乳糖和乳制品在断奶仔猪饲料中的应用乳糖和乳制品在断奶仔猪饲料中的应用Lactose and Milk Products for Newly Weaned Pigs Challenges Faced by Early-Weaned Pigs早期断早期断奶仔猪所面临的挑战奶仔猪所面临的挑战lFrom liquid to dry diet 从液体母乳到固体饲料的转变从液体母乳到固体饲料的转变lStrange environment 陌生的环境变化陌生的环境变化lImmature digestive system发育不全的消化系统发育不全的消化系统lPoor immune status不完善的免疫机制不完善的免疫机制Immunity in Young Pigs幼龄猪免疫力的变化幼龄猪免疫力的变化Digestive Enzyme Development in Young Pigs 幼龄猪消化酶的发育和变化幼龄猪消化酶的发育和变化What Kind of Diet is Needed by Newly Weaned Pigs?断奶仔猪需要什么类型的日粮断奶仔猪需要什么类型的日粮?lPalatable 适口性好适口性好lReadily digestible protein source 易消化的蛋白质来源易消化的蛋白质来源lExcellent profile of amino acids 理想的氨基酸组成理想的氨基酸组成lReadily digestible carbohydrate source (lactose) 易消化的碳水化合物来源易消化的碳水化合物来源(乳糖乳糖) Background 研究背景研究背景 lDried milk-based products have been used in pig starter diets for many years. 干乳制品在仔猪断奶料中已经使用许多年干乳制品在仔猪断奶料中已经使用许多年.lThese products enhance feed intake, growth rate, and health of newly weaned pigs. 这些产品能够提高断奶仔猪的饲料采食量这些产品能够提高断奶仔猪的饲料采食量, 生长率和健康生长率和健康.lMilk contains many important components with superior nutritional value for pigs. 奶制品含有许多对仔猪具有高营养价值的重要成分奶制品含有许多对仔猪具有高营养价值的重要成分.lThese include carbohydrates (lactose), proteins (amino acids, specific proteins), lipids, Ca, P, and other minerals and vitamins. 这些包括碳水这些包括碳水化合物化合物(乳糖乳糖), 蛋白质蛋白质(氨基酸氨基酸,特殊蛋白特殊蛋白), 乳脂乳脂,钙钙,磷磷,和其他矿物质和维和其他矿物质和维生素生素 Dried Products from Liquid Milk来源于液体乳的干奶制品来源于液体乳的干奶制品 Dried Milk Powder 干奶粉干奶粉 l50-75 years ago, pigs were routinely weaned at 6-8 weeks of age. 50 到到75年前年前,猪的常规断奶年龄为猪的常规断奶年龄为6到到8周周.lIn the 1960s swine producers began to adopt more intensive production practices led to earlier weaning of pigs at 3-4 weeks. 60年代开始年代开始,养猪生产者采用了更为集约化的生产方养猪生产者采用了更为集约化的生产方式式, 导致仔猪的早期断奶导致仔猪的早期断奶( 3到到4周龄断奶周龄断奶).lInclusion of dried milk powder or dried skim milk in post weaning diets became a common practice. 在日粮中添加奶粉在日粮中添加奶粉或脱脂奶粉变的非常普遍或脱脂奶粉变的非常普遍.lThis was necessary to keep pigs alive, healthy, and growing. 乳制品是维持仔猪生命乳制品是维持仔猪生命,健康和生长所必须健康和生长所必须. Dried Milk Powder奶粉奶粉 lToday, with improved environments and specialized ingredients (dried whey, lactose, dried blood plasma, dried blood cells, fish meal), dried milk is seldom used.当今当今,应用饲应用饲养环境的改善和特殊饲料原料养环境的改善和特殊饲料原料(乳清粉乳清粉,乳糖乳糖,血浆蛋白粉血浆蛋白粉,血细血细胞粉胞粉,鱼粉鱼粉)的广泛使用的广泛使用,奶粉已经很少使用奶粉已经很少使用.lReadily digestible carbohydrates (such as lactose) are essential to provide energy.易消化碳水化合物易消化碳水化合物(乳糖乳糖)是提供是提供仔猪能量所必须的仔猪能量所必须的.lSource of lactose is whey.乳糖的来源主要是乳清产品乳糖的来源主要是乳清产品.Dried Products from Cheese Production 来源于乳酪生产的干奶制品来源于乳酪生产的干奶制品Milk 鲜奶鲜奶Cheese 乳酪乳酪Liquid Whey 液体乳清液体乳清Whey Processing 乳清的加工过程乳清的加工过程 Liquid Whey 液体乳清液体乳清 Liquid whey was once considered a waste product. 