精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - ui de sex furt her enhance Office team structur e has d, documents handle and runni ng of speed bee n optimize d, to broaden the range of knowledgobvi oously spee d up, pr e and operational ogram gradually spe capa city grows, nurt cification, conference servi ce a nd Chief rece ption of quality and level ha t ured a politi cal firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solis ha s new of improve, Logisti darity, striving for the tcs support ca op, pragmatic, depability further stre ngthe dicati on, g ood image. Howwned. ever, wit Document manageme it h the State Council ant, confidential, confide nd t he provi ncial Governmentiality, dut y, letters and ot nt of the nati ona l, the her items have bee n signifi pr ovince's Se cretary-General meeti cantly improve d. 4, eti ng of governmeOffice constr ucti on increase nt offices under the new situati se d at all levels. City Governme ati on t he functions and print offices a orities dhere t o strengthen a compare d to the re quiremend impr ove the nts of our gap is stconstruction of the system as a ill very big. M ain is daily in tbreakthrough, has developed a series he pa ssive meet of more, a ctive researof code of conduct, continuous i ch of less, servi ce also hamprovement of operational mechani s not ti mely, and not i n pla ce of pr oblem; wsm, sound and the implementation of the r ork in t he meet Yu traditi onal of, and prules a nd reg ulations, a ogram of of work way, nd a dhere t o the system of managi develop innovation spirit and serving pe opl e, accor ding to t he rule s, the w ce innovation ca pacity not strong; superviork gradually into t sion information work ahe or bit of instit nd promoted utionalization and standardization. decision impleme ntation of contact eFocus on strengt nough cl ose , feedbaheni ng ide ologi cal and political constructi ck sit uation not a ctive; re search reti on of the conti ngent of ca dres, a nd a ctively carrie d out various busine sources of using enough full , research results of into degree not hig h; some sess traini ng, knowle ctor documents rdge of the unning notnd w spe cification; M M uni cipal l Governme e nt Office on the County (district) and m uuni cipal gover nment sector Office work k of guide enough, No real form interaction and close collaboration, , promote the impleme nntation of the work. These problems, we must effectively be addressed in t he future work. Second, serve the overall ssituati o, carry out their duties, improve quality, and strive to create a new situation of system of gover er nment office ce s in the city si nce last season, meeting the Secretary-General of the State Council and t he pr ovincial government has hel d a gover r nment system, from a global and strategic height, sci sci entifically analyze d the new sit uation and the newTsks on the system of governme e nt offices bring new situations and new problems and new challe le nges, profoundly expounded the work of government departments at all levels in the new era should be put n thee situation to understand, to grasp, to de pploy at any time and under any y circumstances, should always focus on thebig pict clearly uure, firmly grasp the nderst ood. Dee overall sitpartments at all levuation, increasing il s shoul d stricn the overall impleme tly im plement the check inting in n tearnest t e Office of phe work rty Comof spontaneity, i ittee evaluation, signitiativeSecondly, w nificaw e shoul d strengt t a ccounta bility at hen tnd rewarhe team. A unit is a team in vari d incentive system, pay closous e attentisections of the unit inside ion to duty ca sh and makis also a small team. A unit with a team spirit, formed a team responsing unit y, rights, re sponsibil ities, a nd to i nspire each of bility, cohe sion and coma dres spirit and morale, Super courage. Invpetitivene stee insists, ie ss. ou want to make a s a dee p a unit, a Department wopic, i s a real pr oblem, iork improveme s a big issue. Today,nt, must I just cobe melting inside a feeling of solidarity ambi ned t his yea r, the city's Communist Party Cond mut mittet ual e Office,e lp, for a common ghad somoal and determi e rough talk ai ned to nd understaachieve the ding, wspirit, must scultivating a str trengt hen reong colle earch and exchctive spirit and team responsi nges in this regar d ibilit the futuy, se nse of honor. e. Investee. The refore, we nee i n the new year, we md to start improvi ust hol d high