供应饮料/正餐。请将您前面的小桌板放下来。serveWe'llyou drinks/dinner soon. Pleasethein front ofput downtray tableyou.18打扰一下,先生,您能帮我把这份餐递给靠窗的那位旅客吗?passExcuse me, sir. Could youthis traythe passengerthe window?toby19先生,您需要面包吗?care forSir, Would yousome bread?20先生,需要来点水果吗?Excuse me, sir. Would you care for some fruit?21对不起,我们不提供烈酒。Sorry, but we dont serspveirits.22您的鸡肉几分钟后就好。will beYour chickenready in a few minutes.23对不起,鸡肉发完了,您想来点儿别的吗?somethingSorry. Im afraid we havneo more chicken left. Would you likeelse?24您想在饮料里加点冰块吗?Would you like someice in your drink?25这是您的耳机,先生/女士。Here is your earphone,sir/ madam.26本次航班全程禁烟,请不要吸烟。non-smokingThis is aflight. Please dont smoke.You may not smoke during the whole flight.27我可以清理小桌板了吗?clearMay Iyour table now?28我能把盘子收走了吗removeMay Iyour tray?29您喜欢就好,我很高兴。Im very gladattyhou liked it.30飞机要起飞/下降了,请系好安全带,收起座椅靠背、小桌板和脚踏板,打开遮光板。bringWe will be taking off/ descending. Please fasten your seat belt,yourseat back, table and footrest to an upright position. Please open the window shade.31您可以通过座椅扶手的按钮来调节座椅靠背。adjustYou mayyour seat backpressing the button on yourbyarmrest.32飞机要起飞/降落/落地了,恐怕您不能使用洗手间。taking offdescendingWe will be/ landing. Im afraid you may not use thelavatory.33请回到座位上,系好安全带。Would you please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt now?34安全带信号灯熄灭后您就可以使用洗手间了You may use the lavatory after the “fasten seat belt” sign goes off.35请尽快对号入座。seat according toPlease take theyour seat number as soon as possible.36根据中国民用航空的规定,您全程都不能使用手机,因为这会干扰飞行导航系统。According to the CAAC regulations, you may not use the mobile phone during the whole flight, because it might interfere with our navigation system.37请不要将行李放在过道和紧急出口处。clear ofPlease keep the aisle and the exitsbaggage.38对不起,女士。您可以将小孩放在安全带的外面,那样小孩会舒服些。holdExcuse me, madam. You mayyour babythe seat belt,. Thatoutsidecomfortablewould be morefor your baby.39请小心,外面在下雨,路面很滑。rainingPlease watch your step. It'sand veryoutside.slippery40我们对本次延误深表歉意。如果有进一步的消息,我们会立即通知您的。apologizefurtherWefor the delay. If we have anyinformation, we'll let youknow.41我们抱歉地通知您,由于机械故障本次航班已经取消。cancelledI'm sorry to tell you that this flight has beendue to amechanical problem.42因遇上强烈顶风,我们到达重庆江北机场将晚点十五分钟。behindWe are going to arrive at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport fifteen minutesscheduleofbecausestrong headwinds.43大约十分钟后,我们将到达北京首都国际机场。当地时间是晚间 8:10。localWe'll arrive at Beijing Capital International Airport in ten minutes. Thetimeis 8:10 p.m.44我们将在这里过夜,不过您不用担心,我们将为每位旅客提供免费住宿。现在请拿好随身物品准备下机。We'll have to stay here overnight. But don't worry.provideWe'llfreeforpassenger. Pleaseall youraccommodationeverytakebelongings and disembark.45请别担心。您的耳朵痛是由于客舱气压的变化而引起的。您可以通过吞咽动作来缓解不适。ofDon't worry. Becausetheofin the cabin, you maychangeair pressureuncomfortablefeelwith your ear. You canit byovercomeswallowing.46您的托运行李必须到候机楼认领。checked luggageYourmay bein the terminal.claimed47如果您继续随我们航班飞行,请从地面人员那里换取登机牌,在候机楼等待登机。continueIf youthe flight with us, pleaseyour boarding pass fromobtainground staffourand wait forin the terminal.departure48您可以将行李留在飞机上,但贵重物品和重要文件必须随身携带。飞机将在此停留一小时十分钟。leaveYou mayyour baggage on board butallandbringvaluablesdocumentsimportantwith you. We willhereone hour and tenremainforminutes.49我们将在这里更换机组。change of crewThere will be ahere.50因飞机起飞前空调制冷效果不够理想,现在客舱温度较高。currentlyThe cabin iswarmer thanbecause thenormalair conditioningsystemdoesnt work well before ta-koeff.51很抱歉音频/视频系统出故障了,对因此带来的不便我们十分抱歉。