Shut,In入侵者完整中英文对照剧本你不该在这里 You“re not supposed to be here. 为你好 You know better. 多么美丽的夜晚 It"s a beautiful night. 和我一起坐坐 Share it with me. 你得自己回里面去 You can get yourself back in. 你生气了 You"re mad.别那么喊我 - Birdie. - Don"t call me that. 今天不用做复健了 We can skip your exercise. 昨晚就算锻炼了 You fit that in last night. 我想和你聊聊 I was. trying to talk to you. 我不想聊 I"m not interested in that talk. 。- 不 - Anna. - No. 不会有用的 It won"t change anything. 嗨 Hey. 你一定是 Anna You must be Anna. 你是谁? Who are you? 呃,亲爱的,他没有告诉你我要来吗? Oh, sweetie, did he not tell you that I was ing? 我是律师 I"m the lawyer. 你的哥哥已经批准这些了。So your brother"s already approved these. 他安排妥了所有后事 He"s taken care of everything, so when the time es, 你不需要决定什么,我只是需要一个签名you won"t have to make any arrangements. I just need asignature. ,我是来帮助 Conard 达成他的愿望的 Anna, I"m here to help Conrad get what he wants. 他所想要的就是你能被妥善的照顾 What he wants is for you to be taken care of. 我妈妈也有癌症 My mother had ittoo. 不是胰腺的,但是。 Not pancreatic, but. 我知道这有多难 I do know how hard it is. 接受事实是唯一能做的 And acceptance is only a choice that you can make. 那么我将不选择 Then I won"t choose. 你的订餐 Submitted for your approval. 今天特 amp;hearts;供 amp;hearts;,烘肉卷 Today"s offering, meatloaf. 面包,有。肉。 Loaf, confirmed. Meat.【一些双关语的菜名】jury"s out. 【双关语菜名】Green beans almondine: Nutty, beanie. 【知道送餐小哥和女主关系融洽就行了】And the pièce de résistance? 【和后面的剧情有关】Apple cobbler, sweet, tart. 嗯 Uh-huh. Uh. 真是。真是太好了。It"s. it"s really good. 来的不是时候?- 不,她正要走 - This a bad time? - No, she was just leaving. 一旦我得到签名 As soon as I get a signature. 好吧 Okay, alright. 我知道了, 好的,好的 I got you. Okay. Okay.好的 It"s okay. 我真不知道没有你该怎么办 I don"t know how I"m gonna do this without you. 啊 Ah. 我会和你一起的 I"ll be with you. 你不信那一套 You don"t believe in that stuff. 我也不会那一套 I"m not talking about that stuff. 我正在说我们 I"m talking about us. 那些我们一起经历的 What we"ve been through together. 你因此更坚强了 You"re stronger now because of it. 嗨 Hey. 你不能永远锁在家里 you can"t stay locked up forever. 你必须走出去成为世界的一部分 You have to get outand be a part of the world. 我不想世界,就让我一个人待着 I don"t want the world to leave me alone. 不应该那样的 That"s not the way it works. 是时候原谅爸爸了 It"s time to forgive Dad. 别那么喊 - Birdie. - Stop. 我永远不会原谅他的 I will never forgive him for what he did. Anna. 我有个不好的消息 I have terrible news. 蘑菇奶油料理牛肉 Beef Stroganoff. 但是还有一线希望 But there"s a glimmer of hope.老白干 Tater tots! 走了也许更好 Maybe it"s good. 他不用再受罪了He"s not suffering anymore. 那得需要些信念,对吗? There"s gotta be some kind of relief in that, right? 整个过程中你如此坚强 You"ve been so strong this whole time. 从来没有听过你抱怨,一次也没有 Never heard you plain. Not once. 关于这个工作,相信我,很难得 On this job, trust me, it"s rare. 不是信念 It"s not a relief. 是的,抱歉,想什么说什么了Yeah. Sorry, that came out wrong. 我的意思是。 All I mean is. 让人印象深刻 it"s impressive, you know. You"re impressive. 以后怎么打算? So what"s the plan, then? 你打算留着这房 amp;hearts;子。还是。 Are you. gonna keep the place, or. 什么? What? 你准备留着这房 amp;hearts;子吗? - 呃,当然,不然我去哪里? - Are you gonna keep the place? - Oh, of course. Where would I go? 