液体乳清液体乳清曾经被认为是废弃物品曾经被认为是废弃物品.It was disposed by通过以下方式处理通过以下方式处理: dumping it into waterways 倒入河流或水域倒入河流或水域Spreading it on crop land 喷洒在农田中喷洒在农田中Transporting it to landfills 运输和倾倒在垃圾堆场运输和倾倒在垃圾堆场In some parts of the world, liquid whey is fed directly to pigs. 有些国家把液体乳清直接用来喂猪有些国家把液体乳清直接用来喂猪.This is generally limited to areas close to cheese factories. 这这种饲喂方式主要是在靠近乳酪生产厂的地区种饲喂方式主要是在靠近乳酪生产厂的地区.Today, most of the whey is dried. 今天今天,多数液体乳清被干燥多数液体乳清被干燥使用使用.Milk 鲜奶鲜奶Cheese 乳酪乳酪Liquid W hey 液体乳清液体乳清Drying 干燥干燥Whey ProcessingDried Whey 干乳清粉干乳清粉Dried Whey 乳清粉乳清粉 Dried Whey 乳清粉乳清粉 Typically contains about 68% lactose and 12% protein 乳清粉通常含乳清粉通常含有有68%的乳糖和的乳糖和12%的蛋白的蛋白.Major proteins: b-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobulin. 主要的蛋白组成是主要的蛋白组成是 -乳球蛋白乳球蛋白, -乳白乳白蛋白蛋白,牛血清白蛋白牛血清白蛋白,和免疫球蛋白和免疫球蛋白.Source of amino acids 氨基酸来源氨基酸来源Serve as a defense against microbial infections 作为抵御微生物侵入的防御系统作为抵御微生物侵入的防御系统Source of growth factors and modulators 生长和调节代谢因子的来源生长和调节代谢因子的来源Other proteins with important biological properties其他具有重要生其他具有重要生物学特性的蛋白质物学特性的蛋白质:Lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme casein glycomacropeptide, phosphopeptides, and fat globule membrane proteins 乳铁蛋白乳铁蛋白,乳过氧化物酶乳过氧化物酶,溶菌酶溶菌酶,酪蛋白糖聚肽酪蛋白糖聚肽,磷化肽磷化肽,脂肪球膜蛋白脂肪球膜蛋白.Classification of Dried Whey乳清粉的分类乳清粉的分类Edible grade whey 食品级食品级 low bacterial count 微生物计数少微生物计数少Feed grade whey 饲料级饲料级 does not make edible grade没有达到食品要求的没有达到食品要求的Sweet whey 甜乳清粉甜乳清粉 from cheddar cheese 源于切达乳酪的乳清液源于切达乳酪的乳清液Acid whey 酸乳清粉酸乳清粉 from cottage cheese production 源于酪农干酪的乳清液源于酪农干酪的乳清液Regular whey 一般乳清粉一般乳清粉Delactosed whey 脱乳糖乳清粉脱乳糖乳清粉Spray dried whey 喷雾干乳清粉喷雾干乳清粉Roller dried whey 滚筒干乳清粉滚筒干乳清粉Drying Systems 干燥方法干燥方法 Spray dried whey 喷雾干燥喷雾干燥Whey is atomized into superheated air.液体乳清雾化在超高温的空气中液体乳清雾化在超高温的空气中High initial temperature, low final temperature. 高初始温度高初始温度,低结束温度低结束温度Predominance of -lactose. 以以 -乳糖为主乳糖为主Results in a finer product that tends to be more hygroscopic.喷雾干乳清粉喷雾干乳清粉易吸水易吸水 Roller dried whey 滚筒干燥滚筒干燥Whey is picked up by heated rollers or drums.液体乳清喷雾在加热的滚筒上液体乳清喷雾在加热的滚筒上Scraped from rollers by the knife arm.干燥后的产品通过锋利的刀臂刮下干燥后的产品通过锋利的刀臂刮下Low initial temperature, high final temperature. 低初始温度低初始温度,高结束温度高结束温度Predominance of -lactose (sweeter). 以以 型乳糖为主型乳糖为主. .Results in a granular product that is less hygroscopic.产品为颗粒状产品为颗粒状,不易吸不易吸水水Indices of Overall Quality of Dried Whey乳清粉质量评价乳清粉质量评价Color 色泽色泽Spray-dried whey frequently bleached white (food applications). 