精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - and harming the vital interests Secretary XI Jinpi ng emphasizeof the masses, overdraft of pe d that i de ologi cal and politicaople' s trust i n the party, l constr uction impossibledenyi ng the pet peeve, teparty's image among the nacit y, a nd persevera masses. "Deep r oots i s leafy, consolidati ng the Foundation". Adva a nce. From the perspective of various inner-party educati on practi n ti ce of n cing strictly a our party, for administeri ng the party, a s well as manage n outstanding i ssues focuse d on e ducaticadres well "key minority" would g on, concentration and control, it is overn all part y members, especi necessar y, also prove d effective. Sally party member s the "most im olve the day-t o-day political life iportant". n the party's i Carried i deolout "two l earn a ogical problems, redo" lear ning e ducation, is to prom quire continuous force, to woted full stri ctly rule ork for a l ong time. In reparty to grass-roots extends, cent years, unified deployment and implementati by the Central, on to each bra nch each name provi ncial , we really focus on doing members, furt her soluti on members team in t , from the stri ct, educati onal practihought, a ces a nd carry nd organizati on, a nd style, and discipl ine, a spe cts exists of hig out the party's mass line, "three-thre e" spe cial e ducation in hlight pr oblem, f ull play ea promoti ng normalized on the i ch name member s of pione i nstituti onali zation of educatier model role, on achieveand each grass d sig nificant re-roots party sults withiy of fighting fortress r n the party, but nee ole, let party of each a cell are health e d to be further catching , catching up, a nd each a orga a long thi n, grasp the wa nization are strong up, ork on stage cure. Thi p, better to keep party of adva i s "two lear n a do" learning ence d a nd ducati on t o purity. Thir d, the bra nch for unit, to " "two" study a three will and education to pr class", organir omote normalize zation life for system guarad education pra ntee, to ctice of instit utionalize d withi learni ng di scussi on, and told party len the party. General cture, a nd topidemocratic life and organi ni sed will, and democratic comments members, for main content, has "regular" and "institutionalized" of significantly features, is relies on party system, promoted thoug g ht political construction caught in usuall y, and into daily, a nd reflected often of active exploration, can full mobilization party and members self purification, and self perfect, and self innovation, and Self-help's ent husiasm and initiative, so that inner-party education becomes a habit, a consciousness and a responsibility. We should take this opportunity, as requeste d by the combination of par ty ideology and system of the party, in the regular education efforts, promoting inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, promote the ideological and politi cal construction i n the everyday, often. Finally, the "two" study and education, building a hig h l l evel of ecological city of happy life is the strong support. This year is the "Thirteen -Five" starting year. We hel d ten plenary session of munici i pal Committee earlier this year, in a n in-de pth analysis of their own situation, trend, trendsc 人教版五年级上册美术教案第 1 课 万绿丛中一点红领域:造型 ?表现 课时: 2 课时 教学目标:1、认识色彩的对比,使学生能利用对比色来装点自己的生活。2、进行对比色的涂色练习。教学重点:认识色彩的对比。教学难点:如何运用对比色。课前准备:学生:你认为什么是对比色,在生活中哪里能见到对比色?教学用具:教师:课件。学生:水粉颜料 ,毛笔 ,调色盘 ,笔洗 ,报纸 ,抹布。教学思路:本课首先通过欣赏,使学生感受到对比色的强烈,在观察色轮表发现哪些颜色是对比 色,它们有什么共同的特征,明白补色的关系,最后通过实践巩固所学知识。教学过程:1、欣赏:(1)出示课题 “ 万绿丛中一点红 ”。(2)比较 : 相同的主体 ,不一样的背景 ,两幅图有什么不同 . 2、发现:(1)当一种颜色出现在另一种颜色上 ,人们在视觉上便会比较两种颜色 .当两种颜色相差 得远时 ,就会特显出另一种颜色 .这就是对比了 . (2)观察色轮,发现三原色中任何两色相混所得的间色与另一原色互为对比色,即互 为补色关系。(3)在色相环上,直线相对的两种颜色配合,会产生强烈的对比。如红与绿、橙与蓝、黄与紫都称为对比色。(4)引导学生欣赏课例,通过欣赏使学生认识到强烈对比使画面响亮,生气勃勃,可 以更形象更生动地衬托出主体。3、实践:(1)用对比色组织一幅画面。(2)学生作业,教师巡回指导。4、学生的作品展评:根据本节课的要点开展点评。教学反思:学生通过观察色轮表明白了对比色,从作业反馈看大部分学生已经掌握了对比色的知识,但还有个别同学在具体的实践中没有很好地运用色彩对比,把几种对比色混合在一起反而没能很好地表现出对比的强烈。