精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载可数名词与不行数名词专项加强版练习一,请写出一下单词的复数形式1.book _ 2.duck _ 3.house _ 4.orange _ 5.class _ 6.box _ 7.watch _ 8.child _ 9.city _ 10.factory _ 11.mouse _ 12.family _ 13.hero _ 14.potato _ 15.tomato _ 16.photo _ 17.piano _ 18.knife _ 19.leaf _ 20.life _ 21.tooth _ 22.sheep _ 23.foot _ 24.policeman _ 25.man _ 26.woman _ 二,词组翻译 一个洋葱 _ 六个西红柿 _ 两杯咖啡 _ 三茶匙调料 _ 十瓶酸奶 _ 四片面包 _ 六位女医生 _ 五名男同学 _ 三用所给名词的适当形式填空:1. How many_sheep are there on the hill. 2. There is some_food in the basket. 3. The baby has only two_tooth now. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载4. There is a lot of_water in the bottle. 5. There are five_people in his family. 6. Let's take_photo, OK. 7. I have lots of_tomato here. 8. The_leaf on the tree turn-yellow. 9. The_child are playing games on the playground now. 10. Their_dictionary look new. 11. I see you have a few white_hair. 12. They are_woman doctors. 13. Can you give me some bottles of _ orange, please. 14. There are many_fox in the picture. 15. I would like some apple_juice. I am very thirsty. 四 请归类可数名词和不行数名词,把该单词的编号写在相应的位置上;A.book B.milk C.rice D.bun E.soup F.water G.tea H.hamburger I.bread J.money K.paper L.desk M.toy N.baby O.season P.egg Q.coffee R.computer S.tree T.meat U.pork V.tooth W.room X.penY.beef Z.chair 1.可数:_ 2.不行数:_ 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载五挑选填空;1.They come from different _. D.countrys A.country B.countries C.a country 2.How many _ do you see in the picture . A.tomatos B.tomatoes C.tomato D.the tomato 3.They are _. A.woman teachers B.women teachers C.women teacher D.woman teacher 4.would you like _, please. A.two glass of water B.two glasses of water C.two glass of water D.two glasses of waters 5.There are some _in these _. A.knifes pencil-boxes B.knives pencil-box C.knives pencil-box D.knives pencil-boxes 6. There_ two slices of chicken on the table and there _some relish on the slices. A. is ; are B. are ; is C. is ; is D. are ; are 7.Pour _ yogurt into the glass, and then mix them up. A. three B. three teaspoon of C. three teaspoons D. three teaspoons of 8.Turkey is delicious, but dont eat too much of _.A. it B. its C. them D. they 9.There are two _ in the room. 名师归纳总结 A. Chineses B. Englishman C.Japanese D.American 第 3 页,共 7 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载六、将以下句子变成复数形式;1This sheep is white. _ 2. There is a desk and a chair in the room. _ 3.That man is a doctor. _ 4This dog is brown. _ 5.That woman is a teacher. _ 七,用所给名词的适当形式填空;1. How many_sheep are there on the hill. 2. There is some_beef in the basket. 3. The baby has only two_tooth now. 4. There is a lot of_water in the bottle. 5. There are five_person in his family. 6. Let's take_photo, OK. 7. I have a lot of_sandwich here. 8. The_leaf on the tree turn-yellow. 9. The_child are playing games on the playground now. 10. These_dictionary look new. 11. I see you have a few white_hair. 12. They are_woman doctors. 13. Can you give me some _ orange, please. 14. There are many_bus in the picture. 15. I would like some apple_juice. I am very thirsty. 八,找出不行数名词,在横线上打勾,并将可数名词变成复数形式:rice _ sugar _ banana_money _ meat _ 名师归纳总结 salt _ potato _ fruit _music _ grape_ 第 4 页,共 7 页chicken _ strawberry _ mouth _bread _ egg _milk _ tomato _ hair _ vegetable _ - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载九,找出不行数名词,在横线上打勾,并将可数名词变成复数形式:rice _ sugar _ banana_money _ meat _ salt _ potato _ fruit _music _ grape_ chicken _ strawberry _ mouth _bread _ egg _milk _ tomato _ hair _ vegetable _ III. 挑选填空:1The deer has four _. A. foot B. feet C. feets D. foots 2Her two brothers are both _. A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen D. policemens 3There are four _ and two _ in the group. A.boys; girl B.boys; girls C.boies; girls 4Two _ would come to the village. A. woman-doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors 5Can you see nine _ in the picture. A. sheep B. dog C. pig D. horse D. boys, watch 6The _ has two _. A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches 7The boy often brushes his _ before he goes to bed. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths 8The Japanese _ doesnt leave China until she finishes her study.A. woman B. women C. man D. men 9There are a lot of _ in the basket on the table. A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes 十,选词填空:a There are some _dish, dishes on the table. b This is not _an orange, orange. Its _an apple, apples.c A: Do you have _any, some new Chinese books, Mr. Brown. B.Yes, I have _any, some. 十一,把以下改成单数或复数形式;a They have some English stamps. _ b There are many fish in the river. _ c Where are their apples. _ d That is a tomato. _ e There is a sheep near the mountain. _ 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备欢迎下载f What is this. _ g What is it. _ h He is a policeman. _ i There are some flowers in the garden. _ 给以下单词填上 a 或 an;1. _ hamburger 2. _ ice-cream 3. _ old man 4. _ computer 5. _ eraser 6. _ egg十三,找出不行数名词,在横线上打勾,并将可数名词变成复数形式:homework _half _advice_money _ knowledge _boot _blood _music _ chicken _heat _mouth _bread _ information _milk _cow _tear _ III. 挑选填空:1The deer has four _. A. foot B. feet C. feets D. foots 2Her two brothers are both _. A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen D. policemens 3There are four _ and two _ in the group. A. Japanese, Germen B. Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese, Germans 4Two _ would come to the village. A. woman-doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctors 5Can you see nine _ in the picture. A. sheep B. dog C. pig D. horse 6The _ has two _. A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches D. boys, watch 7The boy often brushes his _ before he goes to bed. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths 8The Japanese _ will not leave China until she finishes her study. A. woman B. women C. man D. men 9There are lots of _ in the basket on the table. A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatoss 10. The cat caught two _ last night. A. mouses B. mice C. mouse D. mices 十四,写出以下名词的复数形式名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载1、orange 2、class 3、text 4、 monkey5、piano6、child 7、 shelf 8、bed 9、country 10、family 11 、toy 12、foot 13、Japanese14、 radio15、photo 16、army 17、 tomato18、fox 19、 woman 20、 knife 22 、sheep 十五,挑选填空1、Thereon the wall .They are very beautiful. A. are photoes B. are photos C. is a photo D. is photos 2. This carmade in Shanghai. B .are C .were D .has A. is 3. There are fourand twoin the group. A. Japanese, Germen B Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese,German C.Japanese, Germans 4. Thatsart book.A. an B. a C. the D are 5. The boys have gotalready. A. two bread B. two breads C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread 6. The old man wants. A. six boxes of apples B. six boxes of apple C. six box of apples D. six boxs of apples 7. Theresomein the river. A. is, fish B. are, fishs C. is, fishs D. are, fish 8. Theretwoin the box. A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is watches 9. We should cleantwice a day. A .our tooth B. our tooths C. teeth D. our teeth 10.The _ meeting room is near the reading room. A. teacher B.teachers C.teachersD.teachers11. In Britain _ are all painted red. A. letter boxes B.letters boxes C. letter box D.letters box 12.There are_ birds in that big tree. A. hundreds of B.five hundreds of C. five hundred ofD.hundred of 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页