tng office w he ba nner ork an f Dengd enhance the efficiency of Office work a Xia opi ng theory a nd t he "threa nd strive to build a re prese nts" theory t he greatconcerte d .ba nner Fa ult. In a of, under thea ccorda nce correct leawith the re dershire quiremep of the CPCnts of modern ma , a dhere t o the nagement science, e eople -orie nted, i e stablishing nsist on trut h, astrict responsibility system of manageme here first to excell ence, efforts to do Officnt by objective e w ork to a ve s. A work new level. Swho i s in peech at tcharge, e Conwho is i erence n charge and who is re on t he system of goe sponsible, what right er nment offices i n thdo the city arse people have, w ound the development hat responsi f servisi bility, ce functihas to tr on to uthfully a reate a nesituation in the work of the Office of the city's system of Govr nment-speech at the Conference on the system of government offices in the city This system of government Center, l ook s at devel opment, offices worki strengthe ned i ng in t he city's main task i s to st service, city gover nment system Office w udy Governme nt systems of administrative supervisio w ork rendering atmosphere in re cent years, n, a dministrative informati city governme nt system Office to on, administrative re e ception and i i nformation technology issues. For the meeting, t he City Mayor Ma has made important instructi ons, the Municipal Government Office fully prepared brewi i ng, combined wit t h pra ctical work to develop the notice oon further strengthening the supervision work, the XX, Chief Informati ti on i nterim measures for 2005 and the city's system of Government Administration informatization construction task statement and other documents. Before the General Assembly and organization of counties (districts) of the scene to observe the Government Office, a a chieve the purpose e of exchanges of w w ork, thought. Today, the e ang Mayor also attended the meeting and delivered an important speech in t he midst, hope g g ood grasp of implementati on. Next, I would like to make a few remarks. s. A, and around 小学语文教材教法考试题以及答案一、填空1、语文是最重要的交际工具,是(人类文化)的重要组成部分。(工具性)和(人文性),是语文课程的基本特点。2、九年课外阅读总量要达到(400 万)字以上3、新课程标准积极倡导(自主)( 合作)(探究)的学习方法。4、新课程标准根据(知识与能力)( 过程与方法)(情感态度与价值观 )三个维度设计。5、第一学段,养成正确的(写字)姿势和良好的(写字)习惯,书写规范、端正、整洁。6、第一学段,学会汉语拼音。能读准 ( 声母)、(韵母)、( 声调)和(整体认读音节)。7、第二学段,会使用(字典)( 词典),有初步的独立识字能力。8、能准确地拼读(音节),正确书写(声母)、(韵母)和(音节)。认识(大写字母),熟记汉语拼音字母表9、第二学段,学生学习修改习作中有(明显错误 )的词句。10、写字既是一项重要的语文(基本功),又是一个人(语文素养)的体现。11、课内习作每学年( 16 )次左右,五、六年级在(400 )字的习作。40 分钟能完成不少于12、新课程评价要改变过分强调(评价的甄别)和选拔的功能。二、选择(每小题 4 分,共 20 分)1、词的分类有( B )A、主语、谓语、宾语等 B、名词、动词、形容词等 C、并列式、偏正式、主谓式2、阅读教学的重点是培养学生具有( B )的能力。A、感受、理解、欣赏 B、感受、理解、欣赏、评价 C、感知、理解、了解、欣赏3、语文教学应在( C )的过程中进行。A、以教师为主体B、以学生为主体C、师生平等对话三、判断(每小题2 分,共 10 分)1、对于 1、2 年级学生,课标规定应认识常用汉字 800 1000 个会写 。( )1600 1800 个,其中名师归纳总结 nd stea Office of tdfastness. And expli e Government li citly put forwarsect or must take the led the "surroundi d indi ng situatiparty and Goveron, pay attention to impleme nment polici es, the dentation" is the core of goverployment a nd carry out spe cific tnment offices, requiring goverrgets, i n the impl ementatnment departments at all l on efforts, for example on the implemevels cannot be "Gramophone", "mail room" and "the entation, on the im plementation of a performance. Messenger" is not confine City Governd to pa ent System Oper communi fice to cations, yi seriously inglaisongwa mplement impleng and upl e ntoad i ssue. M ation national, aust to ha nd Prs strongly of implementati ovince Government sy ston consci m Secretary-ci ousness, thieneral s is Government Office Direct or ConfereOffice se ctor first bit of task, to first, and is nce spirit, according to ar ound duty-bound, insisted reverall , grasp impl ementation thiported tr a ge tr uth, aneral rend tol quiremed trut h, and out confess, a nts, insisted reform innovatind do facts, a on, fua nd pragmatic effect, put work of to t her change ma nagement concept, point and ma ns real put to research sol gement functi onution reform development stas, and ma nagement system a nd mable in t he of major nagement method; iprobl nsisem Shang te d quality, put t first, enso research soluti re for led, and for gron masse ss-rs pr oduction life in the oots, and for masseof urgent pr provide s obl em Shang, uality efficient serput to re vice ; isearch sol nsi stedol ution work i stri ctly rule i n the existpolitical, efforts cos of highlig ht problem Sha nstruction a support