advantages on the basis of clear "Thirteen-Fiv e" and for a time "to enhance the developme nt of, innovative breakthroughs, and the resultant force and winning off" . Weaving strong, where party members ' ideologi cal a nd mental state, and where development will be a good situation. Current , I city also in climbing ha d kan, and upgrade breakthrough of important mark, urgent need a support wants to officer, and can officer, and dry done of members cadres team, further boost spirit, and courage to play, develop innovation, a nd storming grams difficult; urgent need levels party play good led core role, condensed up led city members solidarity struggle powerful power; urgent need each grass-r oots party play fighting fortress role, led General peopl e for completed winning full well-off of history mission tireless efforts. In-depth carried out "two learn a do" learning education, can effective maintenance party of concentrated unified, and ensure Decree smooth, can gui de levels members cadres full play pi oneer model role , more consci ously to impleme nt impleme ntation five big devel opme nt concept, t hen condense d up pr omoted reform development sta ble of powerful are energ y, for "Thirtee n-Five" target task smoot h completed, and constr ucti on more high ecological vitality happiness of City provi des solid organizati on base d and power support. S econd, the cohesi on priorities, prom oting "two" solid a nd effective education to carry out the st udy a nd e ducation with clear obje ctives a nd task s specifically that "serie s of party r ules, a nd a ddress of the party Constitution, be qualified party members" a nd the third i s the organi c unity of the whole, wit h strict, i nternal politi cal logi c. "Two" st udy a nd e ducation, ba sic le arning lies i n doing, l earni ng to questi on, do you wa nt to target the problem to ultimately refle cted i n facilitating, prom oting e conomic a nd social developme nt on the w ork of the Centre. Party org anizations at all lev els should "lear n, do, change , and pr omote" 名师归纳总结 throug h to the end, "four leadi self-discipl ine guideli nes, a nd ng" and "four musts" to e discipli nary Ordi nance ansure that lear ning int o pra ctice. First, in t nd member s right guarante es Or dina nce, it he "learni n-de pth under ng" work on for example, y r stand party of nature ou must have lear pur pose s, and ned something. XI Jinpi ng, party rules and l earn series important speech, General Se cretary of the party Constitution, is an important task of this study and educati on. To study a s a duty, a pursuit, learning to comprehe nd series the spirit of the speech in the Constitution Party r r ules and re quirements of practice and learning series speech deepened understanding of the Constitution Party rules and hhol ding the truly long and learned something. o highlight the key learning points. Constitution i s the fundamental law of the party and is the party the party total regulation; party rules of party discipline is an extension of the party Constitution and specific, is to regulate specific follow party members. Studying party Constitution Party rules define basic standar r ds, esta blish a code of conduct. General members to read read Constitution, and clean 第 1 页,共 18 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - and harming the vital interests Secretary XI Jinpi ng emphasizeof the masses, overdraft of pe d that i de ologi cal and politicaople' s trust i n the party, l constr uction impossibledenyi ng the pet peeve, teparty's image among the nacit y, a nd persevera masses. "Deep r oots i s leafy, consolidati ng the Foundation". Adva a nce. From the perspective of various inner-party educati on practi n ti ce of n cing strictly a our party, for administeri ng the party, a s well as manage n outstanding i ssues focuse d on e ducaticadres well "key minority" would g on, concentration and control, it is overn all part y members, especi necessar y, also prove d effective. Sally party member s the "most im olve the day-t o-day political life iportant". n the party's i Carried i deolout "two l earn a ogical problems, redo" lear ning e ducation, is to prom quire continuous force, to woted full stri ctly rule ork for a l ong tim e. In reparty to grass-roots extends, cent years, unified deployment and implementati by the Central, on to each bra nch each name provi ncial, we really focus on doing members, furt her soluti on members team in t , from the stri ct, educati onal practihought, a ces a nd carry nd organizati on, a nd style, and discipl ine, a spe cts exists of hig out the party's mass line, "three-thre e" spe cial e ducation in hlight pr oblem, f ull play ea promoti ng normalized on the i ch name member s of pione i nstituti onali zation of educatier model role, on achieveand each grass d sig nificant re-roots party sults withiy of fighting fortress r ole, let party of each a cell are health n the party, but nee d to be further catching , catching up, a nd each a orga a long thi n, grasp the wa nization are strong up, ork on