写字楼各种标识牌一、大型标识牌大稍后需要附带图片、文字1、户外:建筑物楼顶、墙面建筑物名称标识,停车指示,建筑平面分布图,宣传栏,区域多向指示牌。2、室内:总台背景墙,大厅总楼层索引,楼层索引,宣传栏,通道分流吊牌,提示牌,台牌,科室牌,个人铭牌,布告栏,规章制度说明牌,平安类标识。二、温馨提示牌小门外车道,注意平安 Caution! Driveway 机动车道,制止人行 Motor vehicle passageway. No pedestrians 如遇火警,切勿使用电梯 In case of fire, do not use lift 小心地滑 Caution! Wet floor 仓库门前严禁停车 No Parking 请登记 谢绝推销 Please register here. No solicitation 小心台阶 Mind the steps 车道繁忙,注意平安 Caution! Busy driveway 仅供大楼内部人员停放,自 行保管,责任自负 Staff parking only. Use at own risk 临时放物处,严禁超高 Temporary storage only. Height restrictions apply 卸货区,倒车注意平安 Caution! Cargo loading area 设备维修暂停使用, 不便之处,敬请谅解! Out of service. Sorry for any inconvenience caused 施工中,不便之处, 敬请谅解! Work in progress Sorry for any inconvenience caused 小心撞头 Mind your head 谢绝推销 Solicitation prohibited 非办公时间(22:00-7:00)及 节假日进出本大楼请出示有 效证件,并配合登记 谢谢合作! Please register here during non-office hours of (22:00-7:00) Thanks for your cooperation! 请走楼梯 Please use stairs 电梯顶峰模式 Elevator peak hour 卸货平台,小心! Caution! Loading platform 访客在此登记 Please register 外墙清洗 Caution! Curtin wall cleaning in progress 此门已关闭 Door closed please use side exit 清洁中 Cleaning in progress. Sorry for any inconvenience caused 未经许可请勿入内 No unauthorized entry 高空作业 Danger! Overhead work in progress 维修进展中 Maintenance in progress 维修工程 不便之处,敬请谅解 Maintenance work in progress Sorry for any inconvenience caused 制止吸烟 No smoking注意平安 Safety first雷暴警告现在生效 Thunderstorm warning signal is issued 平安出口出口 Exit 地下二层 Basement 2非办公时间 Non office hour 暂停使用 Out of service 通往地下车库 To underground parking B1入口 B1 entrance 收费站 Toll station 至货梯 To cargo lift这里是卷帘门, 请保持启闭 Roller shutter here. Keep area clear 管理中心办公时间 Property management office business hours 只供残疾人士用 For disabled only 非机动车停放点 Non-motor vehicles parking 业主/租户的车辆请停放 于B2层 Owners/Tenants, please park in B2F 火警逃生线路图 Fire escape route 机房重地 闲人莫入 Plant room. Restricted area 天台重地 闲人免进 Roof top Do not enter 私家花园 谢绝参观 Private garden. No trespassing 防火门请常关 Fire door. Keep shut at all times 待检区 Waiting area for inspection of goods 合格品区 Inspected goods (passed) area 不合格区 Inspected goods (disqualified) area 限高 Low clearance 由此前往自动扶梯 This way to the escalator please 制止攀爬跨越 Climbing prohibited 门禁系统 Access control system 管理中心24小时值班室 24 - hour management center duty room 时租车辆出口处 Exit for hourly parking users 电单车请下车推行 Please get off your bike and push it管道房 Pipe room 污水房 Water sewage treatment room 电梯机房电梯操作机房) Elevator mechanical room (elevator control room) 排烟风机房 Smoke extraction fan room 集水井房 Water sewage room 新风机房 Pau room 冷冻机总控制室 Chiller control room模拟屏室 Mimic room 模拟屏室 Monitor room 低压配电房 Low voltage switch room危险品仓库 Hazardous goods warehouse 电梯井道房 Elevator well room 二氧化碳钢瓶间 Co2 cylinders room湿室报警阀室 F.S. Alarm valve room 泳池泵房 Swimming pool pump room 场间 Workshop 女更衣室 Female changing room 男更衣室 Male changing room 员工更衣室 Staff changing room 桶装水房 Distilled water storage 中控室 Central control room 冷却塔控制室 Cooling tower control room 煤气表房 Gas meter room 10KV变压器房 10kv transformer room 35KV开关室 35kv switch room 安保中心 Security control room 防控制中心 F.S. Control room 电缆井道 Cable pipe duct 网通机房 Cnc plant room 移动机房 China mobile plant room联通机房 Cdma plant room 存贮间 (只供清洁用) Store room (Janitor use only)三、 各种水牌温馨提示根据情况需要电脑打印使用1、各种天气温馨提示牌2、顶峰期等电梯温馨提示牌3、停电、停水等工程问题温馨提示牌4、防火、防盗温馨提示牌5、过年过节各种祝福提示牌第 6 页