只是有的人需要离开才能继续生活 No, it"s just some people need to leave in order to move on. 但是这是我的家啊 But. this is my home. 好吧 Yeah, okay. 你能轻易的离开吗?Could you leave that easily? 我不该问的。- 没事,你能吗? - You know, I shouldn"t have asked. - No. Could you? 好的。不是所有人都对于家有那么强烈的感情Well. not everybody feels so strongly about home. 不是所有人感觉好像他们有个家 Not everybody feels like they have a home. 那么你为什么不离开? Then why haven"t you left? 猜一下 One guess. 女朋友Girlfriend. 不 No. 还没有碰到合适的 I haven"t really made the best decisions in that department. Whoa. 那是你不离开的最后的理由? That"s your last reason for not leaving, right? 呃,我。 Uh, I. 我。我不能接受这个 I. I can"t take this. 没事,我还有更多,也不知道用来干啥No, I have more than I know what to do with, honest. 拿着 Take it. 逃离这里 Make your escape. 很抱歉,我不能收。I"m sorry. I just can"t. 你好,这是 Rook 宅邸 Hello. You"ve reached the Rook residence. ar 和 Anna 暂时无法接听 Conrad and Anna aren"t available right now. 留言,我会回复您 If you leave a message, I will return your call. 嗨,Anna,我是 Charlotte Hey, Anna. This is Charlotte. 我一直想着你,我希望你知道 Um, I was just thinking about you, and I wanted to let you know 我很为你自豪,敢于面对恐惧 how proud I am of you for, you know, facing your fears, 走出那里,参加你哥哥的葬礼and getting out there and going to your brother"s funeral. 我想在那里应该能看到你 Um, so I guess I"ll see you there. 好的,再见 Okay, bye-bye. 嗨,Anna,我是 Charlotte。我知道你很挣扎 但是你是能做到的。Hey, Anna. This is Charlotte. I know you"ve been struggling, but you can do this. 我会在葬礼看到你的,亲爱的,坚强些 I"ll see you at the funeral, sweetie. Stay strong. ,你在吗? Anna,请接电 amp;hearts;话amp;hearts;。Anna, are you there? Anna, please pick up the phone. 葬礼已经开始了,如果你现在赶来,还来得及 Look, the funeral"s starting. If you leave now, you can still make it. 请一定来,我真的希望你。 Please e. I really hope you. 嗨,四周看。不要让别人看到你。Hey, go around back. And don"t let anyone see you. 好吧,我们赶快点。你知道要找什么。Alright, let"s make this quick. You know what to look for. 那是什么?What"s that? 找到她。切断电 amp;hearts;话 amp;hearts;线。Find her. Cut the phone line. 她在楼上? She"s upstairs! 到底怎么回事? What the hell? 你不应该在这里啊。You"re not supposed to be here. 请,不要看着我。不要看,好吗? Please, stop looking at me. Please, okay? 解释一下 Explain it to me. 为什么你不参加你哥哥的葬礼? Why aren"t you at your brother"s funeral? 你是 Anna,对吗? You"re , right? 好的,Anna Okay, Anna. 我需要你一直和我一起 I need you to be straight with me.我需要知道你把钱藏在哪里了 I need to know where you keep themoney. 你在干什么? - 以防万一 - What are you doing? - Always be prepared. 对不起,防备什么? I"m sorry, prepared for what? 这太疯狂了。我们应该离开,JP,妈的。This is fucking crazy, JP. We should just fucking leave, goddammit! 为什么喊我的名字? Use my name again, why don"t you? 继续 Go ahead! 警讯上没有信息 There"s nothing on the scanner. So. 所以看起来她没有报 amp;hearts;警 amp;hearts; looks like she didn"t call anybody. 你报amp;hearts;警 amp;hearts;了吗? Did you? 你是一直怪鸟 You"re an odd bird. 看着我 Look at me. 三个人破门而入,你却不报 amp;hearts;警amp;hearts;? Three men break into your home and you don"t call the police? 我很害怕,我没有时间思考。