stage cure. Thi p, better to keep party of adva i s "two lear n a do" learning ence d a nd ducati on t o brapurity. Thir d, the nch for unit, to " "two" study a three will and education to pr omote norm alize class", organi zation life for system guarad education pra ntee, to a ctice of instit learni ng di scussi utionalize d withi i on, and told party len the party. General cture, a nd topidemocratic life and organi ni sed will, and democratic comments members, for main content, has "regular" and "institutionalized" of significantly features, is relies on party system, promoted thoug g ht political construction caught in usuall y, and into daily, a nd reflected often of active exploration, can full mobilization party and members self purification, and self perfect, and self innovation, and Self-help's ent husiasm and initiative, so that inner-party education becomes a habit, a consciousness and a responsibility. We should take this opportunity, as requeste d by the combination of par ty ideology and system of the party, in the regular education efforts, promoting inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, promote the ideological and politi cal construction i n the everyday, often. Finally, the "two" study and education, building a hig h l l evel of ecological city of happy life is the strong support. This year i s the "T hihirteen-Five" starting year. We hel d ten plenary session of munici i pal Committee earlier this year, in a n in-de pth analysis of their own situation, trend, trendsc 第 2 课 色彩的和谐领域:造型 ?表现 课时: 1 课时 教学目标:1、 认识邻近色,掌握邻近色的调配规律。2、 用邻近色进行涂色练习。3、感受色彩的魅力。教学重点:认识邻近色并掌握其调色方法。教学难点:如何运用邻近色表现出和谐的色彩搭配和完整的画面效果。教学准备:教师:课件、水粉颜料和绘画工具。学生:水粉颜料 ,毛笔 ,调色盘 ,笔洗 ,报纸 ,抹布。教学思路:本课首先通过让学生欣赏生活中的邻近色,使他们感受到邻近色的和谐美;接着通过观察色轮表, 明白邻近色之间的色彩关系和变化规律,并在多媒体的演示下理解邻近色的调配方法;最后最后通过动手实践达到本课的学习目的。教学过程:1、引导欣赏:(1)播放录象,欣赏生活中的邻近色画面(2)出示课题 “ 色彩的和谐 ”。(3)复习对比色,比较邻近色与对比色的区别。2、目标发展:(1)什么是邻近色?(出示色轮)在色环上,相邻近的色彩,称为邻近色。如:黄 黄绿 绿红紫 紫 蓝紫黄橙 橙 红橙(2)寻找邻近色(师生互动)A、 家居图片B、 生活图片C、 建筑图片(3)欣赏画家作品,找出邻近色,并说说邻近色在画面中产生的效果:和谐(4)师示范邻近色的调配方法3、实践活动:(1)作业:用邻近色组织一幅画面。(2)学生动手操作,教师巡视指导。4、作业展评。advantages on the basis of clear "Thirteen-Fiv e" and for a time "to enhance the developme nt of, innovative breakthroughs, and the resultant force and winning off" . Weaving strong, where party members ' ideologi cal a nd mental state, and where development will be a good situation. Current , I city also in climbing ha d kan, and upgrade breakthrough of important mark, urgent need a supp ort wants to officer, and can officer, and dry done of members cadres team, further boost spirit, and courage to play, develop innovation, a nd storming grams difficult; urgent need levels party play good led core role, condensed up led city members solidarity struggle powerful power; urgent need each grass-r oots party play fighting fortress role, led General peopl e for completed winning full well-off of history mission tireless efforts. In-depth carried out "two learn a do" learning education, can effective maintenance party of concentrated unified, and ensure Decree smooth, can gui de levels members cadres full play pi oneer model role , more consci ously to impleme nt impleme ntation five big devel opme nt concept, t hen condense d up pr omoted reform development sta ble of powerful are energ y, for "Thirtee n-Five" target task smoot h completed, and constr ucti on more high ecological vitality happiness of City provi des solid organizati on base d and power support. S econd, the cohesi on priorities, prom oting "two" solid a nd effective education to carry out the st udy a nd e ducation with clear obje ctives a nd task s specifically that "serie s of party r ules, a nd a ddress of the party Constitution, be qualified party members" a nd the third i s the organi c unity of the whole, wit h strict, i nternal politi cal logi c. "Two" st udy a nd e ducation, ba sic le arning lies i n doing, l earni ng to questi on, do you wa nt to target the problem to ultimately refle cted i n facilitating, prom oting e conomic a nd social developme nt on the w ork of the Centre. Party organizations at all lev els should "lear n, do, change , and pr omote" 名师归纳总结 throug h to the end, "four leadi self-discipl ine guideli nes, a nd ng" and "four musts" to e discipli nary Ordi nance ansure that lear ning int o pra ctice. First, in t nd member s right guarante es Or dina nce, it he "learni n-de pth under ng" work on for example, y r stand party of nature ou must have lear pur pose s, and ned something. XI Jinpi ng, party rules and l earn series important speech, Gene