精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - uide sex further e nha nce d, document s ha ndl e and runni political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidaritng of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specificati on, conference servi y, striving for the top, pragmatic, dedication, good image. Howevece and Chief re cepti r, with t he State Council aon of quality a nd the provia vind l evel ha ncial Govera rs ha s new of improve, Lo nment of the national, the provigi stics support ca pability furt her stre nce's Secretary-Ge neral meeting g ngthe ned. of government Document manag offices under tement, confi he new situati nfi dential, ti on the fl, confidenti ality, duty, letters and ot uncti ons and pri orities compareher items d to the rehave be en sig nifica ntly improve quireme nts of our gap is still very big. d. 4, Office constr Main i s dastr ily iucti n the on i ncreased at all lev passive meet of more, aels. City Gover nment offices a ctive research of less, servidhere t o strengt hen a nd im prove the constr ce also ha s not timel y, and not in place tr ucti on of the system as a breakthr oug of problem; w ork in the meet Yu traditional of, and prh, ha s deve ve loped a series of code of conduct, conti ogram of of work way, devel op i nnovati nuous improvement of operational m ti on spirit and service innovation ca pa m echanism, sound and the im city not strong; supervim plementati on of the rule sion information work and s and regulati promote d de cisions, and a dhere t o the on im plementation of contasystem of managi ct enough i ng pe ople close, feedba, according to t he rul ck situati on not activees, the work gra ; resear ch resour dually i nto th e r ces of using eor bit of instit nough fullt utionalization a , research results of into nd standar dization. degree not high; Focus on stre ngthe some se ctor documentning i deological and political s running not spe cification; construction of the n; Munici pal Gover contingent of cadre s, and a nment Office on t he County (ctively carrie district) and munid out various busi cipal governmeeness training , knowledge nt se ctor Office w ork of guiof the Office team structure de enoug h, No real form interactihas been optimize d, to broa den t on a nd close collaboration, pr t he range r om of knowledge a nd operational ote the implementation of the w capacity grow ork. s, nurture These proble d a ems, we must effectively be addressed in the future work. Second, serve the overall situati on, carry out t t t heir duties, improve quality, and strive to o create a new situation of system of government office ce s in the city since last season, meeting the Secretary-General of the State Council and t he provi nci al government has held a government system, from a global and strategic height, t, scientifically analyzed the new sit t uation and the newTasks on the system of government offices bring new situations and new problems a nd new challenges, profoundly expounded the work of government departments at all levels in the new era should be put in the situation to understand, to grasp, to deploy at any time and under any circumsta nces, shoul d always focus on t he big picture e , firmly grasp the overall situation, increasing in the overall impleme e nting i n earnest the work of spontaneity, initiativeSecondly, we should strengt hen the team. A unit is a team in various sections of the unit inside is also a small team. A unit with a team spirit, formed a team responsibi bi lity, cohe sion and competitiveness. ou want to make a unit, a Department workimprovement, must must strengthebe melting i t n resear ch a i nsi de a feeling of solidarity and exchanges i n this regar d in nd mut ual help, for a the fut ure. Investee in tcommon g he new yeaoal an r, we d determi ust holned to a d hig h thchi eve the spirit, cultivating a str banner of Deng Xiaoping t heoong colle y a nd thective spirit a "three reprend team responsi sents" thei bility, ory the great sense of honor. T ba nner of, under therefore, we he correct lea need tderso start improvi hip of the CPC, ng office work a dhere to t he pnd enhance the efficiee opl e-oriente d,ncy of Office work and strive to builinsi st on tr uth, a dhere first to excelld a concerted . Fault. In a ence, efforts to do Office wccorda nce ork to a new levwith the re el. Spe ecquirements of modern ma h at t he Conference on nagement science, e the system of gover nstablishing stri ent office s in ct