编号: 英文TERM SHEET公司A系优先股融资FOR SERIES A PREFERRED STOCK FINANCING OF条款清单INSERT COMPANY NAME INC. , , 本条款清单概括了公司,This Term Sheet summarizes the principal terms of一家公司(“公司”)Athe Series A Preferred Stock Financing of系优先股融资的主要条款。考虑到,Inc. , a Delaware corporation涉及此项投资的投资人已投入和将(the “Company ). In consideration of the time投入的时间和成本,无论此次融资and expe nse devoted and to be devoted by the是否完成,本条款清单之限制出售Investors with respect to this investment, the No/保密条款、律师及费用条款对公Shop/C on fide ntiality and Coun sel and Expe nses司都具有强制约束力。未经各方一provisi ons of this Term Sheet shall be binding致签署并交付的最终协议,本条款obligati ons of the Compa ny whether or not the清单之其他条款不具有强制约束financing is con summated. No other legally力。本条款清单并非投资人进行投binding obligati ons will be created un til资的承诺,其生效以完成令投资人defi nitive agreeme nts are executed and delivered满意的尽职调查、法律审查和文件by all parties. This Term Sheet is not a签署为条件。本条款清单各方面受commitme nt to in vest, and is con diti oned on the 法律管辖。completi on of due dilige nee, legal review and documentation that is satisfactory to theIn vestors. This Term Sheet shall be gover ned in all respects by the laws of the State of Delaware.出资条款:Offeri ng Terms交割日:当公司接受此条款清单且交割条件完备时即尽快交割Closi ng Date:As soon as practicable follow ing theCompany s acceptanee of this Term Sheet and satisfact ion of the Con diti ons to Clos ing(the“ Closing ” ). provide for multipleclos ings if applicable(交割)。(右需要多次交割,请与此与明。)In vestors:Investor No. 1: shares (%),投资人:投资人 1:股(% ), $ 投资人 2:股(% ), $Investor No. 2: shares (%),以及投资人和公司一致同意的其他投资人$ as well other in vestors mutually agreed uponby In vestors and the Compa ny融资金额:$,含由过渡贷款转换的本金及利息$ 1Amount Raised:$ , including $ from the con vers ion of pri ncipal a nd in terest onbridge no tes.每股价格:$每股(以下文所列公司资本结构表为依据)Price Per Share:$ per share (based on the(“原始购买价”)capitalizatio n of the Compa ny set forthbelow) (the“Original Purchase Price” ).融资前估价:原始购买价以充分稀释融资前估价$和融资后估价$为基础计算(含充分稀释的融资后资本中员工股 预留%)Pre-Mo ney Valuatio n:The Origi nal Purchase Price is based upon afully-diluted pre-money valuati on of $ and a fully-diluted post-m oney valuati on of$ (i ncludi ng an employee pool represe nti ng % of the fully-diluted post-money capitalizati on).资本结构表:交割前后公司资本结构表请见附件一。Capitalizati on:The Compa ny' s capital structure before andafter the Closing is set forth as Exhibit A.公司章程2CHARTER股息分配:可选方案1:当普通股分配股息时,A系优先股按视为转换成普通股参与分配可选方案2:经董事会宣布,A系优先股以每股$ 分配非累积性股息可选方案3: A系优先股按年利率%分配累积性股息按年度计算复利,于公司清算或赎回股份时可分配。其3他股息或分红,按视为转换成普通股参与普通股分配。Divide nds:Alter native 1: Divide nds will be paid on the Series A Preferred on an as-c on vertedbasis when , as , and if paid on the CommonStockAlternative 2: Non-cumulative divide nds will be paid on the Series A Preferred in anamount equal to $ per share of SeriesA Preferred whe n and if declared by the Board. Alternative 3: The Series A Preferred will carry an annu al % cumulative divide ndcompo un ded annu ally , payable upon aliquidation or redemption. For any other divide nds or distributi ons, participati onwith Com mon Stock on an as-c on verted basis.清算优先受偿权:公司如因任何原因清算、解散或停业清理过程,公司收益Liquidati onIn the eve nt of any liquidati on, dissoluti on将作如下分配:Prefere nee:or winding up of the Company, the proceeds可选方案1 (优先股不参与分配):首先,每股A系优先shall be paid as follows:股按倍原始购买价力口累计股息加已宣布但未付Alternative 1 (non-participat ing Preferred股息分配。其余分配给普通股股东Stock): First pay on e times the Origi nal可选方案2 (优先股充分参与分配):首先,每股A系优Purchase Price plus accrued divide nds plus先股按倍原始购买价力口累计股息加已宣布未付股declared and un paid divide nds on each share息分配。然后优先股按视为转换成普通股参与普通股分of Series A Preferred. The bala nee of any配proceeds shall be distributed to holders of可选方案3 (优先股限制参与分配):首先,每股A系优Common Stock.