读后续写写作指导之句子分解练习 讲义--高考英语二轮复习写作专项.docx
读后续写写作指导之句子分解练习读后续写资料:On the first day of school, I stared in awe at the huge buildings. This high school was definitely bigger than the one I had previously attended.This was my second year of high school, but my first year of school in St. Louis. I had decided the night before that I would be much happier in a new school if I made friends that were so-called “popular”. Getting in with the right group of people would make my life a whole lot better. I even bought a new outfit and had my hair styled just so the first day would be perfect.Scared, yet anxious to begin my new life, I walked up the stairs to the front door. The halls were packed with kids yelling and la ughing and telling stories of their summer adventures. My first class was geometry, but where was that?I was standing in the hall looking confused, when a short, blond girl wearing glasses came up and asked, “Are you new? You look lost. Do you need help? My name is Diane. What's yours?" Even though she seemed a bit strange, definitely not the kind of person I wanted to be associated with, I decided to answer her anyway. I was, after all, lost.After exchanging names. I followed her up the stairs and down a hallway on the right, making polite conversation the whole way. When we reached my room she said, "Well, here you are. Welcome to JFK, and I hope your day goes all right.”I said thanks and waved good-bye. Once inside the classroom, I saw one big group of people huddled around someone who seemed to be telling some sort of story. I walked over and got close enough to overhear. All eyes were glued to the guy in the middle of the circle who was wearing a letter jacket covered with patches. I decided that this guy was popular, so I managed to get a seat right next to him. I said, “Hi, my name is Lisa and I'm new here." He said, “Johnny.” 注意:1 .所续写短文的词数应为150左右:2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置答题。At the end of the class, I turned to him and asked, "I'm not sure where my next class is, couldyouhelp me?"Just at that time, someone came up and tapped me on the shoulder.写作指导一、情节推断方法:阅读全文阅读两段段首句倒推:para 1:求助被拒,心情尴尬又难受。para 2: Diane帮忙,感受友情的美好。二、主旨:细读全文,紧抓popular这个词;交友标准:不是看受不受欢迎,而是看乐不乐于助人。三、句子分解练习paral:求助被拒1 .双眉紧锁,他快速扫了我一眼,给了 一个不耐烦的回应,“不!”, 然后他和他的朋友们立即走出了教室。(with 0C, 动作串) With his eyebrows knitted tightly, he cast a quick glance at me, gave me an impatient response "No", and stormed out of the classroom with his friends.2 .尽管他快速淡出了我的视野,但他和朋友们的话语仍旧在我耳 边回荡:“刚才你们看见那个傻姑娘企图进入我们圈子吗?真是太 傻了!”(倒装、非谓语)Quickly as he faded out of my sight, their words still echoed in my ears, “Did you see that silly girl attempting to get into our group? How silly!”3 .我感到我的脸因为羞愧而在发烫,一丝尴尬加剧,一浪浪把我 淹没。(独立主格)I felt my face blushing with shame, a ripple of embarrassment growing flooding me in waves.4 . “他们怎么可以用如此粗鲁的方式对我? "我站在那里,像个 雕塑一样愣在原地,不敢相信刚才在我身上发生了什么。(非谓语、 宾语从句)“ How could they treat me in such a rude manner?" I stood stock-still, rooted to the spot like a statue, not believing what had happened to me just now.para 2: Diane 帮助.我一转身,就看见Diane正对着我微笑,像一缕阳光,她一扫萦 绕在我心头的沉重阴霾。(句型、明喻、定语从句)The moment I turned around, I saw Diane beaming at me like a ray of sunshine, who sweated way the heavy cloud of gloom haunting in my heart.1 .我尽力抑制住自己的情感,结结巴巴地向她说了我的遭遇,发 现在她眼里升腾起一丝关心。(高级表达)I made every effort to conceal my feeling, stammered out what I had encountered and noticed a gleam of concern in her eyes.2 .她拉住我的手,主动提出帮我找下一个教室,她灿烂的微笑绽 放在脸上。(独立主格)She held my hand and offered to help me find the next room, her radiant smile blossoming on her face.3 .就在那个时刻我突然明白了:我应该和那些本性真诚、乐于助 人的人交朋友,而不是和那些表面有人气的、受欢迎的人交朋友。 (强调句、宾语从句)It was at that moment that I suddenly perceived the truth that I should make friends with those who are since re and helpful in the nature but not those who are popular in the appearance.范文At the end of the class, I turned to him and asked, 'Tm not sure where my next class is, could you help me?" With his eyebrows knittedHghtM_he_ response No”, and stormed out of the classroom with his friends. Quickly as he faded out of my sight, their words stjl echoed in my "Did_yqu_How silly!” I felt my face blushing with shame, a ripple of embarrassment growing flooding mejn wavesh|ow could they treat meJn_5UCh a rude manner?”I stood stock二Sti|_looted to_the_spot like a statue, not believing what had happened to me just now.Just at that time, someone came up and tapped me on the shoulder. The moment I turned around, I saw Diane beaming at me like aay of sunshine,who Swepted waY the_heavy cloud of gloom haunting in my heart. I made every effort to conceal my feeling, stammered out whathad encountered and noticed a gleam of concern_Ln_ he eye5-She hed rny hand and_offered to help 03©find the next room, her radiant smile blossoming on her face. It was at that moment that I suddenly perceived the truth that _Lshould make f r j and s_ Mtb _ th 5s,业b。. sjn ce【e v nd_h eLpfu LLn_ g_ _nat ujie _ b u_t t those who are popular in the appearance.