responsibility system of management the city around t he devel opme nt of serviby objectives. A work w e function to create a new situatiho is in charge, w on i n thho i ws i n charge and who is responsiork of the Office of the city's system ble, w ofhat right do these pe Governme nt-speeople have, w ch at the Conferencehat responsi on tbility, has t e sy stem o truthfully a ndf government of clearly under ices in the city r stood. Departments at all levels shoul l d stri ctly implement the check in the Office e of party Committee evaluation, significant accountability and reward incentive system, pay close attention to duty cash and making unity, rights, responsi i bilities, and t o inspire each of cadres spirit and m orale, Super courage. Investee insists, i , i s a de ep topic, i i s a real problem, is a big issue. oday, I just combined this year, the city's Communist Party Committee Office, ha a d some rough talk and understandi ng, weThis system of government offices working in the city's main task is to study Government systems of administrative supervisio n, administrative information, admini strative reception and information technology issues. For the meetig , the City Mayor Ma has made important instructions, the Muni cipal Government Office fully prepared brewi ng, combined with practical w ork to develop he notice on further strengthening the supervision work, the XX, Chief Information interim measures for 2005 and the city's system of Govr nment Administration informatization construction task statement and other documents. Before t t he Ge neral Assembly and ora nization of counti i es (districts) of the scene to observe the e Gover nment Office, achiev e the purpose of exchanges of work, thought. Toda a y, the ang MMayor also attended the meeti i ng and delivered an im portant spee ch i n the mi mi dst, hope good grasp of implementation. Next, I would like to make a few remarks. A, and around Center, l ooks at development, stre e ngthe ned service, city government system Office work rendering atmosphere in recent years, citygovernment system Office to 可;同一数轴上的单位长度要统一;数轴的三要素都是根据实际需要规定的。 2. 数轴上的点与有理数的关系所有的有理数都可以用数轴上的点来表示,正有理数可用原点右边的点表示,负有理数可用原点左边的点表示, 0 用原点表示。所有的有理数都可以用数轴上的点表示出来,但数轴上的点不都表示有理数,也就是说, 有理数与数轴上的点不是一一对应关系。(如,数轴上的点 不是有理数)3. 利用数轴表示两数大小在数轴上数的大小比较,右边的数总比左边的数大;正数都大于0,负数都小于0,正数大于负数;两个负数比较,距离原点远的数比距离原点近的数小。4. 数轴上特殊的最大(小)数最小的自然数是 0,无最大的自然数;最小的正整数是 1,无最大的正整数;最大的负整数是-1 ,无最小的负整数5.a 可以表示什么数 a>0 表示 a 是正数;反之,a 是正数,则a>0; a<0 表示 a 是负数;反之,a 是负数,则a<0 a=0 表示 a 是 0;反之, a 是 0, ,则 a=0 6. 数轴上点的移动规律根据点的移动, 向左移动几个单位长度则减去几,向右移动几个单位长度则加上几,从而得到所需的点的位置。相反数 相反数只有符号不同的两个数叫做互为相反数,其中一个是另一个的相反数,0 的相反数是0。注意:相反数是成对出现的;相反数只有符号不同,若一个为正,则另一个为负; 0 的相反数是它本身;相反数为本身的数是 0。2. 相反数的性质与判定任何数都有相反数,且只有一个; 0 的相反数是0;0,和为 0 的两数互为相反数,即a,b 互为相反数,则a+b=0 互为相反数的两数和为3. 相反数的几何意义在数轴上与原点距离相等的两点表示的两个数,是互为相反数; 互为相反数的两个数,在数轴上的对应点( 0 除外)在原点两旁,并且与原点的距离相等。0 的相反数对应原点;原点表示0 的相反数。说明:在数轴上,表示互为相反数的两个点关于原点对称。名师归纳总结 nd targetsteadfastne s, in the imss. A nd expl plementationicitly put forward t efforts, for example he "surr oounding n t he impleme situati e ntaton, pay attention to impleme ion, on the implementation of a ntation" is t perf t he core of gover ormance. er nment officeCity Government Ss, requiring gover ystem Office to serinment departmeously impleme nts at all levels e nt impleme cannot entati o be "Gramophone", "mail room" and "the Meon national, a nd Pr ovince Governmesse nger" is not nt system Secretary-Gt confeneral Officeined t Direo paper communi ctor Conference cations, yi spirit, yi nglaisongwaaccordi ng to ar ng and upl r ound overalload i ssue. M , grasp im M ust to m plementatihas strongly of impleme on thi s a general rntation equirements, i consciousnensisted ss, t reforhis is Gover m innovation, nment Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is further change ma nagement concept is duty-bound, insisted rept , and manageme nt functions, and manag porte d truth, a nag ement snd t ystem aold trut h, and out confess, nd manag ement method; ian d; id do fact s, and pragmatic effect, nsisted quality first, ensure for le put w le d, aork of to points rea nd for grass-roots, a l put t a nd foo research sol r masse s provution reform devel i des quality efficie opment sta cie nt servia ble in the ce; insistee of major problem Shad strictly r ule politicalng, put to rese , efforts constructise arch solution masses on a support politicproduction life in the al firm, and busine of urgent prss master, and oblem S servi ce political hang, cal put to re