先股按倍原始购买价加累计股息加已宣布未付Alternative 2 (full participati ng Preferred股息分配。然后优先股按视为转换成普通股参与普通股Stock): First pay on e times the Origi nal分配,直至A系优先股股东获得总计倍于原始购买Purchase Price plus accrued divide nds plus价的分配declared and un paid divide nds on each shareof Series A Preferred. Thereafter, the公司的兼并或合并(公司原股东拥有存续公司或收购公司 的发行在外股票过半数表决权的情形除外),以及公司出售、租赁、转让或以其他方式处置公司全部或大部分资 产的行为,应当视为公司清算事项 (视为清算事项),并导 致上述清算优先权得以产生除非%的A系优先股股 东投票反对这种处理。Series A Preferred participates with the Common Stock on an as-c on verted basis. Alter native 3 (cap on Preferred Stock participation rights): First pay one times the Origi nal Purchase Price plus accrued divide nds plus declared and un paid divide nds on each share of Series A Preferred. Thereafter, Series A Preferred participates with Common Stock on an ascon verted basis un til the holders of Series A Preferred receive an aggregate of times the Origi nal Purchase Price.A merger or consolidation (other than one in which stockholders of the Compa ny own a majority by voti ng power of the outsta nding shares of the surviv ing or acquiri ng corporation) and a sale , lease , transfer or other dispositi on of all or substa ntially all of the assets of the Compa ny will be treated as a liquidati on eve nt (a“ DeemedLiquidati on Eve nt ” ) , thereby triggeri ng payme nt of the liquidati on prefere nces described above uni ess the holders of %of the Series A Preferred elect otherwise.表决权:1.除下列情形外,A系优先股股东在视为转换成普通股的基础上与普通股股东 起表决,而不冃匕作为独立表决团体:(i ) A系优先股股东作为一个团体有权选举名董事 会成员(A系董事);(ii)出现如下文所示“保护性条款”之情况;(iii )法律另有的其他规定。公司章程应当规定,经优先股和普通股股东多数同意,并 作为一个表决团体集体表决(不经普通股股东单独表决),公司可以增加或减少授权发行的股票数量4。Voti ng Rights:The Series A Preferred Stock shall vote together with the Com mon Stock on an as- con verted basis, and not as a separate class , except (i) the Series A Preferred asa class shall be en titled to elect ()members of the Board (the“ Series ADirectors ” ), (ii) as provided under“ Protective Provisi ons” below or (iii) as required by law.The Compa ny' s Certificate of In corporati on will provide that the nu mber of authorized shares of Common Stock may be in creased or decreased with the approval of a majority of the Preferred and Common Stock , voti ng together as a sin gle class, and without aseparate class vote by the Common Stock.保护性条款:只要有写明固定数量、百分比或任何A系优先股仍Protective Provisi ons:So long as insert fixed number, or % , or“ any ” shares of Series A Preferred areoutstanding , the Company will not, without the writte n consent of the holders of atleast _% of the Company ' s Series APreferred , either directly or by amendment,发行在外,未经至少%A系优先股股东书面同意,公司不得直接或变相进行兼并、合并或下列其他业务:(i )清算、解散或停业清理,或进行任何视为清算事项;(ii)以不利于A系优先股股东的方式修改、变更或撤销of their employme nt/services,at the lower of fair market value or cost;other thanas approved by the Board,in cludi ng the公司章程或细则中的任何条款merger, con solidati onor otherwise:(iii )创设、授权创设或发行可转换或可行使拥有优于或同等于A系优先股之权利、优待或特权的公司证券,或 增加发行A系优先股授权数量;(iv) 优于A系优先股,对任何股份予以收购、赎回或分配 股息。由于前员工的雇佣(或顾问的服务)关系的终止,以低于公平市场价回购其股份的除外由董事会(含位A系董事)同意的除外;(v) 发行或授权发行任何公司债券若公司总计负债因此超 过$ 设备租赁或银行信用额度除外无股权特征的 负债除外此类债券获得董事会(含位A系董事)事 先同意的除外;(vi )增加或减少董事会成员人数。