I was scared. I. I didn"t have time to think. 我有个办法。I have a solution. 脑后来一下 Just a quick little love tap behind the ear. 我们不那么干。We are not doing that! We are not doing that! 嗨。 - 那么我们烧掉这里。Hey. - Then we burn this fucker down. 妈的查。 你应该停止这烂事- 嗨,弄些咖啡来 Fucking Chri. you gonna stop this shit? - Hey, go make some coffee. 什么? - 弄些咖啡来。- What? - Go make some coffee. 去,别掺合大人说话 Go. Let the adults talk. 啊,操Ah, fuck it. 怎么样? So? 我们不杀人 We"re not killing anyone. 你能和她好好待着,不添乱吗? Can I leave you alone with her without making a mess of things? 当然- 我认真的 Of course. - I mean it. 我他妈的的很冷静 - 嗨,我是认真的 - I"m calm as fuck. - Hey, I mean it. 以童子军的名义保证 Scout"s honor. 他们没有咖啡 - 算了 They don"t have any coffee. - Forget it. 我有个招 - 什么?你总是有招儿。- I"ve got a plan. - Oh, yeah? You always got a plan. 你总是希望我成为一分子,但是我不是 Perry,知道吗? You always expect me to be a part of it, but I"m not Perry, okay? 我不是你的哈巴狗 I"m not your fucking lapdog! 如果你想要离开,现在还来得及 Look, if you wanna leave, this is the time to go. 真的? Really? 你呢? What about you? 我依然觉得我能找到钱。I"m still thinking it through. Look, I could get the money. 只是比原来以为的复杂了一点 - 是的,一点? - This shit just got a little plicated. - Yeah, a little. 你底子清,兄弟,别趟浑水,好吗? Look, you"re still clean, little brother. Let"s keep it that way, okay? 得了,伙计,你知道我也需要钱 Come on, man, you know I need this money too. 那就是说你决定和我一起干了?干到底。Does that mean you"re with me on this, huh? All the way. 干到底- 让我们找到它 - All the way. - Let"s go find it. 神啊,一团糟 Jesus.Fucking mess, man.以前那是什么? - 别管我 - What was that before? - Just leave me alone, please. 你都走了 You were gone. 为什么你不跑? Why didn"t you run? 没地儿去。- 肯定不是 - Nowhere to go. - That"s not it. 肯定还有别的事情There"s something else going on. 呣? Hmm? 那里是什么? What"s in there? ,赶紧开始找,我来找这间 Vance, just get started. I"m gonna get this room. 啊 - 你应该骂我 - Ow. - You gotta be shitting me. 所以你告诉我你在这屋子里 So you"re telling me you haven"t left this house. 待了10 多年了? - 是的。- in over 10 years? - Yeah. 好吧 Okay. 我只是让这扇门开着 I can just leave this door open. 我给自己弄杯茶 I can go make myself a cup of tea. 当我回来的时候。 When I e back. 你还会坐在那里? you"re still sitting there? 真可悲啊 Ah, fuck, that"s sad. This is actually really sad.嗨,你知道吗? Hey, you know what? 我觉得我能帮你。I think I can help you. 不 No, no, no! - 不 - 呃? 过来!No! No! - Huh? Come here! 住手,求你,住手 - 过来,过来 - Stop, please! Please, please! Please stop! - Come here! Come here! 住手Stop! 不 No, no. 看? 没有那么糟糕 See? It"s not so bad. 我来了,我来了,你究竟干什么? I got you. I got you. Okay. What the hell did you do? 她不出门,我只是试着帮她。She doesn"t go outside. I was just trying to show her. 你没事吗?You gonna be okay? ,进去 Perry, go inside. 嗨,我需要你集中精力Hey, I need you to focus. 让我回去 - 嗨,我们回里面 Let me back in! - Hey, hey, hey, we go back inside, y 会杀了你 - 我不管 - Perry"s gonna kill you. - I don"t care. 求你了!Please! ,我在楼上找过了,没有找到 Anna. Anna, we looked upstairs and we didn"t find anything. 在阁楼吗? Look, is there an attic? 呃?保险柜? Huh? Huh? Safe? 地下室?呃? Basement? Huh? Huh? 地下室?地下室? Basement? Huh? Basement? .