喷喷雾干乳清粉通常在漂白后干燥雾干乳清粉通常在漂白后干燥(食品使用食品使用)Roller-dried whey has no bleaching agents more cream colored.滚滚筒干乳清粉不添加漂白粉筒干乳清粉不添加漂白粉, 颜色为乳黄色颜色为乳黄色.Dark or yellowish spray-dried whey may indicate overheating or long storage periods.深色或黄色的喷雾干乳清粉通常是高温或长时间存深色或黄色的喷雾干乳清粉通常是高温或长时间存贮所致贮所致.Overheating or long storage periods can result in the Maillard reaction.干燥温度过高或存储时间长会导致美拉得反应干燥温度过高或存储时间长会导致美拉得反应 Epsilon amino group of lysine binds to carbohydrate赖氨酸的赖氨酸的 氨氨基团与碳水化合物结合基团与碳水化合物结合 Bound lysine is not absorbed unavailable. 结合的赖氨酸不能被吸结合的赖氨酸不能被吸收收Indices of Overall Quality of Dried Whey乳清粉质量评价乳清粉质量评价Ash content 灰分含量灰分含量Low ash content is desirable.低灰分最为理想低灰分最为理想High ash may indicate that the whey became acidic and sodium hydroxide was added before drying to raise the pH.高灰分表明乳高灰分表明乳清液变酸清液变酸,干燥前添加氢氧化钠提高干燥前添加氢氧化钠提高pH值值High ash generally means high salt content this can cause diarrhea in pigs.高灰分也是高盐分的表现高灰分也是高盐分的表现. 高盐分会引起猪下痢高盐分会引起猪下痢High ash content may also indicate that a flow agent was added to enhance flowability of the final product. 另外另外, 高灰分可能是为改高灰分可能是为改进产品的流动性添加的流动剂所致进产品的流动性添加的流动剂所致Composition of Dried Whey乳清粉的营养成分乳清粉的营养成分 Dried Whey 乳清粉乳清粉 Dry matter,干物质干物质 %96Lactose, 乳糖乳糖 %68Crude protein, 粗蛋白粗蛋白 %12.1Crude fat, 粗脂肪粗脂肪 %0.9Lysine, 赖氨酸赖氨酸 %0.90Digestible lysine,可消化赖氨酸可消化赖氨酸 %0.78Ca, 钙钙 %0.75P, 磷磷 % 0.72P availability, 磷的利用率磷的利用率 %100NaCl, 氯化钠氯化钠 % 2.34ME, Mcal/kg 代谢能代谢能3.19Milk 鲜奶鲜奶Cheese 乳酪乳酪Liquid W hey 液体乳清液体乳清Lactose 乳糖乳糖Partially DelactosedPermeate 部分脱乳糖透析液部分脱乳糖透析液WheyProtein Conc. 乳清乳清浓缩蛋白浓缩蛋白 Permeate 透析液体透析液体Drying 干燥干燥Ultrafiltration 超过滤超过滤Whey Processing 乳清粉加工过程乳清粉加工过程Dried Permeate(Dairylac 80)Dried Whey 乳清粉乳清粉Composition of Dried Whey Products乳清粉产品营养成分乳清粉产品营养成分 Whole Whey Dry matter, 干物质干物质 %96Lactose, 乳糖乳糖 %68Crude protein,粗蛋白粗蛋白 %12.1Crude fat, 粗脂肪粗脂肪 %0.9Lysine, 赖氨酸赖氨酸 %0.90Digestible lysine,可消化赖氨酸可消化赖氨酸 %0.78Ca, 钙钙 %0.75P, 磷磷 %0.72P availability, 磷利用率磷利用率 %100NaCl, 氯化钠氯化钠 %2.34ME, Mcal/kg 代谢能代谢能3.19Composition of Dried Whey Products乳清粉产品营养成分乳清粉产品营养成分 Whole Delactosed Whey Whey Dry matter,干物质干物质 %9696Lactose, 乳糖乳糖 %6854Crude protein,粗蛋白粗蛋白 %12.117.6Crude fat, 粗脂肪粗脂肪 %0.91.1Lysine, 赖氨酸赖氨酸 %0.901.51Digestible lysine,可消化赖氨酸可消化赖氨酸 %0.781.31Ca, 钙钙 %0.752.00P, 磷磷 %0.721.37P availability, 有效磷有效磷 %100100NaCl, %2.345.28ME, Mcal/kg3.192.91Composition of Dried Whey Products乳清粉产品的营养成分乳清粉产品的营养成分 Whole Delactosed Whey Whey Whey PermeateDry matter, 干物质干物质%969696Lactose, 乳糖乳糖 %685480Crude protein,粗蛋白粗蛋白 % fat, 粗脂肪粗脂肪%, 赖氨酸赖氨酸 %0.901.510.18Digestible lysine, 可消化赖氨酸可消化赖氨酸 %0.781.310.16Ca, 钙钙 %0.752.000.86P, 磷磷 % 0.721.370.66P availability,有效磷有效磷 % 100100100NaCl, 