wrong withTheres somethingthe audio/video system. Weforapologizethis inconvenience.52我无权为您提供免票或折扣票,请原谅。offerSorry, Im afraid I cantyou anyor discount.free ticket53真抱歉!请您稍等,我去拿餐巾来替您擦干净衣服。forI'm terribly sorry. How careless of me! Wait a moment, Ill clean ityou.54填表时如有任何问题或困难,请和我联系,我非常乐意协助您。fillingIf you have any questions inin the forms,please let me know and I'll bevery happy to help you.55洗手间里有为婴儿换尿布的设备。nappy-changing facilitiesThere arein the lavatory.56您很容易在候机楼外面叫到出租汽车。You can take a taxi easily outside the terminal building.57.您能就提高机上服务质量给我们提些建议吗?onCould you give us some adviceimproving our in-flight service?58.现在请您接受这小小的纪念品。希望您会喜欢。Now we'd like you to accept this gift as a souvenir. We hope you will like it.59.请抓紧时间。您转乘的班机还有四十分钟就要起飞了。leftPlease hurry up. There're only forty minutesfor yourflight.connecting60.如果您需要转乘另一航班,请到二楼中转柜台办理转机手续。secondIf you need to transfer here, please go to the transfer counter on thefloorput throughandthe formalities.61.马上系好安全带。由于发动机出了毛病,飞机将做紧急迫降。make anPlease fasten your seat belts immediately. The plane has toemergency landingbecause of an engine failure.62.从座椅下拿出救生衣,穿上它!take outPleasethefrom theof your seat andit on!life vestundersideput63.不要在客舱内充气!inflateDon'tthe life vest in the cabin.64.解开安全带,别拿行李,朝这边走!ReleaseLeaveyour seat belts.everythingand come this way!behind65紧迫用力;Brace (3 times)66防冲撞/保持防冲撞姿势;Brace for impact. / remain in brace position.67 弯腰;Bend over.68在座位上坐好;Stay in your seat./ Please remain seated.69.取下尖锐物品;Remove sharp objects.70.解开安全带,不要动;Open your seat belt and dont move.71.这边来;Come this way.72.一个接一个;One by one.73.跳,滑;Jump and slide.74.找到离你最近的紧急出口并撤离;Locate your exit and evacuate.75.不要拿行李/将行李留在飞机上;Dont carry your baggagLee.a/ve your baggage on board.76.保持镇静/不要惊慌;Keep calm./ Dont panic.77.向前走/向对面走/向后走;Go forward/ Go across/ Go back.78.此门(紧急出口)不通;No exit.79.全体注意;Attention, please.80.取出救生衣;Take out your life vest.81.穿上救生衣;Put on your life vest.82.请(给救生衣)充气;Inflate your life vest.83.请勿在客舱内充气;Dont inflate in the cabin.84.请按指示灯路线撤离飞机;Evacuate the plane by following the direction of the lights located on the floor. / The lights located on the floor will guide you to the exits.85.请跟从乘务员指引尽快撤离飞机;Follow the instruction of the crew members and leave the plane as soon as possible.86.上船/艇;Get on the rafts / boats.87.希望您在北京玩得开心。nice stayHave ain Beijing.88.感谢您乘坐我们的航班,再见。Thank you for flying with us. See you next time!89.如果您现在不需要,您先放在座椅背后的口袋里了。seat pocketIf you dont need it now, you may put it into thein front of you.90.先生,需要来点水果吗?Excuse me, sir. Would you care for some fruit?91.对不起,我们不提供烈酒。Sorry, but we dont serve spirits.92.对不起,这个座位我们开了重号,您不介意坐其他座位吧?Would youI'm sorry, sir/ madam. The seat has been double booked.mindanothertakingseat?93.由于空中航路拥挤,我们要等待通行许可才能起飞。Due to heavy air traffic, we must wait until a take-off clearance is given.94.飞机起飞/下降/落地期间,您不能使用洗手间。The lavatory may not be used during take-off/ decending / landing.Section 2: Sentences(2) serve the first class passengers (对头等舱旅客服务)95.您想现在用甜品还是稍后再用?haveWould youyournow or later?dessert96.您想要哪种咖啡?清咖啡,还是奶咖啡?How would you like your coffee, black or white?97.您点的茶要浓一点还是淡一点?How would you like your tea, strong or weak?98.您需要什么样的牛排?嫩点的、适中的还是老点的?How would you like your beef steak, rare, medium or well done?99.您想吃中餐还是西餐?Chinese foodor Western food?Would you like100.您想现在吃甜点还是一会儿再吃?Would you like your dessert now or later?101.需要使用拖鞋吗?May I bring you the slippers?Section 3: Dialogues(1) serve the passengers (对所有旅客服务)1旅客:您说英语吗?乘务员:是的,会说一点儿。