基础笔译拆分重组句式课件 (16).pdf
英译汉第四节 科技文体风格的翻译第四节科技文体风格的翻译文体分析CATTI 2016年上半年二级笔译试题英译汉第2篇科技新闻报道,科普评论性文章全文有9段,共计396个单词,主要分为三个部分背景知识briny brani,卤水NASA,美国国家航空航天局第四节科技文体风格的翻译翻译方法分析科技文体涵盖范围较广科技语篇整体特征:信息的准确性 叙事逻辑上的连贯性 语言表达的明晰性和流畅性 行文通俗易懂,不表露个人情感,论证时逻辑严密,客观性强第四节科技文体风格的翻译翻译方法分析语言细节特征:无人称语句较多 语气正式 概念准确、专业术语多 逻辑性强,连词多第四节科技文体风格的翻译翻译方法分析 英汉差异:被动语态、形式主语句和抽象名词 动词 句式复杂性 语序 虚拟语气 注意:既要考虑共同特点,又要注意英汉差异;背景知识第四节科技文体风格的翻译范例讲解(1)第1段第1句:Scientists have found the firstevidence that briny water may flow on the surfaceof Mars during the planets summer months.(2)第1段第2句:The confirmation of water on thesurface of Mars is important and would raise a hostof questions,chief among them:Where is the watercoming from,and what does it mean for the prospectof life,past or present?第四节科技文体风格的翻译范例讲解(3)第3段第2句:The water could be coming fromsubsurface ice,from salts attracting water from thethin Martian atmosphere or possibly bubbling upfrom an aquifer.(4)第6段第1、2句:But scientists created acomputer program that could scrutinize individualpixels.That data was then correlated with high-resolution images of the streaks.第四节科技文体风格的翻译范例讲解(1)第1段第1句:Scientists have found the firstevidence that briny water may flow on the surfaceof Mars during the planets summer months.科学家们已发现首个表明夏季火星表面可能有卤水流动的证据。第四节科技文体风格的翻译范例讲解(2)第1段第2句:The confirmation of water on thesurface of Mars is important and would raise a hostof questions,chief among them:Where is the watercoming from,and what does it mean for the prospectof life,past or present?确认火星表面有水的存在十分重要。这将引出一系列问题,其中最主要的问题是:这些水从哪里来?它对发现过去和现在的生命迹象意味着什么?第四节科技文体风格的翻译范例讲解(3)第3段第2句:The water could be coming fromsubsurface ice,from salts attracting water from thethin Martian atmosphere or possibly bubbling upfrom an aquifer.水可能源自地表之下的冰层,也可能是盐从火星周围稀薄的大气层里吸取的水分,或者可能是由含水层冒泡形成。第四节科技文体风格的翻译范例讲解(4)第6段第1、2句:But scientists created acomputer program that could scrutinize individualpixels.That data was then correlated with high-resolution images of the streaks.不过,科学家们开发了一个电脑程序,可以仔细观测单个像素。然后,将这些数据与高分辨率图像上的沟槽进行比对分析。第四节科技文体风格的翻译练习讲解(1)第1段第3句:For generations,humans have dreamedof life beyond Earth,striving to find another worldsimilar to our own but with its own unique success story:our own Earth 2.0.(2)第6段:Perhaps exomoons orbiting large planets areeven more conducive to life originating than a world likeEarth is.(3)第7段:Perhaps liquid water on the planet itself isnt arequirement for life,as perhaps the right kind of cell wallor membrane can enable water to exist in an aqueousstate.第四节科技文体风格的翻译练习讲解(4)第9段第1句:Perhaps even super-Earths mightbepotentiallyhabitableundertherightcircumstances.(5)第9段第3句:We can:wait for a planetarytransit and try to perform spectroscopy on theabsorbed light,probing the contents of an exo-atmosphere.第四节科技文体风格的翻译练习讲解(1)第1段第3句:For generations,humans havedreamed of life beyond Earth,striving to findanother world similar to our own but with its ownunique success story:our own Earth 2.0.人类世世代代幻想着地球以外的生命,极力去发现与我们相似但有着独特成功经历的另一个世界:我们自己地球的2.0版。第四节科技文体风格的翻译练习讲解(2)第6段:Perhaps exomoons orbiting large planetsare even more conducive to life originating than aworld like Earth is.或许,围绕大型行星运动的系外卫星甚至比地球这样的世界更适合生命发源。第四节科技文体风格的翻译练习讲解(3)第7段:Perhaps liquid water on the planet itselfisnt a requirement for life,as perhaps the right kindof cell wall or membrane can enable water to existin an aqueous state.或许,行星本身上面的液态水不是生命的必要条件,因为或许合适类型的细胞壁或细胞膜可以让水以溶液状态存在。第四节科技文体风格的翻译练习讲解(4)第9段第1句:Perhaps even super-Earths might bepotentially habitable under the right circumstances.或许,就连超级类地行星在合适条件下也许都是可能适宜居住的。第四节科技文体风格的翻译练习讲解(5)第9段第3句:We can:wait for a planetarytransit and try to perform spectroscopy on theabsorbed light,probing the contents of an exo-atmosphere.我们可以:等待行星凌日凌日,试着对被吸收的光做分光镜勘测,探查外大气层的成分;第四节科技文体风格的翻译本节总结本节总结 本节主要讲解了科技文体中的整体语篇特征和语言细节特征的翻译方法。术语不仅要准确,更需要简洁、明了,便于记忆。还要注意英汉两种语言在句法结构方面的差异。模糊语气的处理要格外谨慎,否则会差之毫离、谬以千里。第四节科技文体风格的翻译THANKS第一节 抽象意义的理想与表达主讲教师:王乐洋汉译英Please replace the text,enter the 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