氯化钠氯化钠 % 2.345.283.23ME, Mcal/kg, 代谢能代谢能3.192.913.30Nutritional Value of Dried Whey, Dried Whey Permeate, and Lactose乳清粉乳清粉,低蛋白乳清粉低蛋白乳清粉,乳糖的营养价值乳糖的营养价值Dried Whey in Pig Starter Diets断奶仔猪料中乳清粉的使用断奶仔猪料中乳清粉的使用Excellent ingredient 极好的原料极好的原料Palatable 适口性好适口性好High in lactose 乳糖含量高乳糖含量高Best carbohydrate source for young pigs 幼龄猪最理想的碳水化合幼龄猪最理想的碳水化合物来源物来源Excellent source of protein 极好的蛋白质来源极好的蛋白质来源Highly digestible 易消化易消化Excellent profile of amino acids 理想的氨基酸组成理想的氨基酸组成Functional proteins immunoglobulins, etc. 功能性蛋白质功能性蛋白质,免疫球免疫球蛋白蛋白One of the First Studies with Dried Whey in Diets for Young Pigs幼龄猪日粮中使用乳清粉的最早研究之一幼龄猪日粮中使用乳清粉的最早研究之一Krider, Becker, Curtin, and Van PouckeUniversity of Illinois (1949) Control Dried Whey对照对照2% 4%Daily gain, g 313 409413Daily feed, g9941,1531,135Feed/gain3.653.143.0210 pigs/treatment, 15 to 33 kg - J. Anim. Sci. 8:112 (1949)Early Studies with Dried Whey in Starter Diets for Young Pigs早期在断奶仔猪料中使用乳清粉的研究早期在断奶仔猪料中使用乳清粉的研究28 experiments 3,393 pigs weaned at 4-5 weeks 6 to 15 kg 对照对照 乳清粉乳清粉 改进改进,% Control Dried Improv- Whey ment, %Daily gain, g2682919Daily feed, g4775087Feed/gain1.841.793In most cases, 10-20% dried whey. 多数试验使用多数试验使用10到到20%的乳清粉的乳清粉University of Kentucky Research Studies with Dried Whey in Pig Starter Diets肯塔基大学在仔猪料里添加乳清粉的研究结果肯塔基大学在仔猪料里添加乳清粉的研究结果 Dried Whey for Weanling Pigs断奶仔猪日粮中使用乳清粉的效果断奶仔猪日粮中使用乳清粉的效果 Dried whey, %051015Daily gain, g337 364 382 407Daily feed, g610 641 706 712Feed/gain 1.81 1.76 1.85 1.75Baird et al. (1974) 176 pigs weaned at 21 days, 35-day test, 5.4 to 18.6 kg.Dried Whey for Weanling Pigs断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉和乳糖的效果断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉和乳糖的效果 Control Whey Lactose 5 10 % 3.4 - 6.8% Daily gain, g336 372 377Daily feed, g608 672 672Feed/gain 1.81 1.81 1.78Baird et al. (1974) 176 pigs weaned at 21 days; 35-day test from 5.4 to 18.6 kgDried Whey for Weanling Pigs断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉的效果断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉的效果 Control Whey Improve- 20% ment, %Daily gain, g236 250 6Daily feed, g445 463 4Feed/gain 1.91 1.85 3Survival, 成活率成活率%97.9 98.9 1Stahly et al. (1983); 480 pigs weaned at 28 days; 28-day test from 6.8 to 13.6 kgDried Whey for Weanling Pigs断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉和乳糖的效果断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉和乳糖的效果 Control Whey Improve- 20% ment, %Daily gain, g23630026Daily feed, g47257622Feed/gain2.081.985Cromwell et al. (1984); 108 pigs weaned at 28 days; 28-day test from 7.7 to 