(i) liquidate , dissolve or win d-up the affairs of the Compa ny , or effect any Deemed Liquidati on Eve nt; (ii) ame nd , alter , or repeal any provisi on of the Certificate ofIn corporati on or Bylaws in a manner adverse to the Series A Preferred ; (iii) create or authorize the creati on of or issue any other security con vertible into or exercisable for any equity security , hav ing rights , prefere nces or privileges senior to or on parity with the Series A Preferred, orin crease the authorized nu mber of shares of Series A Preferred ; (iv) purchase or redeem or pay anydivide nd on any capital stock prior to the Series A Preferred, other thanstock repurchased from former employees or consulta nts in connection with the cessati onapproval of Series A Director(s)or (v) create or authorize the creati on ofany debt security if the Company' saggregate in debted ness would exceed $ other tha n equipme nt leases or banklines of creditother than debt with no equity feature uni ess such debt security has received the prior approval of the Board of Directors , in cludi ng the approval of Series A Director(s); (vi) in crease or decrease the size of the Board ofDirectors.可选择转换:A系优先股股东有权将其拥有每一A系优先股随时转换为Opti onal Con versi on:Each share of the Series A Preferred shall be普通股,每一 A系优先股可转换为普通股的数量为原始购convertible , at the option of the holder买价除以转换时的 A系优先股转换价(定义如下)。最初thereof , at any time , into such number of的A系优先股转换价应当原始购买价。A系优先股转换价shares of Common Stock as is determ ined by应当根据普通股的配股、股票分割、股票合并等类似事dividing the Series A Original Purchase Price项,以及如下“反稀释条款”所述内容进行调整。by Series A Preferred Con vers ion Price (asdefined below) in effect at the time ofcon vers ion. The“ Series A PreferredCon vers ion Price ” shall in itially be equalto $(the Series A Origi nal PurchasePrice). Such in itial Series A Con vers ionprice is subject to adjustme nts for stockdivide nds , splits , comb in ati ons and similareve nts and as described below un der“ An ti- diluti on Provisi ons.”反稀释条款:若公司以低于现行A系优先股转换价的价格发行新的股票,该转换价格应按下列公式调整:可选方案1 “典型”加权平均数:CP2=CR*(A+B)/(A+C)CP2=» A系优先股转换价CP1=»股发行前实际A系优先股转换价人=新股发行前视为已发行的普通股数量(含所有已发行的 普通股,所有视为已转换的已发行优先股,以及所有已发行的可行使期权;不含转入此轮融资的任何可转换证券)B=公司此次发行预计融资总额除以 CPC= 本次交易中股票发行数量An ti-dilutio n Provisi ons:In the eve nt that the Compa ny issues additional securities at a purchase price less tha n the curre nt Series A PreferredCon vers ion Price, such con versi on priceshall be adjusted in accorda nee with the following formula:Alternative 1:“ Typical ” weighted average:CP = CPi * (A+B) / (A+C)CP = New Series A Co nversion PriceCP = Series A Con vers ion Price in effect immediately prior to new issueA = Number of shares of Common Stock deemed to be outsta nding immediately prior to newissue (in cludes all shares of outsta nding com mon stock, all shares of outsta ndingpreferred stock on an as-c on verted basis,and all outsta nding opti ons on an as- exercised basis ; and does not include any con vertible securities con vert ing into thisround of financing)B= Aggregate con siderati on received by the Corporati on with respect to the new issue divided by CP1C = Number of shares of stock issued in the subject tra nsacti on可选方案2:完全棘轮方案一转换价降到与新发行价一致Alternative 2: Full-ratchet- the Series A Preferred Con vers ion Price will be reduced tothe price at which the new shares areissued.可选方案3:无基于价格调整的反稀释措施Alternative 3: No price-based anti-dilutionprotect ion.下列发行不导致反稀释调整6:(i )可发行证券是基于任何 A系优先股转换后产生,或作为A系优先股的股息或分红;(ii )可发行证券是基于任何信用债券,认股权证,期权或其它可转换证券转换后产生;(iii )可发行普通股是基于股票分割,配股,或任何普通股的细分而产生;(iv )普通股(或认购该类普通股的期权)发行或可发行The follow ing issua nces shall not trigger an ti-diluti on adjustme nt:(i) securities issuable upon con vers ion ofany of the Series A Preferred, or as adivide nd or distributi on on the Series A Preferred ; (ii) securities issued upon the con vers ion of any debe nture, warra nt ,option , or other convertible security;(iii) Common Stock issuable upon a stock split , stock divide nd , or any subdivisi onof shares of Common Stock ; and (iv) sharesof Common Stock (or opti ons to purchase such给公司的贝工、重事、顾冋,是基于公司重事会重事(含至少名A系董事)同意的任何股权计划而产生的;(v)普通股发行或可发行给银行,设备出租人,是基于公司重事会重事(含至少名A系重事)同意的债务12