political fing, put an e m, and busind to to Conference impleme ness maste r, annt Conference, to file impld servi ce politica l clea n, aementation file, never ca d style exce llent of Office tean makes superi m. Concrete work,or of de acisi on and depl nd m ust deall oyment in a "impleme with "three relatie ntation" onships": one is to Lost in the sound. andle we ll the relSystem ti onshi p 第 1 页,共 27 页between passive adaptation and active service. Office service functions to the passive aspect of its work, which re quires us to host lead when a ction must be strictly in a a ccorda nce w w ith the intentions and requireme nnts for leadershi p, work within the limits of delegated authority, not offside, parti rti pation i n the intervention, and not de e cision -making, coordination is not contemplated. Meanwhile, Office work and must become more conscious, give full play to t t he initiative and w ork to some foreseea ea ble, be proactive, prepare d, thinking a head, , providi nng information, active leadershi p, reflect the situati ati on, a hea a d of good research, reference point, in key pla ces to promote overall ll efficiency. Second, to handle the relationship between administrative service ce s and transa ction services. Admi nistrative services and Services Office service s complement the two aspects of the job. Administrative services is the core service is guaranteed. Note that combines s bot h, adhere to government service as the main line, t t he Chief turns around the overall situation, turns ar ound the district. On one hand, will attachthree a re prese ntative" important thought for gui ui de, efforts adapte d new situation, and new task, and new re e quirements, tightly around ccity reform development of overall, further change functi ons, strengthened service, determined to i nnovation, Government System Office overall work of quality and leve l has has new of improve, for city economic social development made has due of contribution. 1, staff assistant for further stre ngthening. Ar ound t t he focus of leadership services, actively carry out research studies, for all level s of Governme e nt on the event, grab global proposed a num ber of solutions with a higher reference value re re comme ndations provi i de a basis for improvi ng government leadership. About developme nt, adjustment of interest difficulty, , people the focus of the probl em, and give full play to the offices that are interl iinked, dredge about, contact and coordinati on of functions, i n or der to reduGovernme nt continues to to the impleme ntation tce conflict, to avpromote i n de his ce ntral, right proid omi ssions, form a joint force, promoti ng the Govpth. E stablished ope ne d the city (County) long publi oce ssing i nherite d and innovation, and full and focus, aernme nt to play a n active r ole in tc phones, solving a num ber of concern nd on Sha ng servi ce and on Xia he work a s a whole. people's immediate i service of relationshiWorking around Gover nment Center impleme ntation supervisi on i ntensified, br oade ned a nd im proved effinterests a nd produce hot spot s and difficult problems in life, by all se ctors of the community alike. Universal p, bold i nnovati on, focused on effectivene ss, pre sentati on of policy sex, and targeted andcie ncChief was ncy, do check t he fruit, fruit, a s built starting at the , a sscity and coussisting t he Gov ernment i nty levelsHal i n implementati on of the Assi stant role tl masses, serve the community for the Governmeo play, a pow nt to play a erful impet better us to the r Windows aealizatio nd tin of th e. e objectives With the sy of the Gover nstem of Gover nnment. 2, the service area nment Office for hub, connecting t s to further ex pand. The full impleme ntatit he County (district) and the departments on of the open gof muniovernment pilot cipal government Web site proje ct, strengt heni ng care s and Office decisionrier const-making ruction, innovative forms o service system has been f publi built ic, n the deepeni ng public city, Governmecontent, extends nt Office local area the open rang network e e, regulate e stablished, public pr oce dures, establi shme nt of a citysignificantly accelerate the pace of office a, Count y, T ownship a nd v illage-l utomation and information netwl evel adminiork. 3, impr stra r oved ion system, t quality ao meet the peopl nd pr oductivity wit e's right to k t h new wnow ork. City leve, create s conditions fols Government r the effective exe