PAX: Do you speak English?speak a littleCA: Yes, IEnglish.2旅客:麻烦问一下,我的座位在哪儿?乘务员:能看一下您的登机牌吗?您的座位号是 4A,请走这边的通道,您的座位号标在行李架上。PAX: Where is my seat, Miss?CA: May I see your boarding pass, please? Your seat number is 4A. Please take this aisle to the fourth row. The number is indicated on the overhead compartment.3旅客:您能告诉我洗手间在哪儿吗?乘务员:洗手间在客舱的前部和后部。wash roomPAX: Would you please tell me where theis?frontCA: Lavatories are in theandof the cabin.rear4乘务员:对不起,行李架已经满了,您不介意我帮您把行李放到别的地方/ 前舱/ 后舱吧?旅客:我不介意,谢谢你。in the rearCA: Sorry, Sir, The overhead locker is full now. Would you mind if I put yourin the frontbaggageof the cabin /of the cabin?PAX: No, of course not. Thanks a lot.5经济舱旅客:能来一杯红酒吗?乘务员:对不起女士,我们只为头等舱提供酒类服务。PAX : May I have a glass of wine?bar serviceCA: Sorry, Madam. But we provideonly to the first class.6乘务员:(对头等舱旅客服务)我把您的衣服挂在前面的衣帽间里好吗? 到达前,我再取回来给您。旅客:好的,十分感谢。wardrobe/ closetCA: May I hang up your coat in the? I'll give it back to youbefore landing.PAX: Oh, yes, its so nice of you.乘务员:请您将贵重物品取出并妥善保管。by旅客:谢谢提醒。keepCA: Pleasethe valuablesyourself.PAX: Thank you for reminding me.7乘务员:恐怕您不能把行李放在紧急出口座椅的空位上。旅客:那我放哪儿呢?飞行中我需要用里面的东西。乘务员:请将行李放在您前排的座椅下面。next toCA:Im afraid you cant leave your bagthe emergency exit.PAX:So where do I put it? Ill need things in it during the flight.putstowCA:Please/it under the seat in front of you.8旅客:请问头等舱、公务舱和经济舱的免费行李额分别是多少?手提行李的限额又是多少呢?乘务员:头等舱、公务舱和经济舱的免费行李额分别是 40 公斤,30 公斤,20 公斤, 手提行李的限额是 5 公斤。PAX:Excuse me, Miss. Whats thsteandard Free LuggageAllowanceeachfor for any piece ofclass and themaximumcarry-onluggage?weight allowedfree luggage allowanceCA: Thefor first class is forty kilograms. Thirtycarry-on luggagekilograms for business class and twenty kilograms for economy class.maximum weightTheforis 5 kilograms.9(发报纸)乘务员:您想看点什么吗?我们的英文报纸有中国日报。旅客:好的。/ 不用了,谢谢。(Newspaper delivering)readCA: Would you like tosomething?We havehere.China DailyPAX: Yes, Thank you. / No, thanks.10旅客:我们要飞多久?乘务员:我们的空中飞行时间为 3 小时。How longPAX:does our flight take?flight takesCA: Ourthree hours.11.旅客:飞机现在的飞行高度是多少?乘务员:我们的飞行高度为 9000 米。altitudePAX: At whatare we flying?CA: Nine thousand meters, Sir/Madam.12.旅客:我们飞行的速度是多少?乘务员:我们的飞行速度为每小时 950 公里。speedPAX: What is theof our plane?CA: It's nine hundred and fifty kilometers an hour.13.旅客:这个城市离机场有多远?乘务员:该城市距离机场 26 公里。How farPAX:is the citythe airport?fromCA: Twenty six kilometers, Sir/ Madam.14旅客:我们现在在哪儿?乘务员:我们正在飞越西安/ 黄河/ 华山。PAX: Where are we now?city/river/mountainWhatare we flyingnow?overoverCA: We are flyingXian/Yellow River/Hua shan Mountain.thethe15旅客:首尔天气怎么样?乘务员:根据最新的天气报告,首尔正在下雨。likeWhat is the weatherin Seoul?According to the latest weather report,it is raining in Seoul.16乘务员:我们有矿泉水、芒果汁、橙汁、可乐、雪碧和咖啡。您想喝哪种?We have mineral water, mango juice, orange juice, Coke, Sprite and coffee. Which would you prefer?17.旅客:我想喝可乐。乘务员:加冰吗?旅客:加点冰吧。乘务员:好的,给您。PAX:Coke, please.CA: Would you like some ice in it?PAX: With ice, please.CA:Here you are.旅客:我想喝菠萝汁。乘务员:对不起, 菠萝汁已经发完了。您想来点别的吗?对不起,先生。飞机上没有配备,您想来点别的吗?旅客:不用了,谢谢。PAX:Pineapple juice, please.Would you likeCA: Sorry, sir.out of We arepineapple juice.something else?thatI'm afraid we don't haveon board. Would you like something else?PAX: No, thanks.18旅客:今天飞机上提供正餐吗?乘务员:对不起,先生。这是短途航线,我们只供应点心。mealPAX:Is there anyavailable?CA: Sorry, sir. This is a short flight. We only serve snacks.19旅客:我想要鸡肉米饭,不是面条。乘务员:真是抱歉,我弄错了。我马上给您换一份,请稍候。PAX:I want chicken rice, but not noodles.fitCA: I'm sorry for the mistake. I'llit for you at once. Pleasewait amoment.20乘务员: 您想再来点茶吗?旅客: 好的,谢谢.