15.0 kgDried Whey for Weanling Pigs断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉和乳糖的效果断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉和乳糖的效果 Control Whey Improve- 15% ment, %Daily gain, g30433510Daily feed, g52257610Feed/gain1.721.73Burnell et al. (1987); 252 pigs weaned at 28 days; 28-day test from 7.3 to 16.3 kgSpray- vs Roller-Dried Whey for Pigs喷雾和滚筒干乳清粉的比较喷雾和滚筒干乳清粉的比较 Control Spray- Roller- Dried Dried 24% 24%Daily gain, g413431445Daily feed, g672740708Feed/gain1.601.681.59Cromwell et al. (1994); 180 pigs weaned at 28 days; 28-day test from 7.3 to 19.1 kgRoller Dried Whey vs. Dairylac-80 for Weanling Pigs 滚筒干乳清粉和乳宝滚筒干乳清粉和乳宝-80比较比较 Control Whey Dairylac-80 20% 18% -(15% lactose)- Daily gain, g350368404Daily feed, g586672690Feed/gain1.691.851.70Cromwell et al. (1995); 84 pigs weaned at 28 days; 28-day test from 8.6 to 19.1 kgDried Whey for Weanling PigsOverall Summary of Six University of Kentucky Experiments肯塔基大学六个乳清粉试验的结果总结肯塔基大学六个乳清粉试验的结果总结 Control Whey Improve- ment, %Daily gain, g313 350 11Daily feed, g549 617 12Feed/gain 1.80 1.80 -6 experiments, 1,178 pigs, 4 to 8 weeks, 8 to 17 kgDried Whey for Weanling PigsAverage Daily Gain, g 日增重日增重,克克University of Kentucky6 experiments, 1,178 pigsDried Whey for Weanling PigsAverage Daily Feed Intake, g 采食量采食量,克克University of Kentucky6 experiments, 1,178 pigs Dried Whey for Weanling Pigs断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉和乳糖的效果断奶仔猪日粮中添加乳清粉和乳糖的效果 Dried whey, %1520253035Daily gain, g163 182 186 209 227Daily feed, g308 322 335 368 377Feed/gain1.89 1.78 1.80 1.76 1.66Mahan (1992), Ohio State University; 130 pigs weaned at 14 days.Levels of Dried Whey for Weanling Pigs不同水平的日粮乳清粉对断奶仔猪的影响不同水平的日粮乳清粉对断奶仔猪的影响Ohio State University (1992)俄汉俄州立大学俄汉俄州立大学 (1992)4-wk test, 130 pigs weaned at 2 wkLevels of Dried Whey for Weanling Pigs不同水平的日粮乳清粉对断奶仔猪的影响不同水平的日粮乳清粉对断奶仔猪的影响Kansas State University (1981) 堪萨斯州立大学堪萨斯州立大学(1981)35-d test, 100 pigs weaned at 19 dDaily gain, kgLevels of Lactose for Weanling Pigs for14 Days Postweaning 在断奶在断奶14天内日粮中的乳糖水平天内日粮中的乳糖水平Mahan et al. (2004) - Ohio State University 俄汉俄州立大学俄汉俄州立大学MAHAN博士等博士等(2004)240 pigs weaned at 19 daysLevels of Lactose for Weanling Pigs from7 to 21 Days Postweaning在断奶在断奶7到到21天内日粮中的乳糖水平天内日粮中的乳糖水平Mahan et al. (2004) - Ohio State University 330 pigs weaned at 19 days Objectives目的目的 lTo assess the efficacy of lactose in the diet during the mid nursery phase 2 to 4 weeks postweaning.评价在保育中期评价在保育中期,断断奶后的奶后的2到到4周饲喂乳糖的效果周饲喂乳糖的效果.lTo determine the level of lactose that gives the maximum response.