公共政策学教学大纲课程英文名Public Policy课程代码Q1103Z02学分2总学时32理论学时24实验/实践学时8课程类别学科基础课课程性质任选先修课程公共管理学适用专业公共事业管理开课学院人文与外语学院执笔人审定人制定时间2019年3月15日注:课程类别是指公共基础课/学科基础课/专业课:课程性质是指必修/限选/任选。一、课程地位与课程目标(一)课程地位This course is a basic elective subject for the majors of public management. Public policy is the government or other social and public authority departments that, in a specific period of time, the policies and options adopted to solve public affairs or public issues, the laws and regulations established by the legislative and judicial bodies will include these governance principles, which usually have extensive and far-rcaching influence or consequences. As a cross course, this course focuses the theories and methods of formation, implementation, evaluation of public polices, related to specific education, welfare, crime and environment polices analysis which arc important for public management.(二)课程目标The main teaching goals include:I .Through the studying and training, the course makes students thoroughly comprehend with the basic theories, methods and practices in the public policy, and set up the right ideas about public policy.2 .Through the studying and training, the course makes students recognize and analyze the realistic public policies, mastering the basic ability of analyzing public policies from public sectors.3 .Through the bilingual studying and training, the course will improve professional English abilities for public management students.二、课程目标达成的途径与方法The way to achieve the objectives of the course is mainly based on classroom teaching, supplemented by case analysis assignments and discussions, combined with self-study and extra-curricular activities of the case-related content, to achieve a comprehensive curriculum teaching goal.三、课程目标与相关毕业要求的对应关系课程目标课程目标对毕业要求的支撑程度(H、M、L)毕业要求1毕业要求2毕业要求课程目标1HL课程目标2HHM课程目标3MMM注:1.支撑强度分别填写H、M或L (其中H表示支撑程度高、M为中等、L为低)。2 .不涉及工程教育认证的公共基础课程(含必修和选修)不填写上表。3 .各专业的非公共基础课程的毕业要求须根据课程所在专业培养方案进行描述。四、课程主要内容与基本要求Chapter!: The context of public policyThis chapter will introduce different definitions, the importance and specific types of public policy, related to characteristics of the American political system. The students should understand the importance of public policy and comprehend wha( is public policy, then master the nature of policy and the policy cycle including the characteristics of the American political system.Chapter2: The evolution of public policy and policy studiesThis chapter will mainly introduce the background of public policy and the evolution of American public policy. The students would understand the background of public policy and comprehend the evolution of American public policy from the near-term and long-term view. The most important point of this chapter is to learn the evolution of policy studies.Chap(er3: Approach to policy analysisThis chapter mainly introduces different approaches to policy analysis. The students should understand the importance of approaches co policy analysis and master some specific approaches to policy analysis. The most important point of this chapter is to learn the process approach, the logical-positive approach, the econometric approach and participatory approach.Chapter4: Models and public policy studiesThis chapter will introduce some models of public policy which can explain public policy practices. The students would understand what are the models of public policy and comprehend the uses and forms of models, criteria for evaluating models. They should master some important examples of models and criteria for evaluating typologies.Chapter5: Agenda settingThis chapter will introduce the basic theories and techniques of agenda setting. The students would understand the nature of policy problems and comprehend types of agendas, the evolution of the literature on the agenda setting process. Then they should master who sets agendas from different perspectives. This is also the key point of this chapter.Chaptcr6: Policy formulationThrough this chapter, make students comprehend the nature of policy solutions. Lei students master actors in policy formulation. The most important point of this chapter is to learn how to explain policy formulation.Chapter?: Policy implementationThrough this chapter, make students comprehend the concept of policy implementation and master evolution of policy implementation research. The most important point of this chapter is to learn the framework of policy implementation.Chap(er8: Policy evaluationThrough this chapter, make students comprehend the concept of policy evaluation and master types of policy evaluation. The most important point of this chapter is to learn (he research design in evaluation research and some obstacles to utilization of evaluation.Chap(er9: Policy change and terminationThrough this chapter, make students comprehend some reasons of policy change, types of policy change. Let students understand models of policy change. The most important point of this chapter is to learn the concept of policy termination.Chapter 10: Education policyThis chapter will introduce the education in America. The students would understand the locus of educational policymaking and actors in the educational policymaking. They will also comprehend sonic approaches to educational policy and master how evaluate educational policy educational policy reforms in China.Chapter! I: Welfare policyThis chapter will introduce the poverty in America and let students understand Alternative perspective on welfare policy. They would comprehend the evolution of welfare policy and master evaluating (he impact of social welfare.五、课程学时安排章节号教学内容学时 数学生任务对应课程目 标Chapter 1The context of public policy41 .课前自学美国政治系统的 特征2 .在公共政策性质学习后安 排公共政策“公平与效率” 价值导向的课堂讨论课程目标1课程目标3Chapter2The evolution of public policy and policy studies2课前自学美国公共政策演进 的各个阶段课程目标1课程目标3ChaptersApproach to policy analysis2完成公共政策的经济学方法 分析作业课程目标2课程目标3Chapter4Models and public policy studies21 .课前自学精英主义模型和 多元主义模型2 .在模型学习后安排对精英 主义模型优势和缺陷的课堂 讨论课程目标1课程目标2 课程目标3Chapter5Agenda setting4课前自学公共政策问题的界 定和议程设定的方法课程目标1课程目标2 课程目标3Chapter6Policy formulation21 .课前自学政策制定的方法2 .完成完全理性模型分析的 作业课程目标1课程目标3Chapter7Policy implementation41.课前自学政策执行的主体 2.完成政策执行方法学习后 安排中国地方政府政策执行 方式的课堂讨论课程目标1课程目标2ChaptersPolicy evaluation41 .课前自学政策评估的基本 模型2 .完成公共政策评估指标设 计的作业课程目标1课程目标2Chapter9Policy change and termination2课前自学政策变化的原因与 方式课程目标1课程目标2Chapter 10Education policy41 .课前自学美国教育政策的 演进2 .完成教育政策分析的作业课程目标2Chapter 11Welfare policy2课前自学美国福利政策的演 进六、实践环节及基本要求序 号实验项目名称学时基本要求学生任务实验 性质实验 类别1构建政策问题的方法2掌握构建政策问 题的方法运用边界分析 法、层级分析法设计必做2政策评估技术与方法2掌握绩效评估的 技术方法运用前后组对 比、方差分析演示必做3教育政策分析2掌握教育政策的 演进路径分析教育政策演 进与发展路径演示必做4福利政策分析2掌握福利政策绩 效评估方法分析福利政策的 绩效综合选做七、考核方式及成绩评定考核内容考核方式评定标准(依据)占总成绩比例过程考核到课率、课堂讨论发言、课外作 业平时作业成绩 课堂发言内容30%期末考核开卷70%考核类别考查成绩登记方式百分制八、推荐教材与主要参考书(一)推荐教材:1 .公共政策导论(公共管理英文版教材系列),小约瑟夫斯图尔特 等著,中国人民 大学出版社,2011年版,第3版。2 .公共政策经典(英文原版教材),Jay M Shafritz,北京大学出版社,2006年1月版。(二)主要参考书:1 .公共政策分析导论(第二版),WiIlian N. Dunn威廉N邓恩著,中国人民大学出版 社,2011年11月版,第4版。2 .政策科学一一公共政策分析导论,陈振明主编,中国人民大学出版社,2003年9月 第一版。3 .理解公共政策,美戴伊著,华夏出版社,2009年版,第十二版。