clean, andsearch soluti style excellei on w ork in the exists of hignt of Office team. Concrete work, ahlight ork, aprobl l em Shang nd m ust de g , putde al w a n eith "thrend to t o Conference impleme e relationshi ps": one i e nt Conference, to file imple i s to handle well the relatiementation file, never onship betwe n passive adacan makes ptation and asuperior ctive of deci sion and de service. Office serve ployme nt iice functin a "implem ons to the e ntation" passive aspect Lost i ofn the sound. of its work, whi ch reSystem Office of the Government quires us t o host lead whe n acti sector must take the lea on must be strictly in a ccord in party and Govda nce with t he inteernment ntions a poli cies, t nd requireme, t he deployment s for leant and carry der shi p, work out specifi k within the c 第 2 页,共 13 页limits of delegated a Office overall work uthor of quality a ity, not offside, a nd levepartici l has has newpation in the interventi of improve , fti on, and not , for city economic sociadecision-maki l develki ng, cooropme nt mdina ade ha ti on is a s due onot f contricontem plated. b ution. 1, staff assi Meanwhile, i stant for furtheOffice work a r stre nnd must gthe ning become more . Ar ound the fe consci ocus of leaderci ous, give full play trshi p servo the i i ces, a ctivenitiative and work to ely carry out research st some forese udie s, foeable , be r all levels e proaof Govctive, pre er nmentpared, t on the e t hinkive nt, gng ahead, provi rab global proposei ding informati d a ti on, a ctive leadershinumber of sol utions witp, reflect the situati h a higher reference val on, a hea d of good resear val ue recommendations pr ch, reference r ovide a point, ibasis for imn key pla ces to proving g overnpr omote overall efficiency. Second, to hament lea dership. About deve lopmendle the relati nt, adjustment ofonshi p betwe of interest difficulten a y, pdministrative servi y, people the focus of thces a nd transacti e pr oblem, ati on nd give fservice s. Admi ull play toi nistrative servi the offices that are i ces and Servi e i nterlinkeces Office d, dreservices com dge about, contact aplement the two aspe and coordinati cts of the job. A on of functi ons, indministrative services i or der to reduce conflict, to avs the core oid service i omissis guara ons, form nteed. a joint forcNote that e, prcombines om oting the bot h, adhere to g Government to overnme play an ant service as the maictive role in the work n line, the as a whole. Chief turns around the Working around overall situati Governmeon, turns nt Center imaround t plementatihe di strict. On one hand, will attachthree a reon supervision intensified, broapres dene d and impre ntative" important thougove d efficiency, do check tht for guide, efforts ada he fruit, fruit, assistingpted ne the Goverw situati onment i on, and i n impnew task lementati, and new re qon of the Assi quireme i stannts, tightly ar t role t o play, a poound city reform development of overall werful impet us to the realization of the , further cha e objectives nge functions, stre of the Gov ernmngth ment. e ned service, 2, the service are determine re as to fe d to innovatiurther expand. Ton, heGovernment System he full impleme ntation of the open gover nment pilot pr local area network esta blished, oje ct, strengtheni ng carrier significa ntly accelerate the r construction, innovative forms of publi pace of office automati on a nd informatic, de epe ning public conte nt, extends the ope n range, reg ulate publi c pr oce dures, e on network. 3, im proved quality a nd productivity wit h new w ork. City level s Gover e stabli shment o r nment Office po f a city, County, Township a put pursuit quality and efficiea nd village ncy ae -level a dministration system, to meet the pe s measure Office overall w ork level of importaople' s right to k nt standard, pendulnow, creates conditi ons for t um in highlight location, around he effective exercise service overall, aof supervisi nd pay i on. Development issue d the close attention to the implementation this XX, matters of sig nificant central, rigt public ht processi poli cy implementati i ng inherited a non measures, d i nnovation, asuch as t he question of nd ful l and focus, and on Shang heari g ng 6 system, service a nd ope n Gover on Xia servinment conti nue ce of relationship, s to pr omote in depth. Esta bol d innovation, focuse d blished ope ned the city (County) long d on effectiveness, presentation of pol public phones, solving a icy sex, a