决定日粮中的最佳乳糖水平决定日粮中的最佳乳糖水平.lTo determine if the benefits of lactose are maintained following elimination of lactose from the diet.决定是否乳糖的决定是否乳糖的效益能够在以后饲喂不含乳糖日粮阶段中保持下来效益能够在以后饲喂不含乳糖日粮阶段中保持下来. Experimental Procedures试验方法试验方法 lCollaborative study at 3 stations (KY, MO, and OH)在肯塔基在肯塔基,密苏里密苏里,俄汉俄俄汉俄3所大学的试验站同时进行所大学的试验站同时进行.l1,320 pigs in the study 试验中共使用试验中共使用1320头猪头猪lPigs weaned at 15 to 20 d (6.2 kg) 仔猪在仔猪在15到到20日龄断奶日龄断奶,体重体重6.2公斤公斤lAllotted by weight and gender to 5 dietary treatments 根据体重和性别将仔猪根据体重和性别将仔猪分配到分配到5个不同的日粮处理个不同的日粮处理.l120 pens, 24 reps of 5 or 23 pigs/pen 120栏猪栏猪,每栏每栏5到到23头头,每个处理每个处理24个重个重复复.lFour phases experimental diets during phase 3.日粮分为四个阶段日粮分为四个阶段,第三阶第三阶段日粮为试验日粮段日粮为试验日粮.lLength of experiment: 35 to 42 d 试验日粮从试验日粮从35日龄饲喂到日龄饲喂到42日龄日龄.lConventional nursery pens with slotted floors. 试验在常规试验在常规,具有条缝地板的保具有条缝地板的保育栏进行育栏进行. Experimental Procedures试验方法试验方法 肯塔基肯塔基KY 密苏里密苏里MO 俄汉俄俄汉俄OHNo. reps/treatment888Pigs/pen5235Avg initial age, d 19.017.518.0Avg initial weight, kg6.85.95.8Avg days on test 354240Avg final weight, kg25.723.926.4Floor space/pig, m20.280.170.30 Treatments 日粮处理日粮处理 lWeek 1 (Phase 1) Common diet 20% lactoselWeek 2 (Phase 2) Common diet 15% lactoselWeek 3 (Phase 3) 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10% lactoseWeek 4Week 5 (Phase 4) Common diet no lactoseWeek 6 Source of Lactose 乳糖来源乳糖来源 Dairylac 80 乳宝乳宝-80Granular, nonhygroscopic product produced from sweet whey solubles颗粒状颗粒状,不易吸水的来自于甜乳清透析液不易吸水的来自于甜乳清透析液Contains 80% lactose含有大约含有大约80%乳糖乳糖International Ingredient CorporationSt. Louis, MissouriAnalyzed Composition of Dairylac 80乳宝乳宝-80的成分分析的成分分析%Dry matter 干物质干物质 96.0Lactose 乳糖乳糖 79.3Protein 蛋白蛋白4.6Lysine 赖氨酸赖氨酸 0.15Fat 脂肪脂肪 0.46Fiber 纤维纤维0.12Ash 灰分灰分 9.84Ca 钙钙0.52P 磷磷0.63NaCl 氯化钠氯化钠3.00 Phase 1 and 2 Common Diets第第1和第和第2阶段的共同日粮阶段的共同日粮 Phase 1 (%) Phase 2 (%)Corn 37.642.0Soybean meal, dehulled18.022.0Dried whey20.010.0Dairylac 807.510.0Fish meal, select6.07.5Spray-dried plasma5.02.5Choice white grease 3.03.0Dical phos, Limestone, Salt0.850.76LysHCl, Thr, Met0.320.50Vitamin, trace-min premix 0.40.4Mecadox- 0.30.3CuSO40.050.05 Phase 3 Experimental Diets第第3阶段阶段-试验日粮试验日粮%Corn 57.1 54.1 51.0 48.0 44.9Soybean meal, deh.30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0Dried whey-Dairylac 80- meal, select6. plasma-Choice white grease phos, Lime, Salt1.78 1.68 1.58 1.49 1.39LysHCl, Thr, Met0.61 0.62 0.64 0.65 0.68Vit, T-min premix0. -CuSO40. Phase 4 - Common Diet第第4阶段共同日粮阶段共同日粮 %Corn 56.9Soybean meal, dehulled35.0Dried whey-Dairylac 80-Fish meal, select-Spray-dried plasma-Choic